
ATI College of Health : Miami

  (1.27/5.00)   |  33 Reviews

ATI College of Health : Miami is a established in (unknown). The campus is located in and hosts students with an endowment of .  

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Phone:  (no local phone number)

Email:  (no public email address)

Institution Type:  Unknown

Established:  Unknown

Campus Enrollment:  N/A

Acceptance Rate:  N/A

Graduation Rate (6Y):  N/A

Campus Endowment:  N/A

Tuition (Local):  N/A

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33 Student Reviews of ATI College of Health : Miami

  • ATI college in Norwalk is a good school. I went to school in 2008 and finished my program and now working as a tech for a mobile company. I make more money than I did before going to ATI college. I don’t understand why so many negative reviews about the school. I am happy to say that I got my money worth by attending ATI College Norwalk campus.

    Overall Score: (4/5.00)
  • The problem with ATI is not the teachers, but the staff management. I went to the that ATI Miami majority of the cheaters are really good teachers, and some of the are doctors at the best hospitals in Florida.Also the classrooms where clean with everything we needed.what really make me feel bad is the fact that I can’t find a job after I graduate, that really sad.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • These schools were finally shut down by the states of Texas and Florida. Not sure about California. Long time overdue. As previously stated, most students have severe language barriers. Upon graduation, very few are “employable” and most of these default on their student loans. Typical cost of a 2 year program at ATI was close to 50K. ATI was nothing but a diploma mill promising people a future, which rarely panned out. The administrators reminded me of the movie “Quiz Show”, they changed grades and passed students. Those that were passed knowing full well they shouldn’t have passed, should have known better, but they chose to take the easy way, now they are in a hole with a $50K debt. Students were allowed to take classes out of sequence, causing confusion, and eventual failure. I was glad to hear that the states finally did what they should have done 15 years ago.

    Overall Score: (1.36/5.00)

    Attention former ATI Norwalk and Santa Ana Campus Students: Please check out this facebook page and list your stories. We have set up a page to share our stories with hope that we can warn potential ATI students. Please feel free to “Like”, “Share” etc.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • How terrible sad. Yes, ATI College of Health in Miami, Florida will be closing its doors December 31st, 2012. All of the wonderful instructors will join the unemployment lines. To the many respiratory therapy students that attended this school with a true desire to learn, passed their NBRC Boards and are now working is truly sad news. For the many dedicated instructors that went all the way to teach, even those who were considered unteachable by other learning institutions,is a slap on teir faces. To those students that have not yet graduated,hold tight, you will.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • I started ati & they put me in vascular after med term & this teacher is so bad that we laugh in class bcuz it almost seems like we’re on candid camera. Im video tapping classes for proof & going to post them when class finishes so people kniw what they’re getting into if they choose this school. It literally is a joke. Not sure how ms. uniys can not be embarrassed to do what shes doing in front of us. Wow, shocking lol, trying to see about getting a loan to switch schools. Its really sad. I’ve been getting so depressed bcuz im waisting so much $ & time. Ugh, wish i went elsewhere now. Funny cuz Julie has been told but she doesn’t care. It should be so easy…just get a teaching protocol to teach vascular & teach it. Hmmm, not that hard.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • I was enrolled at an ATI school, STVT to b precise. I am 3.7 GPA student. May 25th I get told if I don’t pay a certain amount I won’t b able to start doing hours and will get dropped. I applied for a forbearance,a form to pause my payments, and the day before extern, I get accepted. I get cleared by signature from every single office. I start my hours and reach 75hrs. I get a call from the school saying I had been dropped since May 14th because of attendance. they keep apologizing because they don’t want me to complain. I get the most preposterous offer of being able to re enroll and start of where I had been dropped. the thing that pisses me offis how I wasted gas and personal time to look for a job. I have every single paper of school work and a copy of the clearing forms and they want me to forget I took that and retake it. the funny part is that when u get dropped u owe the whole schooling, so because of their mistake I will have to pay 2 months more of school which according to the math is 5000 added to what I owe. absurd preposterous nonsense!!!

    Overall Score: (1.18/5.00)
  • Hey “annoyed ” u obviously don’t know what ur talking about. How can students learn when the teachers are not explaining the material. They also don’t have any structure in the labs. You obviously didn’t go to still or ur faculty bcuz I’m an A student & I have to pay for outside resources just to learn material bcuz teachers here are so terrible. They go out of there way to make sure u fail. They give no explanations they don’t let u ask questions & if u try they make u feel stupid. They refuse to get a scanning schedule for us. Students hoard machines so usually only 3 students get time scanning. Its a big joke here. U have to be faculty bcuz every single student feels this way!!

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • For the last two post…lol obviously its someone representing the school bcuz there’s not one student here that likes this school and they give the worst training. at least at ATI in santa ana. It’s a small school and we all talk with one another and not one student is happy. The teachers ONLY write on boards and NEVER EXPLAIN wht the *(*(*( they are talking about. I would be better off sitting at home just reading the book in this case. THEN the labs they don’t set up a schedule cuz they are so stu**! then getting someone to scan is an entirely other story. u have the students that just scan but won’t be scanned. So annoying!!!! the teachers are so terrible here that it is the biggest joke of all time. all of us have to share resources and buy from online sites just to get explanations of what they he** they are teaching. the students here u have to pretend u like or they will seriously try to sabotage u. most are bipolar or have some serious mental condition. We have one student that is so psycho that everyday we wonder who will be her victim. Seriously this school should be called the “MENTALLY challenged” sono school. lol just waiting to graduate so I can get out of here. TEACHERS JUST WRITE DOWN A FREAKING SCANNING SCHEDULE…is it really that hard????? duh, put person scanning, person being scanned and time slot for each person…OMG, u teachers cant be this stupid…reeeeaaaallly now!!!!

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Im pregnant and have went to ati for an ultrasound to find out the gender and 3d i think they did a great job on my ultrasound and they were nice i couldnt help but notice that people are saying that the students are horrible at what they do there students what do u expect they are there to learn if u wanted a proffesional to do it then maybe u shouldve went elsewhere its people like the ones who write these comments that give the school a bad rep. & also dont even give them the chance to learn and grow…i have nothing bad to say about them i was happy with my visit to ati

    Overall Score: (3.54/5.00)
  • Its funny i have attended ati college & people sit here & complain because there f***** stupid i noticed its the people that r just plain dumb & that cant pass a test are the ones that talk bad about the school wht do u want them to do hold ur hand through everything well thats not real life…the teachers are have a lot of knowledge its not them its u so shut up & stop complaining

    Overall Score: (2.72/5.00)
  • Would’ve posted earlier but the library closed last night so i had to wait til now so I wanted an Ultrasound done so I went to ATI in Santa Ana & I did read these posts but since its cheap I had to go here & i wish I hadn’t. I was there for 4 hours because the students were so awful & cursed the entire time but what was the abdominal students. The echo side is separated & the students there seem to be very professional. I would never get scanned there again. Even when I did my paperwork I overheard the receptionist bad mouthing students. Very unprofessional but the students were so unprepared & the instructor had to finally take over. So not only is it terrible training it’s a bad place to get scanned. No wonder they’re going out of business. Maybe I can get my $ back from the scan they charged me for. I heard at least 6 student curse with the F word & 2 students were sleeping on benches & even yelled at instructor. Ewwwwww so tasteless.

    Overall Score: (1.09/5.00)
  • I can’t find work because ATI is known as a terrible school. I wish i didn’t go there.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Ugh, I graduated last may from Ati & I still haven’t gotten a job. I’m so sad cuz I can’t afford to pay student loans. I went to administrator last week & she said they’re not responsible or helping me find a job. They told me they would help in enrollment. The guy that worked as enrollment officer isn’t there anymore & they told me that he shouldn’t have told me that they help with job placement. I can’t get job so i can’t do my hours to be able to take ARDMS. I really am bummed cuz every time i tell a hospital I went to ATI they literally shut me out. Seems every hospital dislikes ATI. The previous post says they are closing so now I’m really worried. I hope I still get credits for going there. I thought school was OK until I realized that compared to other graduating students I am way behind on scanning skills. And I was the best in my classes so I feel sorry for other students. Every student from my class also

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Nor walk sucks too. Must be same owners as Santa Ana. I heard Santa Ana is really bad though at Ati. Heard there closing the school next year but not telling students. They’re going to give students option of transfers to norwalk.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • K here’s the schools that r good…loma Linda university 909-558-1000 or modern technology in fountain valley or cypress college no waiting list here but at orange coast college there’s a long waiting list, foothill college. Or newbridge which is less than a mile from ATI or PCI in cypress which is great school & across from cypress college. That’s just half of the schools near Irvine. ATI is so terrible that if u need more help I will help u find a school. I really wish i had someone help me. I know all the schools are starting this week so good lick to all & ill try to look back here to help with any other questions.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Not going now either. I told my friends to read also cuz they were going to enroll too. Why wouldn’t the teachers set up a schedule for machine time so all students have time. Very strange & I’m not the type of person that can stand up to tell a student to get off plus I don’t like confrontation so this school isn’t for me. Idol do a walk thru on campus here & I overheard student using the F word & talking down to teachers so that was really strange I thought & I’m scared to be around ghetto students. I need to find a professional school. Can someone please give advice on good schools please. I want to start asap. Was going to start in may at Ati but luckily i called & canceled my appointment to sign final papers last week. I live in Irvine so please write schools name that’s professional.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • I heard this a lot so must be true. Thanks. Will not finish my paperwork there. Almost enrolled Friday but luckily i needed to bring my graduation docs so didn’t sign enrollment form. Now I’m backing out. Will check out modern tech as previous poster mentioned or cypress. Does anyone know the name of the school near Cypress college. Heard they were good too but can’t remember name of school. Or any advice please on good schools. Thanks

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Graduated last year from Ati Santa Ana & my boyfriends friend at a hospital was going to hire me until he found out I went to Ati. He told me that the director said that they have had a former student from Ati & that person had no skills & didn’t even know basic material. I told my friend that i was a straight A student but was told that didn’t matter due to Ati ridiculously easy curriculum & that they pass u just cuz they can’t teach. Now I owe 31,000 & need to find a job in a non-medical area. Probably a secretary cuz can’t get job from graduating from ATI. Not 1person has gotten a job from this school.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • If u go to Ati no one will hire u. Medical community thinks ATI is a joke. But that doesn’t really matter bcuz u won’t pass state test if u go to Ati because teachers aren’t accredited & don’t know how to teach. No students have passed the physics at this school so passing state test is impossible. Lab is another problem cuz the mean girls steal everyone’s scan time. School doesn’t care once they get ur $$$ so ur on ur own after & that’s means no scan time no learning & to pass state test u need schooling so therefore ur not going to ever work cuz u won’t be able to pass state test. Its so easy cuz all they need to do is set up scan time schedule but school doesn’t care & they don’t care that the teachers don’t know how to teach the material. There’s only one good teacher here & that’s it.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • ATI has the worst teachers ever. Also they only have 3 teachers & those 3 teachers teach all the classes so its really strange. Also teachers barely speak English so half the time is spent trying to figure out what they are saying which is terrible. Lab is a joke because not enough machines to practice on. Previous posts are so correct. U need to learn karate before going here so u can kick the greedy hoarding students off machine then the rest of schooling u get beat up by those students. They pass u even if u fail & they don’t care to help u understand material. Oh and admissions lady will not treat students w respect. Terrible school. Worst ever. Do not go here or u will wish u hadn’t. I know i do.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Wow, I literally have made the biggest mistake of my life when i chose ATI in Santa Ana. The machines get taken by the same students every day so unless u know how to pull a greedy student off a machine u will not get scan time. Teachers don’t regulate times per machine & if u ask a student for your scan time the student will practically kick your butt & that’s no joke. I heard modern tech is great but can’t transfer because they don’t accept Ati credits bcuz Ati is so bad & they know if u went there that u don’t know anything. Now I’m stuck but if u haven’t started yet please learn a lesson from me & don’t go here. They are also not accredited which they won’t tell u going in. No one will hire from this school so i am going to probably have to do some tricky networking or beg a doctor to. Take me under their wing for a few years w/no pay so i can “really ” learn in the “real work” further proving myself. DO NOT GO TO ATI. There are other schools that don’t advertise so just do a lot of research. There’s also a school near Cypress college that’s good but can’t remember the name. Oh, also u can ask hospitals which schools are best. Teachers do not know how to teach so learning the material is something u need to do on your own.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • ati is a horrible go they lie to you about every single thing possible from admissions to financial aid the only positive thing are the instructers.i went to the miami gardens campus and omg what a bad experience this was to mention my sister became a instructer their and found out they are going out of business so for all that became certified or has any loans all will be dropped as soon as those doors close.its a sad thing that people sugar coated such a trashy school that has taken people money and time the are trained to word things to miss inform you witch i find fucked up but hey who am i just another atu college of health student that got fucked by them.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)

    I would NOT-NOT recommend this school to anyone at all. If you want to become an ultrasound tech, you need to go to a CAAHEP accredited school. ATI DOES NOT HAVE THIS ACCREDIDATION, DO NOT LET THEM TELL YOU THAT IT DOES NOT MATTER. The majority of hospitals and clinics are all looking for this, and it will be nearly impossible for you to find a job. The program cost you approx 29K. It is the biggest rip-off that you could ever invest in. The level of education is poor, the teachers are former students with minimal experience, and your passing grade is based off of attendance for financial aid purposes. You are allowed to take a test as many times as needed until you pass, not to mention you see the exact same exam every time. For anyone who has already attended college/universities, we both know that taking the same test over and over for a passing grade is not realistic at all. ATI needs you to pass no matter what bc that is how the governement grants financial aid (based off of grades and attendance) and that is how 99% of the students at ATI fund their education.

    My recommendation is that if you are truly passionate about this career choice, get on the wait list for OCC or Cypress College (even though it may be long). The program will save you thousands and the percentage of you finding a job will be much higher. In the meantime earn your AA or BA.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • This school is terrible. The health college in Miami, has the worst students. Majority of them can’t even speak english. The instructors are good, they have potential, but it’s the type of people they let in. Administration is terrible, when you first sign up, they sell a complete different program that what it really is. DO NOT WASTE your time and money.

    Overall Score: (1.27/5.00)
  • thanks for the comments.. and reviews..i am so not going to aTI.. .!!

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • i attended ATI college in Santa ana CA. The worst school ever!!! do not attend this school. u will owe a lot of $$$$ and not get anything out of it!!!!! oh and dont deal with any faculty either because they will lie to you and not help you out at all after they have your money. POINTLESS!!!!!!

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Let’s be real…it’s a vocational school. Vocational schools doesn’t filter the students who are coming in, passes students regardless if they really deserve to or not, and tests/quizzes/finals are pretty much reformatted study guides that were handed-out by the teacher (which pretty much lowers the educational standard and professionalism of the school). So, it’s high school all over again. Don’t expect too much from a vocational school but it serves its purpose if you put the effort in it. I’ll be honest, its hard to take the school seriously because of the “high school” feel of it but it’s the only private DMS program that is less than 18 months and it is one of the cheapest.

    Overall Score: (2/5.00)
  • I am laughing here, reading these reviews. I am not a student, but still researching. “Sonography’s” comment about “structures can not speak well Englinsh”….are you F’ING KIDDING ME? I am assuming you meant “Instructors do not speak proper English.” If your English is really this bad, it’s no wonder your experience in school was not good. You should try going back to high school before attempting college.

    I’m guessing the instructors speak PERFECT English, but since yours is so bad, you just didn’t understand it.

    Overall Score: (2/5.00)
  • ATI college california

    Very bad management, structures can not speak well English and the Lab person studiyng for the exam!
    No one Care if you learn or not! just want They Just Want Your MONEY!!!!!!


    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • ________________RIPP-OFF!!!!______________________________________
    teachers dont have teaching credentials. just ARDMS cert.
    students dont know schedule of classes till placed.
    they dont use scantrons to grades test. they dont give students percentage of grade for each class. just final grade so u dont know what u got in each class. they have a clock in-out machine. so u can be in and out as u please. no copy machine or printer is provided for students. the furniture in the lab isnt even set up. the class equipment such as projectors dont WORK.. student lounge is really small. students end up eating outside. some classrooms are down stairs far way form the rest on the other side of building. in lab there arent enough desks for students to sit n do work. They never give homework. the student dont look professional. they wear whatever they please. . The finanical guy is rude and belittles you. Teachers dont give handouts of lecture being told. i guess. they dont what to spend on paper.!!! I spent money for no reason!!!!

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • I did the medical assisting program at ATI miami gardens…I graduated oct 2009 it is now jan 2010 no job…and was contacted by the job placement department several times asking if I speak a second language which I don’t(if I knew I was required to speak another language to get a MA position I would have never signed up for the program)…I don’t have experience of 2-3 years and believe doctors simply don’t want to take the risk to hire recent grads…I owe $12,400 in loans that I cannot start paying without an income…Overall, I think ATI is a piece of s**t and thieves…I wish I never went there…..

    Overall Score: (1.18/5.00)
  • Best Coaching. But few apples on the bench are bad.

    But worst management. Always keeping to get the fees updated. But no administrative service.
    I was a student there visited director to get a information. He need to spent 5 minutes for me. He told me to come back after noon.

    Once you paid your fees, then do not expect a good service from there.

    They forgot to send my classmates Graduation documents. After several phone calls 55th day they found that the documents in their office. If they late by more than 60 days, he would write his exam second time. Thank God. If you are going there, think one more time.

    One Ex Student

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)

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