
Obama’s Mrs. Grenvilles

Now that George Bush is really gone and Obama has the reins of power firmly in his hands there remains an interesting question: What will he do about all of the illegal actions that the Bush administration officials perpetrated during their eight years in power? Or, more interestingly, will he do anything at all?

There will certainly be pressure from certain quarters of the Democratic party to investigate some of the more egregious violations of executive power and privilege that Bush and vice-president Dick Cheney foisted upon the U.S. during their reign of terror – strike that – fighting terror but will this pressure gain enough traction amongst the current crop of lawmakers, mostly Democrats, to cause anything to actually happen?

If history serves as a guide, recent history at that, the answer would appear to be no. It must be said, however, that recent history includes only examples of Republicans pardoning Republicans and not members of either party initiating investigations into members of the opposing parties. Ford pardoned Nixon to save the country further turmoil. Reagan pardoned Poindexter, architect of the Iran-contra scandal, for reasons that are still unclear. Bush commuted Scooter Libby’s sentence for reasons unexplained. These are perhaps the most glaring examples but they involve only members of the same party.

What is likely to happen now that there are clearly members of an opposing party – George Bush, Alberto Gonzales, Dick Cheney, all of Bush’s torture enablers, and many others in the government apparatus – who would appear to be culpable of crimes ranging from obstruction of justice to violating a number of articles of the American Constitution. Will these people and their alleged transgressions be investigated and if the evidence points in that direction will they be prosecuted?

The answer, in this writer’s humble opinion, is a resounding no. Why is this seeming miscarriage of justice – to some, anyway – going to take place? Simply because these people, no matter what their behavior, are at the most basic level still part of The Club. And what is The Club? It’s that group of the privileged few, who through whatever means – schooling, family, connections, blind ambition – manage to get to the pinnacle of power in American government. That’s not to say that many are not intelligent and capable but there are many people who are also that but cannot break into the inner circles of power in Washington. The point is that once you are there you are part of a protected group that seems to be above the normal conventions that apply to the rest of us.

Dominick Dunne wrote a fascinating book in 1985 that was inspired by the sensational Woodward murder case in 1955 in which a well-born society figure, William Woodward, was shot by his actress/showgirl wife in a highly publicized incident that was dubbed “the shooting of the century.” The shooting was ruled an accident and Mrs. Woodward was never charged. In Dunne’s book, The Two  Mrs. Grenvilles, a woman from a similar background marries above herself into a blue-blood East coast society family and accidentally, according to her, shoots her husband when she mistakes him in the middle of the night for a prowler, the same as the real Mrs. Woodward.

The man’s family is understandably shocked, especially since none of them ever considered her to be a true Grenville, considering her, in their eyes, disreputable background. Yet as soon as the press and public start the predictable feeding frenzy a complete reversal of attitude emerges. She then is protected by the matriarch of the family, her husband’s mother, and for the first time truly becomes a Grenville. It was only, as Dunne writes, when the outside world was going to be allowed a glimpse into their rarefied world that the Grenville family and all of “society” rallied around the hapless younger Mrs. Grenville and drew her into their bosom because in the long run she was now one of them, however she got to be there and outsiders were not allowed into their world no matter the circumstances.
This admittedly long analogy is, I believe, an accurate description of exactly what will transpire in the situation now facing Obama and the Democrats. To prosecute any of the transgressors of the previous administration would be tantamount to opening the door and letting in the riff raff to see how things really work inside the Washington beltway and I suspect that is something that will never happen. The Washington establishment will close in around itself and protect its wayward sons the same as the Grenville family and their society friends protected their own wayward member.
For all his talk of change I am willing to bet this is one part of Washington’s business as usual that will not be touched by Mr. Obama and his administration. Excuses such as “forgetting the past because there are more important issues facing the country” and the like will be bandied about and in the end the public will gradually forget about Bush and his thugs and only concern themselves with whether or not they’ll be able to buy that new big-screen TV they had their eye on for the last several months.

Everyone will get a free pass and justice will not be served and Obama will show himself to be just the same as everyone else who enters that rarefied air inside the beltway. It will be one of the issues that defines his presidency as much as anything else that he will do in the next four or eight years and in the end no one will care or remember anything about it. But the transgressions that were committed will not have gone away and the precedent that they have set will continue to fester for years to come poisoning future generations just as they have poisoned ours.

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3 thoughts on "Obama’s Mrs. Grenvilles"

  1. JOnathan says:

    if i won the 20 voucher at Ji Ji Kiki, i would spend it on ehiter the 10 goodie bag and a few things of my choice, probably an emerald city’ bracelet, or the 20 goodie bag. I’d spend it on that because i simply wouldnt be able to choose what to get other wise!I love all the products at Ji Ji kiki. And i mean all. I love how they’re so unusual, and handmade, so it means no 2 will be the same. I always wanted one of the sprinkle heart necklaces, and the white chocolate mouse rings. so if they ever come back in stock, i’ll defnitely buy one! Also, as its my friend’s birthday soon, i wouldnt spend it all on myself. whether i win the voucher or not, i’ll probably buy her the gingerbread earrings (i already got myself a pair and she loves them. its a shame they’re not edible!) I’d also buy my mum a bit of homeware or a nice beaded necklace. simply because i love her <3.keep up the goodwork, Ji Ji Kiki! you're A-MAZINGGGGGGGG x

  2. nothing says:

    what are you wasting time for, nothing will happen overall, regardless of whether or not it goes to court, don’t forget. justice isn’t blind, it’s also bound, gagged, beaten with repeated “ammendments” and thrown into a corner along with any “predjudicial” evidence(like video footage, fingerprints,etc). Then the real business of who can afford the biggest and most expensive team of word twisters, liars, evidence destroyers, paid “expert” witnesses, etc, sorry I mean’t liars, umm lawyers, distort the truth beyond the bounds of reality. Money wins cases, not justice. If you think this is bull, then compare any crime/s you care to mention, one being a rich defendant and the other a poor defendant and see who gets what

  3. HAIL SATAN. says:

    Please stop feeding us this simpleton bullshit.

    Obama is not in power. Nor was George. Presidents are fucking puppets for the banking, oil, and industrial elite.

    Banks lend money they do not have……..

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