Islam Awareness Week

By   |  November 18, 2008
The religion of peace

The religion of peace

If you really want to learn about Islam, get your facts from a non-Muslim. Get them from a Jew. A Christian. A black guy, a white woman, an Australian, an agnostic, a Buddhist, a Native American, whatever. Even a Muslim moderate, or a Druze. But not a Muslim fundamentalist. You do that and I can almost guarantee you the information you get will be seriously flawed and lacking. Asking a Muslim to teach you about Islam is like asking a neo-Nazi to teach you about the Third Reich.

Why such Islamophobia, Blogger? you might ask. I’ll tell you why. The Muslim Student Union. If not for them, I don’t think I’d ever have been sparked to learn as much about Islam as I have today. So I suppose I owe any MSU kids reading this some thanks.

If you really want to learn about Islam, disregard the Muslim Student Union. They’ve proven beyond a doubt that they are incapable of presenting all sides to an issue, least of all Islam. They’ve proven this through the hateful and venom-spitting anti-US and anti-Semitic speakers they inject into our campus. They’ve proven this through their actions as well as their infamous anti-Israel week.

I, a non-Muslim, can teach you more about Islam than anyone indoctrinated to unconditionally love the religion can, and I can do it because I’ve grown up outside of a Muslim household. I had the fortune to grow up in a relatively secular family, and therefore a relatively open-minded family. There are aspects of all religions that I don’t agree with, but Islam outweighs them all.

Islam is more than a religion. It’s a way of life. It’s a form of government, a form of banking, and a form of submission. ‘Islam’ translates literally to ‘submission’, and I don’t think the religion could be described with a more perfect adjective. Islam is all about submission. Submission to Allah. Submission to the way of Islam. Women submitting to men. Daughters submitting to fathers to be married off as young as one year old. Wives submitting to husbands and accepting beatings. Women submitting and covering themselves in burkas to hide their ‘shame’. Unbelievers, ‘kafir’, submitting to Muslims.

Submission, submission, submission.

You know those Jehovah’s witnesses that walk door-to-door and badger you about their religion? I wish Islam was like that. The world would be a lot more peaceful. But Islamists are not merely interested in collecting converts. The Qur’an, the Muslim holy book, carries a doctrine that it is the duty of all Muslims to Islamicize their neighbors, their neighborhood, their friends, their school, their work, their city, their country, and last of all the world. The Qur’an calls for world domination by Islam.

To take statistics from the CIA’s World Fact Book (2007):

Depending on the number of Muslims in a country in proportion to non-Muslims, we can see a pattern.

When they comprise 1% of the population, they are regarded as peace-loving minority (Canada, US, China).

At 2% and 3% Muslim populations, Muslims recruit mainly from the jails (Denmark, Germany, UK).


From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population- such as demanding restaurants serve Hallal food and employers provide 5 breaks a day for Muslim employees to pray (France, Switzerland, Sweden).


At 20%, expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, & church and synagogue burnings (Ethiopia).
At 40%, expect widespread massacres, relentless terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare (Lebanon, Chad, Bosnia).

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Shariah law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels (Albania, Malaysia, Qatar, Sudan).

At 80%, expect State-run ethnic cleansing and genocide (Palestine, Turkey, Egypt, Gaza, Indonesia, Pakistan, UAE, Morocco, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Bangladesh.)
100% is supposed to usher in the peace of Dar-es-Salaam, the Islamic House of Peace; there should be peace because everyone is Muslim (Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia).

Of course, that’s not the case. To satisfy their bloodlust, Muslims then start killing each other for various reasons.

Now, if Muslims were like other people of the book, these doctrines of murder and domination- among many, many others in the Qur’an- would not be a problem. Christianity and even Judaism have some violent doctrines in their holy scriptures. But do you see Christians running around killing non-Christians? Do you see Jews murdering goyim? No. Christians and Jews, quite thankfully, have integrated into modern society and as a whole rejected the violent and hateful doctrines of their religions.

Muslims have not.

When the Qur’an says to dominate the world in the name of Islam, Muslims take it seriously. When the Qur’an says to murder a non-Muslim for the mere fact that he is a non-Muslim, when it allows for beating one’s wife and forcing women to walk around in bedsheets to hide their “shame”, Muslims take it seriously. All you need to do is look at any Islamic country in the Middle East for evidence.

It’s true that the Qur’an preaches ideas of peace and acceptance. However, it also preaches ideas of hate and violence, and actions speak louder than words. To say Islam is a religion of peace simply because it sprinkles some peaceful ideas in with the hateful ones is to say that a cake is not poisonous because it has more cake than poison. Even if they follow the peaceful ones, Muslims choose to exercise the oppressive and violent ideals of the Qur’an as well. And in general, these conflicting ideals of hate and peace contradict one another in the Qur’an. They contradict each other very directly, and many Muslims accept this.

Islam in general follows a specific law system known as Shariah law, which is already in effect in a number of Arab and Islamic countries and might as well be in effect in others. This law system, as you can guess, is incredibly flawed and built upon homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, racism, and bloodlust. Britain today is probably the Western country that is suffering the most from the steady creep of Shariah. The population has become noticeably more and more Muslim over the years, Muslims who hate the way the British run their country. Muslims who hate the British government, some who want to kill them, and want to reform it to suit their tastes. Already in Britain there are Shariah banks and Shariah courts for Muslims.

America is only a couple years behind Britain when regarding the onset of Shariah.

The MSU will undoubtedly forget to educate its audience on any of this. It will of course preach the tired old “Islam is a religion of peace” and “look at how many people are converting to Islam”. The first I’ve already debunked and the second is complete hogwash, nothing to do with how “pure” Islam is. People are stupid, and can be easily misled. Many, if not nearly all, Muslim organizations have time and again lied their faces off to their host country as well as other countries. The Muslim Brotherhood, the PLO, Hamas, the MSU.

If you want an unadulterated look at Islam in its elements, in the mosques and around other Muslims I suggest watching Dispatch: Undercover Mosque as a starting point. It is the documentary of undercover reporter disguised as a Muslim as he attends Muslim events in the UK and learns the “tolerant, accepting” face the organizations put on is nothing more than that. A face. Behind it lurks something far more malicious.

There are Muslims, moderate Muslims such as the Druze, who have formed to reject Shariah law and the violent and despicable doctrines of the Qur’an. These people are diamonds in the rough, miraculously untouched by the hate of their community. They’ve grown up just as any Christian or Jew has and have been taught to renounce their holy book’s calls for murder, rape, and violence. Unfortunately, these people are few and far between, and barely make up more than a fraction of the world’s 1 billion Muslims.

I could fill pages with more info on Islam. But I trust you, dear Reader, are capable of quality research yourself. Go to Google. Look at the facts. Learn, and don’t be fooled.

Click on the link below for a list of statistics compiled by the CIA and the World Fact Book from 2007 that looks at the level of violence in a country related to the percentage of its Muslim population.  Relate this information to areas like Northern Africa, Iran, and Syria and you will see that I am not merely blowing smoke.

A Wake-Up to Infidels: Islamification

This week, when the MSU flaunts its “tolerant, respectful, and accepting” garbage around campus, I hope you will have the insight to look past this propaganda make-up and see these people for their true intentions.

By ~Tinct

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8 Comments on “Islam Awareness Week”  (RSS)

  1. Those of you who chose to ignore the fact that I wrote explicitly about Islamic fundamentalism and not Islam in general, and who are playing the much-abused “Islamophobic” card, can thank UCI’s MSU for creating this viewpoint.

    The MSU is blasphemous in name because its current radical agenda and leadership does not represent the viewpoint of all Muslims. There are MSU members who disagree with where the group is heading. You people can thank the MSU for instigating the viewpoint represented in this article; when they bring terrorist supporters and anti-Semites onto campus, they make sure people know the MUSLIM Student Union brought them here. This is not fair to Muslim moderates (who are incidentally against the violent doctrines of the Qur’an, like all Christians and Jews today are against the violent portions of the Bible), who get a bad rap for the actions of their crazy fundamentalist counterparts.

    If you feel like Islam gets a bad rap, take your grievances to extremist organizations like CAIR and the Muslim Student Union (or Muslim Student Association) for wrongfully propagating the hateful portions of the Qur’an in the name of Islam and revolting us freedom-loving Westerners.

  2. I would like to clarify; Muslim fundamentalists.

  3. everything he says about Musulims is true. that is SO!!!

  4. hey! shut up! this man knows everything and i dont see YOU writing now DO I??!! if you dont like it then shut up and dont say anything got it! this person is great at writing and u have terrible taste in writing so be quiet! *exhales* it has great detail and you have an amazing skill tinct keep it up!

  5. If you think extremism of any creed is a valid opinion, then I am very sorry for the garbage dump that is your view of the world.

  6. i thought idiots couldn’t write for the UC times, but this article proved me wrong, if you want the real side to a story you talk to everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims, extremist and non-extremist then you formulate a grand idea about what you have learned, also maybe do some research about what you are asking, but don’t just ask someone who has no idea about the religion and think that’s the correct answer, that’s like asking a business man how to preform surgery, the best way to learn is to hit the source, pick up a quran and decipher it for yourself then you will be able to create a clear line between what is said to be right or said to be wrong, be wise and be smart, peace

  7. You bet.

  8. Ain’t you an angry fellow?

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