
Brigham Young University

  (4.60/5.00)   |  3 Reviews

Brigham Young University is a established in (unknown). The campus is located in and hosts students with an endowment of .  

Stimulating Courses
Quality of Professors
Networking & Job Opps
Area Around Campus
Housing Situation
Extracurricular Opps
Teacher/Student Ratio



Phone:  (no local phone number)

Email:  (no public email address)

Institution Type:  Unknown

Established:  Unknown

Campus Enrollment:  N/A

Acceptance Rate:  N/A

Graduation Rate (6Y):  N/A

Campus Endowment:  N/A

Tuition (Local):  N/A

Tuition (Non-Local):  N/A

Tuition (Foreign):  N/A

Mandatory Fees:  N/A

Housing (Room):  N/A

Latitude:  40.24920

Longitude:  -111.65103

Tax ID:  N/A

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Stimulating Courses
Quality of Professors
Networking & Job Opps
Area Around Campus
Housing Situation
Extracurricular Opps
Teacher/Student Ratio

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3 Student Reviews of Brigham Young University

  • My time at Brigham Young University was very enjoyable. I benefited greatly from the rigorous academic standards to which the school adheres. I also enjoyed the religious values that were present there; although it may be off-putting to some people, it was very nice to have a learning environment that was largely devoid of drugs, alcohol, and promiscuous sex.

    In terms of course content, I would say that most of my courses were very challenging and stimulating. There were a few classes that seemed to be somewhat “stunted” when it came to their depth, but those were mostly introductory courses. I thoroughly enjoyed my professors in the MESA (Middle Eastern Studies and Arabic) program, as they were very knowledgeable about the subject matter which they taught. In fact, BYU’s Arabic program is one of the most highly ranked of its kind in the nation, coming in just behind that of Georgetown.

    Due to the close-knit nature of the Mormon community, which predominates at this campus, there were many opportunities for networking. If a Mormon student is attending the university, he or she must attend church at a local congregation. While in such a congregation, a student is able to nurture ties that can be very valuable in the future. Many people at BYU, and the Mormon community in general, do very well in business and politics, and having contacts with them can prove invaluable when it comes to finding jobs or advancing oneself professionally.

    The affordability of this school is one of the main “perks” of attending it. Tuition for a semester clocks in at under 2,500 dollars for Mormons and at around 5,000 for non-Mormons. In addition to this, BYU offers generous scholarships, especially if one is very successful in academics. Besides this, BYU offers full-ride scholarships to persons of Palestinian descent, whether they be from the Palestinian territories, Jordan, Syria, or Lebanon. Such a policy has led to a thriving Muslim/Arab subculture at the university, with such a culture providing a “home away from home” for potentially homesick students from the Arab world.

    Housing is also very affordable in Provo (the city in which the university is located). One can find a clean, fairly roomy apartment for less than 400 dollars a month. There are also a number of musical/culinary attractions in the area. Due to the fact that many Mormons serve missions abroad, there is a wide array of ethnic eateries in the area. Provo is also known for its indie music scene; Imagine Dragons, Fictionist, and Ryan Shupe and the RubberBand all have roots/got their start in Provo.

    In terms of outdoor activities, Provo is close to a number of world-class ski resorts. It is also fairly close to well-maintained trails that are great for mountain biking, trail running, and hiking. If you’re into scuba diving, there’s a great hot springs resort in Midway nearby that offers fairly cheap scuba experiences.

    All in all, BYU is a great school which endows its students with a fine education. I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about tough academics and clean living.

    Overall Score: (4.45/5.00)
  • Prepares you to compete with any other graduates from any school, even ivy league

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • BYU is a great school but it’s definitely not for everyone. I’m glad I went there, now that I’m done with school.

    Overall Score: (4.36/5.00)

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