
Origin of Addiction

The snow white tiger ran down the path towards me as if it were chasing a rainbow.  The rider, skinny, pretty makeup, and ocean blue hair, laughed as she instructed her animal with her keyboard to run around me in circles.  I then controlled my priest to turn towards her hunter and typed in, “Your […]

The Pirate’s Dilemma: The Problem With Information (and how to fix it)

By Matt Mason, author of The Pirate’s Dilemma and worldwide lecturer The same way light confuses scientists by existing as particles and waves at the same time, information increasingly seems to confuse us. Information is getting cheaper and more expensive at the same time, and it appears that many of us, especially those of us […]

Playing “Rock Band” Is Nothing Like Being In a Rock Band

Earlier this year, my friend asked me to do him a favor. A relative was turning the big 3-0, so the family wanted to do something special. He wanted me to join him and be the musical entertainment for this wild social extravaganza. Free food and booze? I’m in. But this request came at the […]

Taking a Look at Unknown Soldier

It’s an issue that has been broadcast through different mediums-documentaries, books, and a movie in production with some big Hollywood names. But until early August, the over twenty year old conflict in Northern Uganda had yet to garner a comic book to its awareness ranks. Written by Eisner Award nominated Joshua Dysart and illustrated by Italian artist […]

10 Best iPhone Apps for Science Majors

iPhone apps and science go hand in hand. Maybe you need to quickly refer to the Periodic Table, or perhaps you need help with your solubility calculations. Whether you are planning for a career in science or you just need to pass a science class in college, here are 10 iPhone apps you shouldn’t be […]

8 Bar Tips From A Bartender

As a bartender who makes his living solely on tips, I would like to pass on a word of advice to all the college and non college kids who frequent bars.  We notice who Tips well. And The better you tip, The better and quicker service you will recieve. Below is a list of simple […]

Would JFK Be a Democrat Today?

I’ve always considered myself a Democrat in terms of party preference. I came to that position in the context of the ideas and policies of people like John F. Kennedy and other liberals and Democrats of that era (such as Daniel Patrick Moynihan). But when I think about today’s Democratic Party, including many of the […]

What makes a person rich?

A person who finds meaning in his existence is a person who has goal in life. A goal to achieve what he needs and to dream what he wants to be in life, that may be the goals of a determined person. But, what kind of attitude should a man must possess in achieving his […]

New Ways to Save on Back-To-School Essentials

Back-to-school shopping is on everyone’s mind, and with current economic conditions, families are looking for any breaks they can get this season. New this year, parents and students have the opportunity to tap into tax-free withdrawals from their 529 college savings funds to purchase computer-related equipment. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 added […]

Boy Monkeys Prefer “Boy” Toys

When we were once little kids, we humans tended to choose playthings based on our gender. Normally, boys deal with robots, toy trucks and war toys, whereas, girls prefer playing with Barbie dolls or cuddly stuffed animals. We have this propensity because of several factors such as cues we’ve picked up from our parents, peer […]