
6 Ways To Deal With An Annoying Roommate

Some people have all the luck when it comes to college roommates; they move in and connect with a perfect stranger on the first day of the semester, and they’re set for the next four years. Most of us, though, have a bad roommate situation at least once in our college careers. The perfect stranger […]

Leadership and Responsibility

The first refuge of weak leaders is blaming mistakes on subordinates. It’s unacceptable in the military, in corporate hierarchies, and in other settings where the responsibilities and authorities of leadership are understood and practiced. Harry Truman enshrined the concept with the famous maxim, “The buck stops here.” The principle is that a leader is responsible […]

Droid Vs. iPhone

It’s been almost 2 months since the first Android 2.0 device hit the market, the Motorola Droid on Verizon Wireless.  Since launch in November, I made the switch to Verizon because the release of the Motorola Droid has finally brought a device to Verizon which has a chance at competing with the Apple iPhone currently […]

Elly Tran Ha: Vietnamese Blogger Turned Celebrity

The internet has made all kinds of people famous, whether because of their viral online antics (which helped make YouTube the powerhouse website that it is), or because they became overnight millionaires due to genius entrepreneurship, or simply because, in the case of Elly Tran Ha (a.k.a. Elly Kim Hong), they are super hot Asian […]

Craigslist ATM I Bought Causes Industry Stir

Apparently I raised a hackle or two. Seems my little stunt got the attention of industry insiders, and not all of them believe that I bought a used ATM on Craigslist, which turned out to contain thousands of credit card numbers. Well, it did actually happen, and despite what many say, that the ATM couldn’t […]

Freedom and Religion

According to a report by WBBM, the Chicago CBS affiliate, a kerfuffle over religion erupted a few days ago in the Illinois state capitol building in Springfield. Seems there were a variety of religion-related displays in the capitol. They included a nativity scene, a Christmas tree, a Soldiers’ Angels wreath, a tabletop display from the […]

Alternatives to a 4 Year Education in the New Economy

With so many university graduates and ex-graduates finding themselves either jobless and/or starting to default on massive college loans, it is time to rethink the value of a traditional university education in lieu of a more practical and economic approach. A four year degree or higher no longer guarantees stability in the working world. While […]

Dog is Top Story in One ‘Dog’ of a Year

By all accounts 2009 was a pretty tough year the whole way around.  Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan raged on with no real end in sight.  A lot of people lost jobs and continue to face financial hardship. The government handed hundreds of billions of dollars over to the richest people in the country who […]

The “Right” to Health Care

The Senate and House have both passed health care reform legislation. There are quite a few differences in the two bills, and those differences will have to be worked out before a final bill is passed by both houses and sent to the President for signature. At this point it seems likely that the bill […]

Grad School: Tips on Letters of Recommendation

Most graduate schools require letters of recommendation. You need to think strategically about whom you choose to write these letters. If you are applying to graduate school directly from college, or a few years out, your letters should most likely be from your previous professors. If you have work experience, you may submit a professional […]