Goddard College : Plainfield
Goddard College : Plainfield is a established in (unknown). The campus is located in and hosts students with an endowment of .
Phone: (no local phone number)
Email: (no public email address)
Institution Type: Unknown
Established: Unknown
Campus Enrollment: N/A
Acceptance Rate: N/A
Graduation Rate (6Y): N/A
Campus Endowment: N/A
Tuition (Local): N/A
Tuition (Non-Local): N/A
Tuition (Foreign): N/A
Mandatory Fees: N/A
Housing (Room): N/A
Tax ID: N/A
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3 Student Reviews of Goddard College : Plainfield
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Goddard College was not a fair return on investment for me, and many other students I know who graduated are haunted by debt and lack of job prospects.
Much of the work done here would be achieved if you joined a book club and went to therapy. No resources for students. Hit or miss academic advisors. When sharing I needed to work while in the program I was told this would take away from my “real work.” Sometimes what seems supportive is really just a scam.
Internal instability, a revolving door of administrators (they get out as soon as possible), many years of fending off bankruptcy, and almost lost accreditation. Cult-like mantra of “trust the process” echoed constantly.
A degree from here is essentially worthless. Personally, I submitted my nontraditional transcripts to an employer for a raise according to having a graduate degree and was denied. Goddard’s nontraditional transcripts may seem cool or progressive but beware the consequences.
If you already have employment in your chosen field, and your employer is willing to pay for your degree and adjust your salary after the fact, then their hybrid model is a great choice.
I will never hire anyone with a Goddard degree, and I will encourage every organization that I belong to avoid Goddard graduates. This is a diploma mill at it’s finest. The degree means as much in the business community as one printed off of a dot matrix printer.
I think the decision to have Mumia Abu-Jamal as commencement speaker is absolutely a disgrace and disgusting. It makes me sad that your school would choose a convicted cop killer. I I’m a police officer and a youth pastor of large youth group, your school is one that I will now tell all of youth not to attend. This demonstrates an appalling disregard for law enforcement officers, and their families, who have lost their lives in the line of duty. I will personally make sure that this information is passed on nationwide throughout the policing society and church youth groups.
Brian W.