
Sonoma State University

  (3.63/5.00)   |  1 Review

Sonoma State University is a established in (unknown). The campus is located in and hosts students with an endowment of .  

Stimulating Courses
Quality of Professors
Networking & Job Opps
Area Around Campus
Housing Situation
Extracurricular Opps
Teacher/Student Ratio



Phone:  (no local phone number)

Email:  (no public email address)

Institution Type:  Unknown

Established:  Unknown

Campus Enrollment:  N/A

Acceptance Rate:  N/A

Graduation Rate (6Y):  N/A

Campus Endowment:  N/A

Tuition (Local):  N/A

Tuition (Non-Local):  N/A

Tuition (Foreign):  N/A

Mandatory Fees:  N/A

Housing (Room):  N/A



Tax ID:  N/A


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Stimulating Courses
Quality of Professors
Networking & Job Opps
Area Around Campus
Housing Situation
Extracurricular Opps
Teacher/Student Ratio

Please do not forget to click on all the stars above. Every category must be rated for your review to be approved and displayed properly. One star is the minimum rating for each category (please do not leave "zero" stars for any category).

One Student Review of Sonoma State University

  • I had a great experience. The administrators are terrible. President Arminiata is awful, but just stay out of the politics or be prepared to have a real battle. There are some really great professors and students and there are some really awful students and professors. It is very open and welcoming though. It’s about finding the people that fit you and who you want to be around. It was a great place that taught me a lot and offered me the option to have fun in the Russian River, Bodega Bay or San Francisco when I wasn’t studying. I would recommend it to anyone.

    Overall Score: (3.63/5.00)

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