
The Cake Eaters

Cake eater: someone of upper-class background, or who has been excessively well off, often used in connection with the proverb “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” Strangely enough, there isn’t a scene of cake in the entire film but thankfully the metaphor suffices just fine. The Cake Eaters is a story of […]

Not a Rapist? You’re a Racist

If you don’t rape someone, you’re a racist; in an effort to further criminalize the Israeli Defense Force, a student in Hebrew U has published a study that defies all logic.

Reigning cats and dogs…and fish

Surgery for fish? Chemotherapy and MRI scans for dogs? $100/night doggie hotels? What is going on?

‘Observe and Report’: Trying to Laugh Without Much of a Purpose

Director: Jody Hill Rated: R Running Time: 86 Minutes For: Seth Rogen fans, Those wanting to a different mall cop film Not for: Moviegoers seeking a smart/unique/different comedy Seth Rogen joked on Saturday Night Live that Observe and Report should not be mistaken for Paul Blart: Mall Cop.  He definitely is not mistaken.  Observe and […]

Three Essential Relationship Tests: The Move In, The Big Trip, and Sex

It’s time for new pre-marriage rules. Here are 3 things you MUST do before you even think about marriage.

The Legacy of Bush 43

I’ve been reflecting on how history will judge President George W. Bush. This is a difficult topic. There are those who actually hate him, viscerally and with no sense of fairness or proportion. There are also those who like him and strongly support him, despite everything. I fall somewhere in the middle, and I suspect […]

Right To Protest Equals Right To Throw Litter at Police?

Global trade is frozen solid. USA is waging two failed wars. England is a mess. France is constantly on strike. Germany and Japan are near bankruptcy status. China and Russia are crafting a plan to free the dollar from its position of being the world’s chief reserve currency. The world is confused by what it […]

Valentine’s Day 2010 Cancelled!

In unprecedented move Obama Administration cancels Valentine’s Day 2010!

Gun Control

Do Americans have the right “to keep and bear arms?” Or was that right intended to be restricted to “a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State?” The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says both. But what does it really mean? The Supreme Court recently decided that question in […]

How Healthy Is Garlic?

People often say that garlic has medicinal properties. Some claim it lowers blood pressure, others swear it lowers cholesterol or reduces clotting, and some even suggest it protects against cancer. I have also heard that garlic is “healthier” 10-15 minutes after it has been crushed or minced. Is any of this true?