Why Mac Sucks: Top 10 Reasons Why Macs Blow, And Why Apple Loves Sh*t-Talking Articles Like This One
1. The only business model for Apple is narcissism. Its true. And for what its worth, the only “geniuses” that work for Apple are the members of their marketing team, because holy hell, we all know that the best way to sell a product in this day and age, especially to Americans, is to patronize their self-righteous beliefs. There are only 2 types of people that buy a Mac:
1) Wannabe nerdy-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable they are about everything in the tech world
2) Wannabe hipster-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable (read: trendy and/or “not trendy”) they are about everything in general
Either way, people who are confident enough in their knowledge, self-image, and skills rarely find it necessary (or justifiable) to buy one of these disgustingly over-priced machines. Which brings us to…
2. Macs are ridiculously overpriced. Not only do you get much less for your money when you buy ANY type of Macintosh computer compared to your other options, but you get royally screwed whenever you want any halfway-decent Mac machine. Compare 17-inch MacBook Pros starting at an astounding $2500 with thousands of 17-inch alternatives starting at just $599. This is partly because Apple price-fixes their products so drastically, but is mostly because they’d rather tell you what packages are available instead of letting you decide what works best for you. Hmm… what does that sound like?
3. Macs regularly ignore mainstream industry trends. Where to begin? Because of all the political (read: snobby) games that Steve Jobs gets involved with, most Macs still don’t have HDMI ports, eSATA ports, or BluRay drives, among other mainstream technology standards. Instead of HDMI, for example, they opt for out-of-date DVI ports (but of course only on the MacBook Pro models). This attitude is best summed up by Apple’s 2-decade-long push for world-wide FireWire data ports, which Apple finally dropped many years after its defeat to USB 2.0 was already obvious. (P.S. Apple invented FireWire…)
4. Mac OS X is merely a locked down version of open-source Linux. Its easy to assume that over 90% of Mac owners are not only unaware of this, but don’t have a clue what Linux is. Turns out that back in 1996, after Steve Jobs’ short-lived company NeXT stole its OS base from open-source (read: FREE) BSD Unix, it resold the now proprietary OS to Apple which then became OS X. Perhaps if OS X had the flexibility of Linux, or if Mac fanboys didn’t use Linux concepts (i.e. Terminal) as reasons to brag about OS X, there wouldn’t be so much smearing to do. (Warning: do NOT attempt ask any Mac fanboys about this, or they will ignore your question and start babbling about things like Firefox.)
5. There is no right-f*cking-click! Mac fanboys will respond to this by saying “actually you CAN get a 2-button mouse now!” but even when that is true, the EFFING RIGHT CLICK STILL DOESN’T DO ANYTHING. Oh, cool, I can copy and paste! Oh wait, but I can’t perform any other damn functions in Photoshop or otherwise. And crap, I forgot which combination of 5 keys I need to hold down for right click to work on my 1-button mouse? (Don’t even ask how to make the Delete button actually delete something…)
6. The Dock, and general screen layout, is retarded. Again, where to begin?…
- The clock doesn’t display a date. That’s cool, cuz I only wanted to remind myself again that today is Monday.
- The Dock concept is cute, yet still, retarded. You not only can’t see any of the windows that you have minimized, but you also can’t truly adjust the way The Dock behaves or appears. According to Stan, its based on 1984 technology when only 1 program could run at a time. Pretty sweet.
- Trying to “X” out of a program doesn’t close it, it simply minimizes it. Just like the minimize button. Except it begins to kill your CPU after you’ve done it a few times by keeping programs running as ghosts. (Total genius.)
- Trying to alt-tab through your windows cycles through every single window of every single application one at a time instead of cycling between alternative applications (read: time-killer).
- Maximizing a window doesn’t actually maximize it. This is fun, cuz then I get to constantly click on things on the Desktop that I am definitely not interested in.
- Opening 100 images in the Mac image viewer opens 100 separate windows. (No comment.)
- You can’t drag files around to new destinations such as applications on The Dock or other directories without first preparing both source and destination windows so they are both visible. (Still, no comment.)
- etc, etc, etc
7. “It just… doesn’t work.” (Macs crash, freeze, and have evil viruses.) I thought I would dispel all the Mac lies in one sentence, so there you go. If you have ever tried to open Photoshop along with a few other programs on a Mac, you will know this frustration well. More often than not the little rainbow wheel will starting spinning like crazy – that, or your Mac will simply freeze. This is because Macs can’t handle multi-tasking very well (although the issue has been improving, according to some). What hasn’t been improving though is the increasing amount of viruses being found on Macs. Sure, we could play the word game and clarify the difference between trojans and viruses, but the point is that Macs are no safer than any other computer, especially since they ship with their firewall turned off.
8. Software and hardware options for Mac are lame, or slim at best. This is not an overstatement. I am the first to admit that the iTunes/iPod combination is pretty tight (with AAC disabled!). But that’s about it. Mac Mail, iPhoto, GarageBand, iChat, Quicktime, and the rest of the bundled Mac software mostly just sucks, or is extremely limited in what it can do. Luckily some programs like VLC and CuteFTP have recently started to offer Mac versions of their software, but good luck trying to find Mac versions of most popular freeware. Not only that, but their claim that “no hunting for drivers is needed” is only true because barely any hardware is made for Macs! For example, only the Airport Extreme card works with Macs but other PCI cards will not. Thus, if someone needed 802.11a, they would need to buy a (very) costly Ethernet adapter.
9. Gaming, and graphics in general, suck on Macs. All true gamers already know this, so it really doesn’t require much explanation. Let’s just say that GizModo’s latest check confirmed that this is still true, even on the most expensive graphics card that MacBook Pro currently offers.
10. Macs are not flexible or customizable. This is a vague way to end things, but mostly because its the only way to sum up all the things that are wrong with Macs. We’ve already seen that you can’t customize their hardware or software, and that you can’t even use the Linux functions that *should* be present on any Linux distro. But even within Mac’s little world itself, you can barely change any options on their OS, user interface, The Dock, directory layout, etc. But hey, as long as the only thing you want to do is change your desktop wallpaper to be the photo you took at the latest indie rock show you attended, then by all means, buy a Mac.
For being so “progressive” Apple sure does seem like one stubborn-ass company. Oh, and please note that hating Macs doesn’t make you a Windows fanboy. It just makes you a reasonable person. =)
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After so many of my peeps bragged on Macs and the apple ecosystem, and having been an experience (and satisfied) iPhone and iPad user, I thought with my recording needs Mac would be the way to go. So far, I’m not impressed. I mean don’t get me wrong. It’s great for recording. However, data handling seems to be anathema to the Apple ecosystem. As the OP wrote, so many things are completely counterintuitive and require at a minimum one to two extra steps to complete. And there’s the redundant s**t like OP mentioned concerning the dock, minimizing, and closing apps, etc. And the longer I use this overrated piece of s**t OS, the more things I find are wrong with it. When I opined to my Mac-friends about this, I got the usual answers: “Learn your hotkeys” and “If you’re expecting the Apple ecosystem to behave like the Windows ecosystem, you’re doing it wrong.” Give it time, they say; you’ll get used to it. Well, it’s 6 mos in and I’m cursing out this machine at least once a day, because it’s such a counterintuitive hard-headed fink. Today I found two more things that simply don’t work, which should perk of the ears and/or ire of the “it just works” crowd. Um…no it doesn’t JUST. WORK. For example, my Windows machine has no problem detecting either my iPhone or an Android. None whatsoever. But this machine with it’s brand spanky new shiny Apple Silicon, can’t even interface with an android phone….even using a third party app which is supposed to overcome this obstacle. For a company that brags it’s all about the user experience, I gotta say…my experience has been a mindnumbingly infuriating excursion into abject dipshittery. It’s sucks donkey balls Apple. Oh..and another thing; ever tried to delete an app from your Mac OS? Should be pretty easy. And it is..if you’re deleting app store apps and you know wtf to do. You have to click and hold until the app has a tiny little X next to it and starts dancing around. Then you can click the X and delete the app. But what if it’s a 3rd party app. Welp…in that case, you can’t delete it using this method. Nope. You have to use and entirely different method, involving going into Finder (a contradiction in terms), and locating the app. Then and only then, can you move it to the trash. However, if you don’t have another app for uninstalling these 3rd party apps correctly, you’ll find that there’s a whole shitload of junk files that will likely get left behind on you machine. Can you feel the love? The one thing I am happy about is that at least I now know I’m not alone in my angst with Apple.
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From missing key and mouse functions to not having basic Paint and Notepad applications… Oof! Absolutely pathetic. Any decent MS Office type apps: forget about it. From the first time you get it to being able to install any new software: a nightmare. I ask my brother what’s all the advantage of Mac, his answer: cron jobs, terminal apps, Unix commands and it’s not made of plastic. Like, WTF. It doesn’t have BASICCCCC FUNCTIONS!!!!! Give me a plastic Windows at any time, I can operate it with my eyes closed. This is just trash.
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There are right clicks… Clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about. Half the problems you mentioned can be changed, and the other half were fixed by the M1 mac.
Macs are like baseball, take to dang long and to much butt backwards tradition. All the user friendly changes just make for more reviews and head scratching. Get off those darn scooters and out of your own heads . There world is full of computer dummies who don’t need a book to let’s know that fact.
well it’s 2022 now. I’m a technical director and own a computer repair. The original post still stands true. What a self pride a mac still is. hell when it gets so so so slow, the person thinks it’s time to buy a new one. Well that’s even worse now, cause they now make you buy a new one cause everything stops working little by little if you don’t go spend another 2500.00 etc. Windows has now adopted this stupid path since 10. I ran a web server in 1999 based on the FREE BSD os and as far as apache and perl, eventually php everything was tight. But to take that OS and bill it with an overlay as MACOS and charge for it along with numerous data collection accounts, what garbage. How many freaking times does an owner have to put in several different passwords to use their own machine that they are already logged into does a secure system need. I know this is fruitful for a hacker to make a user put in their passwords over and over during a piggy back. This very old post nailed it, and it most of it remains true in 2022. Do i really have to enter a password to install after I just did that to log in. It seems computers protect themselves more from the owners than outside intruders. The poor old folks that are convinced by their soyboy kids they need a mac and they’ll never have an issue. lol. They can’t even start up the first time due to all the account creation and circular motion that occurs leaving them utterly confused and unable to use the damned machine. That goes for tablets, phones, and all new tech devices. And it’s now windows and google and amazon crap doing the same thing. Basically these types of purchasers are chasing a carrot in front of the horse and going in circles and getting nowhere. Turns out paper files and filing cabinets are much more efficient now that common core has taken precedence in development.
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2020 MAC experience in enterprise. I got a macbook user can’t login, perhaps client cert expired and user can’t login to the AD because it can’t authenticate to the Active Directory… So simple , but when you have a local user, what can login… Single user mode not working, recovery can’t authenticate to the network, and public wifi need post connect authentication, which not supported at ALL…
After all these fails, i managed to dig out with help of multiple systems some installation user password and finally logged in… The standard local user’s password forgotten, tried to change it not possible, says user is disabled, but there is no option to enable. In gui no option at all, in terminal the user detail mostli the encoded jpeg image, which mandatory for the users in High quality, the status bar want to write every single line of the damn encoded jpeg, which took 5 minutes until i could stop the terminal, with the newest amazing track pad, which can do everything EXCEPT moving the cursor and click. The keyboard totally illogical and very good feeling to use terminal without function keys. The only good thing in macs the “limited” terminal… Which gives back ridiculous messages for ages old unix commands like passwd , enable the user before resetting the password, but there is no enable or disable function…
Well to download a new cert and change a local user on linux takes 1-5 minutes with boot, on MAC it was not possible, and just to read the user infos, took 10 minutes with images, and could not do anything because to write all lines on the keyboard status line, it had to be slow enough , and enough fancy to freeze. So solution was create new local user and delete the old then rename to old… And all guis are totally illogical and make people crazy, against any normal human thinking, window handling still trash, a free operation system, made by community ages better than this XXXX , and don’t think simple things like in windows, to reach the root folder in file manager you need rape your own mind to find the free text address bar in top of the screen in 3 submenus… Totally useless, macbook pro with macos piece of XXXX…. Maybe with other operation system, external keyboard and mouse it can work… After all logout took 5 minutes… screen freezing… This is MACOS. You can buy a life time pass to a very personal torture chamber for less money and more pleasure, I can’t believe people like it and make this product still alive and growing. Simple things totally illogical, and consume 100 times more wasted times… I had more fun with 486DX100 in 1994 than with a macbook pro in 2020
iPhones are pretty decent, but Mac OS absolutely SUCKS.
I’m in 6th grade, and my school is grades 1-8. But since third grade, I’ve been FORCED to use a Mac, and they keep crashing and/or lagging. Heck, how long will it take for my school to realize that Windows 10 is SO much better?!
I KNOW, right? It’s so weird. Mac fanboys say it’s easier to use, but that’s because ease of use means “I wanna hold 5 key combos at once to turn on my PC!” type thing.
I just bought a new 2019 MacBook Pro, and an accessory package
for $2650.00. MmThe most I have ever paid for a limp of Horse
‘S**t ! I could pick a piece up off the road for NOTHING ! AND that
is what this macbook pro is “NOTHING” complete with IDIOTIC
“touch bar”, more s**t ! Apple get back to basixs, ans get sme holes back kn the sides, for ethernet, discs, printer etc.
Excellent way of telling, and nice post to take facts on the topic of my presentation subject, which i am going to deliver in college.
Just paid too much for a mac book pro (not new) and LINUX any thing IS WAY better. I would rather use an android….f**k mac
My parents decided to buy me a Mac. Why? I don’t know. They said it was for studying. I don’t study on computers, Why do i have a phone then? I am really a gamer and i play alot of games. mostly on PC. but since i got this crappy ass s**t. I can’t play anything. I may play games like world of tanks and war thunder. but i can’t play games i like like arma, Digital Combat Simulator. it’s just cancer. If you parents want to buy you a computer. Please tell them to buy you a windows. You may not use it for studying. But you are gona have a good time gaming. Don’t buy it.
I’ve had to use one since I was seven I will finally build my own PC to use tomorrow
I KNOW RIGHT HOLY F**K MY SCHOOL MADE ME BUY A MAC (not suppy) BUY A MAC AND IT IS BARELEY FUNCTONAL the first time i had it they school downloaded a antivirus ya know MACKEEPER A FUCKING VIRUS and the entire thing wiped when i bumped the corner (TRHOUGH A FUCKING HUGE CASE) and the whole hard drive wiped and the second time the screen scratched over and over FOR NO REASON i barley use it and just flat out HATE IT APPLE NEEDS TO CLOSE AND GET THE F**K OUT ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS (its an old one) IS NOT EXUSEABLE FOR THIS SHITTY PREFORMACE PLUS THE 80 DOLLAR CHARGERS LAST MAYBE A MONTH WHILE WALKING AROUND CAMPUS SO WOOOOHOOO I HAVE SPENT 3000 DOLLARS ON THSI PEICE OF S**T THAT DOESENT WORK
sue your school.
I have been a long time UBUNTU user, I have just brought a used mac book air with the intention of swapping out the HDD and installing Linux. Getting into the BIOS utility is difficult especially if you want to use something like safe mode or choose a temporary startup device like an external hard drive with an operating system already installed. I even find windows better at the moment.
I think the only thing mac has going for it is the way it’s hardware looks.
I’m forced to use a PowerMac for work and I FUCKING HATE IT. It does so many things poorly I won’t even start to type them out. But I 100% agree with this post. F**k Apple
Just got my Macbook Pro 13” 2018 with everything maxed out. It costs me almost $3000 with applecare and tax. The built quality is definitely the top notch. Besides that, it is just a $3000 web browser machine. I will return it tomorrow.
Typo: $3000 -> $4000
hey panini dont you be a meanie
I physically couldn’t agree with you more. writing this on a Mac I’m about to sell because it is utter s**t. all I had to do was open Roblox on my fabulous wifi and it crashed the computer and restarted. this happened continuously. not to mention the fucking keys XD they get stuck so easily I mean I haven’t even eaten over it or anything. also it randomly won’t update to Monterey and it should thanks apple for FUCKING NOTHING. oh yeah also the number eight doesn’t work because a speck of dust got underneath the keys and now it won’t press down. genius design apple.
I agree, Macs aren’t only dual core piles of steaming s**t, they are absolutely retarded. they’re charging several thousand dollars for office computers which i find disgusting, not only are they s**t, the os is just gross. for 2000$ you can get a nice computer that would load in seconds and preform faster than any mac can ever dream of.
Well, I use a MacBook Pro about 2 months now. What can I say (considering that my 2nd machine is Asus with Ubuntu onboard and attempting to be fair): Mac is more polished in all departments – the design, the Mac OS, Apple infrastructure, etc. Again, I’m trying to be fair. But the question occurs: does it much better than any other design, OS, etc? I’m not sure. It’s not more likely. To be honest the Ubuntu OS is not worse than Mac OS. Yes it’s not so perfectly polished but it’s not worst absolutely. So it’s all up to you – pure design vs pure utility.
hate my macbook from first day and after 4 month of using it
Macs are for those spoilt little stuck up brats who think that gaming can be successful on a frickin right click only PC. Wait Mac isnt even a pc. Whhat a retarded pos
My Late Dad and I both bought Macs because we were sick of all the malware. I find that, other than browser hijacks like searchbenny and searchmoose, viruses have not been an issue. My PCs had Multiple viruses and worms, and the antivirus software slowed them down, without blocking anything. Of course, Linux is even safer than a Mac. The spinning beach ball of Death, however, IS a constant problem! WORSE-reliability is a serious issue. One of my 2011 Macs is Dead, and the “Genius” told me today they would charge $800 to fix it. My Ipad, he said, isn’t even Worth fixing (2013.) He told me to take it to “Apples and Oranges.”
Well, I said bye to my iPhone SE and bought Blackberry phone again. It’s my 5th or 6th Blackberry actually. I was really (I mean REALLY) pissed of by Facebook app for the iPhone. Every tucking day the app asked me for permission to access my phonebook (I disabled this function when setting up my account). Finally, the app stopped to work: the banner practically switched off application for 35-40 min. I clicked “No” button for 20-30 times without any success. What the heck is that? Ok, I gave up finally and closed my Facebook account and after that I sold my iPhone. I still don’t have a FB account but at least FB and Twitter links were integrated in Blackberry OS and I can use them anytime I want.
The second problem is my iPod Touch 6 battery. Ok, my iPod is pretty new (guaranty is expired) but the battery life is absolutely TERRIBLE. Just 2,5 hours of internet (no streams, music, etc) and I need to recharge it again. There are no games, apps and ofher s**t installed. The bottom line: think twice before you buy any (especially Apple) gadget.
Ok, a little update. It turns out that everything is ok with the battery. My iPod perfectly works about 5 hrs in red zone. So as I see it was a software bug. Ok, I’d like to be fair: the situation is actually better than I thought. Gone to Apple store for MacBook Pro (just kidding).
Don’t buy a blackberry buy an android its faster than an iPhone and a blackberry
100% agree with all that has been said. A MAC is an overpriced POS. Sad that you cannot even rotate a picture to the right … there IS no “function” on a MAC that permits this. I hate PCs but at least they WORK … it’s too bad that they feature an “error message” every 10 minutes, but … oh, well
Are you running windows vista?
I agree with all of this. For those of you dumbasses who say, “The software is so much easier to use,” it’s not. Also, if you’re so obsessed with MacOS, get a fucking hackintosh
Haha it’s only easier for idiots who need stuff to be “prettier” and “smoother” but with the complete lack of efficiency and function. Macs are for pretentious douche nozzles.
Why would your son advise that
Macs are good for people who want to use computers bu do not want to know too much about them (my wife). Trouble is, some of them at some point upgrade themselves to the level when they start understanding few things about computers (my wife). Then there are these poor sods (like me) trying to explain that there are trade-offs (…you cannot look under the hood … so if the car does not start .. buy a new one!). You can try to keep your system stable, then Apple announces the new spanking shining system upgrade .. and most of the apps stops working … because my wife allowed the upgrade (Apple is Always Right.Right?). BTW Neither MAC OS X nor Mac OS have simple design. They are bust stealing ideas from Linux but they are not bust enough …
ok nobody listen to my brother-reliable225 he’s frickin 13 years old and I’m 11 yet I have more knowledge than him first of all a lot of the things listed in this Wikipedia is so untrue my brother has owned a mac before and I have used it for 3 weeks and I have received no virus whatsoever yes I agree it’s a great computer but I don’t like it as much as my dell setup I respect your opinions and please don’t listen to my brothers he’s being crazy
Hey, dont use Wiki, caus anyone can leave a note there(i could go now to macbook page and leave something like “complete shite” and it will just show and people believes). By the way i just dont understand people buying expensive rubbish over cheap diamond(i saw a Acer thats 14k rand but with an iCore 8250U and a Mac for 22k rand and that mac’s specs are a joke, like hey lets spend another 8k to get a -0.2GHz), and people tries to remember infinity combos of keys just to copy and paste(I tried and its stupid AF)
Good stuff. Been working as a computer engineer for decades now and this is only the tip of the iceberg as to why all mac stuff sucks. iPod may be the only decent thing they ever made and even it was ten times the price it needed to be. F**k all people who use these fucking toys.
Sick of my Mac! My Macbook Pro is full of glitches and viruses. I thought Apple was a safe buy? But that was years ago! Spend money on tech support and things just get worse! Don’t choose any Apple products anymore! That’s why “Woz” bailed!!!
Has this guy actually done any research at all into this before publishing this article? I ask this seriously because it is so factually inaccurate it it beggars belief!! You don’t have to be a fan of Apple or Macs but seriously, at lot of what is written here is just utterly and completely untrue. I won’t go into every point here but just to squash a few…
1. That they crash and freeze all the time and get viruses. I’ve been using Macs for over 25 years now and I have never had a virus once. Yes that’s right, not a single one. As for crashing and freezing, again totally and completely wrong. Back in the old days of OS9 it could occasionally crash but in those days so could any PC!! I know this because I used them also. But now, it is very very different story. OSX has been rock solid for me, it never ever crashes or freezes and in my line of work it is quite typical to have many apps open simultaneously.
2. About being overpriced. I have to seriously doubt this. The initial outlay may look expensive but I have realised how long they actually last. I’ve seen many friends needing to upgrade or buy new PCs several times during the years that I’ve had one Mac! And I’ve not sold on my other old Macs either because they STILL can be very useful in the studio. So bearing in mind how many years worth of use I get out of them, you’re not really convincing me they’re overpriced.
Oh you can’t upgrade any hardware?? Mmm.. that’s odd because I’ve been doing that for years.
People that use Macs constantly get accused of being ‘devotees’ or ‘fanboys’ or other such absurd immature nonsense. I think this only goes to show that it’s the non Apple users that seem to have the bigger problem. Hey, if you don’t like Macs, it’s fine, just don’t use them! Get over it. Worry about something worth worrying about.
The reason I use Macs is because I was introduced to them when I was studying. Macs were what the college had when I was studying graphics over 25 years ago. I had never used one prior to this. So there was no devotion or fanboy crap, they were simply the tools that were there. They were easy enough to use and I found them to be reliable, I had no particular reason to avoid them so just continued to use them. I’m also recording musician and a Mac is at the heart of my DAW. So why would I change when my overall experience has been good, and absolutely nothing like this retarded article? Why the hell would I want to throw away a stress free and productive workflow just because some PC nerd is trying to convince himself that Macs are no good?
I’m going to get back to my work now, virus free, no crashing or freezing, no having to work out why this bit of software won’t work or why that piece of hardware wont longer work. I’m a creative and like to get on with my work, stress free and without needing a PhD in computing! – I couldn’t do that on my PC!
Oop, let me take a screenie of that and send it to all of my friends so we can laugh at your stupidity and autism. Oh no! I CAN’T DO THAT BECAUSE THE SCREENSHOT FUNCTION ON THE MAC IS SO DAMN COMLICATED! Oh, did I misspell that word? I’ll just left click on it it like you do on a PC and change it! OH WAIT…. YOU CAN’T DO THAT! Now I’ll go, because I have an update scheduled for 12 PM. OH WAIT! THIS ISN’T A PC! IT WON’T AUTO UPDATE! I better get to the “Dock” and hit shut down! OH WAIT…. THERE’S A CHROME LABEL AND AN APPLE LOGO! Any rational man would not hover over the Apple Label because it looks like a harmless label! OH WAIT! IT’S NOT! IT’S ACTUALLY A BUTTON! Oh well…. I guess I’ll minimize this tab to make the Dock more simple! OH WAIT! MY CHROME BROWSER IS FULL SCREEN RIGHT NOW! Can’t minimize this right now! My hands hurt… BECAUSE I”M TYPING ON THIS TINY AF KEYBOARD!!!!! I’d die of laughter if this fool responded and said that these are the only problems that Mac OSX users experience…
+Kirby well technically mac is not at all bad you need to learn how to respect people’s opinions and also please calm down with the “OH WAIT” s**t seriously you clearly don’t own a mac or you simply just used it and tried playing a PC GAME ON A FUCKIN MAC and you decided to be an idiot and spam things that are so untrue the only reason you started spamming is because it doesn’t have games that you desire so CHILL OUT
bill please I don’t care what u have to say f**k your stupid Mac and most importantly f**k your stupid comment b***h
PhD its the best language!(come just to say that)
Had to comment on this.
I am currently in a position where I have no choice but to use a Mac. After 15+ years of developing commercial apps for Windows I moved to Linux for everything except games and I dual boot to do that, and the sudden culture shock is terrible.
The Mac has 16G of Ram, a 3.4 Ghz I7 and an NVidia 680MX with 2G.
It is total rubbish.
It has crashed multiple times when using PS or playing even the most basic games. The “Magic” mouse is a laughable POS – I mean seriously? A charging port on the BOTTOM! Is Apple aware what YEAR this is? We’ve been using chargable stuff for a long time now, and since the start its been important to allow use WHILE CHARGING! It is stunning that such a large company can get things like this so badly wrong.
As for price – don’t be so foolish – A ‘reasonable’ spec Mac costs almost 3 times as much as a high end gaming PC and next to nothing runs on it. I have over 200 games on my Steam account on the PC and 50 of them run on the Mac and ALL of those run badly.
It would appear that Apple have changed things just because they want to be different and in doing so they have simply broken the Linux base they stole in the first place and as for the ‘Terminal’ on a Mac, forget it – over half of the commands are simply missing, but of course you can PAY Apple for those programs which are free on the Linux base OS.
Every. Single. Thing that I have used is broken in some way, from the pathetic mouse where the right click does not work like any other mouse that exists, to the childish Dock junk that takes up the bottom of the desktop and is about as helpful as an umbrella in a hurricane.
Bleating on about how good Macs are and how well they work is very much like Microsoft saying you don’t need a virus checker because the built in security works, and we all know that MS security is like a massively fortified vault door standing alone in a field!
Iv never been a fan of Apple because they always seem to be overpriced, pretentious, self serving garbage, but having actually spent time with a Mac I now actively loath the company and the broken OS they have created.
Is it usable? Yes, so long as you don’t want to do anything serious and don’t mind the “We know best” attitude to updating and the OS without checking if the machine can actually handle it, and of course, if you don’t mind spending 5 times the amount for rubbish Apple programs. Even browsers don’t work properly on this POS.
Thankfully I will return to my glorious Linux kit soon enough, and I will be able to play games on Windows. After all the years I spent developing for DIRE MS OS’s it takes a hell of a lot for me to say that Im looking forward to returning to it, but even Windows 10 outshines a Mac in every single way, regardless of the need for third party security!
I have been using Windows for at least 25 years and linux for 20. Never have gotten a virus either. In both of our cases, it is not due the OS but probably smart choices on what you click, download, and install. Also, you used to be able to upgrade Macs but now you cant. They solder EVERYTHING in now, so you cant change the nvme, memory, wifi chip, nothing. S**t, you cant even get them open anymore without destroying it. ifixit gave the new Macbooks the worst rating for fixability. With the new Macs, you get what you get and there is no way to upgrade them without doing some serious work. Also, the keyboards suck and break all the time, the cpus are severely underclocked due to terrible thermal designs, it gets hot as hell, doesnt have a GPU,only has 3 USB C ports, one charges it, need a box full of expensive dongles to do basic stuff, and the upgrades for the OS consistantly bork software so you cant use it until the devs rewrite the code and publish it. They are just honestly really expensive and shiney pieces of feces. One of the worst laptops I have ever seen in my life and there is nothing “Pro” about them.
You f#cking pos macs are complete garbage over priced s**t. $1100 for a crappy mac with a dual core i3 processor 8gb of non upgradeable ram. WTF
so when your mac got slow you just bought a new one?? that explains point 1. Glad you are rich. With all the os upgrades every 6 months the machine becomes ineligible to move forward and suddenly everything no longer works on the software front, point 2. Time to buy another overpriced machine to stay relevant. Graphics? so the advertising still works for you? by doubling the pixel requirements on your screen everyone needs to now program websites with images twice as large in pixels just so it looks good on your machine that you can afford and your graphics look soooo good just for you? ugh. The only good thing mac ever did was allow intel processors and in some cases nvidia graphics. But you are locked in with those specs until you buy another machine. You should get up to 15 years worth of upgrades if needed at your leisure if you choose to, but no, that’s not going to happen with a mac. We’ve had to listen to the graphics thing from no idea purchasers since the day they advertised this as far back as 1980’s. Those poor companies had to replace all macs on the floor every year while pc companies produced games, graphics etc up to 3 or more years with good graphics cards upgrades. Mac on the other hand…… We had to convince our graphics department to finally go pc years ago since they were spending 100’s of thousands on annual upgrades, as they couldn’t match the photo realism images we were producing in the rendering and printing depts. Couldn’t color match because of one department, the one with macs. Once they switched the world was good for them. The advertising of the early 80’s somehow brainwashed all non computer folks that they are great because of graphics. Never really was true other than the original releases of pc based computers.
I bought a mac for animation, and in my free time i like to game. But i now see that games suck on the mac (fortnite freezes a lot) and no cool games are available to the mac OS sofware
I do travel around a lot, and it is light. Those are the two things good about this $3500 piece of crap
You can get lighter and better PCs for way cheaper though.
This is the probably the truest article I’ve ever read. I’m having to type up this comment from a Mac right now, and it glitches even trying to open simple websites. IT ISN’T EVEN A YEAR OLD. I literally can’t use some websites because it just glitches and lags.
ok, since this is my last time being here I just want to list a few things, mac is just an overpriced garbage that has no mouse wheel or right click (I understand that there is a heat sensors mouse wheel but come on it’s stupid u can’t click the mouse wheel), only dumpster divers would buy this trash and the dumpster of course is the apple company and the divers are mac fanboys that r so stupid to understand what apple stands for while it stands for s**t, even windows/Linux runs so much better, what the f**k is the point of having a mac it just runs on s**t, I plan to destroy the my Mac computer or sell it, I don’t want to waste time with a stupid deceased device called “Mac” that came out of a rabbit’s ass, so please for the love of God all u mac fanboys out there can f**k off, also I’m never coming back to this site again so all u mac fanboys and fanbitches don’t even bother replying to me with hate comments, if u do reply however then you’re stupid and can’t read, now that I listed the things I hate about mac I’m just gonna leave now also one more thing
oh yeah and I meant “4.” On the mouse mistake sorry
and the keyboard is really small which brings me to another question- why would apple make this? honestly, I don’t understand what apple was thinking,now I’m not a mind reader but I can tell apple had nothing better to do so-1. they made the price too fuckin’ high, in fact so high I bet even a richest man on planet earth would regret wasting his money on this junk.2.they made the monitor too big.3. The keyboards unimaginably small.3.whats with the mouse? Honestly, they spliced the two buttons together without the mouse wheel, now there are other mistakes I would list here but I won’t due to offensive purposes, now I’m not trying to be an a*****e but come on.
ok i am used to windows but apple? I mean I have an iPhone but a computer? what has apple been thinking? I have a mac computer and it just doesn’t feel right because of the 2 buttons and the mouse wheel which really feels uncomfortable, however there are a few things that are good about it, but other than that-it sucks ass, it really does and I look forward to getting a new computer instead of this shitshow of a computer
This is totally true and is the best way to describe it… also you can block programs in google but not so well with Firefox.
@Jessie Great article, and I couldn’t agree with you more than I already do! I’ve had 2 macs, both have serious hardware issues. One the graphic processor constantly dies and shuts down the entire computer. This happens like 20 times a day, making the mac a boat anchor in less than 5yrs. Be smart, macs R nothing but hype…
My mac can’t even scroll trough instagram comments, but my PC does. I have many other programs on my mac and PC and they always crash on the Mac. Even though the PC is older…..
When I started with MacOS, the first weeks I’ve hated it. Other shortcuts, different keyboard layout and what happens if you try to write an @ on a Mac but are used to work with AltGr, should be known by everyone.
But with some time I got used to it and experienced many interesting applications from third-party developers who allowed me to change and optimize the OS like I want. Because of that I found applications who boosted my workflow like a rocket and also begun to understand the architecture from MacOS and why many stuff you think it is annyoing is just really clever.
I wouldn’t call myself a Mac-Fanboy, but still a fan. I don’t have problems against Windows or Linux, using them both, too. But it’s my favourite operating-system. And this comes from a heavy power-user of all three (OS) of them.
I develope most of the times web-applications and web-sites, support some open-source projects and optimize workflows and automatisms. For this workspace, it’s just perfect.
Who seeks a gaming or power-machine, should buy a PC. But who hast to develope or manage data, should think twice before giving up on such a smart OS.
The only and big disadvantage of a Mac in my eyes are currently:
– GPC/CPU drivers from Bootcamp.
– Apples focus on Metal and iPhone.
– And f**k yes, the overprice. (without the price I would mutate to a fanboy)
But the other stuff like mentioned in the article like viruses, freezes, problems and errors because of the lag of knowledge from the author are just bullshit. Working four years now with this OS, it only crashed on an old 2008 machine until I patched the GPU kernel. On a Late-2013 iMac I never had any issue with it.
Well, good for you! Unfortunately most of us are not GEEKS! Just folks who appreciate a useable computer!
I’ve owned a Mac since Mac II. Watched its downhill slifes! Bye, Bye Apple!
$1000 for the iPhone X? Are you serious? If you think so read this. https://www.pcmag.com/news/357207/teardown-reveals-iphone-x-parts-cost-370 Maybe it’s going to make you a little bit smarter.:)
So true. Apple is literally fucking all of their fanboys in the ass. They’re making a phone for $370, and selling it for $1100! Like WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K.
i never wanted a macbook, but my mum got me one for school ;(
Man I feel sorry for you I have a mac computer and it sucks ASS
Dear Microsoft Fanboy(s),
Most of you have used Windows from the beginning, which makes you feel Mac is uncomfortable. But I don’t agree with a few things:
1. Mac has right click, and you do not need and extra 2-button mouse just to right click. Just 2-finger click on the trackpad. (Of course there is an exception. When using an OS that is either not OS X or Windows, you may need to click at the right bottom of your trackpad instead of multi-touch)
2. Mac and macOS are not for gaming. If you really want to play high-graphical games (for example not Minecraft) go buy a PC and don’t hate macs just because they aren’t for you.
3. Did you say mac has lots of evil viruses? You are pretty unlucky if you get a virus on a mac because it is pretty hard to find viruses for mac(OS). There is even a built-in protection module just to protect you.
4. Macs’ feeling changes from person to person. So do not complain about the look of macOS.
5. Software doesn’t suck (at least compared to Windows, which is preloaded with crap). If you think it does, just get other software from the web or the app store!
Yeah, why have a reliable, foolproof button for right click, when you can use a software solution that decides when it works, which is only most of the time? On the track pad, and on the terribly designed mice they make nowadays? Yeah, Steve Jobs was a genius. That’s why he relied on mystical quackery until it killed him. Macs are overpriced, underdesigned trash.
Lol form doesn’t follow function you sit are retarded
Well, you are just simply stupid, that trackpad is pain in the ass… Each and each release it just getting worse regardless how many fingers you use the most simply point and click or drag and drop not works, harder to doubleclick than ever, you can make gestures and multifinger swipes, but you can’t move the pointer comfortable and click without a risk you will do a nasty operation you did not want. Overcomplicated without a single reason, I don’t like microsoft , but their operation system ages better than macos, ages means billion times better… The only good thing in macos is the terminal… Last time I felt operation system is a blocker in my daily activity was windows xp with popcorn making time bootups and shut downs , mac still in the same shoe after years. I can’t believe people are defending this holy s**t, if I would ever buy a thing like this first thing would be to install a linux and then use it (only because for windows I would buy any other laptop/tablets) Personally I have multiple surface pro’s and only the size and fanciness of the Macbook pros could be attractive, but the software and the peripherals suck that much make a good looking device totally unusable , and the operation system they come with is a complete catastrophic creation, I can’t believe you can’t connect to a wifi network and authenticate via browser at 2020 during the activation, that will be the first user experience, and after that you get a limited overpriced linux, where manuals not reflecting to apple’s customization to the BSD programs, complete trash at all, nice hardware but unusable. I like to see in movies they are doing crazy things on mac laptops in no time, in the reality you can do nothing in hours with them, powerful cpu for nothing, ram for absolute nothing. I am surprised apple could make a ARM architect operation system for phones and tablets, but their X86/AMD64 OS still suck after 20-25 years of development. At least microsoft could make their OS better and better over the time, what apple can show up? Nothing except nice windows and animations, just keep switching windows enjoy the animation and don’t try to do anything else, because it will be not satisfying at all. To be honest now I could see how bad the newest macos I am a windows and linux fan…. Not because i like microsoft, just because they make productivity and no pain to use, linux can’t be an OS for everyday unfortunately, but penetration is growing, I wait for the time when you can throw away windows and use eg debian for everything, but I think it will never happen. The IT sector would collapse if all people start using mac’s they are completely unusable , somehow can fit for daily use, but you will feel 10 years back in time with freezing/waiting.
You are defending a product what you buy, and you need to adopt to it, not the product or system will adopt to you, it completely stupid behavior buying a gear, which you need to adopt and that generate frustration. Last time people had to do this was communism, because there were 2 product both two did the same had the same quality, problems, but you could not select anything else. People inside force themselves to buy a product which overpriced , useless , and they need to adopt to it, well go out and shout loud PLEASE RAPE ME, well clever people don’t do this, clever people don’t buy macs….
Right click does exist on Mac. I copied and pasted this comment using it.
Remember the Movie “Independence Day” with Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum? We computer techs were laughing at one scene in particular… When Jeff Goldblum fives the alien ship a virus from his Mac laptop. Macs can’t even reliably communicate with PC’s, let alone an alien computer network!!!
I recently bought an Imac because in December I will be finished with my MFA and will be looking for a teaching job. All art departments use Apple so I figured that I better learn how to use one otherwise I might look like a fool trying to teach Adobe programs and not know how they work on an Apple. It’s close to windows but there are subtle differences. After 3 weeks with this new machine and many freeze ups. I have been using it as a paperweight. Literally. Windows 10 is bad but hey, it doesn’t freeze like a mac. Imac Specs are 27″ ,24 gigs of ram,250g ssd, and 2g vram. And it can’t handle simple Photoshop task. Screw Apple. I knew they had issues but at the level of power it should not freeze up ever. And the screen is sub par it only has 80% of the SRGB spectrum. I almost threw it out the window but I decided that ebay would net some money back. Apple’s are great if you never used anything else. But I need something that can handle 5 gig files and not freeze. My $700 Lenovo can.
This is blatant lie my old 2012 MacBook Pro handles photoshop perfectly. 4 gb of ram and 512mb vram in the gpu.
The screen on your “iMac” (I still don’t believe that you have one) also has 100% of the srgb spectrum. It covers 90% of Adobe RGB though, just like 99% of other monitors. To get one that does 100% you’re going to shell out probably over $5K.
Furthermore, if you actually worked in photoshop, you’d know that it’s not particularly useful to have that other 7% of the RGB spectrum, and you’d know that no Lenovo has a display that’s anywhere near as good.
Yep I have an iMac 27’’. No it uses Apples weird color space. It has issues with large files in the 5gig range. That’s right I scan 4×5 color film and a raw scan is over a gig. I print huge and need resolution for 30×40” prints. My Lenovo desktop is connected to a high end Eizo monitor. 99%rgb spectrum. Run a colorimeter on your screen and see what you get. I need everything wysiwyg. so I get a perfect print every time. Doubt you know much about that. It runs PS fine just not massive 5 g files. Doubt you know anything about that.
Cannot agree more.In all possible ways, Mac sucks! It only promotes snobbery and narcissism. Never will I buy anything Apple again!!!
Their hardware might be okayish, but the software, the keyboard and the ego- all sucks BIG time…
I just want to say for the record that yes indeed mac sucks and is just a locked down version of free bsd linux. The hardware is cheep chinese crap and the factory workers at foxcon hated their lives so much they jumped out the factory windows to their deaths and so the company had the “humane” idea to put up fish nets up catch them. How did something free and open source for humanity get locked down and sold to the dumbed down masses as the greatest computer system of all time. People say Steve Jobs is resting in peace but i think otherwise. More likely he is in karma hell……. working as one of the factory workers…… contemplating a quick way to end it all………pre-fish-net era.
Free BSD is Unix idiot. There is a difference. Unis uses the Unix kernel. Linux uses Linux kernel and Mac OS uses XTS kernel. The factory is at fault. Apple uses the same companies as Samsung, HP, Dell, and Windows.
That CR person seems to have an agenda and/or enjoys sexy times with his iGarbages. Am looking forward for another one of his/her wack fanboy/girl comment. But before doing so, DO NOT FORGET to put your iGloves, update your iTunes and rub yourself naked all over your (great) meurkintosh eco-system!
Oh yeah and allow me to end on something positive: an apple a day keeps the doctor away and with that in mind: apples are awesome <3
That CR person is trying to show us how to use these beautiful, shiny, extremely attractive chef d’oeuvres designed by the company you cannot compare to anything else (sarcasm). We should thank him actually (chances to meet a bona fide Apple supporter are pretty rare).
Welp, I can’t do anythıng because the retard who desıgned the mac keyboard must have only half a braın. For some damn reason there ıs absolutely no ‘at’ symbol. Instead ıt’s replaced by an apostraphy. Also ı had to substıtute apostarphıes for quotatıon marks because they don’t have those eıther on the keyboard. I was only able to post thıs comment by copyıng and pastıng the ‘at’ sıgn from the ınternet’ whıch ıs near ımpossıble wıth apple’s sıngle button mouse. I mean, ın thıs day and age, emaıl adresses are essentaıl for almost everythıng on the ınternet. If you own a mac, you get no emaıl, no facebook, no socıal medıa, no nothuıng! Tens of thousands of onlıne programs are ımpossıble thanks to the stupıd-ass lack af a sımple’at’ symbol on the dumbest keyboard of the dumbest computer ın the world. Oh and let’s not forget the mouse ıtself. It ıs so hard to move and the sesıtıvıty ıs so low you have to drag your mouse over the freakın’ desk to move ıt an ınch.
FYI the @ sign (see, I typed it?) is where it’s always been : right above the number 2. Have you not actually LOOKED at your Mac keyboard?
System Preferences / Mouse : Tracking speed (slider). Set to maximum (Fast).
Ooooh look. Your mouse is moving quickly across the screen. There. That wasn’t difficult, was it?
What the hell happened to your i’s?
I’m not a mac fan but got damn if you’re going to use a gross word like “retarded” you should probably make sure you can spell and use grammar so you don’t look like a complete dumbass.
F**k me lol. Typing on my girlfriend’s iPhone. God* damn autocorrect
Macs are okay for design purposes , more powerful than a windows machine but…… the moment u start having problems like system restore or having issues with permissions….it is over for you.. especially if u havent done weekly disk uitilities maintenance, force-quitted applications frequently. Macs dont like that, they turn against you. I dare any MAc user to try and launch from a LINUX live disc without having issues. yes there are mac versions of live linux discs but they dont work. yyesterday i downloaded over 20gb of various linux live discs to find a workaround to a problem im having. Tried once on a windows machine ….no problem. about 15 -20 years ago MAC was number 1 for me but since after stopping g5 titanium , they have gone down tremendously and now all you see everywhere are the stupid iMacs , which secretaries use in every hollywood blockbuster.
i know your not a mac fanboy anymore, which is good, but when you say ” Macs are okay for design purposes , more powerful than a windows machine”, and when, others say this too. Its utter utter utter utter rubbish. How is a MAC, better for designers, well..it isnt. The same programs are on PC (way more in fact) and run much faster. Arrrrrrrrrgh, the only reason why some artists tell you MACS are better is because they dont know how to use a pc, or they are trying to justify blowing a huge lump of cash on a lump of marketed tosh they have been TOLD is better, probably by another idiot who had been told the same thing. We are not talking about 30 years ago, when their were certain niche creative things you could do on a MAC, we are talking today, dont get ripped off kiddies.
To NoSheep: Absolutely agree. It’s just a marketing thing. Nothing more. And idiots are always be the idiots. It’s like the primitive man who saw a shiny thing for the first time.
I just wrote a very long reply and inadvertently pressed the Fn key instead of the ctrl key where it would normally be on a PC. Guess what? I lost the lot. No undo. What MORON designs an OS that deletes the contents of a text box with no means of undo?
blahdy blahdy blahdy blah – fn key…
That’s weird. I just pressed fn. Then I pressed Ctrl. Then I pressed Alt. Guess what? It hasn’t deleted anything.
I have to use this and I am extremely ashamed of doing so. This ridiculous piece of trash I have to use is just… Stupid. As a gamer I find this as something disgusting where you can only play the so called ‘ROBLOX’ and other nasty 5 year old games. No blade and soul, No overwatch, Nothing.
I have to use this and I am extremely ashamed of doing so. This ridiculous piece of trash I have to use is just… Stupid. As a gamer I find this as something disgusting where you can only play the so called ‘ROBLOX’ and other nasty 5 year old games. No blade and soul, No overwatch, Nothing.
actually u can’t play ANYTHING ON MAC not even roblox it’s really complicated and of course the mouse is single buttoned and for some reason my mac computer is really stupid and says the games don’t have the specific graphics for the computer to read and this happens 15 times a day and it’s really F***ING ANNOYING AND STUPIDLY DISIGNED
I’m an engineer at Apple. Yes Macbook has cheap hardware enclosed in expensive-looking cases. But Apple knows it will sell very well, because there will always be people wasting their money on things they think are prestigious. Apple are targeting these type of people who are not yet extinct. In fact their population is increasing. The new niche market consist of the pretentious Asians who love wasting space at Starbucks with their Mac to look cool and pretending that they are doing important stuffs on it when in fact they are just browsing nonsense or doing other meaningless online stuffs.
So true
Sorry Jeff. You’re not an engineer at Apple. No-one there has ever heard of you.
So, read this. Very informative. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/apple-tumbles-to-fifth-place-on-laptop-magazines-best-brands-ranking-for-2017-2017-04-11?siteid=yhoof2&yptr=yahoo
I can’t imagine how Apple ever managed not to be in LAST place except if they were PAYING for their rank. Their laptops should be listed as the worst, BELOW used and refurbished laptops that come pre-loaded with viruses.
It’s a question of time.
How can you write a Macs-suck page without ever mentioning the absolute nightmare thats is Launchd?
For those sensible people who have never used anything except FreeBSD, Launchd is a replacement for /sbin/init in which the init scripts are replaced by XML files. Also, launchd replaces crond too and probably also displays the system clock for good measure.
Before I was issued a Mac by my employer, I thought Linux’s Systemd was bad, but they were only aspiring to be as horrible as Launchd! Now I know what they were copying, and Systemd is nowhere near as awful as Launchd!
Remember when you could power off your Unix box and Postgresql would come right back up? Neither does Apple. I was forced to power off when my Mac suddenly stopped responding to most mouse and keyboard input (I could keep typing into the app that was open, but I couldn’t switch windows).
Because Launchd does away with shell scripts (which have long been the target of hipsters’ hate), there’s no way to tell Launchd that you have to delete Postgresql’s stale PID file before trying to start it again. There’s no way to say that in fucking XML. So it just kept trying to start Postgres over and over again, logging only that it failed each time. Jesus Fucking Christ is MacOS a fucking piece of s**t!
hehe, finally someone who has actually used Linux. osX is just bloated BSD, and it sucks just as bad as “windbloze”. However, for most users it is a better alternative to actually running an OS made by “microsucks”
MacOS is not a piece of s**t. But launchd IS.
Holy s**t on rye. I cannot believe you people are college-attending students and older … with a smattering of high schoolers. Your grammer, spelling, punctuation, phrasing, and overall grasp of writing is putrid. You people better get your act together. Nobody wants stupid assinine ignoramuses. Please improve your stinking self … or gently put down the keyboard and turn youself in to The Stupid Police. Thamnkgs,, amnd halve a nyce daayye … s**t for brains.
Funny how you are criticizing grammar, spelling, phrasing, and punctuation when you can’t seem to do it properly yourself.
I guess satire is totally wasted on you, Hugh Mungus.
victor that just came out random nobody was talking about the Bible dumbass go back to where you came from you trash for brains
I soooo much regret buying APPLE devices. I have had the BIGGEST HEADACHE trying to perform a SIMPLE TASK (what I thought would be!!!!) … buying an iPhone so that I can transfer my playlists onto an iPhone 6. Easy??? No BLOODY WAY!!!!!! I think climbing Mt Everest is an easier option. Who the F……. do they think they are. I am seriously thinking of selling my Mac pro and my three day old iPhone and going BACK TO SAMSUNG!!!!!!! Mac …. you are seriously up yourselves!!!!!!!!
Falcons blew a 25 point lead
The Donald Trump of Computers and the writer’s knowledge of Macs is about the same…zilch.
As of 07 January 2017, the cheapest Apple laptop, is the 13 inch macbook air, USD 1000, i5 1.6ghz, 8 gb ram, s**t video card, non-touchscreen. Vomit. Wow people are stupid. Who buys this crap?!
Just look at the OS market share. About 3% of users. I’m not saying that I don’t use Apple products. I use iPhone, iPod and Apple TV 4. But I’m not going to buy a Mac laptop. I’m absolutely satisfied with my Asus machine (especially after OS upgrade to Ubuntu).
I bought a Mac last year and it is the worst money I have ever spent. Right now all I have is a locked up Mac that won’t restart. So, I am going to have it repaired and then I am putting it into the closet where it will stay until I can give it to a friend who is visiting this summer. I will never buy Mac anything again
I agree. I am seriously going to get rid of mine. My crazy old Hp made production of visual calendars/cards etc for friends/and my own music downloads EEEEEEZZZZZYYYY!!!!!
MAC IS A MARKETING LEEEEAAAAAACCCHHH!!!! Sadly I fell for it, but fortunately I can ‘redo’!
Hey, very small percentage of Americans use Mac! Wonder why??
And I am so happy with my Macs! It was always more expensive to have quality.
take ultrabook 2016.
your prestige macbook air still uses tn panel while dell xps sports an ips panel. we all know which one is quality. both are similarly priced. ignorance is not a virtue.
Oh really? Build a desktop with a similar price and see which one wins.
There are also better pre-built laptops.
“Quality” means the fucking thing doesn’t freeze every 5 days, like my brand new Macbook Pro does, and no PC I’ve owned after 1998 ever did.
Quality? What quality?
The world would be a much better place without the bloody macs. I hate them specially because I’m using the bloody thing to work – it is simply an anourmous waste of bloody time. The shitiest pc with Windows can be better than mac.. actually, a screwdriver is better than mac. God how I hate this s**t.
AGREEEEEEEEE!!!!! Your comments are making me realise that I will sell my Mac laptop asap and get something that is fun, easy and gets the job done! I’m not a high tech CEO, don’t need to talk ‘Mac’ and look fancy pants!
I will put all of my heart and soul into this comment, hopefully I can counter as many fanboys as I can.
Albeit Macs may last, a well-kept Windows or Linux can last just as long, if not longer. Mac fanboys will say it takes effort to keep a PC alive, but really all it takes is common sense and care.
Let’s not forget that OSX is a copy of Linux, or more accurately Unix. Mac fanboys completely skip over this detail and start some bs about there isn’t a Linux phone/tablet/etc, when in fact Android is a Linux OS itself, and other Linux mobile devices also exist.
Mac fanboys also say Windows is hard to use, when OSX is no better, just in some different ways. If Windows is so bad, just install OSX on your PC. It will keep Windows, and it will run better than any actual Mac. Get a PC worth $4300, install OSX, and compare to the new Macbook Pro. Spoiler Alert: the PC will win.
Now, to build a defense. I won’t lie. I kinda like OSX. I greatly perfer Windows and Linux for reasons hopefully obvious. Hell, I use an Apple keyboard on my gaming PC. I am familiar with OSX in and out too.
Lastly, I need to touch on the sheer lack of stability in modern Apple products. My Windows hasn’t crashed since Vista, and that was Vista. My Chrome OS crashes here and there, but for a $250 computer using Linux, that’s not bad, it saves my pages anyway. But an iMac crashing twice a week is not a rare occurrence.
This is why until they reduce their prices to a propper level, I’m not getting a new Mac anytime soon.
They will not more likely. It’s just a marketing thing. There will always be a certain % of users thinking that they own something extraordinary (approximately about 3%).
Thank god you aren’t using an apple mouse for gaming
I have used Macs for over 20 years, but I’m NOT a fanboy!
1. Yes, a good quality, well-made PC will last as long as a Mac.
2. No. Any Mac user with the tiniest knowledge, knows that OS X is Unix-based, and that Android is Linux based.
3. Since Windows 7 came along, PCs have been easy to use. Before that, Mac won hands down. Now there’s probably nothing in it.
4. I’m not sure what you’re doing to make your Mac crash? I run a 2011 iMac (Mavericks) and it doesn’t. I only reboot every few weeks to clear out the system and speed things up a bit.
You make some fair points though I don’t agree with everything you said.
My mac works perfectly fine and none of the reasons you posted are true. That’s my honest opinion
Your Mac doesn’t even type properly from the first attempt.
I think u r using a china Mac and having no problems!!!
“my Mac works perfectly fine and none of the reasons are true” uhh HELLLOOO what about the right click huh? What about the viruses what about the overpriced trash? u stupid boi gtfo of here
My mac works perfectly fine and none of the reasons you posted are true
There are plenty of facts here, no blu ray, no hdmi, the fact that it stole linux.
It didn’t steal Linux. OS X was a variation of Unix that was BOUGHT (not stolen) from NeXt. Unix is older than you are.
I don’t own any Blu-Ray. How many people do? I don’t like the fact Apple decided optical drives were “not the future”, but the £20 USB DVD RW drive I got works well enough.
Most Macs have HDMI.
I’ll keep my Iphone 6 plus and even my original Ipad, but I will NEVER buy another Apple laptop or tabletop computer. Freezes, screen anomalies, and surging spam (including their own self-created virus, “MacHelper” or whatever it is) have sent me into the pc world, where performance is not only superior but without the vomit-worthy marketing.
Agree, +100500. I still use my iPod 6 and I even bought an iPhone SE. I’ll try to explain why – my BB Z30 was a little bit outdated (I’ve been using it for a 1,5 years) and every BB user knows what happened with BB10 OS (which I consider the best mobile OS ever created). Besides, the iMessage of course (let alone AirPlay, etc).
All in all I’m not going to change my Asus laptop to MacBook Pro. I’m absolutely satisfied with it (especially after OS upgrade; I like Ubuntu 16.04).
All you folks are right. No arguing there. I read them all and I have worked with them all and they all have pluses and minuses. Get a life and get on with it.
Dude I just bought my first mac 30 minutes ago and it’s a pre-owned (2000$ brand new in 2011) macbook pro 2011 model right?.Well I got it for 900$ preowned and the thing is so s**t i go straight to this site and start talking s**t about it that’s how fucking sad this shithole pos waste of fucking garbage is. i could make a better os than this s**t out of my dogs fecal if i had to. what a fucking joke my grandma could make a better computer than this pos on heroine. Seriously what a complete waste of 900$ and the paper for the receipt.
I’ve worked on computers since before the IBM PC was even invented. Software and hardware both.
For the average person, Apple computers are easier to use. Yes they are pricey, but as IBM just announced, Macs cost far less to own in the long run. They’re far more reliable and cause ⅓ less service calls. These are hard facts, not opinions.
I myself have worked on, repaired, and supported both for many years. Windows is more configurable, but with features comes complexity. It’s definitely a two edgeed sword.. Mac OS much simpler.
IMO, Apple fan boys are some of the most arrogant, annoying people on the planet. You won’t find me arguing about that. But for average people, I always recommend Apple products. This may now change however. Apple seems to no longer focus on customer experience. After founder Steve Jobs died, Apple seems to have lost focus. I guess I’m glad I’m no longer in the computer business.
I certainly would not recommend them. Build your own PC desktop and compare it with the most expensive Mac Desktop. See who wins.
I agree with your last point. I use a 2011 iMac running Mavericks and I dread the day I have to get a newer one. Lost focus? Yeah, that’s about right. But they will find it again. Soon, I hope.
Your all just mean and bullies if Apple user want to pay a lot for outdated products and be treated like crap who are you to judge you all talk about PC being better than Mac but your bulling is not very PC I would love to see a ubuntu phone then Linux would drop the Apple chain of products a Linux computer tablet router phone all working together better than Apple it would be awesome watching the Ubuntu phone but it’s only limited here hoping it spreads would love a galaxy s 7 with if
Ubuntu phones started coming out almost two years ago. Where have you been?
Ok, I gave up on Windows. Got 10 installed on my Asus and man it was a nightmar! Basically 10 is great OS, but the update process… My Asus is i5, 4 GB RAM and so on and I was spending 2-3 hours updating it. Finally I gave up. I changed 10 to Ubuntu 16.04 and now my updates installing in 5 minutes. Great OS, absolutely love it. I’m not a gamer (but I know there are games for Linux) and Ubuntu 16.04 is everything I need. Simple, reliable, etc. Most of all I like that sudo apt-get thing.
Looks like SOMEONE is a butthurt apple fanboy…
Wow, dude, have you heard about punctuation signs? Learn to use periods, commas and so on
Apple is the same linux/unix. Ask the arrogant Apple fun boys how they coded their “original OS”. But, the whole machine is a joke, a rocket engine which is not able to fly to the moon, because Apple managers/product owners think that its easier to get to the Moon through Mars. Yeah… you can have it to check your mails and to use Crappy Numbers which is not able to import simple CSV files, or to buy additional adapters, or
“adapters to adapters to adapters” to connect it to a simple projector in a conference or meeting, or to buy an additional CD-rom to read CD/DVD (ah sorry you would say that the era of CD is ended) or to use those 2 USB to connect 100 USB devices (really – nope). Really? $2500 and 2 usb ports and some additional ports that you’ll never use unless you buy Apple TV, Apple devices, Iphone, etc.
There are 4 categories of people who use Mac:
– Users that don’t do anything else on MAC than verifying their mails
– IOS developers (and many of them actually use linux/windows on day to day life)
– Customers that are used to Apple software
– Young people that use apple because its “cool”.
@Apple “lover”, you’re wrong about Mac use being limited to IOS developers. I do backend work that never touches a phone (and in production it runs on Linux), yet here I am, stuck in the CrApple Gulag. I’ve seen Macs in the building next door, too, so Mac shops must be pretty common.
well who the hell are you to talk dumbass, clearly you haven’t been out since 1987, ubuntu phones got released God knows how many years ago and guess what deal with it b***h its called opinions not bullying dumbass, jackass
I agree with your points but you have one misconception. OSX is not a linux distro and therefore should not have the things that all linux distros have. OSX is a unix fork.
BSD* UNIX>BSD>DARWIN Bam there have some fucking random and yeah. Really i cant stand apple cause they make their products so over priced
You know, just one of those reasons I’m *this* close to just straight up switching to Android.
it is so 90s when people still comparing interface. Timcock has changed everything in mac os, now mac is not the same as before, timcock killed all production program like aperture, iphoto, imovie, final cut pro, rosetta, now with a mac you are forced to only buy apps, gems based games in app store, buy songs movies in itune, all for entertainment purepose
You live in the loop, you keep installing all the feature hoarder update which make your mac slower and slower at a point you cant stand the slow speed and buy a new mac, after 10.6 there is no easy to reinstall the original mac os that come with your mac, you can only install the newest
You can install older OS! What I do is download each new one, but I don’t upgrade, just write the upgrade to an external HD. Even if I lose it it doesn’t matter – Apple know I have downloaded it before, so will let me download it again.
This guy is correct on 1 pt. High Price. The rest of his points attributed to resentment because he can’t afford one, and has no idea of how to use one.
Found the mac fanboy!!
LOL not able to afford one???? Did you just say that??? My 6950X and dual GTX 1080’s cost more than your best MAC, total cost on my PC would have you crying for weeks. Why buy junk like a MAC when you can own the latest and greatest hardware. MAC’s suck period…. there is no come back to that statement.
F**k of Frederick shithead honestly mac is just an overpriced garbage only dumpster divers buy s**t like this hell I bet even a dumpster diver would regret wasting his time on this fuckin trash
Lol, someone complaining about mac fanboys are just a but-hurt windows fan boy who was told he wasn’t allowed a mac for christmas. Most of your arguments are total s**t, and basically roll down to- you don’t know how to use a mac. You are used to windows and can’t be bothered to learn to use OSX Of course OSX is similar to linux, it is a UNIX system. And I’m not saying macs are power houses, or the perfect solution for everything, but for what I do, it is really useful. Oh and I’m not a mac fanboy, i use my mac for work and my Windows gaming PC for games
To bad Windows is and always will be more powerful
used mac, numerous linux distros, and windows for 20 years now. windows is for the most part, the most functional out of the box, has the better ui, linux, takes getting used to, but you can set it up any way you want and do absolutely anything you want, including high end gaming, and is rock solid stable, works on any hardware, including your pos apple hardware.
@A guy, you’ve got it backwards. A brand new CrapBook Pro was dropped in front of me and I was told “this is the computer you’ll be using for work.”
Macs are only like Linux to a certain extent. They have more in common with pre-Unix Macs. The UI is still inflexible and looks basically the same as it did in the 1990s, they still freeze a lot, their keyboards still have the same odd layout and still lack keys that PC users take for granted such as Home/End/PgUp/PgDn, you still can’t just plug PC hardware into a Mac, etc.
“i use my mac for work” that doesn’t sound very productive.
As a former accidental IT person for a non-profit, Mac’s were a godsend for a smaller nonprofit office with tech ignorant folks demanding their Pentium II magic boxes “work now!” PC’s and Windows were a nightmare.
OSX worked well and the interface was user friendly. But after Snow Leopard, OSX has descended into buggy bloatware — a mechanism for intentional obsolescence. When my Applecare expires in October I’ll be running Elementary OS or Ubuntu on my 2013 MacBook Pro.
I’m done with both of the major OS platforms at this point.
As a former accidental IT person for a non-profit, Mac’s were a godsend for a smaller nonprofit office with tech ignorant folks demanding their Pentium II magic boxes “work now!” PC’s and Windows were a nightmare.
OSX worked well and the interface was user friendly. But after Snow Leopard, OSX has descended into buggy bloatware — a mechanism for intentional obsolescence. When my Applecare expires in October I’ll be running Elementary OS or Ubuntu on my 2013 MacBook Pro.
I’m done with both of the major OS platforms at this point.
“Descended into buggy bloatware”, also known as “returning to their pre-OSX roots.”
I was an apple, worked on apple IIe and macintosh during the 80s and, about 20 years ago, on powermac 8100 and g3, they were not cheap at all, yet definitely more stable and fast than win95 on a pentium II :)
I still own both machines.
then intel hardware turned any mac in a slow-hard-to-expand-and-maintain-too-expensive pc
osx is even worst: clumsy, slow and generally obsolete.
Mac Sucks
I’m using a Toshiba Satellite L740, and it totally outperform my Macbook.
P.S.: WTF APPLE??? 1.1 GHZ FOR $1499???
I didn’t know Steve and even if I did I don’t know that I’d be so rude as to say that he “sucked”. However, OS X is, in my opinion, the beggar’s OS. I have many Apple devices in my house, including a 2009 27″ iMac on which I run Windows. Its great hardware (mostly) but Mac OS X is a bucket of sh1t. I am more fond of OS X.
yeah you know I agree mac sucks I have windows 10 on my 7 year old IBM thinkCentre and it will out perform any Mac even new up to date Mac I just spent an hour with one of my fathers friends trying to get pics from her phone on a Mac and her mac froze and I was left with nothing so Macs do suck and for you Apple lovers buy a PC next cause macs totally suck and are over Priced and their osx is s**t.
coding on mac/pc for many years, I like the clean interface and quick access of mac, and many coding frame work are clearly favor mac, fewer commds, easier to install etc. only if Mac hardware aren’t completely garbage.
The none stop freezing and crashing are seemly mac exclusive, even you don’t install any intense software on it. all my projects are within 1G and I never did any computing heavy task as I never expect my macbook to be a power house, but this overpriced garbage still freezing none stop when I do mysqul workbench. oh~ and the require, if my PC having trouble, I know how to replace parts or find a quick turn around, when your mac retarded up, good luck, apple store took a week to give you an appointment and even longer to get it repaired by charging you a premium, I’m done with mac
What clean interface? Emacs is about the same whether you’re on MacOS, Windows, or Linux. Except on a Mac you can experience the pleasure of accidentally hitting Cmd-w (which crashes Emacs) instead of M-w.
I am so sick of password for this and that and for this
and this cloud piece of Cr@^ etc what a waste of over price trash……
Lol hilarious. 2009 article and as relevant as ever.
I used to be militantly anti-mac, but here’s the thing, I decided that getting so frustrated at people who are so ignorant as to not understand what they are saying is like picking a fight with a cripple. It’s not exactly what you’d call courageous but you’re guaranteed to win in every conceivable criteria.
I had to change my attitude, it was a difficult task but then I had this REVELATION..
Suddenly EVERYTHING they DO makes sense. Their drone supporters and their unlogical ramblings make sense. Apple’s bizarre and unethical actions make sense.
All the reasons why somebody might attempt to justify their overpriced versache bullshit are exatlty the same self-absorbed, piss poor arguments that mac drones lub to use.
Don’t hate on them because they’re stupid, its more that being intelligent has many many drawbacks, one being having to deal with the stupidity of people who are unaware of their own limitations.
Don’t get angry you’ll only be hurting yourself… just let them be, and ignore or walk away when they volunteer to demonstrate the depths of the own insanity.
both teams aren’t perfect. that is what i should say.
That’s not what you should say
The thing that drives me nuts is the awful keyboard. I’ve coded on Win and Linux for years. You barely ever use the super (Windows) key. In Mac the super (command key) is essential. One button shortcuts in Chrome (F12 for Dev mode) are now multi key (CMD + shift + i)
But the thing that really gets me on Win/Lin, ctrl + arrow skips to the next word. Making navigating and quick copy/pastes impossible on a Mac. You have to do alt + arrow and then switch to CMD+ x/c/v.
The only plus side I’ve noticed for developing on Mac are Transmit and Sequel Pro. And you can find open source (although not necessarily better) alternatives for those on Win/Lin.
I have to use a Mac at work and it’s slowly killing me.
Reading this on a macbook. these things are so fucking annoying, i love gaming but i can’t do s**t because I’ve got these edgy hipster piece of crap in my hands, it was born in starbucks, and now it dies in starbucks.
Too true
After buying my windows computer half a year ago, I was really pleased with what it could do. It was pretty expensive, but better than any Mac of the same price. Now, my school has Mac policy. It’s so depressing because I have to waste 800 dollars on a useless MacBook Air, when my Windows Computer could do everything Mac could do, but better.
a mac policy? thats the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard what school do you go to?
+fool-ha that’s funny, your name is fool and yet you talk to this kid like he is stupid, get a life dude seriously my old school had iPad policies, every school has their own policies so please stop embarrassing yourself
I agree
Our library is getting the front desk computers as Mac (El Capitan). To quote Zelda, “Joy!”
I use PC, and I know how to do some stuff with it, actually. Mac seems to designed for old people who need apps because their brains can’t wrap around the process of searching for a downloaded file, installing it, and possibly taking a risk that said file is virus-infected, but having the freedom to download this file without having to go to a “store” and buy it. An App is basically a shortcut to a program. Yea, ummm… I can make a shortcut to a program. And it won’t be required to be online to run (every smart device ever).
With a PC, I can run exe files, along with more common file extensions. Just recently with El Capitan, they FINALLY allowed doc and other mainstream files to open. Still totally hopeless for files like RPG Maker, which make new files, it tries to install instead of running, because every exe is an installer according to Mac/Linux systems. Now let’s talk about basic processes with Mac. Opening your Flash Drive. Nope, not easy. You have find it with viewfinder or whatever it’s called. Seems something handy like that would have a quick and easy shortcut right on the desktop, along with the MyComputer equivalent. Nope, both of them are well-hidden in a icon near the trashcan. Making shortcuts for stuff like drives (since everything is hidden)? Not easy either. First, you have to edit the mouse settings to have a right click, and then go to the dock (the MyComputer sorta thing), and kinda drag it over. When I tried this, it perma-moved this thing from the dock to the desktop. I wanted a copy not a move, thankyouverymuch. I try to move it back, and it doesn’t cooperate. I try to delete the shortcut, doesn’t take either (it is undeletable). I try everything from unpinning to moving to sending to. This is the routine for mac, obstructive programming, dumbing down the systems for people who don’t want or like flexible systems (and don’t understand how to use something that is non-App), and extreme user-unfriendliness. So I want to do… no you can’t.
Broke this up since one was too long. Let’s talk about why Apps are garbage. I have an android smartphone, oh I’m sorry, HAD. I tossed it out when non-closable programs began to drain the phone far more battery power No I don’t want to “sync” more apps. I want a phone that does calendar, calculator, and a few simple tools. Repeat, I said tools. Because that’s what they are, largely offline processes that do simple reminders or such. Not Apps. My dumbphone still has power 3 days later, and can set a calendar during an internet outage. My smartphone is draining itself dead within a day, and needs to be constantly tethered to a power cord. Programs in Windows 8 are size efficient. Apps in Windows 10 slow everything to a crawl, and Windows 10 frequently fails to load apps. They are glorified shortcuts for people who can’t make shortcuts, and think “wouldn’t it be better if we made all shortcuts interactive, updatable by internet, and more than half of them totally reliant on the internet.
Tell me again which of these is the smartphone? All of this stuff was offline before! Now it needs me to be on a 3G or 4G connection for the up-to-date exchange rate on my currency converter. Maybe I just need an estimate.
preach sister, I am a sister in software. I agree 1000 percent. I cannot believe people are willing to pay 1000+ for mediocre laptops that cannot run games. I have a Dell Alienware 13 and it cost 1200 USD and its MONSTER FAST and runs games. and thirty browser windows and ten applications at same time. I’m like you, too lazy to build my own machine, if you go to the alienware site and chat with the people you can usually get a discount– knock off a hundred off the price.
I use my Alienware for both games work and leisure and it is smoking fast. wouldve had to pay double for equivalent macpro
These are the cold facts about Mac and the only other reliable option Windows… Firstly when you buy a Mac your LITERALLY throwing your money in the trash and setting it on fire!The markup is blatant robbery and THEY try to convince you through clever marketing that someone how THEY ARE DOING YOU A FAVOR… it is actually infuriating that anyone buys apple products… next thing that is irritating about apple THEY HAVE LITERALLY NEVER INVENTED ANYTHING… they just borrow ideas and patents and software and hardware and literally everything except the plastic case and IMPOSSIBLE TO OPEN magnetic screws and their shitting grin of a logo… all of these marketing techniques are implemented to keep you ignorant and in the dark to what your actually buying. For example when you go buy a car do you only care about how it looks? NO that would be retarded you want to know if its safe and whats under the hood… and be able to ACTUALLY MAKE CHANGES TO THE PRODUCT WITHOUT HAVING TO COMPLETELY DISMANTLE IT TO ITS BARE BONES TO DO SO….AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THE MOST IMPORTANT… APPLE has convinced the public that a pc is ugly that you can’t have a pc that looks good that is complete horse s**t. if you spend 2 thousand dollars on a pc you get a better part in every category then you would when buying a mac… from the cooling to the processor the motherboard the GRAPHICS card literally every component in a Pc is competitively priced AND HERE IS THE KICKER… IF YOUR ONE OF THOSE FULL RETARD HACKS who is adamant about using Mac Os because and i quote ” i don’t want my computer to get viruses” firstly stop watching so much porn jared your embarrassing yourself and second pay the 40 dollars a year to get a good Antivirus and save 500 or more dollars when you actually buy your pc and still come out with a better overall piece of tech….What else…You cannot play triple A titles on a mac and a lot of titles dont even port to the OS and this reaaaaaally tickles my “PIST OFF BONE” if you buy a 1500 dollar macbook and literally only use it to check email and and send cat videos to your ignorant mac using friends THEN YOU SHOULD BE GUNNED DOWN IN THE STREET LIKE THE DEGENERATE YOU ARE because you have bought a 150 dollar Chrombook or literally anything under 300 dollars that would have done THE EXACT same things…………………………………………………….. SERIOUSLY HOW IS APPLE STILL RELEVANT…. if they brought a product of any kind to the table that was actually original or tried to be innovative in some other way I could forgive them… especially since the early ipods were actually pretty nifty……………….. I COULD GET PAST THAT IF THEY just stopped for 1 year at deceiving the public about what they are actually offering them….. #PC ELITIST FOR LIFE.
You don’t even need to pay anything for a decent antivirus program. I’ve been using the free version of Avast for the last few years and haven’t had a single virus
You dont even need an anti-virus at all, Mac computers are almost immune to viruses
i feel really bad because my parents are forcing me to buy A mac book pro when i really want to get a dino pc :(
Anton you should try super hard to convince them that 2 devices is the way to go get something ultra cheap for mobility like a chromebook or android tablet and save you money for a desktop computer if you talk to your parents rational and explain to them your intentions you might be able to convince them that firstly with the same amount of money i can get 2 systems that will cover all my needs that you can game on and use for other more demanding things like high resolution viewing or basic video editing. For example this producted would be perfect for school. Word document and web browsing:
And then build your own desktop – if a monitor and keyboard are hard to come by this might not be less expensive but you can easily build a very decent Pc for 800-1000 dollars try this site if you don’t know much about computer components:
If you have any questions at all that you can’t find a good video answer on youtube try checking tom’s hardware forums – I find their tips extremely helpful
Look my parents are from Asia so they are sort of wannabe techies but I was born in Asia but grre up in New York I can program in 22 languages I’m pretty much the only one who watches tech channels an YouTube and gets that small companies have the best potential like one plus but apple is s**t but my parents act like its the fucking president
For the same price as a Mac, you could get a PC running Window or Linux, that is fully customizable, and at least twice as powerful as the Mac.
At a computer store that sells stuff by its real value, I was able to get a decent computer for my dad for about $150. He upgraded it to Windows 10 and it works fairly well from what I see. Paying $2000 I could probably get a computer that would run games at full speed with pretty sweet graphics. If I knew what I was doing, shopping on NewEgg would basically get me an awesome gaming computer (I had some issues with assembling my own computer when it got to CPU and OS time, between glue melt and not having any OS). In comparison, I could shell out this same money to get something that had trouble opening most common files, wouldn’t rightclick, and did several really dumb things. And throw it out the window.
I have a mac and I con totally relate to this.
That typo must’ve been an error with your Mac keyobard
So what are you typing on Mr loling? “keyobard”
I like how this was posted in 2009, and since then most, if not all of the points stated are now irrelevant. Yet, people still agree and say it is accurate being Apple haters. I’ll tell you what, it’s been 7 years since this article was published and those that still think it’s accurate (most of you) obviously haven’t even used a Mac since then, otherwise you would understand how outdated and completely false this whole article is. I can disprove all points made here easily.
Actually I have the new 2000 dollar 2015 MacBook Pro. All of these are 100% still true and it took me three days just to get apple’s very own bootcamp to work. I had to go into administrator settings just to see my own user directory.
Get a Mac L’nzo!!!!!
It’s you who has yet use the new mac.
Mac sucks alot and if you still do not realize it, it’s either you sucks at using computer or u sucks alot
We are mac haters? Maybe there is a reason why they hate macs. All above points are correct. I go to the University School of Nashville, and here the administration supplies us with Macbook Pros 17″, if you choose not to buy a computer yourself. I am currently using one, (because why not get a free laptop) to write this Reply. I do agree that the alternative Windows 10 has a lot of bugs too, but it is easier to control. I personally don’t have “that big of a problem” for mac as I got this laptop for free, however I do agree that the problems stated in the original forum does bother me sometimes. Also, i’m sure that they are happy to call you an Apple Slave.
HAHAHA. Sorry though you said MAC was better.
*Sneeze Look *Sneeze At *Sneeze The *Sneeze Fucking *Sneeze Benchmarks *Sneeze A*****e
We have a new El Capitan Mac. It still has many of these problems. It is tolerable, but very much garbage when looking side by side against even a Windows XP. In fact, Windows copied the design of Mac for Windows 8 making it more like one of the iPhones. It sucked. Desktop works, stick with it.
God, why are you idiots still debating over this? People have something called “opinions” which allow one human being to be different from another, some people prefer Mac, and some prefer Windows, or Linux. It is simple, it is “Opinions”
I have a ipad air 2, I won from work. I have been using android since the dawn of the dinosaurs. I find it difficult to use, although people with iphones say it’s easy to use. I agree about the right click, but I can’t do even the simplest of things.
I wanted to delete the search history off this thing and couldn’t do that when I pulled up history. There was a book icon ti pull up ipad’s user guide, which subsequenty was no help after I typed in delete internet history, a pair of glasses and a @ symbol. Where do you go to delete the history?
Unlike android where you go to the play store and download apps. Apple wants your credit card information, PHI(protected health information), a blood sample and your first born child. All I wanted to do was download a free app for netflix and I had to go through this rigamarole. I don’t want to have my credit card in the cloud stratosphere and why should I have to give it to get a free app.
Signing up the ipad was a chore. It was so lengthy.
As a girl, I think I’m pretty savvy. I can figure out a great many things but apple products are not my forte. With apple there is really only one way to do things, where as my android has multiple dimensions. Maybe it will take me some time to get used to it but for now it seems like a one track pony.
Apple maps sucks. With all that money, they can’t do what Google has done to map the world using satellite technology?
I just don’t get its popularity. I mean it’s pretty……..(o )(o ) but that’s all I can really say about it.
Youre pretty fucking stupid if you cant figure out that you can control click to right click. But Macs do suck
control click requires the use of the other hand and as such an inconvenience,
some people right-click on one hand while the other hand is holding a cup of coffee.
There is right click… what are you talking about?
dude shut the f**k up seriously, my mac mouse can’t click right click when I click it, it sometimes works but it doesn’t work 87% of the time unless u have a trackpad
Although I was a PC user for whole life and developing in .NET and PHP using them and also playing games, I started development for iOS and bought a macbook pro because of this. From my personal experience I can say that both have pros and cons. So I will put my opinion here based on my experience:
PC cons:
-When working in Windows after 2 months, maybe less, of usage the machine is not same as before even if you clean your registry, garbage files and in general take care of your machine and look if “things” are running without knowing what they are.
-For PC laptop to play games decently you have to pay a lot of money also.
-Windows is more targeted to viruses through web and easier for someone to install something in your machine than mac and Unix based systems.
-Clean install of Windows means losing all your software installed and the process is not as easy as Mac, although not difficult.
-PC and laptops lose their price faster over time.
-Can’t install OSX on windows machine and run smoothly. To do so you have to know what to buy and still pay much money.
PC pros:
-Trying high end laptop was great experience with Visual Studio and nice to work on it.
-Playing games.
-Installing almost all kind of software.
-Visual Studio is an advantage by its own.
-The good thing for PCs is same like cooking. You know the ingredients you use. You can make an amazing machine that fits your needs and budget and sometime have many years of warranty for every part and can perform very highly.
-Upgrading is easy and costs less money.
Mac cons:
-Price too high and you don’t know what is inside. I bought mine from eBay for 1000$ (2015 13.3″ 256GB SSD)
-Never tried to play games on Macbook Pro so far.
-In the model I bought you can’t upgrade memory after. You buy it you are stuck with it.
-Xcode (IDE used for developing iOS and OSX apps) is nothing compared to Visual Studio and calculating the money this company made so far is s**t, although improving now.
-Low hard drive capacity. If you need it for photos movies and stuff external drive is necessary.
-Expensive replacements.
-I used a iMac 2011 and it was slow as hell.
-It’s Apple.
Mac pros:
-It is pleasant experience to use a macbook. Keyboard, Force Touch trackpad and screen are high quality. It is light and case also seems good quality.
-Retina display is amazing and to support it with so huge battery life means the hardware is not so shitty.
-Battery life is amazing.
-Very fast SDD. Everything starts and runs very fast and smoothly. Even Xcode, Photoshop and demanding software.
-Benchmarks and performance are very good for laptop.
-Although expensive they keep their value. After 2 years for example you can sell it back losing only 20-40% of initial price. Is not the same for most PC laptops.
-You can install Windows also and have great performance on them too.
My verdict:
If someone use his laptop for professional reasons macbook pro is a good option in my opinion. You can use it anywhere, is light and the battery will last enough.
If someone is normal user or gamer doesn’t make sense to pay so much money for a macbook instead of showing off.
This is all prety much true I asked some Mac fan boys about the firewire and they just changed the topic and babbled on about something else.
Yes I was told it is thaw most user friendly. Not even close.
Granted Im not all that good it things like this but I did not run into problems that should not even happen. I am having a problem with my iPhoto,The iPhoto Library is locked, on a locked disk, or you do not have permission to make changes to it. iPhoto can try to repair the permissions. Now this is the second time this happened and I am looking on line for the fix. I did take it to the apple store and the gent fixed in about two minutes. I see this happens a lot with others. How is it so hard to put the two min fix out here so we can get on with life. Reall is a piece.
Also I picked up a mac passport to back up everything. I was told to plug it in and it will lack up everything just that easy i said they said yes. BULL S**T I deleted 1700 pictures to free up some space after backing up by just plugging in. Well there not there lost them all.!!! thanks Apple for this wonderful piece of s**t that cost $2200.00 junk I cannot change again I cannot afford it.
Yeah, it sucks. Especially using Photoshop is sucking my balls.
i have had no troubles with my mac, it loads fast, and the Pages app is really good! And I know this isn’t the point but they’re beautiful compared to those small black rectangles others buy. The interior ans screen are smashed soon enough. First apple product to call my own and works like a charm!
Omg you are literally retarted. Windows and Linux pc’s can literally look however you want them to, by buying one that looks the way you freaking want it. You could even get a windows pc that looks exactly like a freaking mac.
I was a PC person for over 6 years and when I switched to Macs for a few months, I will never switch back to PC’s shitty =user interface, it maybe more functional and better features, but using a mac is overall better experience.
Hahaha, just wait for a year ot two. Your favorite piece of aluminum is going to fall apart. First OS, second hardware. Then you will return to PC. Mac is Mac and always will be. Expensive overrated and overpriced toy.
I’ve had my 13″ MacBook Pro for 4 years now and it hasn’t degraded in performance, and I run heavy use music production software on it daily, sooooo…..
You guys with failing Macs are doing something wrong.
No, my friend. I owned that white plastic laptop and it started to fall apart weeks after I got it. Almost every time when I listened to music, opened PDF files, etc. Finally, I returned this chef d’oeuvre and bought a PC. Never again. But if you love it, please go on.
You know that PC doesn’t have an interface right? Windows does, OSX does, Linux does. But not a PC because it is just hardware.
I can use tons of different desktop environments and spiffy fast with no viruses running Arch Linux *shrug*
better experience? Boy are u stupid? Cuz u clearly are mac is an overpriced garbage that can’t even run on a potato even my cheap camera runs better than this macshit that came from a bunny’s ass
I work in software. I will tell you why I will never pay for an apple computer.
1) Macbooks start at 1000. None of them, at any price, can run hard core video games! (because, crappy video cards) If I’m paying $$$$, I expect my computer rig to do it ALL
2) Hard to customize. Lets’ say I want to swap out parts. PCs, just watch a youtube video, order a twenty dollar part from amazon, done. Apple computer upgrades/repair= expensive/faraway trip to apple store.
3) 1000 dollar computer, only 128 gb hard drive?! I DON’T THINK SO. you need half of that just for your apps. one year of family photos, then you’re out of space. puh-leaze.
4) I actually have a friend who says “I want a mac because, they look stylish.” Cuz we should all buy computers because they’re shiny and cute. all show and no go. just sayin
Preach brotha
I got this laptop for free minus hard drive and it has a 232GB hard drive and 8GB ram
TL DR! Macs are better than PCs!
Shut yo trap b***h
How to express my thoughts on my macbook pro. Utter total s**t. By the 2nd year it began to fail on me, by the 3rd year its a slow ass mess that cant open s**t. I’ve had to erase and reboot the hardrive like 10 ten times, and the thing is as slow as a fucking snail. Did I mention it made me lose many of important files I needed for a project I’ve been working for 2 years. So done with Macs for good.
I now have a Macbook Pro. It cost about the same as a high end Del. I used to own Dell precisions.. had 3 of them. The Macbook Pro hangs about the same amount of time as the Dell’s, it does the same thing as the Dells, and honestly, I cannot find any real difference in using it to the Dell. It does feel nice to touch, and feel solid. It is no better than the dell Precision for the same price, not is it worse.
That’s totally untrue , please , any PC laptop that costs as much as a MacBook Pro has a hard core memory , an i7 chip , dedicated memory card and touchscreen. PLEASE . Who you kidding
The big reason to hate apple is because they exploit labour in 3rd World countries, and they don’t pay any taxes in any country essentially they exploit the world and its people and all they care about is making more and more money at the expense of everyone
I’m getting sick with this mac f***… I think everybody can use a OS he like, but in my company they brabbeling how nice mac is etc and if they don’t know how to do something they ask me (and I’m not use this s*it).. Can’t rightclick first I tought that they making fun…
Yeah but bralleling how cool this OS is and so on… I hate it. I don’t tell them everytime how bad and expensive it is – so they can leave me alone. I’m using Linux-Mint I’m happy with it – its not that restricted like mac os – its perfect for programming, why they try to change me on MAC? (Most annoying is no right-click AND OTHER Keyboard-shortcuts (CTRL & C) no way! you have to use (“APPLE” & C) annoying.
But they tell me, that windows and linux are bad, why they use this special shortcut? *it make me sick*
Man, i really want to dump my apple mac.
But ive been caught in the trap. One recall (they didnt tell me up front) then the HD packed up. (Small Ive now found out)
Ive now an apple with as Samsung HD!!! (works better!!) i am so bambuzzled by the filing system, seriously, whats great with apple mac? Apple mac is an expensive toy for the “wannabes” in the airport!!
somebody has to give me a good reason to to buy apple…. please come forth…ill listen, I promise. But make it good, cos my samsung may get upset!!!!
Man, just looking at the wannabees with Apple mac in the airport is my holy grail of anger, ive had nothing but problems with my “MAC”, and if an apple can get serious it would not be called “Mac” (Scottish serious, we fight for less!!) It would be called “loser with to much money” (LOTMs)
We Scots went to war for less against the English!!
Mr Jobs, im on your case!!! (In scotland we call “jobbies” s**t)
In ten years I have never gotten one virus on a mac…just saying. Also if you click anything with two fingers on the touchpad it works just like right click,…idk why people keep saying there is no way to right click
You may not get viruses but that’s because they don’t make as many for Mac. But the viruses they do are significantly nastier than other normal ones.
11. You need to download 5 GB (GIGABYTES, no physical media copy available) to be able to develop software for OS X or iOS.
I loaned my friend some money to buy a macbook pro because his got stolen some time ago, and quite honestly the only reason he is getting it is because he wants to seem more trendy and cool, and yeah he is under the idea that macs get less viruses…
The fact is MAC exploited the market. They convinced hoopleheads that the MAC was a better system by putting money into advertising. Now I have a boss with no understanding of managing IT infrastructure, but wants the easy votes by buying supposedly flash hardware for our users.
Guess who gets stuck with managing these shitbag laptops that dont integrate properly with windows?
Guess who gets stuck with the bill for parrallels software to run the goddam windows systems we need?
I’m constantly hear the same nonsense about the superior performance of MAC laptops too. What a joke.
F**k Apple. F**k John Lennon for coming up with the name. F**k Steve Jobs for his carpet-bagging. Oh, and f**k the Taliban.
“I have a boss with no understanding of managing IT infrastructure”
That is why you have a job, stop crying.
I have an apple mac pro here for repair. It has a flashing folder on a white screen. Took the hard disk out of this very expensive machine and find its the cheapest Seagate drive available, seen this in a few apple computers. Took a look at the ram and thats from a cheap manufacturer also. Any how, the drive is goosed but worse than that the sata cable connecting hte drive is also goosed. Been repairing and building PC’s for 20 years and never seen a cable just break without first being abused by an incompetent, but this cable by by its own accord has broken. The case is a fine piece of work and has to be the most expensive part of the machine.
I looked this up when I googleyed “mac just sucks for the rest of the world” after hackintoshing thru several OS X versions, and not really knowing why, I concluded, what a big marketing POS. Truely, and not to offend, The people I know that did shell out for the prime Mac Pro 10 years ago, Live in denial. In the same time span, you could have replaced your PC at least every 2 years. IF you were stuck on SL, you were also stuck with that era’s graphics card choices. If you could upgrade OS-X, then your old Graphics choice was probably now unsupported. Ridiculous. AND honest to god, this guy is still right. Mention OS-X is just Linux and they will start talking about who knows what. And a broken XNU linux too, :p . I guess I do what I do with OS X because they say I cant. And its some small bit of pride running OS X el capitan on an amd 64 x2 from 2008 when the real mac pro can’t. bwahaha
The reason Mac sells so well is because the average office user is a dumbass. They goof off watching funny videos (and porn) from sketchy sites, don’t bother with even the most basic security measures, and then break the computer and wonder why. “Mac doesn’t have any viruses.” Yeah, duh. Because it runs on alien file extensions. Not because it is more secure. IE gets more viruses than Firefox, because everyone knows how to use (and exploit, in hacker’s case) the thing.
shut the f**k up samantha you sexist dumbass, it’s not just guys that watch porn u idiot, it’s girls as well, look up novapatra and you will feel stupid for saying it’s just guys, and it’s not the reason why mac sells so well, people also buy it for gaming, and other s**t, so please keep your sexist opinions to yourself thank you very much
Great article, majority of the points if not all points use facts to support the content.
The number one thing about apple products I dont understand is the price, the pricing is just ridiculous and for something that has no compatibility.
I dont see how the company is doing so well, would figure people would avoid them like the plague due to cost alone.
Don’t forget, if you’re in IT and have to deal with ANY issues with these overpriced, under-powered, POS’s, you’re up a creek. Been battling this junk hardware and even worse software…F*ckin’ things don’t even want to talk to each other in an office network environment. Open Directory is a complete joke, file structure is the most convoluted, ridiculous system I’ve ever seen. Oh, and if you try to “Google” a topic for help on your issues…good luck. Everyone has about 4 different ways to “fix” (always just a workaround with OS X) it…and it can ONLY be done via “Terminal” because hey, why would you want to just click, or right click on something to get what you want. Much easier to have to learn an entire vocabulary of commands. Screw Apple and screw OS X.
I agree the other problem with mac a new program comes out sorry it only works on 10.10 and later wtf I got a mac book and apple says it cant take windows 10 they were wrong it was perfect and fast but it can’t take a newer mac os because it’s 32 bit and cant play brilliant blueray dts like windows windows is much better you can run anything of it longs you don’t install crapy tool bars they hide in terms and conditions and regular cleanups windows is fine you can even load windows 10 on a cheap core2 duo like I did with hackingtosh and windows I fixed a few macs they can get viruses I did this deliberate to see how robust it was but wasn’t it corrupted
Macs are way overpriced and just boring to use
Macs are stupid. They ardley print
I forgot my PC and borrowed my son’s MAC. Everything Jerry describes in the article I experienced. I was astonished at how complicated the MAC was and what a relief it was to get back to Windows. Honestly, I was shocked. I used to use a MAC back in the early 90s (remember the SE?) and was kind of excited about trying it again. I don’t know what else to say.
when they try to sell you one of these over priced machines, they say their software is simple… and for the price of the computer I could buy a great windows laptop, or even a spec monster of a cabinet with all of the best additions. This is how apple makes money over price their hardware, it is absolute garbage, Sadly I am forced to have one of these “great Machines” Id much rather get one of the new razors, or just a good PC laptop in general.
I agree Mac has many problems but Windows is a fading technology and apple a premium one. I wish windows were half as good but unfortunately there is no comparison. Apple suck, but The PC alternative is ridiculously shittier
Macs are sold just like if they were art pieces. I always thought they are only empty, useless and well-cut (so expensive) flat alluminium boxes.
Apple wants to be the Mercedes of computers. If you want one you need to spend 3 times to buy one. Unfortunately windows is the fading technology And apple has become the premium brand for everyone. I agree that Apple suck a hundred times over, it’s just unfortunate the window suck 1000 times more
Windows is the fading technology? Open your eyes, dude! Just look at the OS market share. Do you have any questions? Sure you don’t. OS X – 9,03% (2016). The rest is (with little exceptions) Windows.
hahaha u people hate macs because they are expensive??? its like hating Ferrari for being expensive. Sure u can make a GTR much faster on a track than a Ferrari with a fraction of money!!!
morons… idiots will be idiots :p
Mmmmmm… Ferrari=Apple? Please, don’t compare them. I do know what Ferrari is all about (drove them). First class engine, first class electronics, first class leather, Formula 1 technology, etc. But that was about Ferrari only (let alone Bugatti cars). Not about Apple products.
I hate Mac for being so cheap. I wanted to build this $50 000 computer pcpartpicker.com/p/gyC3vK but Mac only peaked at $21 000. Too cheap for me. I want to waste more money.
Sarcasm aside.
One major selling point of windows is the versatility. You can dedicate as much as you want to it to fit your budget. Not only that, it’s been proven you can save hundreds building your own computer while also outperforming the Mac. Rich or poor the PC caters for all.
you’r dumb.
macs are not ferrari,
take ultrabooks – macbook air and dell xps 13.
both similar priced, computational specs.
dell xps 13 slightly cheaper and lighter.
both metal chasis exterior.
dell gives you 1920 x 1080p matted IPS panel
whereas your so-called premium ultrabook mini
gives your ??? x 900p cheap-ASS TN panel.
cheap panels does not equal FERRARI.
get your facts right.
true idiots will be idiots
and isheeps will be isheeps
and we know who the real idiots are… baaa…baaa,,. baaa… (sheep calls)
without a master-herder like jobs, all isheeps wanders aimelessly.
Haha self entitled Mac-douche. For far less than the price of your crappy underpowered Mac, I can get a way better desktop, and a way superior laptop.
macs are OVERPRICED. Yes, if it’s a good product, the expensiveness will be worth it…but for a Mac…it’s wayyyyy too overpriced for such a crappy product. Ferrari, on the other hand, is expensive but the product is actually GOOD.
…macs are crappy and overpriced/expensive…Ferraris are good and expensive, not overpriced. And we don’t JUST hate Macs because they’re overpriced.
That’s the thing. Mac isn’t a Ferrari. It’s a Honda civic painted with a thing layer of gold. It’s looks great, they advertise it to the fullest, but when you look at the hardware specs you realize how crap it is. $1,000 gets you a Dual core 1.5 ghz cpu. With $1000 I could get you an UNLOCKED 3.5 ghz cpu. Not to mention their graphics card is total garbage, 8gb of RAM.. With $1000 you can get 16gb of RAM and a GTX 960. Totally ridiculous. Normal computer companies scam it’s people for the most part, by selling a pc for $1000 with $450-$550 material inside but Apple sells their stuff for $1000 with $250-$350 material. Disgusting. And that’s just their cheapest Mac! Being an enthusiast pc builder, I can tell you that Mac is just a huge scam.
Expensive would not be a problem if they worked my old pc did much more than i can do on this expensive piece of s**t
Apple sucks they sucks i buy and iphone 6s and they send me and iphone 4
Well, I just bought an Alienware 13 today, which is probably overpriced compared to other gaming PCs, but I like Dell so why not. I got the following: core i7 6500U 2.5 gh/nvidia GTX 960M with 4 gb graphics card/16 gb RAM/ 500 GB hybrid hard drive. This all cost $1200. (Prob would’ve been less if i built it myself, but well I was lazy) I then went to the Apple website, the equivalent Macbook Pro was $2200, that’s Without the graphics card. I started snickering. Keep drinking da cool aid Apple Fanboys
where did you buy the alienware?
I’ve always built my own PC’s and they will blow the doors off of any Mac I’ve ever seen. I have a youtube video of a laptop I built that boots from dead off to a Windows desktop in 3 seconds. A Mac will never touch that. I do own a Macbook Pro. I had to buy it because even though you can develop iOS apps on a PC, you HAVE to use a Mac to upload them to the Apple store. The is the only reason I have a Mac, and the primary reason why I hate Apple. Other than that, you can’t do a damn useful thing on a Mac.
I totally agree with everything that this article points out wrong about macs.I currently am stuck with this piece of Sh*t because my school said “oh look we can get these 11′ laptops for 900 dollars instead of these ridiculously over priced 500 dollar 17′ computers!”.And i dont have anotehr computer to use.THANKS SCHOOLS!!
Ok, it’s my turn to say a word. Got 2 PCs – Dell desktop with Ubuntu and Asus laptop with Windows 8.1 (waiting for 10 now). I’ve got Apple TV3 and iPod Touch 6. So to speak, I’ve only bought reasonably priced Apple products. I will never buy an iPhone or MacBook (I owned corporate iPhone and MacBook once upon a time). I know that abovementioned gadgets are ABSOLUTELY overhyped and overpriced and once again – I will never spend a penny to buy them. I’m not an Apple hater I just know that if you spend your money you should spend them understanding what you’re going to buy.
apple fanboys do not understand. I asked a few apple fanboy people, what components does your macbook have, they couldn’t answer, yet kept insisting how great their Crapple was. ANY PERSON who has the SLIGHTEST clue about computer parts, would never pay for a Crapple.
Oh, I feel sorry for them. They’re nothing more than victims of aggressive marketing. Hope they will switch on their brains one of these days.
The SSD drive macs have are not all that good, they are like experimental hard-drive and are not good for storing data.They act like “batteries” and loose data over time, new and crappy stuff.Macs are for brainless idiots, it hurts my brain, and not only do I loose all ration when I hear about “APPLE BEING THE BEST COMPUTERS IN THE WORLD” AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.Yeah..for like the 80″s.I bought a laptop almost 2 yers ago and it cost about 550 @, the specs are 8 gb Ram i5 3,2 Gh ,1 GB Nvidia card(I wanted a low video card to “get” through college without playing games al lthe game).And at least I have a freaking video card and a 500 gb memory(also cuz I don”t want to play games all day long).While at about 1000 dollars a apple doesn”t have any dedicated video card, and a I5 with “barely” a 2,4 ghz processor.At a minimum of 1000 DOLLARS !!! With those money I would buy i7 with 3,2 ghz(and better if there is), 1 TB, 16 gb Ram, and a 2gb video card, and DEDICATED!!!!, if you want something strong for gaming, programming,digital art, you buy Lenovo, Asus, even Dell or whatever..but not Apple.It would be a sin for gaming
Like you, i wanna puke when people brag about apple products. apple computers are just overpriced and ridiculous. 2000 dollars, can’t run a game properly?! wtf. iphones cost 500 have only 16 gb of memory?! I have had both macbooks and iphones, and never again I will use either. BS products for idiots.
Why I like PCs:
There is a workstation I want. It is made by HP. In short, it has:
* 2 Xeon E5-2699 (that’s 36 compute cores)
* 4 NVIDIA GTX Titan X Graphics Cards (that’s 48 GB dedicated to graphics processing)
* 256GB DDR4 2133 ECC RAM
* 1TB Samsung 850 Pro SSD (Primary)
* 2.0TB Intel P3700 PCIe SSD (Secondary)
It costs $32,000.
This is not a Mac. A Mac can’t be this.
This is a PC. This represents what a PC is to me. It represents what is possible.
This hardware represents a fraction of what Windows can handle.
It will crash. it will hang. Updating drivers may be challenging. But when it’s running?
Jesus wept…
P.S. Linux works, too.
I’m a mac.
And I’m a pc.
and im steeeeeeeeeeeve
[mac and steeve start making out]
PC: Woah, you two sure know how t-[CRASH]
Well it crashes that easily just because you mac fanboys are too stupid to use a REAL computer…. BY THE WAY, mac and steeve make out?… I KNEW IT mac is for homosexuals ROFL… AND OH YEAH, at least the pc crashes when it’s talking, your futuristic disposable garbage freezes WHEN USING SOFTWARE AS YOU WOULD USUALLY DO!!! AREN’T MACS SO STABLE AND GREAT!!? And yes, i’ve used fagpple’s pseudo-computers before.
PS No offense to normal people who own macs, this was only aimed at ignorant, retarded, elitist, brainwashed ISHEEP pseudo-hipster zombies.
Agree 99999999999999999% with you folks
Mac is SUPER DUPER SUCKS. Exactly, their osx
If i where you, if i won a macbook, I’ll burn away like “macbook destruction video” on YouTube and enjoy the show, i want to do that coz i never experience it in real life.
And, one more fact
“Macbook” in Indonesian language means “drunk”
first of all, study english. WERE*. Next, mabuk is drunk. not macbook. I really don’t know what language you are using in your life. And finally, if I got macbook as a present and don’t like it, i’ll sell them away and get money. Only stupid people like you will do destruction and causes fucking haze which then affects other countries. Selfish prick
I’m not particularly an Apple fan, however, I use Apple/Android and MS products due to the fact that one of my MLS vendors only support windows while electronic keys is provided by some idiots who only supports windows and android phones!! Apple does suck, nevertheless: Apple sucks less, Linux sucks the least while MS still sucks, even with windows 10 which I use extensively throughout my work day. We need a unified standard to protect consumers from big corporate BS of blocking one another for the sake of profitability and killing the competition. Call me crazy but they all suck.
Solaris ^_^
I don’t understand why people are always foolish enough to update their Apple device’s firmware,
Because new firmware by Apple always sucked ,
It only shows an worsen the performance as well as taking more space due to worthless built in softwares such as airdrop,( could have just download a third party software with similar capabilities ) ( stupid Apple developers ruined ifunbox via iOS 8.3) that’s when I started hating Apple.
I usually dont pitch in for these debates, but I guess being a macbook air user, I would toss in my two cents. I code a lot, for a 16:10 ratio, I like this screen better than any other 13 inch. Macs are durable, I have dropped mine so many times and it goes on like I didnt drop it at all. Have I used windows ? Sure, the clickiness of it all makes me nauseous. Did I use Linux? of course, I have arch and ubuntu it installed on a partition on this very machine. Apple has got its engineering right folks – it has a rugged laptop standing 12 hours of charge. Windows machines do not have the same level of engineering. Apple may be overpriced in iPhones, or macbook pros, but macbook air, I can assure you for any serious programmer it is a great laptop.
PS – I know the missing control key on keyboard can be a pain if you are emacs user, but I use vim so thats a non issue.
just create your own laptop with the firmware you want (yes i know hackintosh is not compatible with everything) just look up any tutorial online and well more for your money and well battery wise just get one hella large battery and it will run fine and will probs be cheaper i never did anything with creating laptops but u know its better to create your own than buy somethin overpriced (pls dont judge my grammar if ur a grammar nazi hav mercy)
Well my PC does Mac OSX as well as Windows and Linux. It cost me a LOT less than an equivalent MAC and guess what ? It runs OSX better than an equivalent Mac. You do realise that Macs are just PC’s using basically the same parts that you can buy off of a shelf at a computer store with the difference being Apple charges you more because they put it in a shiny case with an Apple logo ?. Windows is a better all round OS that OSX has quite a way to catch up. The finder is possibly the worst file manager I have EVER used (and I’ve used a few on various computers/OSes).
As my school district is run by hateful b******s, they spent probably a million-ish buying MacBook Airs. For five large high schools. Because they hate people. They even made the system worse than I thought possible, because school restrictions are SO MUCH FUN. I can’t even do the /Users/[USER]/Library/Application manual entry, so my efforts to download a Minecraft challenge map were a dismal failure. Even worse, and this is just highway robbery, they don’t make replacement parts. No surplus, no anything. I accidentally broke a milligram of plastic off of one of the arrow keycaps, and thus rendering it unable to stay on. It cost $400 to replace the keyboard. Instead of having, oh, EXTRAS OF A KEY THAT APPEARS TWICE ON THE KEYBOARD, I had to pay the worst price-to-manufacturing-cost EVER.
Ever notice how MacBook sheeps have absolutely no idea what specs their wonderful MacBooks have yet carp on and on about great they are ? If you think it’s acceptable to pay 1000 bucks for a laptop with only an i5 chip and 128 gb hard drive then you are a moron. At 1500 dollars which is the average price for a MacBook I would expect touchscreen, at least 500 gb hard drive , and a graphics card with dedicated memory. Admit it MacBook users , you like them because they’re shiny and pretty and fun to show off at Starbucks .
A SSD is different from a hard drive.. just admit you’re too poor to afford one so you’re butthurt
you’re a moron. I would never buy a Crapple. No matter how much money I had. If i wanted to spend 10K on a computer I would get a PC that would eat every Mac for breakfast.
THANK YOU! This article is spot on! Macs are over priced trash. People always complain about their computers being rife with viruses on pc. If you don’t understand how to maintain a computer and not download everything you stumble across on the internet, then yes, there will be viruses. Otherwise, you get a pc and they last and work fine. Macs are dumbing down the computer market and keeping people away from their responsibility to actually understand how computers work.
my first GUI computer was a mac back some 30 years ago,and it was amazing,well anything was better that DOS. but I havent touch a mac for 30 years until a few weeks ago when I got 4 G4s and one G5 for free(which is all they are worth to me).Once you get over the build quality you realize they are just expensive eye candy.Keyboard cable too short, no right click, I had to go on the internet like a retard and ask how do you open the cd tray.
only 2 usb and one of them is used by the keyboard/mouse. and two of the g4 didnt even have a mic input, I have never in my life seen a computer without a mic input,and all the g4 have the usb and headphone jacks in the back-very inconvienent.But the biggest problem is the freeware, I only found blender, wavepad and audacity for mac and only audacity works on a few of the macs, on the others i had to install a basic mini version, also when you launch audacity, and quit it you have to reboot the computer to launch it again!! So i said screwit Ill install linux , no good, macs dont allow that!
so what possible purpose do these computers serve?? I can go to any garage sale resale shop and for $20 buy a junk dell or hp and fill it up wit all the freeware i can download with no problem.I think these macs are like expensive sports cars, yes,they look cool but after a while you realize, they gave poor gas mileage, no trunk space they ride bad, your insurance is throw the roof, and every cop with a radar gun and car thief is following you.Ill just scrap these macs for the aluminum, at least Ill get some good out of them!!!
bought a macbook for school. it’s light and has long battery life. i’m not going to pretend i know a lot about computers, but i also have an acer laptop which was just as expensive but is heavy and only lasts a few hours. as a student, macbooks are actually a good choice if you don’t do anything too complex.
If you’re not doing anything complex…you realize you could’ve just gotten a $350 Acer/Asus that would’ve done everything you needed, instead of a $1000 Macbook Air. just saying
why i hate sheepboys, they called windows bloated, yada, yada, etc.
Yet, when they recommend someone a mac, they’ll always say – make sure you get 8gb ram or more, because yosemite sucks memory.
meanwhile all windows pc were running fine with 4gb ram, everybody knows that. lean and mean.
Lol, I’m not even a big fan of macs, but you are lying to yourself if you think windows has better memory management.
Apple has taken advantage of the fact that processing is far less time consuming than reading from a hard drive or even ssd. As such apple compress their memory. I’ve had 16 gigabytes of data stored in memory, with only 8gb of ram.
Windows doesn’t have a feature like this. It just creates a paging file once you hits it limits.
There are a lot of things to hate about macs, but they are leading ram management by far.
just gonna reply to james since theres no option to reply to him so “windows has no option like this……” have you ever heard of the “internet” m8? no you live in the umm…. ,medieval or somethin no have you ever used windows? probably not enough to undertstand the 3rd party programs please learn something before isheeping you ass off
I get so annoyed when people tell me ‘Macs are better’.
it’s okay, next time ask them what components their macs have, and enjoy the engulfing silence.
Right click works in minecraft at least (the default mouse has some shitty ball and just left click and some strange side buttons which seem useless)
Nothing against your comment except one thing, Minecraft.
This is funny. I just bought a Mac 2 months ago, and i love it. My windows that i bought in 09 fucking sucked. It has so many viruses and i was tired of getting it fixed every year. My husband also has a Macbook from 09 and it still works like the first day he got it! Sorry, but this article sucks. You are worse than a child trying to prove why xb1 is better than ps4. Its all in what you want. Macbook also has a right click on the touchpad its called two fingers..hmm thats not so hard huh? if you want to go to a previous page you swipe right…omgggg..so difficult. Windows is stupid, so many fuckin updates every time you log on.RIDICULOUS. never will i ever spend $400 on a computer that does more but still is shitty… XD my $1200 was well spent. I guarantee you, you will not have your windows computer 6 years from now. lol. probably not even 3 years! Just say you can’t afford it. If you could you’d be talking about a computer you built yourself vs a Macbook. rofl!
In response the user named “She”. You are exactly the sort of person who Mac want you to buy their products. Frankly I think you don’t have a deep enough understandings of technology, micro electronics, advertising and marketing to pass a valid comment on Mac vs Pc is better than an equivalent priced PC. Let’s face facts here. You bought a Mac because you thought it was a “cool” object and maybe you thought it was “pretty”. Do you go to coffee shops to show it off too! … It is OK. Have fun with your toy. Hope it was worth all that money. I can be sure if your using a Mac or a PC you personally will not be doing anything life changing with it. Your points are useless. Its not that others can’t afford Mac products its that there are far superior options to choose. Don’t be a sheep. Do your homework next time.
Funny thing, i bought my first computer 11 years ago. It was windows Xp. It is faster then any mac i have used and is still a gem, it will never go down. My brother, bought his mac 5 years ago he’s been looking for the right time to buy a windows computer a year after he bought the mac also known as an overpriced piece of crap.
Ok so they just gave you 10 reasons that mac is literally the worst computer available and you still think mac is good. You must have used your windows computer only for downloading viruses. And the UI is soooo bad like literally right when you get used to using a mac they update it and make it completely different so you have no clue how to do anything on your computer. Also you obviously haven’t used a windows computer since 2009 so maybe you just need to take a break from mac because OS X is a computer virus.
These are the mac fanboys I love. They trash talk the cheap $400 PC they bought and then compare it to a $1200 mac….
If you spent your $1200 on a PC, it would put your $1200 mac to shame.
How is this logical in your mind? You cannot compare two entirely different priced computers complaining that the cheap one is not up to par.
This just proves you did not shop for specs and you bought that mac to feel cool.
Did you ever buy anti-virus and install it on your PC? I always do and yes virus can leak through from time to tome but I always get rid of them myself.
okay then what components does it have?
windows 10 is free…
Pcs are just as expensive if you’re doing higher end things like gaming. Macs dont have all the useless stuff like blu-rays and the likes now, oh thats because it’s a dying media. Everything is cloud/thumb drive/digital based now. If i wanted to watch a blu-ray ill get a blu-ray player or better yet just watch it on a console. It’s really cute that PC users still bash mac even though they can do windows and OS X, but last time a friend tried to do OS X on his PC it sucked so bad that he couldn’t do it. Enjoy paying for windows 10 in a year or 2
Duh. You just disproved your point. You can by a faster better machine that plays high end games for the same price or less than your HIPSTER Mac. So why are you bashing pc’s . Don’t justify an oxymoronic point. Its like saying. I’m going to paint my house. This paint is better and drys faster. But I’ll go for the more expensive kind as its in a pretty tin. And I’ll wait longer for it to dry….. Don’t be a sheep do your homework please. Especially if your trying to justify why you bought a Mac.
windows 10 was free and came out 2 months ago. Can’t quite understand your logic about OSX but ok.
my $60 pc disagrees with you
Mac is not good. Agree with the author who wrote this page. I feel that they are only good at making stuff really expensive, suing you to buy it using advertisement or stuff in youtube. In fact, that’s the way apple works – I used to think iPhones are good but they turned out having such a small storage (for an unreasonable price) and those phones are using up battery so quickly. Even those apps ain’t that good and things are simply _expensive_. I’m disappointed with it.
One point to know is that I like the part that macs can switch screen and have several features to multitask.
100% agreed.
I really regret buying a Macbook Pro. I thought it was a good choice at the time (I don’t know why), but after using it for a year, I can definitely say that I’ve changed my mind. The best thing this piece of crap can do is crash and freeze all the goddamn time. You could probably get something better for less than half the price.
Wow I wonder how much viruses you must of download.
Agree 10000000%. I have a Mack pro. I was stupid enough to buy of these things.
Have been trying to find a corporate accounting program. Nope can’r get one. Only account online. I’ll be damn if I want to expose my corporate finance on line.
Then I bought the most expensive Architectural program.h a joke that is. Can’t handle 1/.2 of the functions.Then there is all the sites I am using in my business sensitive information with US and canadian Gov. Nope Not comparable. They simply don’t trust Mack. Then I have a sophisticated tracing program that record and send information back to us regarding Equipment performance and condition so we know when something is malfunctioning before the equipment breaks down. NOPE can’t handle it.
Then there is the so called. Spreadsheet???? what a joke that id. Word processing program??? total garbage. Mack will NEVER se another dime from this company. It is total junk garbage and all it is good for is an anchor.
You are an idiot. You can freaking turn on right click for apple mouse in the settings!
Right, the person who wrote an article on MacBooks 6 years ago, is an idiot, for saying they had no right click, and you, six years later, pointing out this setting, are not the idiot?
I bought a macbook air 1.5 year ago and moved from Linux to OSX. It felt good for some time but now i really miss my Linux where everything was up to me. My OSX got really slow and i can’t just reinstall it because i have only 128GB storage, i need to back it up to somewhere before reinstalling. I decided to buy a really powerful machine for nearly same price with my MBA and go back to Linux. I think OSX have nothing superior to Linux besides iOS development which you can do with a virtual machine once you have better hardware. I moved to OSX believing it was good for both designers and developers, now i believe it’s only good for designers.
hehe this is all you isheeps can do on you mac is defend it as in tell everybody that no i didn’t just waste my money on a degraded potato. mean while i just brought a pc equivalent and a car instead
I’ve been using macs since the 80s (and still do) and it’s very simple: macs used to be a niche market that relied on quality and sustained itself on a small, high-paying customer base.
As they went mainstream they started to focus on marketing that image while reducing costs, leading to the travesty that they are today: a computer for the uneducated masses that are too afraid to actually analyze their needs and get the right tool for the job. They rely on narcissism, vanity, fear and ignorance.
If you’re a mac user *and* a mac “fan”, consider your life views, your computer is not the problem, but there’s a certain company capitalizing on your messed up personality.
@Joanna, this is just beautiful. Perfectly sums up what I was thinking for the past few years.
Seriously, none of the people at our company can actually describe why they prefer to use mac. Apart from the ever so stupid “it just works”.. Agh! Everything f$#@&ing does!
agree 100%. No apple fanboy actually knows why his machine is “better”. Macs are for “basic betches”. You can always build a PC for half the money. People who have problems with PC, are idiots who don’t know how to use computers. I have never ever had a problem with PCs. It’s quite simple, don’t watch porn and torrent all ay long.
Has anyone ever looked in the preferences on Ubuntu and Linux Mint,etc? They look exactly the fucking same. So to everyone complaining on how it takes extra clicks to do things, take a look at you preferences. Ever try changing a setting with the windows control panel in the default view with the categories? It is extremely difficult. I also have a late 2006 iMac that runs extremely well to this day. I used MLpostfactor to bring it up to 10.8. Still gets security updates. That is over 9 years of use, and it still runs good. I am typing this on a Late 2013 13″ Macbook Pro. Also, to the idiots that think you can’t run any windows software on a Mac, look up these word-are you ready- Boot Camp. You can run windows. Typical windows users- afraid to try something new.
Really? That’s your answer? Run Windows? Why the hell would I waste $2500 on a mac if what I need is a PC?
Well my PC does Mac OSX as well as Windows and Linux. It cost me a LOT less than an equivalent MAC and guess what ? It runs OSX better than an equivalent Mac. You do realise that Macs are just PC’s using basically the same parts that you can buy off of a shelf at a computer store with the difference being Apple charges you more because they put it in a shiny case with an Apple logo ?. Windows is a better all round OS than OSX which has quite a way to catch up. The finder is possibly the worst file manager I have EVER used (and I’ve used a few on various computers/OSes).
I am curious about Ubuntu. Is it compatible with most things out there? I mean the other day a bunch of us in a group were getting an on line presentation and the only two that couldn’t get it to work were the two using Macs. I wouldn’t want to be in that situation with Ubuntu.
It’s been 2 months since I killed my ASUS laptop with water, so I’m using a 2008 MacBook 5.1, borrowed from work until I can be bothered to buy something decent. Immediately I had to upgrade the RAM, from 2GB to 8GB to make this $2000 (when new) machine able to open more than 5 tabs in Chrome or any browser without hanging all the time. What a ripoff this was when new!
The desktop orientation is terrible, with USB drives, newly saved files, etc automatically positioned on the right hand side of screen, which might make sense for people who’s native language is written right to left, as it is for Arabic, Hebrew, etc, but Apple is an American company, so this is stupid.
The Dock is poorly organised and inferior to all versions of Windows. It should take up a whole line, not be centred and have screen space either side of it, and there should be an indication of which programs (including windows) are open, and which program is the current active program. I believe Windows have gone a bit downhill with the taskbar design since Vista, with the shortcut icons displayed that can sit in between active applications, but at least it’s possible to customise it to work as it did in XP, which was a much cleaner way of displaying everything.
The whole resizing of windows options are simply pathetic. I want to be able to maximise a program I am using to take up all available screen space, but I still want to see the menu bar, with the time, and the dock (no matter how shitty it is), but that is no simple task. Often you just have to manually resize windows, which is slow and pathetic.
But honestly, the biggest problem I have is the keyboard, which is inadequate and slows my productivity even for basic word processing.
The key functions, keyboard layout and keys that were left out,because some idiot thought simplicity is cool is frustrating.
Here are the problems in detail:
1. Fn key in a prominent position at the bottom left when it’s hardly used – stupid
2. Command key is poorly positioned next to the keyboard, requiring some RSI inducing hand movements for many shortcuts.
Command Up/Down to adjust volume in VLC is awkward, but not as bad as Command X and some others.
3. Home/End keys missing. Yeah I know the shortcut and it’s not hard for just moving the cursor, but sometimes when the cursor is in the middle of a line of text I want to highlight to either the beginning or end of the line to copy/cut/delete/etc. Just try doing that one handed and tell me how natural it feels!
And if you connect an external keyboard with the Home/End keys, pressing them will take you to the top/bottom of the screen, which is just idiotic.
4. Enter (return) does not open selected files, but gives you the option to rename.
Which idiot thought renaming files would be more common than wanting to open a file?
MAC OS X & now MAC OS have a simple design, but that doesn’t make them user friendly, unless you conform to their way of thinking, which I won’t.
Just reading this because I have nothing to do since I’m not home ATM. This review is pretty comical. Asides from that, it sounds like its written by someone who’d never bothered to try a mac. So naturally you can’t expect anything. @JP, who’s review you can read by scrolling down, you are clearly an idiot in terms of computers in general. In multiple years of using PCs you still do not know how to protect one properly, thus adware, viruses, etc. I too think windows looks worse so thats all right and I respect your opinion, but would it kill you to not be a total ass about it? Maybe you have a good mac model so you can actually run programs, but if you compare it to what you can buy at the same price, just, no comment. (While doing research for a friend I found out you can literally get a PC for half the price as a MBP which is nearly double the performance) As to the PCs are stoneage machines part and your opinion on gaming, please, try to run ANY new game that is graphically demanding(GTA V, Witcher, etc.), and not limited to MOBAs like lol and dota. And if you think PCs are slower than macs, clearly you haven’t heard of gaming laptops, or the concept of building your own desktop PC, and just spent your “years of experience” with crappy 13″ HPs which still use the intel centrino cores. Can’t decide which is more laughable, the original article, your review, or the fact that I’m wasting my time here.
Absolute truth!!!!
srsly pc elitests kys
1. Just outrageously stereotypical and makes yourself sound not bright.
2. My personal opinion is the prices are worth it, as I have 1999 Macs that still run great. Not to add the look of the machine is nice and worth it.
3.They are an independent company that can do as they please, and you don’t have to buy them. DVI models went out a while ago and they use mini display ports and HDMI output.
4. The reason it is so similar to Linux is the fact both are UNIX-based OSs, something a person running a windows knows nothing about.
5. There is a right click, it’s click with two fingers, or you can change that in settings.
6. All of these probelms can be changed with system setting or the user not being an idiot. Of course one still has to get used to the OS
7. I have had both windows and Mac computers and the windows froze much more frequently and dies due to a virus, I have many Mac computers, one that’s 16 years old and still waiting on that virus.
8. New macs have wifi and Ethernet adapters are $35 regardless (that’s costly). Also macs have software options the same as windows, as I have never had a problem finding the program I need, but developers usually choose one OS or the other so maybe don’t look for the windows software that has a Mac version. That’s the person looking for the softwares problem.
9. Retina Displays are the best graphics detectable by the human eye, anything more is overkill.
10. Macs are a very customizable machine on the OS itself and no one wants to buy a Mac and customize the outside, macs are pretty. On customizing the software on a Mac, it’s easy, but one has to get used to it just like anything else
You really are not bright, are you?
I learned as a kid on Macs, it was easy…. as i grew older noticed Windows PC’s and began to learn remarkable things like building them and doing all sorts of projects software wise. Then i decided to use a mac again after so many years, and its bueno and all and looks are deceptive. I fixed both mac and pc’s and for some reason with Windows 7 things greatly improved on windows. As far as all errors and hardware issues, learn to build yourself a PC. I’ve built them and used them and rarely had any issues on faulty hardware or viruses because I did my home work on what hardware to pick and preventive measures to keep windows secure. It’s not hard, it just takes determination. Once you reach medium skills you then begin to enjoy all that computers have to offer, it’s also about learning self away from computers, i’ve found I had to use computers less and this released a lot of stress witch gave way to using them on small tasks at a time. Then I suddenly realized why I used a computer in the first place… to let it work without me tending to every window. Life became improved as i learned we are like machines in a way because the universe has it’s mechanical features. But when you return after letting go a bit, you suddenly see the computer is a tool and tools need care if you want them to aid you in your search. So what are you searching? more errors and bullshit.. or do you want a computer that works with you instead of against you. I say take your time to conquer the fears these errors and windows bring. Be yourself, and remember G.O.D is everything (Guiding Our Direction).
To add another issue with macs; my mac has been corrupting most of the flash drives that I have used on it, and hence making very important data unreadable without an expensive third party (approx. $500 to $1000) data recovery operation. Read on online boards that some other people have been having similar problems with their macs. In all my nearly 20 years of using pcs, not a single pc corrupted or otherwise damaged any flash drive. In contrast I only started using mac about 6 months ago and already this recurring problem has started.
To everyone that think macs just work. Try managing one on a domain. They may be ok for home use they are complete and total garbage in a networked environment. From mapping shares to adding printers to syncing files for home use.
I have never used a Mac but windows software which has originated on Mac seems unwieldy and unintuitive and not very supportive of right mouse click.
Reading this on a mac and laughing.
1. You just insulted half of the world’s population. Apple make iPhones, you know, one of the best and most widely used smartphones in the world? Yeah, them.
2.You compared the most expensive mac laptop model to some of the cheapest 17″ PCs, I got a 17″ PC for only 300 quid too, check your facts.
3. I don’t think you could get a clean and small laptop to have a blu-ray disc drive, if you really want one tho, just buy an external disc drive.
4. Linux? Terrible OS. Mac is vastly improved, vastly prettier and sure, not cheap, neither is windows, not that open source, more virus protected (not rats)
5. If using a mac laptop, click with 2 fingers. If you are using a mac desktop, don’t buy a 1 button mouse then!
6. So you think the prettiest OS is ugly? Fine, bet you think a blobfish is pretty hot too, huh? Gonna jack off to a blobfish? Be my guest.
7. Mac crashes less than windows, it’s easier to get viruses on windows, windows freezes more. Don’t get me wrong, windows is my favourite OS but viruses and crashes are the cost of open-source.
8. Why would you try and use Mac Mail when you either have MS Outlook or, like most people, use this amazing thing we like to call the “internet.”
iPhoto, pretty good actually, not sure why you wouldn’t like that, although I guess professional software is hard to use. GarageBand, ok, why would anyone choose to use GarageBand in the first place. What thirst does it quench? This is like me saying that windows is terrible because internet explorer doesn’t have a search bar! iChat, never heard of it. Quicktime useful for audio recording and screen recording.
9. Macs are work computers, not gaming computers.
10. Have you looked into macs at all? Just a tip, next time you slag something off, do research on it.
I partially agree. I recently bought a Mac. My old computer had been a Windows 7, and it crashed after multiple errrors. The reason why I bought a Mac is because I wanted a more reliable computer, and one that is more geared towards musicians. So far, the only huge issue I’ve had with it is that it isn’t customizable. I remember that when I had a problem with my PC’s interface, all I had to do was install some software, or simply go to the Control Panel. My main complaint is that if you wanted to, for example, change your mouse cursor, you can’t go to system preferences and change it. (You can change the size, of course, but not the shape). You can’t even go online and download a new cursor. All you can do is sit there like a starving dog until the App Store decides to throw you a bone, or rather, a halfassed app made so that it only works when it feels like it. If only Macs had a more open interface, then it would be a better computer. Also, the thing about having to open images individually sucks.
“I believe this unprofessional article is wrong. The graphics are perfectly fine for me, and games run smoothly. Watching anything on it is perfectly fine also. I’d better respect this article if it hadn’t insulted the Mac’s fanbase, and if it took the mature way and didn’t use curse words or insults at all. I can’t believe you people call this a professional article.”
The question isn’t if they run smoothly, but if the games run more smoothly with PC and the graphics are better (of course depending on you graphics card). OR if they run at all: for example, two (there are more I am sure of it) new very popular games don’t run on Mac at all (Witcher 3 and Grand Theft Auto V).
So True! I 100% agree with this whole article.
Windows gets viruses? LMAO. 1) Update your Windows Defender (if you weren’t setting it up to automatic update; 2) Don’t jerk off to the WEB porn too often. There are viruses for MacOS and Ubuntu too.
I grew up with Windows XP, got it to do basically everything I needed it to do without much of a problem. Used Vista, 7, and 8. All of them got the job done. I liked XP and 7 better than the others, needless to say, but they all worked. Then, I got into linux, ran Ubuntu 12.04 as my main OS for a year and a half while trying out many other distros at that time. Switched to Elementary OS Luna on my main machine and did that for maybe 6 months. Both Ubuntu and Elementary worked great. I simply preferred Elementary for its looks. Then I got a 2010 MacBook Air handmedowned to me, and ever since I have used Mac OSX Mavericks and Yosemite (When the update came.) Bear in mind that this is a 5 year old computer. It runs without even a shadow of a problem. I have 0 complaints with Mac OSX or the hardware. I run Peppermint OS on here sometimes too, and that works great. Apple does not suck. Apple’s stuff works well 5 years after its prime, as proven by the performance of my MacBook. I am unbiased, having used OSes for extended periods of time in every category, and I say that they all do the job. Honestly, I prefer Mac OSX over all the rest of them except maybe Elementary OS Luna. (That one’s a close match.)
Well said Jesse, and entirely correct. Apple sucks.
HEY HEY HEY I’m no nerd but I want to point out that I’ve had years of experience with pcs and they always end up breaking, geting viruses and adware. For me they suck d so I never am going to buy one again. Windows looks soo ugly compared to OS X Yosemite. Even windows 8 is ugly with its square fat icons to it’s unsimplistic design I don’t see how I worked with those shitty things, after about a year they start to get bad. Files never delete completely and its hard to find them, I love the smooth and unscaled interface of Yosemite os x. I thought you were smart enough to look in the fckn settings to change the date to viewable, settings are one of the things that you have to actually notice! Pcs have cheap plastic designs while macs use metal, which last so much longer. The dock you can change in settings too. I don’t know what your talking about but I run about 5 programs at the same time on my mac pro and it still works. Believe me if you want gaming get the mac pro it handles as well as a gaming computer for me. All worth the money that I spent on it and the one I’m earning, I run roblox studio, adobe photoshop, safari , numbers, and pages all at the same time no lag no freeze. I get my extra money out of the roblox developer exchange program, it gives me about a thousand bucks each month. This never worked on my pcs I would probably never get the extra money I do now with a pc, probably because it lagged me out when I started the most simple scripts.. CHEAP.UGLY.SLOW.STONEAGE MACHINES Really they never come up with anything new! very boring and old.
We own a Mac as our home computer. I would say we “use” it as our home computer, but after having to look up how to do basic functions online (e.g., copy, paste, screen-shot, access USB downloads, etc) and finding their multiple steps ridiculous and anything but “intuitive.” But yeah … the candy apple red case protecteur (yes, as a Mac owner, I’m speaking and spelling in Euro in order to raise my pretentiousness to the levels expected of us) looks nice, and image is what this thing is really about, right? As for the paper I’m trying to scan, copy, and send to my friend in an e-mail (forgive me … I should probably be tweeting it or sharing it in an iCloud) … I’ll have to go into work and use the PC there. Too complicated to execute on this wonderfull rectangle of narcissism that we’ve bought into.
Even though Macs aren’t very customisable. they are good machines to do things with. THEY JUST WORK. my dad has had to reload windows computers so many times.
Arien Peoples Personal Luxury Electronics.
Hence why its always white why its always over priced and why their fans are as Fanatical as the Nazi SS. its just not cool anymore. When buying apple, Your saying I’m Cattle Please sell me Buzz words and rainbows. because I am too stupid to rationalize true value. Shoveling cash in to a furnace.
I believe this unprofessional article is wrong. The graphics are perfectly fine for me, and games run smoothly. Watching anything on it is perfectly fine also. I’d better respect this article if it hadn’t insulted the Mac’s fanbase, and if it took the mature way and didn’t use curse words or insults at all. I can’t believe you people call this a professional article.
ITS REALLY SIMPLE, AFTER 10 YEARS OF USING APPLE COMPUTERS, I KNOW THAT APPLE IS NOT IN THE COMPUTER BUSINESS … They are now making all the mistakes MicroSoft (and a thousand now unknown computer wannabe ‘s) made decades ago … no quality or product … FINAL …testing and control before release) saves labor cost and gets rid of pesky real users). However, maybe a watch .. or pretty tablet ..that also disappears when held sideways (no connections) is your preference … even if it relies on wireless connections that do not work with security setting on “really tough to break in” and firewalls – on. By the way the tablets or Macs can only connect physically to your wallet, ,,, but they are super thin – like cool fashion models — but who EVER said they wanted that ???
I simply want a better 2010 MacBook Pro with all repeat all the connectors. no Thunder crap or wiz usb3. AND I WILL PAY FOR THAT (QUAD PROCESSORS) Where is Steve J when he is needed.
Can’t even watch movie in Mac and waste a lot of time to teach GF how to do standard activities such as watching movie via her Macbook Pro. She’s Wannabe hipster-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable and look cool. I gave up on her and break up because we are living in 2 different worlds.
Mac’s are great HARDWARE. My MacBook 17″ is a very good laptop FOR RUNNING DEBIAN GNU/LINUX. About their operating systems or software… No comments. :)
I have a new Macbook Pro and it SUCKS!!!! It is not for someone trying to multi-task. Too many steps. This is not at all good for a business person.
Yeah I Agree Mac sucks because everything is there way or the highway Proprietary bullshit, oh you have to do it this way or that… Windows operating system is more open ended too.
Your wrong about one thing. MAC OS SUCKS. The hardware rocks. If you buy a “comparable” IBM it will cost about the same. MAC hardware is consistently superior to IBM compatible hardware.
Mike/Bobberino +100500. Basically there is no reason for arguing. The OS of Apple machines even is not in the same class as Windows. Of course being a fanboys you don’t wanna accept this fact. Brain-washing, typical style of your favorite company.
Fucking apple fangays over here trying to protect their overpriced pieces of s**t hardware that Steve C**t made. Classic example of cult brain-washed, narcissistic brainless people that eats up apple’s poo like it’s gold.
Grow up and open your fucking eyes. How is any of their stuff even worth your time, you fucking hippies?
Sorry,,,, maybe it is due to how dated this article is (2009) that it seems like you never owned or even used a mac before, but if you are taking so much time to write such a long blog/article/nonsense, at least make sure you know what you are writing about.
Seriously spreading un-accurate information is so easy on the web.
But then you writing about it probably out of frustration of not being able to figure out where to turn on the “Right Click”.
Anyway, to whoever reads this article, this “DUDE” has it all wrong, there is hardly a true word in it. my advice is to get your info from somewhere else.
I love it!! Apples are cute but they are not for serious computing by any means.. They are for the kids, moms, and the elderly to play games and do social media.. Light email. lol (new Outlook app available at the Apple store!)
Apple provides a tightly controlled operating system running on very limited hardware range which is a huge advantage for them. They are more trouble free both hardware and software wise but that is due to the control Apple retains over their hardware and OS and they charge a premium for that. As far as the average user, and most users really are in that category despite what they think, if you can afford that premium they provide what the majority of people really need. The reality is that this controlled hardware software combination is a highly desirable state. It’s what Windows strives for in a corporate environment having only one or two models of laptops and desktops at any one time running a known corporate image on a consistent and known hardware configuration which makes those systems far easier to support. I make my living working with Microsoft products for a financial institution and software wise our systems are very stable. In the home I live with a highly creative multimedia hobbyist so I have exposure to Macs as well and the 7 year old iMac is still contributing as a daily driver for the kids. I now mostly recommended Macs to family members and friends for ease of use and overall reliability (less calls for support to me). I still don’t use one but for what the real majority of people need for email, web, audio, video and entertainment the Apple products come out of the box ready to go and you don’t need to blow the preinstalled image away because of hardware vendor cramming it with their branded add ons and malware (bad Lenovo). You do have a lack of choice with Apple but for most that is a very attractive piece of hardware that still provides all they need so they don’t see that as a limitation and lets be honest if you don’t ever need to cross that limitation line then it doesn’t really exist.
Funny and appropriate read as I stare at my IMac- with a white screen and apple with a bite…$1200.00 for this wonderful sight. Come up with the ability to install a damned OS without having to jump through hoops or pack everything up, stuff in vehicle and visit the “geniuses” and maybe I could join the fanboy club. All this, as I type my woeful diatribe on my surface pro.
couldnt agree more, the mac im reading this on sucks bawls. (wasnt my idea to get this piece of s**t) doing my homework at the georgia institute of technology is damn near impossible on this apple bullshit.
1- Not talking about the product itself, basic ad-hominem.
2- Apple products are, in general, slightly pricier than other alternatives. Not ridiculously overpriced if you take everything into account (and compare them to similar products – this includes not only cpu/gpu specs, but materials used, screen/touchpad/battery quality, etc.), but I’ll still give you half a point here. A bit more expensive, yes.
3- I’m writing this on a mac that has 2 thunderbolt ports, 2 usb 3.0 and guess what? HDMI! That makes you… hmm… wrong.
4- Sheer idiocy. I won’t even bother commenting on this asides from saying that you just stated your completely lack of knowledge about operating systems. Read a book.
5- Sheer idiocy (again, I’m starting to notice a trend here). Every mac in the last 10 years or so has supported right click out of the box.
6- Lets break this down:
1) You can get the date by clicking it, having a menu bar app like fantastical, or opening dashboard via a key or screen corner or gesture. I’ll still give you half a point for this one, just to be fair.
2) You can see minimized windows. You can adjust dock behavior and appearance (at least as much as you can the windows start bar – hidden/non hidden, size, magnification or not. It’s a tie in customization.) No points here for you, just more lies.
3) The behavior will depend on the program: there are programs that benefit greatly from this, as you might want to close the windows but still have the program running. Not 100% consistent, I’ll give you that, but then again I NEVER close a program by clicking the tiny close button, it is too slow – either command+w to close window or command+q to quit the app. The equivalent to what I would do in windows. Still, if you are a complete noob, I guess I can give you 1/2 a point for this one as well. (I’m being generous here!)
4) You have command tab + expose. In realistic scenarios, this is vastly superior to the windows experience. There might be extreme cases where it isn’t (30 open windows belonging to the same app, maybe), but that affects what? 0.01% of users? Design is always a trade-off, and in this case it pays for the mac. No points, sorry.
5) Full points for this one! Yes, it is true, yes it is annoying. However I have an app called better touch tool that mimics the snapping from windows 7, so I have no problems with maximizing. It should be an option out of the box, though, so I give you full credit for this one.
6) Hmm… No, it doesn’t. Select 100 images, open them in preview, they all open in the same window. Back to the lying?
7) Yes you can, with trackpad gestures.
7 – Completely false. A working mac under load will not freeze more than an equivalent windows, it will be about the same. And viruses are still way less prevalent in mac systems.
8 – Any bundled software is VASTLY superior in every way to bundled software in windows. Mail, iPhoto, GarageBand and iMovie blow anything microsoft offers out of the water (want to talk about the joke that is MovieMaker? LOL). What about the microsoft equivalents of iPhoto or garageband? Oh wait… As for other software, last time I checked I could get Office for mac, iWork (which is superior for the COMMON user and not available for windows), the whole Adobe Suite, VLC has been out for mac for YEARS, Final Cut, Logic, Aperture, (all mac exclusive), and pretty much anything. This is maybe the worst offender of your whole list. I suggest removing your head from your own ass.
9 – I’ll give you a point for gaming, sure, credit where it’s due. Macs have been getting progressively better at it, but windows still reigns. Although I can already play pretty good stuff on a mbpro, and I guess the situation will be much better in a few more years.
10 – Again with the customization… I’ll give you no points here until you show exactly what you can change in windows that you can’t in the mac (since your point was clearly about changing the graphical aspect of the system). Last time I checked, windows allowed you to 1- change the start bar position (which mac os also does with the dock) 2- Change wallpaper and screensaver (same) 3- change the windows between acceptable aero and horrid classic (macs fortunately don’t allow you to make them horrible looking) and… in terms of looks that’s about it.
Ok, let’s count, shall we?
You made, counting the subpoints on section 6, 16 claims. Of those, in all honesty and fairness, I can grant you 3,5 points. Most of the rest was either:
1- Having no idea about how to work with a mac or its capabilities
2- Wanting a mac to behave like windows like that would be inherently superior
3- Blatant lies and misinformation (really, how hard is it to do a google search and know that there are macs with HDMI, or right click, or at least know the difference between BSD and Unix, or …. etc etc etc)
Macs are far from perfect. Every computer is. But as a Mac and Windows user I could make a bigger list of TRUE problems with Macs / MacOs than you could, and without resorting to misinformation and pure slander.
I bought from Apple.com.au a computer containing faulty hardware.
The graphics card was designed and built in a way that caused failure in the machine in a short period of time. The computer is now completely unusable.
I looked on the internet and it seems hundreds of thousands of macbooks have the exact same problem.
I wouldn’t be surprised if each and every macbook of that generation failed as mine and many others have.
Apple are still procrastinating with a replacement plan. It has been a terrible purchase.
you are awesome thos mac fans suck
f**k macs they are bullshit
I hate you
and i am reading this on a mac.. lol so true
Couldn’t even finish this article because you’re incomprehensibly wrong. #3 (Macs don’t have an hdmi port) While technically true (They don’t) They have this great thing called a thunderbolt port which has adapters to go to literally all of the ports. I have two adapters, one for HDMI and one for VGA. For both it cost me maybe $15. Whats better. A port that does all of the things, or a port that does one thing? #4 Absolutely, impossibly wrong. In fact so wrong that you either have to be an idiot to believe that or you know full well that it is wrong yet you still try to pass it as correct. Linux is completely different from BSD. While they are both based of off unix thats like saying that a car and a plane are the same thing because they both have engines. Also the BSD that apple uses is licensed, its not free. And its that same unix base thats makes it better than Windows. Windows needs a compatibility layer in order to even support Unix things (read: the internet). #5 There is no right-f*cking-click! Um two fingers is a right click. #8 . Software and hardware options for Mac are lame, or slim at best. No. I have updated my ram, hard drive and processor with out having to buy apple hardware. as for software, the only reason I use mac is because I can’t get the software I need on Linux. #9. Gaming, and graphics in general, suck on Macs. So tired of this one. NOT EVERYONE F*CKING GAMES! #10. Macs are not flexible or customizable. IT. IS. NOT. A. LINUX. DISTRO. Also if you know how to use mac like a poweruser, You can do all of those things.
Macs fucking suck. Period
F**k Macs. Adjusting nearly any option is harder to do on a Mac than a PC, it requires more clicks, more user input, and is usually in obscure places you have to go digging around in the OS for.
F**k Macs
OSx is s**t.
Windows is s**t.
@Yur Mom
Not sure if you’re a troll or anything.
If not,
All of these comments, are 100% true.
up until gpl v3 osx was loaded with software taken directly from the linux side of things. even much of the stuff taken from *bsd (mostly freebsd i hear) is a rewrite of linux software to allow for bsd licensing which in turn allows apple to use it in proprietary applications. for the record, i personally see nothing wrong with this practice. in any case, it’s impossible to deny that osx is little more than 4 to 6 year old linux. if you read the release history for these applications you’ll see why this doesn’t really matter, and why arguing over any of it is pointless. i’m a nerd so i use linux mainly because i feel the need to own the newest shiniest things, but nothing wrong with using apple if you can afford it and feel comfortable with it’s design.
LOL os x is NOT linux and has NOTHING to do with linux. Linux is a clone of Unix System V, OS X is descended from BSD Unix.
LOL os x is NOT linux and has NOTHING
Lol, it is true mac’s seriously dont have god dam right-click buttons. By god I hate them so much I got a friend that is like what you call it everything is apple products seriously wtf your usbs get screwed up literally. Then when they do u gotta refucking format it wtf stupid macs.
So, first of all – I don’t think Apple is the devil. And never did, by the way. Their gadgets are nothing more than overrated and overpriced rubbish. Sorry, fanboys, but it’s my personal opinion. Average Mac is not better than average PC (excluding design, but you should take a look at modern HPs, Dells, Asuses, Acers, etc; their design becomes better and better with every model). So, if you like glamorous gadgets – go buy Mac. At the same time, if you want a real deal – buy PC.
My goodness. This post and most of the comments bleed of ignorance. You obviously had 2 bad experiences and therefore stereotype apple as the devil. I went from having a complete line of Microsoft products (I still have my zune, I just don’t use it but it was great and still works) to experimenting and going for the complete trade-over to apple after trying everything out. My computers are over 6 years old, still running strong. And Apple computers are not built to have fun on, they are to do work on, especially handy with music production. But to say it’s not customizable is to tell me your head is stuck up your ass because I’ve changed everything from my mouse cursor to my wallpaper, dock size/layout/positioning/presence, drive icons, menu support colours, etc. Your post is bad and you should feel bad, but then again when your research is compiled like this? I’d rather you stick to Windows because it fits you better.
Apple is indeed a narcissistic personality incorporated. Everything is severely euphemized and glorified to something unrealistic and nauseating. Calling their sales-personnel ‘geniuses’, or calling everything ‘i’ or ‘me’, are a mere few examples of their ego.
One thing most Apple-users I personally have encountered have in common, is a complete lack of knowledge about technology, and a smug smile when presenting their gadgets.
“I prefer Apple because the icons aren’t oriented at the left,” is one example of their comments about their Apple-fanaticism. “Apple is more for the intellectuals,” dared the same person to add.
And this person used the Mac for really advanced things, like surfing the web, and playing ‘The Sims’. She merely wanted to Look intellectual, not be an Actual intellectual. [Yes, there’s more about her confirming this hypothesis.]
But I digress: if you like Apple, use it! But do not expect people to believe in the tenets of the Apple-religion.
Apple is perfect if you: A) do not know much about technology. B) do not want to know much about technology. C) are not a gamer. D) obsessively want to hold on to that which was great many years ago. E) are ignorant over threats (e.g. many here comments about viruses coming from illegal sites, which is a myth: almost all viruses comes from legal sites!) F) do not want to think for yourselves. G) want to appear as something you’re not.
You need four or more of these to be diagnosed as an Apple Narcissist.
And kudos to one of my honest Apple-loving friend, for admitting: “I don’t know a s**t about technology, so I chose Apple ’cause I find it simple and easy to use”.
Ooohhh my fucking god you could not have explained that any better. It is like nazi Germany hijacked linux and this is the result. A fucking death camp.
It’s not that MAC sucks, MAC doesn’t suck. It’s just notably inferior to IBM-PC.
1. I’m a student, and my Macbook Air is the best computer ever. Free photo-editing, word, presentation, film, fraps, music software with the purchase of my Mac. These gadgets pay for the computer itself.
2. True…however, if you’re intelligent you can get a 13″ Macbook Air For $599; I got mine at the Davis-Monthan AFB BX for $599 on boxing day with no additional taxes. Also, if you change your location on the apple store, the prices dramatically decrease
3.You can get external adapters for these extra ports. The only reason why they are usually not included is because it takes away from the space of the computer, and its usually advertised as lightweight
4. Point is true…yet I find that at the end, I am offended to read the insults. When you insult any minority (or majority) without a valid conflict, than the point becomes invalid
5. Have you checked the settings? Have you ever searched it up in the ‘HELP”? Even if you don’t, Ill have you know that you are supposed to use 2 FINGERS for this problem. Click on the trackpad with 2 fingers, you get an options bar.
6. ~Just click on it for a full date. Its not even necessary if your writing a document using Pages, it automatically fills it in for you (How Convenient!!!)
~its easier to just do ‘Command-q’,
~Use I-Photo
~The rest of the points were not clear
7. This will happen with EVERY COMPUTER!!! especially if your RAM is low and you have a million other things open. I find that the anti-virus software works perfectly fine…unless you roam onto illegal download sites like ‘The Pirate Bay’ and download something that is prone to viruses
8. Never had a problem with any of those.
9. Not necessarily, I had a friend that bought an OP Alienware with 32GB RAM, and yet my Macbook Air with 4 GB RAM ran 3 times as fast on most games. You really don’t need a super-fast gaming computer unless that is the way you make money. (What is wrong with my generation)
10.That point i will agree with, especially when it comes to using programs like GIS, ArcMaps, ArcGIS (anything ESRI Based). These programs are widely used and have no support for IOS.
There are a lot of up sides to owning a mac, and there are many downsides (Just like any computer). Every computer fits a certain persons needs. If you’re going to disdain a certain brand, make sure your data is actually accurate. I de-bunked most of your points. If you would have focused on more prominent problems (Limiting your i-Cloud Keychain, no ESRI integration, little customization, touchscreen integration, etc etc etc) rather than those that can be easily avoided or fixed just by changing a couple settings.
Its so funny how upset apple fanboys get hahaha WAHHHHHH WAHHHHHH WAHHHHHH WAHHHHHH WAHHHH
Yes, and it definitely will not be a Mac. Not a Windows fan boy really, just owned a Mac gadgets. Useless, great for glamorous teenagers. Sorry, fan boys, just a opinion based on the experience.
Okay, the name is bullshit. I’m talkin’ S**t.
First off, read my review before you give me bullshit replies. First off, this is an EXTREMELY outdated review, and is out of reason. First off, it’s a beefy computer; You don’t get viruses on this side, whereas I can get many viruses from them other computers.
Second, I use my Mac for mostly gaming, and almost nothing else. Before you criticize me, yes, I AM a 14 year old. But no, I do also have a life, and no, I don’t get bullied in school. You can customize basically every fucking thing on a Mac. Bullshit, graphics is good on this, and I can see every fucking thing. Maybe the screen isn’t bright enough, but that’s fine.
Third, I can download everything I want. Besides, if you don’t want a shitty mouse, GO FUCKING BUY ANOTHER ONE FROM ANOTHER FUCKING STORE!
Guys, I’m pretty sure this article is a joke.
Apple is for retarded self centered egoistic fat boys.
Mac sucks period
What are you talking about crazy person. 75% of your predicament is nonsense. And the rest is questionable.
Mac is based on UNIX not linux.
I love linux but to say mac osx is based on linux only clarify your lame knowledge on computer history.
The terminal is not a linux concept. The terminal is the natural way to speak with a computer. The graphical part (the click and drag) is what they put on top to let people like you use computers.
There is no such thing as viruses or anti-virus on this side of the border.
Is not that mac can’t be customized is that you don’t know how it’s done. (you can open 100 images in one window, you don’t know how. Date displays the format you select, again you don’t know how to do it, etc….).
Here is the thing; windows has fucked up your brain my friend. Forget the right click and the window specific key combinations they are not computer knowledge. And please don’t talk about things you don’t know.
What are you talking about crazy person.
There is such thing as virus or anti-virus in macs.
Funny stuff. I love the anti-fanboy attitude of the Windows crowd. Funny that you all are just as big fanboys as any apple fanboy out there.
I don’t even know where to begin debunking this article as your either going to believe this shite or not based on whatever biases you bring in to it, but man, the only thing I agree with here is the stolen Linux backbone, but considering all of windows is stolen from corral and Xerox I don’t see how that can even be mentioned with a straight face. The price issue? Really? your going to compare an outdated machine with a two year old processor to a mac? If you were comparing top of the line Sony or Samsung then we can talk. The spread between a comparably equipped mac to a windows machine is about $200 on average. more money yes but not as the article states.
My mac doesn’t crash when running multiple apps, so that’s just made up fanboy nonsense. Also while viruses do exist for mac, the Windows malware is far more prevalent and will commonly bring down the average users machine with ease. Yes, you can virus scan and change the way programs behave when you open them, but the average user doesn’t know how to do that nor do they want to be bothered.
At the end of the day, it just a preference issue. Widows machines don’t suck, they’re just a little different. Flaws exist on both machines. About the only thing I’d like to see is you windows fanboys just admit that you are just that, fanboys. This article is one big windows circle jerk and if you think for a minute you don’t do that same shite the apple fanboys do then your not looking in the mirror objectively.
P.S. Linux is better than either operating system.
In case none of you fools have realized, Apple is not in the business of providing innovative APIs and development paradigms to people who actually write code, they are in the business of making marginally better device-OS frameworks seem to perform better than alterrnative frameworks/platforms by convincing existing users that “Apple knows best” and similar incorrect, and readily disproved assertions. But sheeple, who have parted with $500-$900 for the latest “Crapple” device, are resistant to recognition of their folly.
If you need to file a tax return, keep in mind that TurboTax will not install and run on the MAC–not enough users to justify Intuit’s effort to port it. My major complaints about the MAC:
1-Arrangement of keys on keyboard and need to relearn commands
2-The price is outrageous and the options are very limited
What I like: The MacBook Air is very portable.
What I use most: Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon. I used to use WinXP a lot. I also use Ubuntu 14.04 and Win7 on a laptop. Linux Mint 17 is the bomb!
50+ years in computing–analyst, programmer and user.
they suck
True dat’
Worms run faster than macs.
and that’s why it’s called CRAPPLE
I got a used Imac with Tiger Osx on it and you cant upgrade programs or download games on it nothing works
thats cause most of the world uses Windows and programmers stop making stuff for it cause no body is using it
what a waste of 80 dollars
There is a right click on mac….im using a macbook pro as we speak…..you just need to change it in the settings and then ur lower right corner of your track bad becomes a right button
Every search I do online about how to do anything on my Mac is filled with obscenities – and up comes your post! I bought this piece of crap Mac thinking it would replace my PC. Not in my lifetime. Thankfully the PC is still hanging on so I can use it to look up how to do the *simplest* things on this piece of ****. What a farce. But my searches for how to do anything on any of the newer MS programs (and I’m still at least one version behind) are similarly filled with obscenities since they bite too nowadays.
To Jonathan: OWNED MacBook (that white plastic s**t) and it SUCKS. Sold it.
I bought a MacBook Pro (i7, 8Gb ram) at the end of last year. I was happy at the beginning but now I hate it. It slower than Windows, it freezes with simple tasks, it has a very stupid way to maximise or minimise the windows. Third party software fails worst than with Windows. Printers configuration options are much more limited than with Windows (same printer). Everything needs more clicks than in Windows. It really sucks!
This is opinionated bullshit, plus you can’t judge something that you’ve never owned
Mac is s**t. Always so proud and braggy for their low end cheap devices
I hate macs. Slow and overpriced. No cut and paste function which drives me nuts. I put in my new 2T external hard drive into the mac for the time machine thing, now I can’t use it for anything else and don’t know how to format it again to use on Windows. Driving me nuts.
I put together a picture of Bill Gates and Jesus at the Procession to Calvary to illustrate the very point of this article:
Comments welcome!
Forgot these reasons as well.
11. Techie Work : Everyone always has that one friend or relative that “fixes computers”. They usually do the repairs for free or barter a service such as 2 liter mountain dew, cigarettes and a few snickers bars. The large majority of users have PC’s. So if you get a Mac, there is a strong chance that you wont have a friend or relative who can fix it for “free” as listed previously, so you have to pack the WHOLE computer back in the box and ship it off.
After shelling out what must be tens of thousands of dollars over the years for apple products, today I reached breaking point with their iCloud Security Password and Questions update. Back in the day, Apple introduced an “@mac.com” service. it worked well enough for my purposes but the team at apple came up with “@me.com” to replace it. All was working well enough until Apple forced us all onto iCloud. For some this meant changing their email address (now for the third time in only a few short years). For others like myself who want to hold onto their old email address, it has meant countless phone calls to Apple Support – all of whom have been stumped and confused themselves, as my “@mac.com” account for iTunes needs one set of passwords and security questions, whilst my “@me.com” needs an entirely different set. Also, Apple did not automatically create the same email addresses when they switch to “@icloud.com” meaning some unknown person has the same prefix to my “@me.com” email address as I might have changed to a new “@icloud.com” email address. Furthermore, purchases I made when “@mac.com” (my AppleID) first came out are not transferrable or merge-able with any other AppleID making for multiple accounts.
Today I was asked to update my credit card details in iCloud (even though I’d already done this in my iTunes account). In order to do that I was forced to change my password yet again. This must be the 10th password change I’ve had in 2 years – and will need to change that password on ALL of my devices. Then I was asked to answer 3 security questions which I vaguely remember having to answer some years back, but none of which bear any reference to my life (who was your favourite teacher – none of them; where was your least favourite job – my last one; what was the first car you owned – never owned a car). After calling Apple and going through the entire “@mac.com”, “me.com”, “@icloud.com” scenario, the gentleman tells me that he cannot reset the security questions or answers for at least another 8 hours as yet another added security feature. Then why the heck did the website ask me to give my phone number to Apple to have them call me, and to go through the process of getting several one-time only pins. This with the absolute rubbish iOS 8 release, the dodgy iPhone 6 reviews and that absolutely useless Apple Watch that’s coming out means that, for me, my Apple days are over. They have become w-a-y too efficious and unstreamlined the way they once were. Mr Cook might still be touting “it just works” in his keynote presentations, but the truth of the matter is that it just works some of the time, and not without some heart ache along the way.
Thankyou APPLE
Apple did not invent FireWire. FireWire is faster then USB and mostly for cameras that support it (and various other media devices) apple never invented anything at all. And to the idiot in comments, no apple is not for business, it’s literally for media. PC has dominated the business aspect for computers for years (since before apple Lisa) remember IBM?
I’m currently using a macbook pro work computer, and it is the shittiest computer I’ve ever used, Currently looking into a PC (possibly Alienware) for Mechanical Engineering. ~Thanks to ED’s comment, I’ve completely decided to never buy a mac, ever.
To thisarticleisinvalid: Hmmm, do you really have any experience with Win8? Actually, Windows Defender (antivirus) IS included in Win8.
And now Apple decided to make us happy with other overpriced piece of s**t: iPhone6. For the info – this “chef d’oeuvre” got 1GB RAM. Se voila.
If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it’ll live it’s entire life believing it is stupid. Honestly. Apple products are not for the people who know their stuff about computers. They’re not for the people know how to build their own computers or write their own OSs. It’s not for those people like to tinker with the machine and make it better, replacing different components of the machine and rewiring it, having fun re-creating the machine to make it run more efficiently, and with more power. If you want something like that, get a PC. For these types of people, PC will always be better because PCs allow you to do all these things. PC was built by, and for these types of people. Apple products or not. I’m not saying that Apple products are for stupid people, I’m saying that Apple products are for people who are fine with being restricted,because you don’t feel like they’re being restricted, seeing as they don’t understand The infinite amount of ways the computer can be taken apart and reconstructed, and what each way is capable of doing, and they don’t care. Apple products are the people who are happy to work with what’s given to them, and don’t care about what else could be used, or what other ways they could be used, even if it makes the machine better.
The person who wrote this article obviously does not know how to use a mac. Macs are meant for business, not gaming. It may be overpriced but you are paying for the quality of the computer. Also windows is vulnerable and you have to pay a lot more than $2500 to buy the computer and pay for all of the repairs and antiviruses. I own a windows vista and it is a lot better than windows 8. Before windows 8, I was okay with windows, but now they have screwed me over.
Apple = waste of money. A S**t Waste of Money
therealmacuser is officially retarded. you cant just say stuff without any proof. Macs are by far the most restrictive, expensive and theyare also horrible quality. Has anyone noticed that Anything apple tends to break a hell of a lot more thhan anything else. The only thing mac are good at doing is making their computers look good, and I dont know who would be retarded enough to get one instead of a cheaper much better windows HP computer
Thank you!!! I am so tired of this Apple craze and people telling me how superior Apple products are. Um no, totally not. I was blessed this past year with the ability to FINALLY get rid of my iPhone and my iPad and I could not be happier. My new devices are completely customize-able, have more capabilities, and actually allow me to be productive instead of just being glorified gaming devices, that I can’t really use at all for Uni or work.
Wow. Where to begin.
Background: I am an Electrical Engineer, a Computer Engineer, and a Network Engineer with a completed degree from one of the most distinguished universities in the world. I have 30 years of computer engineering experience including IBM. I started my own Computer Support/Network Engineering/IT Support firm 20 years ago, before a lot of you fanboys were born. Today it is a going concern with 12 employees. I am the guy that the other IT guys come to when they need help.
I have used nearly every OS there is. I have written literally millions of lines of software in high level languages down to assembler and machine code and even microcode – the level below machine code literally fixed inside the processor and the one that most people have never even heard of much less have the foggiest concept what it is. I am the real deal – you will not find a deeper, wider tech person than me. This isnt bragging – I am just establishing the weight I bring to the table.
If that’s not enough: At my finger tips right now, as I type, all for JUST me to use: qty5 screens, a total of 48 threads of processing power, 160-GB ram, 16TB hard drive space. Mostly windows2012r2 server, with some win7/win8/vmware/linux thrown in for variety. And this isnt even my main station.
If you think that i dont like macs because i cant afford one, then you are an egotistical twit. I could go, right now, down to the applestore and buy qty 15 of the best macs in the store with what i have in my dang daily-expense checking account.
Here is the thing that i know will happen: all the wet-behind-the-ears mac fanboys will claim that i made up all of the above, but if that’s you, you will just have to be happy in your own ignorance because every word is true.
Here is what I can say with absolute authority: osx is designed to force you into a very, very small little world where you cant do anything except a few specifically allowed safe things. It makes for a stable world. It makes for a cool carefree world. It makes for a mostly virus- and threat-free world. It is a world that is so small and simple and unimaginative that the machine can do your work for you. If your work encompasses a severely limited set of needs, then mac and osx is for you. If however, you want to actually accomplish something, and you dont mind bringing at least half a brain to the table, then get a real computer and put win7pro, win8pro, or linux on it. And do in in a virtualized environment so you can really get some power.
I know that there are a bunch of hipster mac fanboys out there who are wanting to cry and go find mommy, and I’m sorry about that. Your dad should have made you tougher. But read ’em and weep. OSX is the worst os i ever used – bar none even going back to the 70’s, out of a total of about 30. You mac fanboys can’t even name more than 3 operating systems, so dont even try to tell me I have no basis for my statements.
Who is more believable – the guy who has used everything for many many years, or the guy who is too narrow-minded to use anything but a mac, and/or too young to have seen anything else, and/or too insecure to do anything but the cool/shiney/fad but ultimately useless thing?
Long time Macintosh user here. I switched from Amiga. I bought my last piece of Apple hardware in 2007. It was an 8-core Mac Pro. So far, Apple has done everything they can to make the hardware obsolete. I’m sorry, but a machine with 8 3.0GHz Xeon cores is not obsolete. F**k Apple right in their stupid asses. I wouldn’t even buy an iPod.
One tiny detail though. It seems like the author of this article (and many of the commentators) do not understand UNIX kernels. OSX is built on a Mach microkernel, which splits off tasks into as many subthreads as possible running in userspace. Linux is a monolithic kernel, which is basically one big executable that runs in kernelspace. It’s a technical difference, but one that is significant. OSX and Linux have nothing in common except being POSIX compliant.
Apple sucks cock
I am proud to say I just save a person from buying an Ipad, it was easy ,I just showed them , The power cord from the Ipad I bought and a set of apple ear phones ,and I ask him with this cheap power cord and ear phones , How good can the Ipad be , then I told him about , Apple’s sorry customer service , and then I told him he would be much better off with a samsung . He agreed . And apple has lost a sale. And I will not stop until I drop dead , or until Apple replaces their cheap power cords with a descent one , and come up a descent set of ear phones that match the quality they claim their IPads are . And their customer service is real . And not as phony as the products they sell ! Have a nice day apple. Ernest Reichardt
The guy showing his nipple is quite tacky , I hope in the future , it dose not come back to haunt him , It’s quite discussing but I am sure that is what you were trying to achieve , mission accomplished nipple boy , I would have said nipple man , but real men do not need shock value to be recognize ! Ernest Reichardt
It took 9 months for me to finely to get an Apple ID changed , I followed the instructions to the letter, and it would even varafiy my account when I created it , but it still would not change , and customer service refused to help for my protection of corse ! But finely A customer service person walked me through it ,and come to find it was a glitch in their system that cause it to skip part of the info that it need and jumped strait to varafacation . And finely changed [email protected] to [email protected] but this story gets even better, I am playing clash of clans and I can’t purchase gems to upgrade my base because the game was downloaded on another account . Apple’s customer service advise start over , erase the clash of clans that I have ,and down load it again , I inform them that I had money in the game ,I was playing and if I deleted it I would lose everything that I had worked 9 months to build not to mention the money I have in the game. Apple responce was were sorry sir that is all we can do, I had the same problem with an , android ipad I bought from my , Heartland catalog for 60 dollars and Google said no problem and fixed it just like that, That tells me I should never have purchase an apple , but I was lied to , I was told that Apple was the best , all apple has shown me is a stiff neck , I already purchased the Ipad they don’t have to give a damn, and they do not ! Anyone want to buy my Ipad to me it may as we’ll be a maxi pad ! Ernest Reichardt
I purchase a Mac because I wanted a good computer , what I got was a curse , I can’t make any purchases because my email is wrong , I have had this ipad for 6 months and ,customer service refuse to help because , they say it for my own protection my email address that they are using is [email protected] it is suppose to be sandman60@ consolidated.net , I have created new accounts 15 times and it still uses [email protected] . I have explanaed it to customer service and they tell me they can’t fix it for my protection , I am screwed because I wanted a good computer and I heard apple was the best ,they are the best at wiping their asses with their customers , I hate , hate but I hate apple , and they could care less they already sold me an ipad for 800 dollars , if there is ever anything I can do to make apple suffer let me know . Ernest Reichardt
I hate mac specifically because of the limited software. At least with windows you get a lot of little tweaks which you could mostly get free and actually work fine. And to those who are claiming it isnt meant for gaming, in this time and age, every device with a gfx should be capable of gaming (eg any smartphone with a gfx). Thats rigidity
I have been trying to master an iMac 27″ (cost around $2000+) for about a year now. The beast still fighting back. Cannot get iMovie to work properly. Watching streaming movies from my WD TV box was also a pain as keeps freezing every so many minutes. By the way my iMac is a 16GB RAM, i5 CPU running at 2.9GHz, 1TB H/D. I just bought a humble AUS$600, Medion Aldi desktop with windows 8.1 64-bits, 3.1GHz MD AMD Readeon 10 compute cores (4+6)CPU, 8GB Memory and which never freezes while streaming down a movie from the same box. My local network is Ethernet cable connected… my HP Pavilion windows 7 LapTop, runs everything fine, my old XP PRO Torrents machine is a dream for what it does. All my machines see perfectly each other allowing exchange of files flawlessly in the local network. The iMac, however, is always having access security problems and refusing to do things. I have done quite a bit of tweaking to it but still no joy. I understand that the machine is well designed, according to reviews, but myself I cannot make it happen. The underlying Unix system is a proven system… Guess I need another year of trying… The iMac command line is extremely cryptic on its commands and I need to refer myself to a commands printout because the key combinations are really hard to remember. In my humble opinion the windows machines are a lot easier to use.
Macs freeze, absolutely agree. My ex-MacBook and ex-iPhones were freezing so bad, that I had to do hard resets, connect iPhones to iTunes to switch them on, etc, etc. Please, don’t believe when you are told that Mac products are very stable.
Ooohhhh I love to see all the comments.
In fact, I didn’t read the article I’m just getting fun reading all the stuff people wrote.
This is like watching a match in a Roman coliseum :-D
Whoever wrote this is an idiot:
1. The only business model for Apple is narcissim.
Apple is reeeeeealy easy to use.
2. Macs are ridiculously overpriced.
There’s a reason for that. The quality, design and hardware is high-tech.
3. Macs regularly ignore mainstream industry trends.
No they don’t.
4. Mac OS X is merely a locked down version of open-source Linux.
Apple is PC and Linux combined in some way! Which makes it really good!
5. There is no f*cking right-click!
6. The Dock, and general screen layout, is retarded.
a. Look into calender.
b. Uh, says who?
c. Press Command + Q
d. uh, you still can go between other applications
e. True. Plus, who needs 100 photos anyways? View them one at a time.
7. “It just… doesn’t work.” (Macs crash, freeze, and have evil viruses.)
8. Software and hardware options for Mac are lame, or slim at best.
Like PC, you have to buy a licence.
9. Gaming, and graphics in general, suck on Macs.
Mac is not a gaming computer. Simple as that.
10. Macs are not flexible or customizable.
Unless your using an old mac, this won’t work. If the new one’s still have the same problem, you are not using the Mac properly.
If it doesn’t work then look in MOUSE or TRACKPAD in the system preferences.
You CAN right click…click with 2 fingers. Do ANY of you people know this stuff!!!???? In fact i’m commenting using one
Seriously mac can attract viruses????? You know better??? Look i have been using mac for 5 years and i never had any problems!!! Every works perfectly and everything is simple and easy and safe of course and doesnt need you to dounload screen recorders adivirus and stuff like that! So no Macs are much better than windows!!!!!!!
Supprisingly you are right about of the things, BUT……..
Mac is overpriced because of the operating system, and the finish. Nobody can say that it is a bad design, cause it ain’t. At least it insn’t the cosmetic. And that about gaming: IT IS NOT MEANT FOR GAMING!! It is the same as take like a packard bell netbook. That is also not a gaming pc LIKE THE MAC!
I am also using PC, but if it didn’t was that overpriced, I would use mac as daily computer, and PC ONLY for gaming :)
– Liam.
You just hit the bulls eye man. I’d rather spend $2500 on a windows laptops and get a laptop with amazing specs and fantastic buil quality than spend it on this mac junk.
Why do people hate macs? people can have their own opinion about computers, but this opinion is not one that a normal person would recommend
i think everthing has its own pros & cons
but with mac, i see a lot of cons with it compare to windows & linux: mac is too expensive & many hardwares arent compatible with it
NOT TRUE! Jk, yes it yes. Macs suck, lmao.
I agree, mac is ridicilously expensive, and there is no way a computer can be that expensive.
The only people who have the above problems with Mac lack the kniwledge of how to use it properly and should do some research. With the right knowledge Mac is totally costumizable
. The right click actually has plenty of options. I can easily drag and transfer files as well. Most of the time macbooks do last longer than your standard PC before they stop working. There are plenty of options for software and if one particular program doesn’t come with a specific Mac download it can easily be flipped by programs like flipformac. They even run automatically with out an extra step . $5 converters can easily be used to connect any type of media to your laptop. The speed of my Mac is amazing and it can easily multitask.I have no problem closing programs either.
Oh my, someone said it, finally. I owned iPhone 3, 4, iPod and a MacBook. For those who love to say – you have no money to buy a Mac/you never tried a Mac, etc, etc (favorite Mac Fanboys words). And now I’m happy that I sold all this crap. Mac products are overhyped, overpriced and overrated (by someone). Now I’m using 3 Windows 8.1. gadgets (including WinPhone 8.1.) and I can say that PCs are much better than any other shitty overrated trash. BTW, I was using Ubuntu (about a year) and it’s really great OS but a LITTLE bit complicated for me. But still cool in the same time.
Good article.
I repair PCs and I’m often asked to repair Macs. I totally refuse to do so because I don’t wish to deal with money-grabbing Apple in any way, or buy Apple spares etc from Apple or their restricted outlets. Unlike Macs, PCs are easy to repair because they accept a wide range of both hardware and software without restrictions.
I was playing with OS X Maverick for a while, and was stunned by the complete lack of what I could do without rushing over to the Apple Store. Which, is actually a useless gesture. LOL!
I should note that I have been running Linux for well over a decade, and as the Author correctly states, the Mac OS X is just a dumbed down version of Linux. And, a Linux Operating System is free, as well as, the 35,000+ applications. Jump on the Internet, and download, UBUNTU, Linux Mint, or another flavor, of Linux. Google started a flavor of Linux, and you know it as Android, or Chrome.
I broke into that Walled Garden, and trust me that Apple is not just that sweet!
Macs are meant for creating things, they are designed to design. They are the leaders in this. I”m a gamer so ya I gonna really need a mac someday.
Sarcasm at it’s peek.
It’s not true that MAC is prone to get viruses, thanks to MAC’s Unix concept. I agree with everything else though. MAC is pieceof overpriced, useless s**t. Why anyone would want to pay such high prices for closed-options-linux “distro”? Nonsence.
1. MAC-OSX kernel’s Darwin is derived mainly on BSD and MAC with some Apple code and all the system programs and tools are taken from freeBSD.
Lg Ipod broke -2 yrs. Ipod shuffle screen dead -18 months. Macbook case cracked all over, bottom delaminated in 26 months. (And it never leaves the house). Apple makes crap. My non-mac products lasted for years. NO MORE APPLE PRODUCTS>
To the ignorant dumbass that said windows copied mac, please try to make other people believe retarded things. Obviously the people on this article are going to have some to a lot of knowledge on computer history. Also who ever told you that needs to do a bit of research on hopefully a linux os or windows
and it felt so good getting that out of me
just read this today. I am a windows user, and I have tried mac before, but just can’t get use to it.
I have one of the last Macs which were worth buying IMO. It is a PowerMac G5 dual-CPU system. I got it on ebay for like $200. Mainly I just wanted it so I could have a PowerPC architecture system.
My main computer is a few years old… specs:
ASUS P6T Deluxe V2 X58 motherboard
Intel Core i7 920 CPU (overclocked to 3.6 GHz)
12 GB 1333 MHz triple channel DDR3 RAM
ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 2 GB GDDR5
1 TB 7200 RPM HDD
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro x64
then my laptop:
Intel Core i7 740QM (1.73 GHz, turbo to 2.93 GHz)
8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 1 GB
500 GB 7200 RPM HDD
1920×1080 multi-touch touchscreen 15.6 inch
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro x64, and Kubuntu Linux x64 dual-boot
Overall I like Windows 8, a lot. It boots fast, and for me its easy to use and reliable. Also Windows has very nice diagnostic tools like SFC for any issues which may arise.
I could never find an article that spells out everything that is wrong with mac os x, but there’s one thing missing, wtf is with the lack of continuity with the software freeware or otherwise? it seems people have to buy the latest machines along with the latest operating system….wtf!!
Macs are pretty the way cough syrup is sweet. Macs and cough syrup both use an artificial coating of candy designed to obscure whatever the thing is actually doing.
The other difference between a Mac and a PC is that the makers of Macs are arrogant, and the makers of PCs are humble.
The makers of PCs say, “We know we don’t know what you’re going to do with our product, so we’re going to make it as easy as possible for you to see how it works and modify it to suit your needs. ‘Minimalist’ is not a logical approach; computers are complicated, and to pretend otherwise would only ensure that our users haven’t even the foggiest notion of what is actually going on in their computer. Better to make the complications accessible to our users.”
The makers of Macs say, “We know exactly what you’re going to do with our product, so we’re going to make it as easy as possible for you to do exactly what we know you’re going to do. ‘Minimalist’ is a logical approach; users want simplicity, and to pretend otherwise would only ensure that our users haven’t even the foggiest notion of what is actually going on in their computer. Better to hide the complications to avoid confusing our users.”
Mac limits possibility for their users to improve “aesthetics” and avoid “confusion;” PC opens possibilities for their users, to avoid limiting them by an arbitrary sense of aesthetics. The fact that I can go into a Windows computer and change the computer to make it do what I want… this is more aesthetically pleasing than a dozen bouncing toolbar logos ever will be.
Also, the fact that the menu bar is at the top of the screen for all programs is f***ing annoying. On double screen computers like mine, it forces me to move the mouse all the way to the other screen every time I want to get to history or bookmarks. Not well-thought, Apple.
Yo don choma, the i7 isn’t a gpu. And the i73930k isn’t two years old, good job. Furthermore it’s Xeon, if you actually build comps for a living you’d know that. Apple has a contract with intel, they get the latest CPUs before PC manufacturers, so you’re wrong yet again. Also, intel doesn’t make discrete GPUs.
I’m rolling in laughter at the guy who said he’s a ‘computer scientist’ yeah buddy, sure. I know people with PhDs in CS, No one ranks Windows above OS X in terms of being strictly an operating system.
I build comps for a living.Apple chips and gpus are dinosaurs when it comes to the best pc builds.They use two year old duel zeon chips and gpus that don’t even come close to the i7 3930k which is two years old.The video cards are so out dated its not even worth talking about.Apple fan people get a life and really wake up to whats happening in the comp. world.Pro 8 works great if you have a clue what you are doing with a comp.DON.
“8. Hey, Macs are PCs
By which I mean that Leopard’s Boot Camp feature – and better yet the Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion virtualisation utilities – let you run Windows, and Windows applications, on a Mac.
I’m listing this last because I ultimately see running Windows on a Mac as a last resort: it’s usually not necessary, and it degrades some of the other virtues of the Mac, such as protection from Windows security risks. But when it’s valuable, it’s really valuable.”
This isn’t a limitation of PC’s, it’s a limitation artificially imposed by Apple. If you like you can use “illegal hacks” to run OSX on pc hardware. Google “hackintosh”. But if you try to run OSX on a PC alongside windows or in VMWare, beware, there are a very limited selection of hardware that OSX will run with because Apple doesn’t supply drivers. Again, a limitation of OSX and not Windows or the PC hardware.
Not being able to “legally”, by OSX license limitations, run OSX on a PC is a limitation imposed by Apple, not in any way by the PC.
I’ve done it. I had to recover data off an apple hard drive and could find no data recovery software that would work as well as HDD Regenerator, which has patented recovery technologies in it. After using HDD Regenerator on my PC on the mac sata drive, I think imaged it into a drive image using third party recovery software that would retry data reads as many times as I wanted on bad blocks. Then I took a copy of the image, and ran it under a hacked up vmware virtual machine with OSX compatible virtual hardware. I then repaired the OSX and got everything running. Then I wrote the whole image back to a good hard drive and stuck it back into the mac and got it all working well.
There’s no way I could have done all that with just a mac.
I am a programmer. I’m not any kind of “wanna-be”. I have a Macbook Pro (my cousin works for Apple so I get 25% off. I plan on building a god box when I save up the money, but It will still be a ‘hackintosh’.). It runs Mac 10.8.4, Fedora Linux, and Windows 7. I use Windows when I want to create an application for Windows. I use OS X when I want to make an iOS app, Mac app (Xcode), do any kind of web development (Sublime Text), create music (Logic Pro), or do any kind of design work (this says something about some of your arguments referring to poor Mac software / UX). I use Linux for everything else (including gaming). I wouldn’t mind using OS X for everything else (except gaming), but I enjoy the command line and being able to completely customize EVERYTHING that I want to inside of the operating system. With that said, it isn’t that hard to get a pretty sweet looking OS X desktop with a lot of custom functionality. Plus, OS X is compatible with iOS devices. Which can all be jailbroken and COMPLETELY customized to do anything that isn’t restricted by hardware limitations. Even the most avid Windows followers will admit that the Zune sucks ass and that they prefer iPods.
With all of that said — to each their own, and those of us who care enough to find the best devices and OS’s for our own personal needs will find much more success and happiness with our technology than the people who just follow a crowd / don’t care.
I’m a computer scientist. Computers are my life. The break down on computers from best to worst is Linux -> Windows -> Mac. Linux is the absolute best for obvious reasons, you can make the environment to be exactly what you want it to be. Windows is next because it has a great amount of customization with the necessary backbone for any beginning user. Windows gets flack because it crashed back in 95-98. Whoop de fuckin do. Frankly, the only windows users who have problems with windows are the ones too stupid to use a proper computer. We call these people iSheep usually. Mac, is basically an internment camp for computing. You have this hardware and this software. If you don’t like it, then you shouldn’t have bought it. Tough titties. Windows will let you switch out hardware as YOU want, and made edits to software as YOU want. Linux…well linux is perfect. whatever hardware and software you want so long as it has drivers. It’s the penultimate. Macs are for people who can’t/won’t use a proper computer, and who want to go on facebook and act like they’re the best thing to crawl out of an orifice.
Gentlemen, calm the fu** down! What is true, is that Macs AND PCs are both good, but:
-> A Mac is good for music, facebook and all that
-> A PC is good for games, work and multitasking
Plus, when you buy a Mac, you get a slow piece of hardware at a giant price.
When you buy a PC, you get a fast computer for less money.
A 1500$ Mac is good enough. A 1500$ Windows/Linux PC is pretty much perfect.
So, there’s no need to whine and all that sh**. It’s just that Macs are for kids, little girls etc. and PCs are for gamers, professionals or kids who don’t look for a nice looking computer BUT for a high-end computer.
Yeah, so I support PC. I got a new Windows 7 and it runs amazingly. My MacBook Pro, is shi*t. It runs too slow, I haven’t downloaded anything weird or gone on any weird sites, but it still makes me want to blow my brains out. The Mac business model is to appeal to people who have to have the latest technology. That’s why Macs have looks, but next to none computing power. It’s the same with all Apple products, IPhone, better to get an HTC, IPad, get a Samsung or Windows, MacBook, get anything else. What I can say about Macs and Apple products is that they are durable. When my IPad started to act like sh*t, I attempted to punch a hole through the screen, I tried over 20 times. My old IPhone wouldn’t do anything right so I hit it repeatedly, eventually I threw it in my filled bathtub. I threw my ‘Macbook on the floor multiple times until there was a gash/crack down the middle, took many attempts. So if you want to go see a psychiatrist for anger management, get a Mac.
what r u talking about!!!! mac comes out earlier than windows. even windows is better but still got idea from mac. So shut the hell up and go home
So Right!!!
I wouldn’t say I avoid apple crap like the plague. And according to Toshiba’s manuals, if you attempt to repair it yourself, legal repercussions could result. That’s about a likely as being struck by lightning, but the fact that Toshiba doesn’t want me repairing my own computer pisses me off. Anyway, modern PCs aren’t worth repairing, most of the hardware is soldered to the board. I’m currently a CompSci major and I’m more than happy with my MacBook Pro. I love the trackpad, the casing and the way OS X works. To buy a comparable PC (as I outlined above) would be almost as much as a Mac. The marginal benefit vs marginal cost really depends on what you get out of it.
“If you add up all the crap money you put into a PC, including headaches and repair bills, you’d be more wise to spend it on a mac”
What headaches? What repair bills? I have never spent a single dime on a repair bill. I just pop open the case and fix it myself. It is kind of like a classic ford. You CAN do all of the repairs yourself (if you know how to use a computer at least).
Apples are great for people that don’t know how to use a computer. The rest of us avoid apple crap like the plague.
Hey shut the f**k up about the right click on macs, on older models you hold down ctrl + click, on the new Macs you click can put two finger on the trackpad and click. Most of the stuff you said isn’t true, why don’t you buy a new MacBook Pro and find out for yourself just how wrong you are. Also if you don’t like the dock you can hide it. I admit that Macs are overpriced but still, I think you should actually use a Mac before you put them down with a bunch of stuff that isn’t true. Also Macs are almost virus free, so shut up about the virus crap b***h.
A mac is better then a averange pc
but wait:
mac 1500
pc 400
Buy a 1500 dollar pc and see how good it is.
Sigma- so these are reasons that you WANT a virus written for OS X? And no, the OS doesn’t have more vulnerabilities than windows, it’s true that viruses can be written for it, and have; such as the flashback virus from 2011. But really, come on now. And yes, the phrase “a fool and his money will soon part” is quite true. But really, I couldn’t tell you how my car security or home locks work. It doesn’t mean that someone should break into my home.
Worm; be comprehensible and then maybe you’ll be taken seriously.
hate when ios users spout out rubbish like ios apps are more polished than their android counterpart.
i submit apple map – did they not even test-drive that crap other than driving around their 1 infinite loop street before releasing it to paying customer. guess, you will be funding its ongoing development for a atleast a couple of future ipad revisions. personally, i like to pay for a finished product. google map is much, much better. freedom, choice, price is what android stands for.
hate it when ios users says ipad apps are more polished than their counterpart on android.
i submit apple map. seriously, did they not even test-drive it other locations other than driving around their 1 infinte loop street. google map is MUCH MUCH more polished than their ipad counterpart. be thankful, google still provides their map app after being dump by apple. personally, i think google should remove all their apps of apple since they denounce it officialy.
they spout about quality apps on ios – android apps feel not as polished. i submit apple map. why arent the bugs caught at testing phase before they release this miserable s**t on public paying customers. at least windows 8 were officialy public tested as consumer preview for a year before the final release. had apple allow such testing, maybe the map wont be release in such premature stage.
Top 10 Reasons Why a Virus Should be Written for OSX:
1 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
2 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
3 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
4 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
5 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
6 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
7 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
8 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
9 . The OS have a lot of vulnerabilities.
10. The users are rich enough to be parted from their money.
there was a phrase: “the stupid and their money will be parted soon enough”
I used Win, OSX and Linux.
They are really smart people who are stupid when it comes to computers.
Obvious troll is obvious. And just to feed it, I definitely upgraded the RAM on my MacBook Pro to 16GB.
you can not upgrade your ram. you only get about 3 gb of ram
Nick, nick, nick. OS X is NOT unix, it’s built on the Darwin kernel, yes it was developed from Unix, so what? It’s a solid OS. Who cares? Yes, Macs take care of the details for you, why is that a bad thing to you? Not everyone wants to build their own computer. How am I a contradiction, and what do you mean by dogma? I would say that you have a false dogma because you have shut out an entire portion of the computer industry. I have yet to contradict myself and I have an open mind. YOU have contradicted yourself entirely however. I acknowledge that comp building has become solely a hobby, one that I love. I do not however, care to push my opinions onto others. It’s their money, I bought a MacBook Pro myself, and I use it far more than my homebrew PC. Value, by an economic standard is based upon the utility that one gains from a purchase. You have arbitrarily attributed it to the relative price of a PC. This would require Macs and PCs to be perfect substitutes, but they aren’t. Macs are already more expensive than most PCs and yet people purchase them. Apple has a relatively inelastic demand curve with their products where others dont because in the PC market there ARE substitutes.
Macs, for the most part appeal to a very specific type of user. Unable or unwilling to figure out what they actually need, they allow someone else to do it for them, in this case Apple. When you buy a Mac, what did you get for your money?You bought an overpriced computer built by a PC manufacturer using PC parts with a different but pretty logo on it. You bought an OS (operating system) developed from the Unix OS developed by Bell labs in 1969. (and you thought they invented it…lol) and seen today in other uses as Android and Linux. In 1996 Steve Jobs “acquired” BSD Unix and locked it down now calling it OS X. As recently as March of this year, Apple licensed (bought) the Unix printing system to incorporate in their “original” OS. You bought an Intel chip exactly like the Intel chip in everyone else’s computer, with” Intel Inside”. Its all Image now my friend. You know it your heart that you felt the same way about windows users in the past,now your stuck defending useless fanboys who are clueless. Stick with your false dogma . Your nothing but a walking talking contradiction
As far as windows 8 goes astrix; everything. As far as XP goes, also pretty much everything. As for 7, well jump lists are great (a Win feature). I can get free open source progs to give me windows snap and aero peek. The dock is very intuitive and the drop down menus are pretty spot on. Gestures are fantastic on a mac, swipe up for mission control, swipe left or right for multiple desktops, swipe down for expose, swipe for notifications, hot corners (which win also has if im not mistaken). The system preferences are far better than the control panel in my opinion, and Macs don’t need a retina display for crisp fonts. They’ve always had them. Win 7 is great, I love it, but personally I find Macs to be a bit more, fluid.
Again, people often say “mac users are dumb” blah blah blah. But it’s really only people who are well versed in computers who say these things. At university, my economics professor had a PhD from Princeton University, one of my business profs had his from Yale. Both of them used macs and both weren’t very good with any sort of technology. I wouldn’t call them dumb.
I have been looking for a new laptop. My current one is a (HP) Compaq Presario, bought in 2003.
Still running strong on WinXP, I upgraded the Disk and RAM midway.
I can tell about this model – the exterior build quality was not good. But the computer was damn fine. So before you make arguments about Mac’s build quality, note that exterior and interior are two different things. Mac’s do have better exterior quality, all five of them. Interiors – they are all the same – if you know what you are buying.
The hottest new item in the Mac world is the Retina display, so I wanted to check it out. Crisp fonts and lovely screen. But wait!
Crisp fonts yes, but Windows always have had crisp fonts. It’s only Mac’s fonts which need Retina. Don’t give me the true-to-design argument. I don’t want it to be fuzzy on my monitor. If Mac users have gotten used to it, good for them. I will not settle for less.
Don’t even get me started on Finder. Explorer beats it any day. Explorere is what is Simple and Intuitive. Mac’s philosophy is ‘Machine knows better than you’. In other words – users are dumb. Well, dumb users will like Mac more than Windows. Beacuse they do nothing more than open safari.
Mac is “intuitive”. Really! Name ONE function which more “intuitive” in Mac than in Windows.
Windows beats Mac just on the software choices alone. For one $30 Mac package, there will be at least 10 Windows programs, 5 of the free/open source.
Apple made great products in iPad and iPhone. Their hardware is nice, exterior build is top notch. But OS is a letdown. Preciesly why bootcamp was needed.
So Nick, you’re implying that if you don’t have extensive computer knowledge then you’re an idiot? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve every heard in my entire life. Tell me, what other fields do you have expertise in? My major in university was comp sci, but just because someone isn’t an expert in computers doesnt make them “an idiot” as everyone on here claims. I’m a huge fan of classic literature, but just because someone doesn’t know Lewis Carroll or William Faulkner they’re not an idiot. My neighbor does carpentry, does it make me an idiot if I can’t operate a lathe? Don’t be a dolt. Apple has exploited a market niche, simple user interface. Michael Porter (don’t know him? Youre an idiot! See how that sounds?) of the Harvard Business school says that exploiting a unique niche; i.e. is what drives innovation. Don’t be buttsore because we have variety.
Wow I see it totally different.
If you have a brain you use
1)Linux computers
If you have half a brain you use
2)Windows computers
And if your a total mindless idiot with no computer knowledge or skills you use
Also, Steve, you’re a moron for implying that you HAVE to buy songs from iTunes in order to use an iPod. The thing with a Zune is, sure the service is cheaper, but at the end of the day you still dont have as many applications or accessories to use with it. With an iPod I can choose from a vast variety of apps and accessories and buy my songs from a CD shop, Napster or any other music service and subsequently import them into iTunes with zero problems. I’ve been doing it for years. You and Rawr! really shouldnt make up your own arguments only to ‘defeat’ them. Try to be partially objective.
Right right right, the commenters are clearly a bunch of idiots. As is the OP. Here is what a Mac is meant to be, a well-designed, easy to use and stable computer. Check, check and check. I don’t see why people whine about them not having upgradeable parts (aside from the RAM and HDD/SSD ((non-retina models)). Unless you’re willing to shill out tons of money it really isnt feasible to upgrade a PC either. Sure, you can build a custom model but then it’s on you if something goes wrong. This is fine for a hobbyist, but for a productivity tool it’s not practical. Macs are more than powerful enough for what they’re used for. If you want to play games, that’s cool, buy a PC. I dont see how you wanting to play games means that Macs suck, someone hasnt taken a critical thinking course. You know, I guess having the highest customer satisfaction rating and a consistent spot in the top 3 on CNET and other tech sites really doesn’t mean anything. I also don’t see how a consumer having more choices is such a terrible thing.
Oh, and the “Macs are double what a PC costs” comments, total crap. Look at any COMPETING model, and dont say It has “…CPU, …GPU and …HDD” I want display quality (read, contrast ratio, color gamut, brightness and accuracy AND resolution, not just “OMG it’s res is higher than macs, macs suck lololol”), positive trackpad reviews, proper construction and other amenities such as battery indicators, backlit keyboards and proper i/o <- this one is pretty much a non-issue now, but in some of the bang-for-buck PC's it can be. HP Envy laptops, high end Sammys, VAIOS, Alienwares and VIZIO laptops are all in the same price range for features, Macs are marginally more expensive.
The average person doesnt give two shits about clock speeds and benchmarks. They want to use their computers for productivity, and they want it to be easy to navigate. That's what a Mac is and that's why people buy them. So what if they're a bit more expensive? It's not your money. Get over yourselves, sounds like you're a bunch of pessimistic whiners to me.
i am addicted to computer games which is why i bought a gamecube for me and my brother,,
Okay. There’s something I hate….
It can stuck a lot of memory and documents, but S**T! it keeps everything I did like months ago and even what I did yesterday, but not what I did 2 fucking days ago!!! Are you serious?!
I hate that! And my work has disappear :(
For the dock and the date… yes you can change the settings…
I use both pc and a mac. I need to use a mac for audio-ing not just browsing the web. If people want to use a laptop just for browsing the web, get a netbook.
I like steaks…I figured my comment would be as useful as this article…
if you’ve got that much money to spend on a computer setup, then why would you spend it on mac crap? you could have had such a good proper computer setup for that money.
And besides when it comes in Windows you DONT have to buy extra stuff.
Do you want a shitty mac with that shitty beef? Idiot mac users… I cant stand them.
I totally agree with this article. A rich boys toy all the way or just another way to think your cool and know something others don’t. Mac users are pure idiots for wanting such a shitty machine. Shitty chicken = Shitty mac
You’ve got to much time on your hands to prove (or try to prove) why one computer, a tangible item is better than another.
This is my experience:
Using MBP for 3 year now: reboot every week as MBP slows to a crawl in about 5-6 days.
Using Windows for 8 years, now on windows 7: reboot every month to keep machine fast.
Using Linux for 5 years (Mint 11 now, haven’t had time or the need to upgrade yet): rock solid for months.
Mac OS is a poor fork of Linux. Yes, the hardware looks great but the OS is just not up to par.
Honestly, I would have to say that both MacOS and Windows annoy me equally in
different ways :) I think they have their places though, I run most of my games
in Windows (unless it runs fine in wine on linux), and tend to use Mac for sound
(well used to), and imaging. Don’t do music and imaging anymore so not sure if
that’s still a valid foothold for mac. Kind of miss the option of slapping AIX on
an old Mac since they went pc :)
To the man above me. If you want a “dumb games machine” buy a fucking iPad? Are you fucking rediculouse A FUCKING IPADD!!!!!????? Are you that fucking ignorant of the gaming world you twat. Your comment makes me so fucking angry. Honestly!!!!!! If you want a gaming pc, build one. Apple overprices products to the point of madness. If you want to be a dumb cultish count and be part of the apple crowd be my guest, smart people would avoid apple entirely.
To each point:
1. No argument
2. Half-true. A comparable PC laptop with the same specs is $1300. Your throwing in $599 for the same hardware components is not true. But you’re not entirely wrong, either – Macs do cost more… and the myths are that Apple controls the entire process (not when the OS is taken from open source) and for higher quality (or the claim of; iFixit, my2011macbookpro.com, and others would disagree with “quality”…)
3. Back in the 1990s, none of the competitors had standards (except for all but IBM and its clones using then-superior Motorola CPUs…)… FireWire’s transfer rate cremates USB 2.0… USB 3.0, OTOH…
4. True. It’s also the only one Adobe and other major software creator players will ever support.
5. YES THERE IS A RIGHT-F*CKING CLICK. My mice I have for my Macs are two-button. Three-button. In the System Preferences/Mouse, the one-button mouse can be made to simulate a right-click, but I hate Apple’s branded mice…
6. My clock displays a date. If you went into System Preferences and followed through, you’d see where to change it. My X button works as well… not sure which program you’re referring to. ALT-TAB works fine, unless you’re sifting through a dozen browser pages. There are other keystroke combos… try a few… etc, etc, etc…
7. As a Mac owner, I’ve had problems… just not as many as traditional Windows PCs… MacOS also lacks a !*@&#^%ing registry…
8. Walled garden
9. I use my Macs for productivity. If you want dumb game machines, go Windows or iPad.
10. Do you know what “Terminal” is? Apple hides the means to use the CLI, but one can get there and one can use CLI functions…
All of this was true in 2009, and still was… was this blog copy’n’pasted from an older one written in 1994?
Hey there! I know this is kinda off topic but I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in trading links or maybe guest authoring a blog article or vice-versa? My site covers a lot of the same topics as yours and I think we could greatly benefit from each other. If you might be interested feel free to shoot me an email. I look forward to hearing from you! Awesome blog by the way!
Okay, everything said about Mac is true, there’s lots of replies from people who don’t understand computers. Understand this: I run Win7 on my Mac Book pro. Nova bench for my MacBookPro running OSX is 325. Nova bench for my MacBookPro running Win7 is 375. Macs OS even runs their own computers less efficiently. Macs are toys- expensive toys. I have Jail-broken about 8 Ipads now, and I am sure the next gen of $400 buck tablets are going to cream the $800 Ipad. Mac supporters: have fun, but Apple even rips off their shareholders. Their day is coming.
Freddie, Linux4Win haha. Anyways. My Linux distro of preference is Ubuntu but I’ve been trying Pear Linux 5 and I must say I like it. Want a Mac look alike there you go. I’d agree. I find Linux way better than Mac.
Okay all of you guys are trolling like s**t not kidding. Okay here’s a simple fact. Pc is 1000 times better than Mac. Now this not a opinion but a well known fact. Mac recently came into to power. Their computer were shitty back then. The only thing Mac has against Pc is stability but I hats Mac when the loading rainbow cursors comes out. Pc for one somewhat lacks in speed but they all can be fixed with upgrade Mac actually doesn’t have such things as pc which is a up for Pc. Mac computers in look and Colorado pies me off on the spot like deadass that s**t is not innovation. Its just a rock with an apple on its back making the price 1500$+. I love their iphone and ipods though but they should just stop making computers as of 2012 still 70% own Pc. Some people are arrogant to deny the fact. You obviously never used a Pc in your life.
You hit the nail on the head,but wait I’m using a Mac as I type this. Oh yeah I forgot to say I wiped that s**t Mac OS off of it and installed Linux on it instead . Linux is everything Mac wishes it could be. Imagine Apple saying straight out that it has no Viruses . Linux screams that out load and Proud. Apple never invented anything ,but the dopes that use them think they invented it. Apple steals everything. I love when my friends come over to use my Mac pro >>>I mean my linux computer and they say what is this . Then the smart ones want me to show them out to toss Mac OS out and the dumbs ones just stare into space and say wow I like this . Apple is the most Psy/op company ever to exist, and I am a proud Linux User now for 4 years and will never go back to Mac. P.S. I still use Windows . My son has Windows 7 ,and I must admit it works great.
Good point ^. Anyway I think the most “liberty” would be achieved with Linux. I must admit however that it definitely isn’t a gamers dream.
(the last message was from me)
yeah and sorry about all the typos and my shitty english. I’m sure you got the point.
First of all, buing a mac doesn’t make you some kind of person. Many people are victims of overrated products that cost too much. For example, Dr. Dre Audio Beats. Mac is over priced, overrated, though I like the build quality of macbook pro. I prefer PC. Not because I hate apple, not because I love PC because it’s well adjustable, customisable. And I hate the finder in mac. I don’t find it easy to use at all. I’ve used mac, so I’m not the ones who hate it just because they don’t know mac. I was 2 years in a media school and all we used was 27″ brand new iMacs. My father has macbook pro 15″. It’s good but not good for me. I like gaming. I like that I can adjust and customize my PC however I want. You can’t do that with mac. I feel like mac limits me. You can get twice, if not 3 times better 17″ PC with the money that 1 17″ macbook pro costs. Or the 15″ retina. I prefer PC, some people mac. I think mac isn’t worth it, some people do. No big deal. I don’t get what is this war about. It’s like fighting over a music genres. Or what ice cream tastes the best. C’mon. As I said, some people like mac, some people don’t like mac. I don’t. But I’m okay with that some people do. Some people don’t like computers at all.
Once I looked into it a bit more, most of my reasons were a bit off. I recently spoke with a representative and the text could be resized. Launchpad has “folders” which act as categories and another look at it left me with the impression that it needed no “categories” because it was pretty easy to navigate. I was using the mouse improperly. After looking at the touchpad and its features I have to say it’s great. The quality of it’s products once looked into does justify the price. The mac products are made of aluminum and glass. The innovations are unmatched and the OS is pretty solid. It was all a misrepresentation and misunderstanding. But hey, what do you expect from a “one time” try. I’m still at odds. Windows 8 looks good and I’ve always had a soft spot for Linux (Ubuntu). It’s a beautiful OS and it’s free. I can use crossover for Office so that no hurdle but even then I get Libreoffice free. The only advantage that OSX has is the quality of both the hardware and software. So I’m still deciding between the two. I happen to like the dock. I misrepresented finder. Turns out someone messed with the options. Now looking at the original layout it’s very similar to Linux’s layout. By the way, as I’m looking at these comments the reasons people hate apple are becoming apparent. They range from “I can’t afford it,” to “it’s too expensive.” Had you the money wouldn’t you be tempted to get one?
– Mac’s softwares are sucks generally, especially the finder and dock. can’t do A LOT of thing that can be done in Windows.
– Dual monitor full screen fiasco on osx lion.
– Dual monitor only one menu bar, can’t work on second screen without moving your head every time.
– Annoying fanboys. Explaining you can do things in mac in a lame way and feel smart about it.
– Steve Job is dead.
I’m a college student in search for a productive and performable laptop. I recently looked into buying a Mac but couldn’t help but notice the vast differences when it comes to price and specs. I could list a few PCs that have better specs than a mac on newer hardware for cheaper. This however didn’t hold me back from actually trying one out. I went to the Apple store and played with OSX for a while. All and all I was kind of disappointed. This however can change.
1) Touch-pad and mouse- The touch-pad was quite difficult to use for a first time user. On a regular touch pad one only needs to move his finger and tap to click on something with the exception of the right click which is provided with the right click button. On the macbook I actually had to “press to click on something. On a regular PC I would usually move the cursor with one finger and tap with another finger on a separate hand for right click. On the macbook I actually had to “press down” with two fingers same hand to get a right click option. My personal preference found this to be awkward yet intriguing. This option was not available on an imac mouse “the regular one click not the pad” and it was a bit confusing for that option, not to mention the mouse was a bit heavy and clicking was a hassle. I liked some of the touch-pad features but overall it was a hassle. This could change with more experience. For a noob it isn’t as nearly as friendly as a PC mouse and touch-pad.
2) OSX- Overall I thought the OS was a bit overpriced for the features it included.
Launchpad was ok. I would have liked to see some divisions and categories to enhance the usability. It just looked like a bunch of applications scattered across the screen. How will a new user know which applications are for what? Reading a manual is helpful but with an OS that is targeted at ease of use this “confusion” was a bit disappointing. I myself wasn’t confused but for someone who’s an average user it could cause a bit of a headache.
Applications- The productive applications could be a bit expensive. IWORK is a great office suit but for compatibility issues with Office 2010 it just isn’t worth the 60$. That is of course if I print them out on my own macbook or export the formats to pdf so that it may be viewable in its original format on a windows PC. Office 2011 is great but text size is a problem. At 100% zoom the text was tiny. I had to manually adjust the text to 125% to actually see comfortably while typing. This problem continued on for browsing in Safari.
The default text was just too tiny. Why? I don’t know. If there is a way to change this please let me know and maybe then I’ll reconsider OSX. I thought the text size would improve if I resized the window. Resizing the window to full screen was problematic. I couldn’t. Full screen really means 1/3 of the screen and I would have to manually stretch the screen to cover the desktop. That in my opinion is baloney. That of itself didn’t improve the text size. I would have had to manually change the text size in Safari’s options but if I’m not mistaken it was grayed out. This was a hassle.
Finder was a great innovation in the dock. I liked that I could access my applications at the ease of one click. But when I saw the “darkness” at the end of the tunnel I rejected it. See the problem arose when I noticed that I couldn’t view “all” of my documents without maximizing the screen. This is a turn-off for me because I’m used to seeing my documents folders without maximizing and can easily view my files without taking up the whole page. Not to mention that the layout in finder is quite cluttered when compared to windows explorer or nautilus in unity or gnome. Again if there is an option to fix this let me know. I could live with it.
All in all I thought OSX was pretty plain. I could compare it to iOS but apps could change this so it really isn’t an argument. I like it’s stability and of course it’s a secure system though I heard it was the first to get hacked? It has fewer viruses. I put my trust in Linux for security so If I opt to getting a macbook I WILL get virus protection. I do it on Linux why not on OSX. I really don’t have problems with viruses on windows. I’m not an illiterate user. So yea. If you can address these issues the only thing you would have to convince me on is the price and specs. For now however I’m looking at Sony or Hp for my next laptop which blow macs specs and pricing.
Howdy! I could have sworn I’ve been to this site before but after looking at some of the articles I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m certainly pleased I found it and I’ll be bookmarking it and checking back regularly!
selfish product
selfish adapter
selfish lifestyle
selfish kids who pushes their grandparents to buy imac – when all grandparents want are internet, email and cannot comprehend that the savings can be used for a long due vacation.
selfish company that wants to control everything.
selfish company that patents everything obvious.
why promote such bullsh*t, are we as people degenerating?
hope people are not dumb enough to be suckered in buying used macs at high resale value.
you aRE not helping them mac’tards as you are only funding their stupid lifestyle.
the more you fund their wallet, the more you will share airspace with them in starbucks and hog all the power outlet with a supersize adapter.
You know how all you mac users can upgrade is the HDD and RAM? Well with the new Mac’s that’s not even possible anymore. Have fun paying $2000 for a hardware upgrade.
“The upside of this is that you can guarantee the quality level of the product you’re buying. You know that the machines, their components and their hardware are going to be the highest available level of quality, and not contain second-rate knockoff materials that will burn out within a short time of purchase.
I’d rather pay more for high quality that lasts many years than pay less and replace it far more frequently.”
Rofl this cannot be more untrue, You know that any component in mac’s liek their 4GB 200 dollar RAM, is shitty slow ram, same with most of their HD, and such.
Only some of their graphic cards are good once and even then their mostly the lower versions of those cards that they sell you for twice the price.
also ever tried to upgrade your mac hardware ? it’s a hell compared to any other computer, that’s plus it voids your waranty if you still have one last i’ve checked.
baloney, crap,
fact is mac users are the ones that scour the internet to look for software fan control cause default fan setting is delibrately spun low set by apple. hence at the end of day, they go look for for hacks like that while pc users are surfing and gaming. well linux, its hacking everyday.
baloney crap users.
After years of using Windows, and Linux I finally grabbed a Mac Book Pro in mid- 2010. For years I would buy a new $700+ laptop or upgrades for a desktop to keep my computer running at speeds I was happy with. Over time the Machines would just simply get slower. Now after 2 years with my Mac Book Pro, I have yet to put any money into keeping it “up to speed” it is simply performing exactly how it was when I purchased it. I have to use Autocad at work all the time and as far as windows programs, if you just took the time to do your research and really think about what you need a computer to do, you would realize that over time and for everyday use the Mac line wins. The other thing that really stands out to me is that when I was a Windows/ Linux user at home I would come home and spend about 1-4 hours a night working on getting the computer tweaked to how I wanted it. New freeware to monitor things, new hardware to help speed it up or cool it, new tweaks to get it to be optimal (for me). With my Mac I don’t do these things. I have freed up my time so that I can spend it with loved ones and I have learned how to sit back and enjoy things rather than coming home and trudging through the computer to tweak it daily or weekly even. Because of Mac / Apple I have come to find that my personal time is far more valuable than consistently tweaking a computer. I have enough to fiddle with in life.
Also we did not tweak around with the pc if thats what your saying
Ok my primary argument was anger based madness with little proof and reliability
1. Most computer stores ive been in sell vaios for 3300 dollars
2.We sent the vaio to a computer place for the upgrade
3. Those 5 virus attacks did not involve your our winner complications
I apologize for speaking with little proof and reliability
After a lot of research on these topics I’m gonna make a reliable argument
1, you can customize the clock. 2. Only a dumbass thinks “screen size” is everything. I can get a 20inch laptop for less thant $600. It’s just crap. Apple is still a little (like $200 – $300), but OS upgrades are so much less in the long run. I like the dock. It’s an opinion and actually, many people love the dock. Actually, most people (even some windows die hard who try it for a while) love the mac GUI. They practically invented the GUI (at least how it is today) and the reason why you hate it so much is because your used to windows. Same reason I loathed linux GUI for the first month I used it. This is a serious question, why is mac “locked down”. No one ever gives me a list, it’s just like it’s a given. I mean, I’ve never encountered anything you can do on windows that mac won’t let you do except when I program, and even then you only have to click two extra buttons to get it to work. The ports I can sort of understand, except for the fire-wire thing. Yes, the battle was lost, but it was still faster than USB 2.0 and I used it for backups a lot. A lot of those ports you listed aren’t even on standard computers anyway. For the f**ing right click thing. THERE IS A FREAKING RIGHT CLICK. You can either get your track pad to let you right click (or most apple mouse’s) or you can just control click. I will admit it is annoying though.
I bought a macbook pro and I was not happy with it at all. It was WAY overpriced, and gaming really sucks…. I mean REALLY REALLY sucks.
It’s hard to come by educated people about this topic, but you seem like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks
I think somebody touched a nerve here. I am enjoying the fact that most of the mac sheep automatically assume you believe PC (AKA: Windoz) is better. Fact is Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are (were) brilliant entrepreneurs who made billions selling us their wares. It’s like VHS vs. Beta again; Beta was the far superior format in terms of video and audio quality (TV industry standard for decades), however VHS offered a less expensive option that sported a greater capacity of recorded video. I suppose you could always have the best of both dismal worlds with a Hackintosh PC, but I really don’t know why anyone would want to. The real fact is there are no perfect solutions to our personal computing woes, but there are other options besides just these two. Linux has come a long way in recent years, and has always been (since it’s inception) much more stable than anything on the market; UNIX not withstanding. Just for the record Linux isn’t a “UNIX clone” at all, however it was initially created to interface with Unix. You can read some of that here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Linux . I’m not saying Linux is superior to any other OS (at least not out loud), but I am saying there are literally hundreds of alliterative options out there, and to limit your horizon to only two very commercial options id being very close minded about your future.
Good work plus nice looking site
True. I have mac and already decided to switch from apple production to any other. HATE IT.
some apps frozen – only recourse is to yank out battery on mac???
thats user friendly. pathetic.
It would be best for all of the PC supporters to just go on with your superior lives. It is clear as day that nothing you can say will change the minds of these ignorant Mac fanboys. The stupid will only get stupider so there is no point in wasting your effort in attempting to change these wannabe tech-savvy, hipsters. As evident above, they have attempted many time to disprove the claims made in this “rant”, yet they only came to further provide greater evidence backing up these facts as to why Macs suck. It is a waste of our time to pursue in this Mac vs PC debate for that the answer to this debate has already been made clear from the articles and evidence kindly provided by Mac fanboys; PC are far superior machines. Let just let the ignorant masses continue to live their ignorant lives. At the very least, these fanboys help in stimulating the economy by spending a butt-crazy sum of cash for crap.
Try to keep everything simple for the mac users. They don’t like complicated stuff.
Hey Mac users, where’s you’re 3D? Where’s your Beats Audio? Where’s your gaming? Where’s your Entertainment? Oh that’s right, you stupid puppets don’t have that.
I hate using the mactard mouse. It’s cheap crap.
And no, I will not use Final Cut amateur X. if you want to edit on your fancy mac paperweight that’s ok cause youll be eating my dust. Premiere Pro works great on a PC!.
baloney, found a previous post from someone above… interesting….
anyways just for 3rd party mouse, mac has problems:
“Thanks for all the detailed diagnostic so far – we’re using it all to look into why you’re having so many problems. Most people are fine under Lion but obviously some aren’t! To answer your question, Mac support can be tricky. Just the difference between the versions within each major release of the OS (10.6.4 vs. 10.6.6, for example) can sometimes cause issues.”
windows never break on such small version updates and especially for something as simple and non-trivial as 3rd party mouse. what will happen with 3rd party webcam, wifi, printer, etc.? yeah your gramps not gonna have headache. bullshit.
I have no idea what Elias is talking about…. anyway “…….” I can assure you that my “stories” arent fake. And you are incorrect in your assumption that if a PC fails it’s the users fault. That’s a laughably stupid statement. Computers are tools to accomplish an end, for some people they are more, but for the majority of users they dont care how it works, they dont want to tweak or customize the OS , they just want to get work done. Why should my grandfather need to know how to defragment his hard drive and manage a registry? So does a Mac suck for him? No, it’s saved me a ton of headaches and for that, it’s MORE than worth the price.
“mr gates the richest conman in the world has been toying with you people for 40 years
And thats how he’s rich
he is a thief”
Yes hes a thief, donating the majority of his fortune to charity and saving over 7million lives. What a crook.
P.S. There are countless Stories(Read: Fake) about PC’s and Mac’s (Example: Herp and 2297.) Yours is mostly likely one of them.
P.P.S. If a PC fails you, you are an idiot and fucked up your computer.
face palm!
I am so disgusted that people continue to argue about this.
Macs are king
Pcs are massive ripoffs
If you want to think about it pcs are overpriced
Some vaios cost 3300 dollars the most expensive mac only costs 2000
My sister had a windows for 4 years lets take a look at some of the complications
2. Major failure when trying to upgrade to windows 7
5Does not take cps
6.shuts down for no reason
7.voice is jacked up
8. We had a camera but it was destroyed along with all of the rest of her info in the update
2.Occasional application crashes
thats it
I havent gotten a single virus
not a single error
and when i updated to the latest system there was no damage
the one time i damaged my mac was when i spilled a who cup of water on it.
The information was lost but none of the other components were even damaged
this is an outrage
mr gates the richest conman in the world has been toying with you people for 40 years
And thats how he’s rich
he is a thief
Really now? I have AMD and intel PC’s along with my Macs and in intensive applications my i7 consistently outdoes my FX. As for graphic cards Im partial to AMD’s radeon line even if theres little linux support for their cards. And you don’t know me, I never pay retail for anything. My university gave me a grant for my MacBook Pro, my previous Macs were purchased used or refurbished. My PCs are all built by me with parts that I get for great deals. Furthermore, AMD has their work cut out for them, intel is a group of trolls. They sandbag like no ones business, the i7 extreme has two disabled cores the article link escapes me but google it, Im too lazy to do that right now.
I’ve seen the benchmarks but my own test don’t show much of a difference. Company’s pay benchmark makers to lie about their scores, they all have done it before. Intel is overpriced, yeah they have decent CPU’s but I have rigs with NVIDIA, AMD and Intel, there is no real difference in performance. Unless you are running benchmarks, Intel CPU’s just run benchmarks better because all Intel cares about is their score and money.
All you idiots just think “Its more expensive so it MUST be better” There is a obvious reason behind your name.
@2294, now tell me how some technologically illiterate middle aged man/woman is going to know how to build their own rig? Oh and the moment I saw an AMD FX CPU I immediately discredited this. Even the lower frequency quad core ivy-bridges are outdoing the bulldozer. For the money, sure AMDs are great, but since many on here claim to adhere to outright performance, intel is your company.
@hahaha for the same reason you clicked on this link, now climb out of Bill Gate’s a*****e.
all the butthurt mac fanboys. Why did you click on this if you enjoy steve jobs dick so much?
That’s exactly what I’m talking about. With a desktop PC as long as your smart and buy the right motherboard your computer can last you more then 10 years, and you can upgrade whatever part you need to upgrade. Laptops are always behind in technology, and its better to have a powerful desktop and a cheap laptop then just use remote software or a cloud system to run everything off of your desktop but control it from your laptop.
Manufacturer: Me
Processor: AMD FX Eight Core Processor 4.2GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM 1600Mhz (2x4GB)
Hard Drive: 1.5TB +120GB SSD
Video Card: XFX Double D AMD Radeon HD 6870 x2 (920MHz Core Clock, 1100MHz Memory Clock) CF
Monitor: ASUS VE228H 27″ LED HD 1080P
Sound Card: AMD HD Audio
Speakers/Headphones: CA 2.1 60W, 30W Sub/Gigaware Wrap-Around USB Headset
PSU: RAIDMAX RX -850AW 850W 80+ Gold
Keyboard: Logitech G110
Mouse: Logitech EX100
Mouse Surface: Generic
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Computer Case: NZXT Phantom (PHAN-001BK, Black Steel)
Cost me a little over $1000. Not the best rig out there but better then any Mac and cheaper then most.
Yeah, I have yet to encounter a peripheral that doesn’t work on my Mac, even the ones that dont have “works with mac” on the package. All you have to do is download drivers.
@2291, show me. 99.9999% of all laptops have soldered CPUs and GPUs. If you’re talking about desktops then sure, I’d buy a PC desktop over a Mac Pro. But honestly besides RAM and HDD/SSDs Ive never upgraded any of my computers. Because by the time my CPU and GPU are old it would be more efficient to buy a new laptop, because by then RAM and SSDs are faster, displays are better and a new wireless protocol will be out.
pc all the way,
let’s say your wireless and ethernet are broken. try shopping for 3rd party wireless dongle that works on non-windows OS. that’s where you’ll see why windows shines even without using windex.
when it comes to peripherals, webcam, printer, ethernet, etc.
windows >>> linux >> mac
sorry to burst your bubble. no, it’s not the whole world conspire to screw linux and mac. it just microsoft foster commercial environment where every device manufacturer can develop drivers for the os unlike the tight control on apple platform. they chose not to let 3rd party drivers from amd/nvidia.
are theirs homecrap drivers any better.
nobody knows their hardware better than the chip maker.
I prefer PC’s, they last longer and even the pre-made ones are upgradeable.
The PC I made is more powerful then any Mac available. But lets say I need to upgrade or replace a part that isn’t the RAM or HDD/SSD, instead of buying an entirely new computer for $1000 – $4000 I only need to spend $100 – $600 for the part I need.
And as for the “world class” Displays My cousin has the new retina display MBP he enjoys the quality of the display, but he is a bit peeved because he says mine “looks way better”.
In that case I completely agree.
“Well that doesn’t mean that Macs suck, they just aren’t good enough for what you want. I have no need for multiple GPUs so they’re fantastic for me.”
No it does mean they suck, for me. I never said you had to agree with me, I never said they suck in general I don’t like them I don’t see the value in them, and I am in no way forcing you to “see the error’s of your ways”
@pffft yeah, um no. You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about if you think the manufacturing location has anything to do with it. In today’s market companies set quality requirements to be met by said manufacturer. Location has become irrelevant.
@anonymous Well that doesn’t mean that Macs suck, they just aren’t good enough for what you want. I have no need for multiple GPUs so they’re fantastic for me.
@noangel With that grammar you won’t convince me. What if I don’t want to run lines of code to accomplish things? Not to mention people who aren’t technologically competent. Are you suggesting that my father buy a linux computer? Hah, that’d be a laugh.
Not to mention that just because a computer runs linux doesn’t mean it’s automatically faster than a Windows/OS X box.
Im leaving with this, you can’t base all computer performance on an objective basis. If that were true then everyone would use linux on a custom built computer. The vast majority of the world is not interested in building their own computer and customizing their OS (I’m sorry it’s true). Objective performance only wins on paper, otherwise the Corvette would be the greatest car ever and no one would buy Gibson/PRS/Insert expensive American guitar brand here/ guitars.
never buy mac, if u have money. pc are simple the best – customizable, cheap, have free OS as option, u can do anything on it, its so much faster, then mac. i mean not win vs mac os, but pc with linux/bsd/win vs mac. f**k you apple!
lol too many mac fanboys, you are pretty stupid. all the apple products are made in china and obsolete technology, while my pc (dual-boot win7 and lubuntu) is made in south korea and is not obsolete. you just buy your stupid apple because you are isheeps.
What do they have to do with anything? They are related to this entire argument. Computing is a singular and unique experience for everyone, everyone has different needs, preferences, expectations, and understanding of computers. For me multi-GPU support is a must. Mac’s do not support multi-GPU’s.
In this argument of opinions my previous statement is valid.
@Anonymous, what does running multiple GPUs have to do with anything?
Get real – and learn the facts. It is not Mac who is out of touch, but YOU. I have PCs too – but my Macs are far more stable don’t require defragmenting and yes are much more efficient than my other windows based operating systems.
Normally I don’t read post on blogs, but I wish to say that this write-up very compelled me to try and do so! Your writing taste has been surprised me. Thanks, quite nice article.
“Indeed. Nice list of examples too.” I figured commons sense would lead to you figuring this out but alright. CNET, LaptopMag, PCMag etc.
@bubuzzz While Im not a software engineer, a good friend of mine is and he has no problems with web development (protech1inc) albeit it’s fairly basic stuff.
“Tell me, why does every laptop or tech publication love Macs?”
Indeed. Nice list of examples too.
I am a software engineer who just got a mac mini 1 weeks ago (I have money, I am open minded, so i should try, anyway). I played with window from 3.1, ubuntu from 7.04 and now, osx 10.7. What can i say? 10.7 is totally a crap. Web development is totally bullshit under osx. For example, this issue https://mariz.org/blog/2007/01/26/mac-os-x-decoder-jpeg-not-available/ still happens until now (even after 5 years). And the way to solve it is just like linux ‘s ways 5 years ago: search google to find the suitable libs, recompile the lib with ./configure, make, make install… and the install the wanted package again. I can do that easily, but i dont want to waste my time just for a little problem. Do you know how easy is that in linux? Just open the terminal and type “apt-cache search sth” and then select the good one to install with only 1 more command line. So, if you only a normal user, want to have a good UI style to work with, then go for Mac. Otherwise, if you are an IT guy who is not interested with osx specific development, then stay away from it
Hell, even the term value is subjective. It really depends on what you want with your laptop.
Wow, most of you are idiots. “This is bad on a Mac” really? Well thats vague, which one? What CPU? I have a 2012 MBP (15″ regular not retina) and it runs Diablo 3 and other new games just fine. Whats this “non repairable” crap? Aside from the CPU and GPU (which are soldered on nearly EVERY laptop PC or Mac) the RAM and HDD can be user changed with no problems whatsoever. And OS X is more than Free BSD with an interface slapped on, go do some research GPS. And to whoever said “you have to ctrl + click” no you don’t. Go to mouse or trackpad settings, you can program one side of the trackpad or a corner or a gesture or two fingers etc. The only thing that’s a disadvantage is the price and even that doesn’t make it a bad product it makes it a bad value. Tell me, why does every laptop or tech publication love Macs? They aren’t stupid, they deal with more computers than you or I will ever own. Bad value=/= bad product.
We built [the Mac] for ourselves. We were the group of people who were going to judge whether it was great or not. We weren’t going to go out and do market research.”
“A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.”
there are reasons why the word mactards sticks because your founder thinks you are one because you cant make informed decisions and because you guys just know how to open your wallet and mouth.
have their own os?
freebsd with a graphical desktop environment slapped on top. maybe one day they have a clause to make leeches pay attribute like say “mac os x BSD”, so
mactards dont think they are funding apple’s hard work.
atleast msoft maintain its own nt kernel source and graphical desktop environment.
hahahaha misled to overpaid for graphical desktop environment. we have plenty of those, kde, gnome, lxde, xfce.
atleast when you buy next version of windows, it usually comes with major directx version overhaul in the kernel. you are actually paying for something very complex support not just minor improvements in gui, etc.
Whats your point? I know they have their own OS.
Mac died with Steve Jobs. Admit it and get the iShovel already.
If you run a decent production studio you’re most likely to have BOTH platforms, and you might even still use some really ancient analogue (no computer anywhere in sight) techniques. The idea is to provide a great atmosphere with the best tools and people to help people in the creative process.
If your ‘engineers’ are worth their salt, they’re not going to tell enraptures and artists what to use, nor are they going to tell the public what to like or producers what to risk their hard earned money for. The successful studio listens to the artist and helps them be as productive as possible.
If someone calls my studio and asks, “Do you have Band in a Box for the 1988 Atari ST?” I’m going to pull it out of the basement and set it up…the studio is there to make him happy and help him create.
So really…who the heck cares? If it makes someone happy, and they’re willing to pay or share in the profits to work in a particular environment…then provide it.
Tools are tools…people are people. Matching the right tool with the right person is what it’s all about.
Mac sucks.Final Cut X is the last straw. Dissed every Final Cut Pro editor
True, except Apple has its own OS.
“…The Mac is no different from any other Intel computer, They all have the same Intel Component’s inside…”
True and False. Intel and AMD sell the designed to Apple, Apple then sends the designs to their factory to produce the products (With the exception of the CPU and GPU, and I’m talking about these https://www.slipperybrick.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/amdhd4000-sb.jpg ) Much like other 3rd party company’s such as: XFX, EVGA, HIS, MSI, DELL, HP, Asus. ect.
Computer Systems
Most computer users have not got a clue about computers or operating systems period. A computer is a computer The Mac is no different from any other Intel computer, They all have the same Intel Component’s inside, Though a Pc are a higher specification than the Mac, do your home work,
Anyway, if you get a Mac, chances are you will still put Windows on it as most applications, especially games are intended for the Windows platform. Besides, there are only a few free software that are designed for Macs. So in the end what would you gain for having a Mac. You will be spending more for the hardware and then spend extra for Windows. Would it be a wise choice? It may be if you will only stick to Mac and won’t be running games on it. The choice is yours.
Oh by the way, only idiots who don’t know how to protect their computers on Windows get virus problems. They are the ones who don’t use antivirus and antispyware protection and just click on every link and email attachments that they encounter. I hope you don’t happen to be one of them.
i never had any virus on the pc only idiots had a virus. if you know what are you doing.
If you think about it. Why are there so many virus on PC(Windows) than on a Mac and why so many games on PC(windows) than on a Mac. Because there are more PC(windows) out there so if you want to make money you have to aim for the bigger crowd not the smaller one and hoping you will make money from the smaller crowd.
@ Mr.Mac96
Can you show prove that every games are under contract with Microsoft that is why
they cannot released a mac version of it. Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, borderland, and more are also on Mac and some do not run as good as on PC. But if you’re talking about xbox 360 where Microsoft dump million of dollars to make a specific game to be there exclusive to their console then I understand where you are coming from. Please don’t just say that Mac is superior in almost every way when you have no evidence to support it beside just stated your opinion.
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Written by a true dick who has no idea what he is talking about. More that 75% of this s**t isn’t true. The truth of it, is that Macs are superior in almost every way compared to other computers. As far as gaming capabilities, the only real reason they can’t play a “PC game” is because mostly every game intended for PC’s are under contract conditions with Microsoft and therefore cannot be played on a Mac without the proper Dual OS software.
My point is, Macs are better… nuff said. :P
and playing league of legends is laggy on a mac.
when scrollbar have a hard time tracking and trailing behind the mouse. mouse setting is
not the problem. mouse is already faster than the safari crap. all browsers currently on
windows and linux feels more snappy than your crap desktop os.
poster 2255, stop crapping in all your orifice. suggest you use charmin ultra for your crap.
When I minimize Diablo 3 on a mac everything else is so laggy and I get the infinity rainbow spinning whell. Sometimes I have to do cold boot inorder to get out of the lag and the beautiful rainbow spinning wheel. I almost kill myself and installed it on my PC(windows) to play Diablo 3 and do other stuffs when I want to rest from diablo 3. This tell me that os x sucks at multitasks.
ye i try out a mac book pro. things that i don’t like
Right click: you had to ctr l+ click so annoying
Browsing: At random times don’t even know. Gets a rainbow spinning beach ball of death
Gaming: Poor
Price: Expensive
Benefits: Only good for audio/music.
What i had seen: Face book 24/7? emailing, Starbucks, youtube, itunes
Other than that, you could just get a notebook is not that worth to get a mac unless you’re doing audio.
Duh, it’s mouse settings! You don’t want that answer because you know its true!
tried out imac at best buy,
scrolling is slow on safari.
i mean scrollbar is trailing behind mouse.
last time i see this was browsers on linux. but that has improved a lot since. today, firefox, chrome, etc, on linux, windows dont have this problem.
please dont suggest mouse speed can be change in settings.
this has nothing to do with mouse speed. mouse is already faster than what webkit/gui subsystem can render.
way overrated.
browsing == poor
gaming == poor
cad == poor
flash == poor
office == poor
price == poor
choice == poor
aesthetic == better
other than preety icons, it is not even intuitive.
I look at computers as a tool which I will have to use all day; everyday. And when thinking about this I decided that I want a computer that performs well, maintenance can be by the user, all parts new and old are compatible, and so on. PC meets all my requirements and more. Mac almost breaks the bare minimum. But a fancy touch pad and a debatable better screen does not make up for the lack of functionality.
I look at computers as a tool which I will have to use all day; everyday. And when thinking about this I decided that I want a computer that is nice to use, which is why I picked a MBP.
although i still use my pc. But @exactly, except one thing
i was also force to use a mac for the storage i need for programs such as Pro Tools, Logic and other audio programs.
Some dumb stupid people out there just brought a computer just because it looks so beautiful and shiny.
I only looked at computers for performance not for looks.
Mac OS is based on BSD, so its not linux… they share a lot of code but still Linux is different.
I like linux better than BSD.
I was forced to use a Mac at my work and it a very bad OS.
Yes, for gaming PC is the way to go without a doubt.
Especially for gaming, although if your looking for excellent video and photography editing and programes and have the$ i’d say get a mac. I own a pc and it is excellent for gaming and still offers a fair lot in photography and video if you find the right program
Well, if ur looking into more gaming experience you should totally own a PC, tho if u would use the computer for editing, music, and that sort of stuff i have heard mac is better, tho I love PC and it can do all that stuff as well, tho Mac ain’t compatible with most games, and they are frigging expensive in comparison.
WTF do they still exist with their overpriced sh*t. Windows is 1,000,000 x better. They put a firmware on their HDD to make you buy their overpriced fragile shi*tty HDD. Oh, well HDD isn’t sh*t, only Apple.
You don’t have to buy Apple’s HDD dumbass. Any HDD will work. The reason Apple is still in business is because of things like the new MacBook Pro.
windows xp was one of the best os yet
WTF do they still exist with their overpriced sh*t. Windows is 1,000,000 x better. They put a firmware on their HDD to make you buy their overpriced fragile shi*tty HDD. Oh, well HDD isn’t sh*t, only Apple.
both laptops slightly different one thing i hate was fanboys who dont give out facts just random words trying to defend themselves.
I don’t mind both windows and mac. But I hate ignorant fanboys
This is only a computer, not a religion. Although all fanboys need was to shut up and keep it for themselves somehow
You keep on claiming that mac applications sucks and are limited in their functions but dont clarify………..
Are you paid by windows? -_____-
Typing this, from a Mac you may be surprised to hear (or read) that I am able to listen to criticism of my 08 Macbook. I know, particularly the author of the article, is thinking bs look at this snob fanboy, but paying those undesirables no heed let me continue. If you want good, objective, consumer advice listen. Mac products are fully functional and come bundled with easy to use programs that I’ve never found a problem with, on the laptops the battery life is healthy, and freezes are not a real issue. However for gaming stay far from a mac device, no good game is a mac exclusive and only a handful of gems are ported over to OSX, also if you wish to customize your device then you are out of luck. However I have a friend who is very into the PC crowd and we have had good objective conversation over this sort of thing. I’ve determined the three advantages of a PC: Cost, options, and games. You can build your own PC, according to him you can get a pretty good rig for under 1,000 dollars U.S. and that the task of assembly is actually not as daunting as it seems. Due to high PC sales you can also get every video game that is not a console exclusive and run it on highest settings if you have the hardware while the current Macs aren’t built with this level of power nor can they be customized so as to attain it. This is an objective critique.
Also there is a face :D a happy face
((( and a rainbow?
Macs have right-click dumbass. System Preferences. F**k you.
and the annoying thing i find on the mac is that when you right click besides clicking the right click on your mouse you had to press
control + click
when is my first time using a mac to give n go for reasons i feel really bored on the mac like what else that needs to do besides browsing the web
but i am now using it for music but i am using my pc a lot. Cuz there are so many games out there that is available for pc you can change your graphics card anytime you want . i never had a virus on my pc only idiots [noobs] had a virus.
“What Im saying is the service is better, the OS is smoother…”
That’s subjective My OS is as smooth as a baby’s bottom. :)
“…the keyboard fee…”
Again Subjective.
“everything Ive read about the bulldozers says they’re a great value but in terms of objective performance they lag behind the intel CPUs.”
My last build was a i7 2600k. And I can tell you right now. No difference from AMD FX equivalent’s
i7 have slightly smoother performance as they are VPU’s. But hardly worth the price. When it comes down to it, its just up to your preference. Any AMD has yet to fail me, so no need to switch to a more expensive competitor. Same with Nvidia. Both cards are just as good as one another, but one is more expensive because of software support. That honestly doesn’t impact performance at all unless the game/Program was built for it.
Anyway. As for Laptops I would have to agree PC manufactures are bit lacking, But Sony seems to be trying to change that.
Personally I don’t need a laptop for anything. And if I did need one I would probably get a cheap netbook as I wont be doing anything to taxing on a laptop anyway.
What Im saying is the service is better, the OS is smoother the little features and details like MagSafe (yes I know it originated in Japanese kitchen appliances, that’s irrelevant) the battery indicator, the keyboard feel and yes, the trackpad. Apple lacks in the desktop dept. I’ll give you that. But I have yet to find a laptop that is as nice all around as a Mac. My next computer will probably be a PC desktop, but I have to say the iMacs are nice all-in-ones. And iMacs use laptop CPUS and GPUs which limit them, yet the i5 in the iMac will probably win in terms of applications that aren’t heavily threaded, everything Ive read about the bulldozers says they’re a great value but in terms of objective performance they lag behind the intel CPUs.