
No easy solution

The Green “Revolution” is starting to grate on my nerves. OK, it makes me a horrible human being to admit it, but it’s true. It’s been something I have been wanting to get off of my chest for some time now. All those stickers in the bathroom telling me to ‘Think Green – take only […]

Can we cure aging? Do you want to live forever?

This is a topic that I plan on spending a significant amount of time discussing. Before I hand you the red pill and show you the truth, I want you to explore the possibility and open your mind to believing that aging can be cured.

One less? One more.

Gardasil is a vaccine used to prevent most types of cervical cancer caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. It’s been pretty heavily publicized through the “One Less” campaign to get girls vaccinated. The key word here is girls because Gardasil is currently only indicated for females 9-26 years […]

Curtains for the American Dream?

How attainable is the American Dream for this generation? I have often wondered about this, especially living in Southern California where I have seen the median price of a home skyrocket from around $180K in the mid-1990’s to over $500K today. How realistic is it for young couples to afford a house at that price? […]

Who wants a religulous doctor?

A recent survey by the University of Chicago’s Center for Clinical Medical Ethics examined religion in medicine. It was shown that most doctors believe in religion as well as an afterlife. Additionally, 55% of doctors claimed that religion influences how they practice medicine. While I am a firm believer in respecting individual beliefs, I do […]

Who says you have to remember Memorial Day?

Memorial Day is a U.S federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May to commemorate the men and women who perished while in service to our great country. The young citizens of Newport Beach, California not only commemorate this holy day, but they celebrate it in their own particular brand of crazy. The average […]

Will airline travel soon be extinct?

This week’s announcement that United and U.S. Airways will now be charging for checked bags was not a welcome one, especially as their competitors made the same announcement weeks ago. As a passenger that always tries to check in everything possible, this is very irritating. Not only do I have to shell out more money […]

How much is enough?

This is a question I often wonder about. How much more can the American public take? What will have to happen in order to actually force Washington to take action? At what point did Americans become so complacent that we simply accept our leaders’ decisions without even a whimper? Sadly, I could be describing any […]

Be the investigator

In one of my past classes, each student was assigned a senior health service to research to report to the class. From that exercise, I learned about so many programs that benefit the elderly that I had never heard of prior to the class. I know it took a significant amount of time for me […]

College Degrees have Become Meaningless

College, as we know it in modern times, has become worthless. The idea of a university refers to Latin universitas, pioneered especially by Plato, describing a corporation of students interacting within an atmosphere that fosters genius, creates culture, and balances scientific research with artistic inquiry, among other things. The American university, however, as the modern […]