
Gay Marriage

Against gay marriage, are you? Why? Is it because of your religious beliefs? Because you think marriage is supposed to be the union of a man and a woman for the primary purpose of having children? Because you think same-sex marriage will fundamentally alter our society for the worse? Because you personally object to legally […]

British Columbia MDs Want to Treat Addictions as Disease!

Barry Artiste Op/Ed The British Columbia Medical Profession is currently trying to get the Government of British Columbia Canada to change addictions to be classified as a Disease. Wow! It appears some Doctors seem to be so unclear on the concept of the meaning of the term “Disease”! I have so many problems with this […]

Trick or Tweet

A column about twitter.  Am going to write the entire thing as a series of 140 character paragraphs.  Wish me luck.  Not so good at brevity. When I first heard about twitter, I thought it was a ridiculous idea.  “Going shopping”, “Eating food”.  Who cares? Is it just me or does each one of these […]

For the Love of Food

A Sumptuous Sundry Who doesn’t love food? You might as well ask, Who isn’t human? It’s a bit hard not to dig digging in when your life depends on it (for sure). Plus, food’s just delicious. So what can be said about it? Start with a few basics: it’s usually tasty, smells swell, and we […]

Contracts and Bonuses

Contracts are the glue that holds our economy together and, in a broader sense, our society. If we ever get to the point where we can’t rely on the validity, predictability, and legality of contracts, everything else will deteriorate. Think about it–contracts aren’t just legal agreements among businesses, labor arrangements between businesses and unions, and […]

WARNING! Gardeners warm-up or end-up in wheelchair!!!

Gardening is no longer an enjoyable injury-free hobby for the retired. Gardening is no longer a pleasurable harmless pastime for the unemployed. Gardening is in fact as dangerous as playing a competitive sport such as football or rugby, we were told today. Many doctors in UK warned us today that gardening is dangerous and it […]

Place your own oxygen mask on first

Can a marriage survive the transition to parenthood or are kids the ultimate destructor of matrimonial bliss?

What Are We Waiting For? Are We Procrastinators or Concrastinators?

With all of our unfocused activities, amounting to scratching blindly in the dirt, are we actually accomplishing anything (be it individually, or as a society)?

I propose a Concrastinator’s Creed, composed of two central pillars:

1) If not today, then when?
2) If not me, then who?

Borders, Language, Culture

It’s been said that borders, language, and culture are the essential elements of nationhood. Borders define the physical space a nation lives in the same way the property line around our homes or the walls of our apartments define the space that is ours. Within this space, we define and enforce the standards and conditions […]

I am Become Death, Destroyer of Worlds

I am become death the destroy of worlds. Know this-that you will one day die! Know this too-that every second more that you live, is a second more that you steal from me. I am the darkness that descends upon you, the insidious creeping that you cannot stop… …The man on the table looks up, […]