
Boston Boogers

What flying snot and urine at the Boston Marathon can tell us about life.

Remembering the Holocaust

My CollegeTimes colleague Tinct recently published an insightful and well-written article, Yom Hashoah: Remembering the Holocaust. As Tinct indicated, it’s appropriate now to reflect on the Holocaust because of both recent anniversaries and remembrances and growing anti-Israel sentiment around the world. The historical facts of the Holocaust are horrific, and remaining constantly aware and on […]

Pirates II: Stagnettis Revenge

Pirates II: Stagnetti’s Revenge is self-proclaimed as the most expensive pornographic film ever with an estimated million-dollar budget. Yes, this is for a porno. Although there is an R-rated version available, without the porn this movie could be mistaken as the next “Pirates of the Caribbean.” I need to clarify exactly how innovative a film […]

The Death Penalty

There are a number of contentious issues that have been part of our political discussion for years, regardless of which party is in power. There are reasons these issues don’t go away. First, opinions on all sides are deeply felt and enduring, and second, definitive solutions are beyond the strength and will of politicians. The […]

Vegetables, Nuts and Overall Healthy Diet Protect Against Heart Disease

A new meta-analysis published in the Archives of Internal Medicine reviews six decades of research (1950-2007) to assess how different dietary factors affect heart disease.

Judging Beauty

Susan Boyle shocked the world on the British version of American Idol. Why? Because no one thought someone who looks like her could sing like that.

Yom Hashoah: Remembering the Holocaust

On this day of remembering and mourning the Holocaust, take some time to educate others on the significance of ensuring this tragedy is never allowed to be forgotten or slandered.

Are women shifting from ‘flight mode’ to ‘fight mode’?

“See you tomorrow!” said a 21-year-old retail worker to her colleagues. “DON’T BE LATE!” shouted the boss. It is late, it is dark, and it is quite. As she walks home – she has walked this route many times before and has memorised each and every shadow – she is confident that her purse is […]

Durban II Promises to Defy All Logic and Morals

Just like its predecessor, Durban II, the UN conference meant to quell global racism that will most definitely only instigate more racism and religious intolerance, promises to be a riot of hypocrisy and irony.

Iran Arrests US Reporter, Obama Wags Finger

Iran arrests an Iranian-American reporter on false charges of espionage and Obama fails to react accordingly. As usual.