
Time to Get Out of Iraq

Colonel Timothy Reese recently wrote a devastating memorandum, quoted in full at, regarding actual conditions in Iraq from a realistic military perspective. COL Reese should know — he’s the chief of the Baghdad Operations Command Advisory Team, Multinational Division-Baghdad, Iraq. Michael Gordon reported on the memo in The New York Times, providing a link […]

‘Adam’: Good Intentions; Mediocre Results

Director: Max Mayer Running Time: 99 Minutes Rated: PG-13 For: Those looking for a typical romance film with a bit of a twist Not For: Those seeking a deep, romance film The romantic genre has evolved into several forms in its varied history as it tried to attract audiences in various ways.  Some films went […]

Calorie Restriction and Quality of Life

How far are we willing to go–how much are we willing to change our diets–in order to extend our lives?

Political Confusion in Honduras

The situation in Honduras is confused. The elected president, Mel Zelaya, has been removed from office and exiled to Costa Rica. President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton see this as a straightforward military coup and demand that Zelaya be restored to office. Others look at the details of what happened and see a popular […]

Body Fat Is Healthy Now? Fat Chance

This study does not prove that extra body weight protects against all cause mortality, and saying so is irresponsible.

Choosing the Best Laptop for College in 2009

When I was in high school (a little while back), I remember hearing that college students were starting to bring laptops into lectures to take notes and do research. I couldn’t even imagine it, because it sounded so strange. Well, fast forward to 2009, and I can’t even remember the last time I saw a […]

Crime and Punishment

Plainly put, there are too many people incarcerated in the U.S., and the situation has gotten worse over the years. That conclusion is inescapable. I’ve spent some time looking through Department of Justice statistics on crime and punishment and comparing U.S. incarceration rates to those of other countries. The U.S. doesn’t necessarily lead the world […]

‘Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen’: The Action Popcorn Film to Beat for the Summer?

Director: Michael Bay Running Time: 150 Minutes Rated: PG-13 For: Michael Bay and Transformers fans Not for: Methodical action enthusiasts In 2007, Michael Bay took on the challenge of making the Transformers cartoon series into a live action reality and was a runaway success, guaranteeing that a sequel would be coming to a theater near […]

‘Away We Go’: A Loveable, Offbeat Romantic Comedy

Director: Sam Mendes Running Time: 98 Minutes Rated: R For: Those that enjoy skit-by-skit, act-by-act progressive comedies, Audiences that want to watch something a bit more offbeat Not For: Slapstick romantic comedy enthusiasts, Impatient viewers Many people associate words with different locations.  For instance, the first image that appears in most minds when they hear […]

Campus Crusade for Chaos

Campus Crusade for Christ has flourished into an ignorant, overbearing religious group with vague goals and offensive methods that all Christians of the world should condemn as an inaccurate representation of Jesus Christ. According to its own literature, Campus Crusade envisions a commitment to ‘take the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations.’ Under such […]