
Love Potions

So that’s why men are fascinated with breasts. John Tierney wrote earlier this month in the New York Times about neuroscientist Larry Young’s work on the chemistry of love. As it turns out, Young’s work takes us back to the ever fascinating prairie vole, long a Love Dub favorite along with the dung beetle.

Global Warming is a Hoax: Part 2

I would like to thank the graduate students from UC Irvine’s Earth System Science department who wrote an article on Feb. 12 titled ‘Global Warming Grounded in Science‘ in reaction to my Feb. 5 article titled ‘Global Warming Not Proven by Science’ (Note: My original article was published on CollegeTimes as ‘Global Warming is a […]

Saving Private Bambi

As we’ve seen from recent world events, extremist ideologies never lead to or create anything good.  The mantra “everything in moderation” applies to more than just food, sweets, and booze these days; taking an idea too far can poison a mind. Most notable are radical interpretations of religion.  It seems we’ll now have to add […]

Simply ‘Religulous’

Religion is silly. I didn’t need Bill Maher to tell me that, I’ve thought that for a while. I started to realize it when I was in second grade while attending a Catholic school. I always thought it was odd some of the things in the Bible (which some people swear by its literal interpretation) […]

10 Super Bowl Snacks That Aren’t All Bad

As much as I wish it weren’t true I know several people that consider the Super Bowl to be the biggest, most important holiday of the year. For most of us though, the Big Game is just another excuse to party. The only problem is that at most Super Bowl parties, junk food runs the field.

Global Warming is a Hoax

As it turns out, popular science does believe in the Apocalypse. However, instead of lifting the veil on truth, as etymologically implied, it seems to insist the world is ending, faulting humans themselves for causing a man-made global warming. Throughout history, politicians have used fear to control their constituencies. Within the last century however, they […]

‘Gran Torino’: The Parable of Walt Kowalksi

Director: Clint Eastwood Running Time: 116 Minutes Rated: R From childhood to adulthood, people are constantly reinforced with morality tales that may be structurally different but thematically similar. One example is the Prodigal Son parable, where a son goes out and wastes his father’s money. Upon coming back poor and disheveled, his father still welcomes […]

Global Warming: Fact or Fiction.

Global Warming. Fact or Fiction. Global Warming exists. Whether you think it is due to natural or human-based reasoning, it is a fact that our earth is getting warmer. I will attempt to make this article as unbiased as possible but to deny that the blunt evidence that the Earth hasn’t increased in temperature would […]

New Year’s Solution?

To be honest, I don’t really believe in the New Year’s Resolution. By nature I am a person of action and do not need an excuse to make my own life better. If there is something important in my daily routine that I feel needs improvement I don’t wait for January to make the change. Instead I live by the Nike slogan and Just Do It.

Simple Objections to Evolution

The idea of common descent and transmutation of species has existed for thousands of years. However, it was not until Charles Darwin published ‘The Origin of Species’ in 1859 during the Industrial Revolution that the theory of evolutionary biology was widely accepted. But as desperately as humans wanted to believe that they had created themselves, […]