
Canadian Business College : Toronto

  (2.67/5.00)   |  87 Reviews

Canadian Business College : Toronto is a established in (unknown). The campus is located in and hosts students with an endowment of .  

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Quality of Professors
Networking & Job Opps
Area Around Campus
Housing Situation
Extracurricular Opps
Teacher/Student Ratio



Phone:  (no local phone number)

Email:  (no public email address)

Institution Type:  Unknown

Established:  Unknown

Campus Enrollment:  N/A

Acceptance Rate:  N/A

Graduation Rate (6Y):  N/A

Campus Endowment:  N/A

Tuition (Local):  N/A

Tuition (Non-Local):  N/A

Tuition (Foreign):  N/A

Mandatory Fees:  N/A

Housing (Room):  N/A



Tax ID:  N/A

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87 Student Reviews of Canadian Business College : Toronto

  • I recently graduated from Canadian Business College and had a great experience. I did find it different learning online as I am a people person and most of my schooling in the past was in the classroom but my class seemed to be vary happy and actively participated so we made the best of it. As a graduate who paid for school with student loans and grants I am not sure how someone can blame the colleges for loans turning to grants as that is all controlled by OSAP at least from my experience. If your loan was turned to a grant then you either had academic or attendance issues or just did not finish school as they expect you to. I have found employment and my employer is really great to work for so I feel that things have really worked out for me and that my time spent was worth it. I would do it again if I had to but next time hopefully it would not be during a pandemic.

    Overall Score: (4.54/5.00)
  • This place is basically a degree/certification warehouse. Get them in and get them out ASAP. Employers laugh when they see resumes with”degrees/certificates” from this sorry place. You are much better in every way to enrol in one of the colleges as a mature student.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • They robbed me completely and I’m stuck here in Canada until I pay off my grant that magically became a loan. I have been here since 2018, stuck because I opted out of the program because they cram everything into it. My neighbor attempted to sue but couldn’t because of the fine print that states grant becomes a loan if opt out. And you also have to pay for time in class. It’s been 5 years soon I haven’t seen my family, and my father passed 2020 and u was stuck here. I’m almost done paying and I’m never going to return to Canada for the rest of my life. I spit on the window downtown Toronto of the Canadian Business College. I’m trying to find someone to burn the building down. These people completely ruined my life.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Never ever attend this college you will regret it very much. They not only rob you and have intoxicated teachers. No one will hire you, ever. This college has a very bad reputation. I wish I knew prior to enrolling. A neighbor of mine had I known before hand, tried to sue the school and couldn’t. Because if you opt out. Your grant becomes a loan and you ate stuck paying back $27,000+ dollars.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • The worst experience of my life. I attended Canadian Business College (Downtown Toronto Campus) back in 2017 and I must say to all DO NOT ENROLL IN THE Canadian Business College at all. They cram everything into their module, and constantly switch around that it becomes extremely confusing. I barely graduated with honors taking up Graphic design which honestly was the most confusing class I’ve been to ever in my life at 42 years of age. Up to now I haven’t found employment because apparently this college is not well known or has a bad reputation. Take it from, DO NOT ATTEND. One of the people I met was taking up police foundation’s, graduated with honors back in 2017 and is working at No Frills as a security guard. He wanted to be a police officer but can’t because his Grant turned into a $16,000.⁰⁰+ loan which he struggles to pay being married with children. And I still owe and interest keeps going up. Beware and tell everyone you know that college will literally rob you and never give back a dime. You’ve been warned. There a far better College’s known to big companies do your homework.

    Overall Score: (1.09/5.00)
  • The worst experience of my life. I attended Canadian Business College (Downtown Toronto Campus) back in 2017 and I must say to all DO NOT ENROLL IN THE Canadian Business College at all. They cram everything into their module, and constantly switch around that it becomes extremely confusing. I barely graduated with honors taking up Graphic design which honestly was the most confusing class I’ve been to ever in my life at 42 years of age. Up to now I haven’t found employment because apparently this college is not well known or has a bad reputation. Take it from, DO NOT ATTEND. One of the people I met was taking up police foundation’s, graduated with honors back in 2017 and is working at No Frills as a security guard. He wanted to be a police officer but can’t because his Grant turned into a $16,000.⁰⁰+ loan which he struggles to pay being married with children. And I still owe and interest keeps going up. Beware and tell everyone you know that college will literally rob you and never give back a dime. You’ve been warned.

    Overall Score: (1.63/5.00)
  • I had a excellent experience at Canadian Business College, staff are friendly and knowledgeable, always willing to help . Help me finding my dream job, thank you!

    Overall Score: (3.85/5.00)
  • I had a incredible experience at CBC, got hand on training and a fabulous career upon graduating, I would recommend this college to anyone who is serious about there education

    Overall Score: (4/5.00)
  • I started at this college is you can call it a college. I started in January 06/2020 The school isn’t professional the Instructors are lacking knowledge in what they are so called teaching. Its a self taught program.The so called textbooks that you get are soft cover and the laptops that they provide are old and out of date. They allow the students to walk in late when ever they like to much distractions in class. The instructors are not trained in the field that they are teaching. the instructor who taught the human resource course kept on centering me out and all of the males students out and favored all of the female students only. He was rude he would swear in class. I didn’t continue with program not because i couldn’t handle the program its because the unprofessional how the school is. Do not attend this so called college they will charge you for a new laptop only to get old laptops from 1999. run away from this school.

    Overall Score: (1.09/5.00)
  • Hi ,am a recent graduate of Canadian Business College. I gained a wealth of knowledge and skill. the staff and instructor were awesome!

    Overall Score: (4.63/5.00)
  • Hi ,am a recent graduate of Canadian Business College. I gained a wealth of knowledge and skill. the staff and instructor were awesome!

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Most of the negative comments are made by a former failing student. Totally FAKE.

    You know I gotcha you

    Overall Score: (4.81/5.00)
  • Teachers are unprofessional, the staff has a hard time following through w/ their intentions!
    My Teacher has crossed lines of teacher/student conduct, she favors some students and segregates others!!
    Very disheartening, discouraging, & frustrating.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • this is a friendly comment for student.

    PLEASE think twice,

    i am so regret (extremely regret) of my time and money spent in this fake college.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • why you think people are stupid….
    Michael who commented below on July 16, 2018 working for CBC…. he was my classmate and just graduated 6 month ago. Now he is an instructor for Paralegal program with ZERO experience –you can call CBC and ask

    This is a total BS college…Please do not waste your money and time….

    if you still do not believe me just go ahead and
    1- ask for their placement rate–document not BS numbers
    2- visit the college and talk to random student

    in this FAKE college student do not have access to WIFI and we had to go to Tim Hortons


    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Are you looking for top college in canada..Quick Links Course Overview Career Opportunities Program Details Fee Structure Requirements Apply Program Overview In collaboration with highly qualified and experienced industry professionals, this program is designed to provide students with the most updated and in-depth knowledge and skills…..and much more

    contact us : (604) 439-9255
    OR follow the link:-

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • I thoroughly enjoyed my experience in the Paralegal Program with Canadian Business College. I found the instructors from the Toronto Campus to be professional and knowledgeable in their area of practice and the administration was a pleasure to work with. At the collegiate level, your results are established based on the effort you put in while learning a new field. I’m delighted to be an honours graduate from this established institution!

    Overall Score: (4.36/5.00)
  • I was very pleased with the teachers in the Paralegal program. Most of them are professionals working within the field, and as such, they have current real-work experience that they are will to share. My experience has been positive, and I will be continuing my relationship with the college.

    Overall Score: (4.36/5.00)
  • Hello, I would like to start by stating that my experience with my classmates was exceptional.
    2 out of the 5 teachers were excellent that I had. They were really clear and helpful.
    The others were scatterbrained and didn’t have a clue as to what they were doing. Really unprofessional.
    Support staff was understaffed and in need of more training (paralegal manager is a total joke).
    The quality of the academic portion was not good. However, It was my first time in post-secondary, so I cannot compare.
    I attended Canadian business college due to the convenience of location.
    Out of my graduating class, none of them are in the field we went to school for.
    CBC has a negative name with most companies and firms I have found.
    Also, other colleges will not accept their transcripts or your diploma if want to further your education.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Beware!!!
    Dont believe the positive comments.
    FAKE! Rather understand that the school has been sued multiple times by dissatisfied students who felt ripped off!!! Not recommended at all!

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • the Biggest fake collage in all Canada .. please be carefully from this collage .. they are professional in STOLEN money .. the study there is very weak .. every think is old and the important is take your money without anything .. be keep far from these garbage

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • The big FAKE STOLEN collage in All Canada beside that all the education program is old and garbage .. pls be far away from this Recycle Bin

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • I went to this school last year and graduated recently. Some of the teachers are good, but others screw you over, and then lie to the program coordinator, saying that you’re lazy and didn’t do any of the work. One teacher in particular seemingly made a hobby out of singling out students and giving them failing grades, even though they didn’t deserve to fail.
    They also give you absolutely no help, for finding a placement Barbra who is the program director is Canadian business college graduate with ZERO experience and knowledge. I was never able to find a placement, and I still haven’t received my diploma, even though I passed all of the required classes, because the placement is required for graduation as well. So, good luck in finding a placement. Personally, I think that if they’re going to make it a requirement for graduation, they should give you at least a little bit of help, like giving you a list of employers you can send your resume to, but they don’t even do that. You’re completely on your own.
    The educational director (Nina) at the school doesn’t give a damn about your problems, because they already have your money, and that’s all they care about.
    In Short:
    Shittiest College you could ever go to….
    – Horrible professors/ professionals except for a select few
    – Faculty is run by unhelpful individuals who don’t know what they are doing
    If you are planning to go to this school, save yourself the trouble, save your money and go to other colleges….

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • If you are considering going to this location, I wouldn’t.. There is just so much I could say. The instructors are so unorganized and for the amount of tuition you pay they don’t even have the proper tools to teach you. The programs are so outdated. You are told all this awesome stuff before you start, but once they have your money all that goes to crap. I don’t feel like the money I put into going to this school was worth the education I got. I could have learned more from Wikipedia.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • I wish someone had warned me before I enrolled at Canadian business college-Toronto/ paralegal Program..this is a terrible school. They are only interested in robbing innocent people of the $$$$… will be unemployed or making $14/hr…the teachers are very selfish and have zero interest in the students success..I would love to sue this school for a joke.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • the Biggest fake collage in all Canada .. please be carefully from this collage .. they are professional in STOLEN money .. the study there is very weak .. every think is old and the important is take your money without anything .. be keep far from these garbage

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • an amazing experience and i got job even before my graduation. thanks Canadian Business College

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • Bill, the guy teaching Advanced Database Administrator, is an A*****E!
    Horrible lectures!


    I agree that this college is only into your money, classes are half ass, waste of time, You pay so much to get so little!..


    i want my money back


    It would be inappropriate to send anyone to The Canadian Business College, it was a toxic environment that had only investment in mind and often left students broke and uneducated.

    Overall Score: (1.54/5.00)
  • Dina Waik is the Devil

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • Ok college at same has some extra help but while you are failing buy keeping up is still not some great. Sometime mean about all and bitter about.


    As my opinion that professor is very poor but at sometime is still kinda professional of too because only cares about money making , if your doing bad it kinda matter is not high quality and student was my collude is pretty crap and s**t. Going campus is simple and admission is excellent. Pretty expensive if you decent money to pay back.

    Overall Score: (1.54/5.00)
  • I am currently in the process of suing the school personally. Anyone who would like to contact me in an effort to sue them as a group I encourage you to email me at [email protected]

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Thanks for your honest reviews. i was going to sign up but am definitely not now!!!

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • The most shitty college ever . All they want is money . Poor in every aspect of teaching institution.

    Overall Score: (1.18/5.00)
  • This college is an absolute joke, seriously all of these career colleges should be scrapped and folded into the dust bin. Horrendous teaching on old computers, they still use windows xp, LOL they lie about book fees, they lie about how fantastic they are, ect ect..there scarborough campus, actually has the name of the manager scotch taped on her door. LOL when you graduate, and go for a job to pay off that overpriced student debt, you will cry, when the employer laughs and says can you go to a real college first, we do not accept these diplomas…..everest, trios, all the same, read the horror stories, you will be working at joes burgers paying off that useless diploma, while these “professors” laugh there ass off at the bank.

    Overall Score: (1.54/5.00)
  • A very shitty college. I regret my time and money wasted there. Horrible instructors!!!

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Look up the legal cases against them and the police reports.

    Overall Score: (1.4/5.00)
  • They are only after your money You have to teach yourself The teachers don’t give a s**t abou the students Theres alot of unprofessional teachers there Theres alot of waste of time

    They are only after your money You have to teach yourself The teachers don’t give a s**t abou the students Theres alot of unprofessional teachers there Theres alot of waste of time

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • STAY AWAY FROM THIS BUSINESS (not a college) they are very un professional and rude, aside from the fancy wording and ridiculous photos they take. they try to appear like they are professionals and they aren’t. teachers (i mean poorly paid legal professionals) swear in class and even miss the first day of importation moduels. the john button guy is the head of the dragon he acts as if eh is the principal (yah principel of unsuspecting students) the college and cares nothing abou the student body except payment. most of the legal professinlas dont act as profs at all they will sit there and read the entire book to the class casuing them to fall asleep and retain nothing. we can do that at home and save 15.000k like wtf. its no wonder none of the students find job and are all un happy with the servicce. the only way to get them to pay any f****** attention to you is to stop paying. i just finished the paralegal program in 2012 and once i was done they turned their back no me. i was promised i would be helped in findig work and they did not do that. i was told i would pass the licensing exma and i dont even feel ready. i dont think anyone im my class found work except one of their own favorites who is now in the position to teach other peopel coming in to to progarma totally unaware whos teaching them as none of them have gone to teacher cvollege. even some of the legal professional sthey did have complined about not being paid enough or not getting a return call to come back and “read the text” which they chage to books yearly so we cant book share and recyle reduce and resue when obviously its the same material dugh . the ceo dean guy john nelson even said out of his own nmouth that he i was tryin gto get rid of one of the profs for what ever reason like this is information that should be kept to himself nt sahered to an entire calss. the tina lady is another shark that will lie to ur face aobut caring and that SOB wont even aknowledge anything academic watch out for her. its notwonder they had a big f****** “class action” lawsuit agains them and prob the removal of the porgram to many complaints bias dishoneslty strait up lies and discretionary grading i mean another prof administered to giving marks as he so fits like double wtf. as soo as you exit the elevator look at the main entrance door and you will see that it was broken a repaired by a mexican prof they f*** with the wrong student. they cheatd another class by cutting their day and holding another clas for wich they charged to attend making double the MONEY for that day like wtf. also accredidted does not mean good or best all it means is they have gotten a pass by the regulatory to teach that material does not mena they teach it well or the methods they use are accepted. they are not recognized they credits are not transerfable to if you tryna excell this place wont help you do that. anything and eveything about you they tell to the entire staff and it messes things up becasuse thy will have in the pack ouf their mins the gossip about you. f***** terrible place do your sefl a fvaor ans stick to a public college whre the marks grades and teachers actually mean someting in the rteral world. because when you try to find a job the bosses will remember allllllll the terrrible student that were tought at the same collge ( i meam business institution) what they should do is have a review page on the website and see what ppl have to say. do urself a favor and go to public college and save 10.000k no wonder they alswasy bost osap s**t like that.some of the students in my lcasss didnte even want a paralegal license after halfwasy through becasuse they did nit feel ready or knowlgeable i mean if you mess up in the feild YOU WILL BE SUED.


    STAY AWAY FROM THIS BUSINESS (not a college) they are very un professional and rude, aside from the fancy wording and ridiculous photos they take. they try to appear like they are professionals and they aren’t. teachers (i mean poorly paid legal professionals) swear in class and even miss the first day of importation moduels. the B.J. in mean j.btn guy is the head of the dragon he acts as if eh is the principal (yah principel of unsuspecting students) the college and cares nothing abou the student body except payment. most of the legal professinlas dont act as profs at all they will sit there and read the entire book to the class casuing them to fall asleep and retain nothing. we can do that at home and save 15.000k like wtf. its no wonder none of the students find job and are all un happy with the servicce. the only way to get them to pay any f’ing attention to you is to stop paying. i just finished the paralegal program in 2012 and once i was done they turned their back no me. i was promised i would be helped in findig work and they did not do that. i was told i would pass the licensing exma and i dont even feel ready. i dont think anyone im my class found work except one of their own favorites who is now in the position to teach other peopel coming in to to progarma totally unaware whos teaching them as none of them have gone to teacher cvollege. even some of the legal professional sthey did have complined about not being paid enough or not getting a return call to come back and “read the text” which they chage to books yearly so we cant book share and recyle reduce and resue when obviously its the same material dugh . the ceo dean guy j.nlsn even said out of his own nmouth that he i was tryin gto get rid of one of the profs for what ever reason like this is information that should be kept to himself nt sahered to an entire calss. the credit company (finance) lady is another shark that will lie to ur face aobut caring and that SOB wont even aknowledge anything academic watch out for her. its notwonder they had a big f’ing “class action” lawsuit agains them and prob the removal of the porgram to many complaints bias dishoneslty strait up lies and discretionary grading i mean another prof administered to giving marks as he so fits like double wtf. as soo as you exit the elevator look at the main entrance door and you will see that it was broken a repaired by a mexican prof they f’ed with the wrong student. they cheatd another class by cutting their day and holding another clas for wich they charged to attend making double the MONEY for that day like wtf. also accredidted does not mean good or best all it means is they have gotten a pass by the regulatory to teach that material does not mena they teach it well or the methods they use are accepted. they are not recognized they credits are not transerfable to if you tryna excell this place wont help you do that. anything and eveything about you they tell to the entire staff and it messes things up becasuse thy will have in the pack ouf their mins the gossip about you. f’ing terrible place do your sefl a fvaor ans stick to a public college whre the marks grades and teachers actually mean someting in the rteral world. because when you try to find a job the bosses will remember allllllll the terrrible student that were tought at the same collge ( i meam business institution) what they should do is have a review page on the website and see what ppl have to say. do urself a favor and go to public college and save 10.000k no wonder they alswasy bost osap s**t like that.some of the students in my lcasss didnte even want a paralegal license after halfwasy through becasuse they did nit feel ready or knowlgeable i mean if you mess up in the feild YOU WILL BE SUED.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • sucks dont go

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Well what can i say they do not care about students at all they just want you money and that is the bottom line. The teachers are usually first time teachers but this is ok because it falls under the private colleges rules. The college does not do one thing extra or one thing at all to help the students. All you have to do is walk though the college and speak to the students and ask them what they think and if they feel they are getting there monies worth and if you find one i will be very impressed. They have so many things against them look under and the government web site for private colleges they have not even bothered to fix what the superintendent has asked them because they don not care about quality nor do they have an honour what so ever. They steal money from students and give nothing in return. They don not even have proper information to hand out it is all photocopied and they say its in the printers they have been saying that for years i am told. If i could do it all over again i would go to a government college because there they have standards the teachers much know how to teach and have experience not only in there field but in the subject they are teaching. Government colleges are accountable for what they teach and the quality of the school and the courses private schools do not and this school i am very surprised how they have been allowed to get away with what they have been for so many years. Do your self a favour and go to a government college like seneca or humber you will learn much more and they actually care. if this college gets 1 good review i know its the college writing it because many of the teachers i have had don not even think its good its sub level.

    Overall Score: (1.4/5.00)
  • School has been sued many times. Example is Matoni v. C.B.S. Interactive Multimedia Inc. (Canadian Business College). You can find this at a site called canlii. Look up other cases against school as well. Many many more.

    The Superintendent has ordered the Canadian Business School Inc. operating as Canadian Business College (CBC) to comply with the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 (Act) and Regulations. The violations of the Act and regulations are that CBC: is advertising and offering unapproved vocational programs for a fee contrary to s.8(1), s.11(2) of the Act, and granting credentials for unapproved vocational programs contrary to s. 10 of the Act; has made substantial changes to vocational programs without further approval of the Superintendent contrary to s.23(6) of the Act; has employed persons to provide instruction in vocational programs who do not meet the qualifications set out in s.41 of O.Reg. 415/06; has employed persons as instructors in a vocational program without having them complete an instructor qualification data form and without keeping record of said form at the campus contrary to s.42(1) and (2) of O.Reg. 415/06; has included false and/or misleading statements in advertising material for the purpose of inducing a student or prospective student to enrol in a program contrary to s.18(1) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not established a compliant procedure to resolve student complaints contrary to s.31(1) of the Act and s.36(1) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not maintained a record of every complaint at the campus where the complaint originated for a period of at least three years from the date of the decision relating to the complaint contrary to s.36(1)(h) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not given the Superintendent written notice of a change in the person responsible for the administration of a campus within 5 days of the change occurring contrary to s.48(1)1 of O.Reg. 415/06; has not included the practicum location in the student contract contrary to s. 20(1)15 of O.Reg. 415/06; and could not produce testimonial consent forms for testimonials appearing in advertising material contrary to s.17(1) 4 of O.Reg. 415/06.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Results from Libya’s first elections since the overthrow of Col Gaddafi have shown gains for an alliance of parties seen as broadly secular.

    The National Forces Alliance, led by ex-interim Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril, has won 39 out of 80 seats reserved for political parties.

    The Muslim Brotherhood’s party has gained 17.

    The 200-member General National Assembly will also include dozens of independent candidates.

    The overall orientation that the assembly will have is so far unclear.

    What remains to be seen is who, if anyone, will lead the assembly by majority, the BBC’s Rana Jawad in Tripoli reports.

    That will depend on the allegiances – largely unknown – of 120 independent candidates, she adds.

    While congratulating other parties, the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Justice and Construction Party said it had made gains in seats reserved for independent members.

    They may now be banking on a shift in their favour from the non-party lists, our correspondent adds.

    Continue reading the main story

    Rana Jawad

    BBC News, Tripoli

    It was, for many, the act of voting that mattered most. Nevertheless, this landslide victory for the centrist National Forces Alliance in the party-list was largely expected since the preliminary results started trickling out over the past week.

    Talking to Libyans, you find that many of the youth – who make up the majority of eligible voters – cast their ballots against anyone running on a religious platform. They opted for policy-makers rather than ideologies. You often also hear about lessons being drawn from election results in Tunisia and Egypt, where it was viewed that Islamists hijacked the Arab Spring.

    The recent sporadic attacks against foreign missions in Libya, believed to be carried out by some hardline Islamists, also seemed to spook people here and probably played some role in swaying the vote.
    The current interim Prime Minister Abdurrahim al-Keib said the announcement of the results was “a time of celebration”.

    “Everybody in Libya is happy. And we are thankful to those partners and friends who have helped us to get to this point,” Mr Keib said.

    There will now be a two-week window for any appeals against the tally.

    More than 100 parties competed in the poll, many of them formed only in recent months.

    The assembly will have legislative powers, though it is unclear what role it will play in drawing up the country’s new constitution. The assembly is expected to be in place for at least a year.

    It will choose the first elected government since Col Muammar Gaddafi came to power in 1969. He was ousted in August 2011 and killed two months later.

    The last fully free parliamentary election was held soon after independence in 1952. The last national vote was held in 1965, when no political parties were allowed.

    EU election observers said the voting process on 7 July was largely “peaceful and smooth”, although technical delays and violence disrupted polling in several locations.

    One person was killed in a shooting near a polling station in Ajdabiya.

    The election commission put turnout at 62% of registered voters.

    In an interview with the BBC last week, Mr Jibril called on parties to form a coalition government, something which rival politicians tentatively welcomed.

    North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has been given the title of marshal, state media announced.

    The title – the top functioning military rank – was held by both his late father and grandfather, North Korean founding father Kim Il Sung.

    In the latest move in a high-level military reshuffle, Hyon Yong-chol was named as army chief.

    The previously little-known general came to sudden prominence on Monday after his predecessor was removed.

    Ri Yong-ho’s demotion was attributed to illness, but has been widely interpreted by analysts as a purge aimed at stamping the authority of the new leader on North Korea’s powerful army.

    Kim Jong-il died in December 2011 and was posthumously promoted to generalissimo – formally the country’s most senior rank – in February, when the country marked what would have been his 70th birthday.


    “A decision was made to award the title of Marshal of the DPRK [North Korea] to Kim Jong-un, supreme commander of the Korean People’s Army,” the KCNA statement said.

    The decision was jointly made by the Central Committee and the Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party of Korea, the National Defence Commission of the DPRK (North Korea) and the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK, the statement said.

    Hyon Yong-chol replaces the enormously powerful Ri Yong-ho At a military meeting in Pyongyang following the announcement, Mr Hyon was introduced as “chief of the general staff of the Korean People’s Army”.

    His assumption of that title has not been formally announced but it had been widely anticipated by observers after he took the position of vice-marshal from Mr Ri.

    Nonetheless, the promotion remains a meteoric rise for the previously little known Mr Hyon, who was made a general in 2010, analysts say.

    It appears to signal a dramatic attempt by Kim Jong-un to assert control over an army whose influence burgeoned under the “military first” policy adopted by his father.

    The army not only plays a leading role in the political life of the country but also in economic decision-making.

    Observers have also highlighted a “generational shake-up” taking place in the military, with older leaders being replaced by figures several years younger.

    Mr Hyon’s age is not known, but he is thought to be about a decade younger than Ri Yong-ho, 69.

    Power ‘reconstitution’
    Ri Yong-ho was extremely powerful: as well as army chief he was vice-chairman of the powerful Central Military Commission and held top posts in the ruling Workers’ Party.

    His removal took many North Korea observers by surprise, with widespread scepticism at the official explanation.

    Continue reading the main story
    North Korea: The inner circle?
    Very little is known about the key figures close to Kim Jong-un but a handful of names stand out
    Kim Kyong-hui, Kim Jong-il’s sister, and her husband Jang Song-thaek, both of whom hold multiple titles
    Choe Ryong-hae, who holds top military and party titles
    Choe Yong-rim, an elder statesman frequently seen in public
    Hyon Yong-chol, the new army chief after Ri Yong-ho was removed
    He had been seen as a key figure in the recent transition of power to the young leader.

    ”What we are seeing is a reconstitution of the North Korea leadership from the old guard who were loyal to Kim’s father to a new guard,” Jasper Kim of the Asia Pacific Global Research Group told the BBC.

    In a rare move, state media released a statement on Wednesday morning saying an important announcement was due shortly before the news of Kim Jong-un’s appointment.

    This, analysts say, could be another signal that the young leader, believed to be in his late 20s, is painting a slightly different image for himself from that of his father.

    Kim Jong-un is a ”young person raised in the era of the internet” and was educated abroad in Switzerland, Jasper Kim pointed out.

    He has recently been photographed with a ”mystery woman”, leading to speculation over her identity. Pyongyang has not released any details about her, and it is not known if Mr Kim is married.

    Mr Kim and those around him are being keenly watched for the direction in which they will take the communist state.

    North Korea – which remains technically at war with South Korea – conducted nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009, since when international talks on ending its nuclear ambitions have been stalled.

    It also launched a rocket in April, saying it wanted to put a satellite into orbit. The US and North Korea’s neighbours said the launch – which failed – was a long-range missile test that violated UN resolutions.
    So, if i have these amazing gifts that would allow me to charge substantial
    amounts of money, why on Earth would I give it away for free?

    The answer is actually very simple: I do it to keep balance.
    Notes: This calculator is based on research data pulled together by a team of researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

    Using UN data on population size in 177 countries, together with estimates of global weight from the WHO and mean height from national health examination surveys the team were able to calculate average BMI figures for each country.

    Using the values that you input into the calculator, it works out your BMI as well as where you are in relation to the rest of the population in your country and the world for your gender and age.

    DW As with all large data sets, there is a margin of error in this calculation, something statisticians call “standard deviation”. This is indicated on the graph by the faint band either side of your indicated BMI measure.

    * Your range is a reference to the “standard deviation from the mean”, in other words your result is likely to vary within these boundaries.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • 1) You’re so delicious, I could eat you up.
    2) You make me feel complete
    3) You’re so sweet, I’m going to be diabetic.
    4) Your kisses are like honey..
    5) I sometimes think of you when you’re away and smile away to myself. People think I’m nuts.
    6) You’re mine and only mine, All rights reserved
    7) I love your warmth when you hug me
    8) I could look into your eyes and get lost for hours..
    9) Your smile makes my day
    10) You’re my apple pie
    11) When you’re away, I think of you
    12) DW conduct continues to be cold, calculated, arrogant, malicious, reckless, vindictive, ruthless, dishonest, without conscious, premeditated, systematic and reprehensible and deserving prison
    She lacks conscience, continuous deceit to cover up their wrongdoing in her department, and ruthless conduct is not becoming of a officer.

    who were recently ordered out of their Bay St. Lawrence Road home under the province’s Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act, were alleged to have been using and selling illegal drugs, and playing host to a group dubbed “Society’s Rejects.”

    Now, try to square that image with one painted by Dina Waik and Debb Bertazzon of Toronto in a letter to the editor published on Sept. 4, 2010. The two were trapped in Meat Cove after a torrential rain storm on Aug. 22, 2010 washed out that community’s roads and bridges.

    “Allow us to thank the wonderful residents of Meat Cove who helped us in every way and opened their homes to us when we were in need,” ran part of the letter, which depicted how the two tourists were fed, lodged and entertained free of charge.

    “We were absolutely inspired by their thoughtfulness, consideration and insistence that our needs be put before their own, despite what they had already lost.”

    It’s difficult to square the two images, because one is of a community at its worst due to a few dealing with chronic adversity and the other is of a community at its best in the face of acute adversity.

    In further mixed messages,. the Post said Johnny, municipal councillor for the area, refused to speak with the paper on the record about the arson problem. Given the long history of arson, I wondered whether more sophisticated policing was in order. Already in place, says the Post:

    The Post learned Wednesday that the Beach RCMP detachment’s allotment of five officers has been augmented by four Mounties brought in specifically to investigate arsons. Seemingly, once those files are cleared up, the four will leave. But the root problem will remain. Police can’t be everywhere a ne’er-do-well flicks a lighter, but a permanently bolstered force would help.

    Dina has been a great nanny for us for the past year. She cares for our almost two year old son 4 days a week. From the moment she first walked into our house, it was obvious that she is a natural with children. She comes to work every day with a smile on her face and is so easy to work with. I feel like she truly supports our family and would do anything for us. Most importantly, our son loves her and he has so much fun with her. We feel so lucky to have found Dina and have her as part of our family.

    Charter of Rights – Right to life, liberty and security of the person – Right to make full answer and defence – Right to cross-examine witness – Freedom of religion – Preliminary inquiry into allegations of sexual assault – Complainant sought permission to wear niqab while testifying – Whether a sexual assault complainant can wear her niqab for religious reasons while testifying.

    At a preliminary inquiry into allegations of historical sexual assaults on N.S. by her uncle, M–l.S., and her cousin, M–d.S., N.S. requested permission to testify while wearing her niqab. She based her request on her Muslim religious beliefs. In conformity with those beliefs, N.S. wears a hijab – a full body dress – and a niqab – a veil which covers her entire face except for her eyes – when she is in public or in the presence of males who are not “direct” members of her family. The stricture applies in the presence of M–d.S. As of the date of the appellate proceedings, she had been wearing the niqab and hijab for approximately five years. M–d.S. and the Crown objected.

    The preliminary inquiry judge ordered that she remove her niqab before testifying in the preliminary inquiry. On a motion for extraordinary remedies, the Superior Court judge granted an application for certiorari quashing the order requiring N.S. to remove her veil during testimony, but denied an application for mandamus allowing N.S. to wear her veil while testifying. The Court of Appeal allowed the appeal in part. It affirmed the Superior Court’s order quashing the preliminary inquiry judge’s order and remitted the matter to the preliminary inquiry judge for a decision in accordance with its reasons. A cross-appeal was dismissed.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • The Superintendent has ordered the Canadian Business School Inc. operating as Canadian Business College (CBC) to comply with the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 (Act) and Regulations. The violations of the Act and regulations are that CBC: is advertising and offering unapproved vocational programs for a fee contrary to s.8(1), s.11(2) of the Act, and granting credentials for unapproved vocational programs contrary to s. 10 of the Act; has made substantial changes to vocational programs without further approval of the Superintendent contrary to s.23(6) of the Act; has employed persons to provide instruction in vocational programs who do not meet the qualifications set out in s.41 of O.Reg. 415/06; has employed persons as instructors in a vocational program without having them complete an instructor qualification data form and without keeping record of said form at the campus contrary to s.42(1) and (2) of O.Reg. 415/06; has included false and/or misleading statements in advertising material for the purpose of inducing a student or prospective student to enrol in a program contrary to s.18(1) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not established a compliant procedure to resolve student complaints contrary to s.31(1) of the Act and s.36(1) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not maintained a record of every complaint at the campus where the complaint originated for a period of at least three years from the date of the decision relating to the complaint contrary to s.36(1)(h) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not given the Superintendent written notice of a change in the person responsible for the administration of a campus within 5 days of the change occurring contrary to s.48(1)1 of O.Reg. 415/06; has not included the practicum location in the student contract contrary to s. 20(1)15 of O.Reg. 415/06; and could not produce testimonial consent forms for testimonials appearing in advertising material contrary to s.17(1) 4 of O.Reg. 415/06.

    School has been sued many times. Example is Matoni v. C.B.S. Interactive Multimedia Inc. (Canadian Business College). You can find this at a site called canlii. Look up other cases against school as well. Many many more.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • The grieving mother of Chinese university student Jun Lin says her son viewed Canada as a place that was welcoming and safe for immigrants, but his brutal killing and dismemberment have left her with a starkly different view of the country.

    “We still believe that most people here are very kind, but this heinous crime happened in Canada. It’s made me reconsider what kind of place this is,” Zhigui Du told the CBC’s Mark Kelley in an interview set to air on The National at 9 p.m. ET Monday.

    Lin’s parents have been treated with “kindness” by the federal government, she said, and people here have shown the couple sympathy and support since they arrived in Montreal following their son’s grisly slaying in late May.

    But his death, the brutal nature of which garnered headlines around the world, has shattered the idealistic view of Canada that Du’s 33-year-old son had impressed on her.

    Before moving to Montreal from Beijing to study in a computer engineering program at Concordia University, Lin had done extensive research online about Canada.
    Jun Lin is shown in this undated photo from his personal Facebook page under the name of Patrick Lin. (Canadian Press)
    His mother said he had the impression that it was “a peaceful place with great respect for multiculturalism,” and that there was no reason to worry about his safety.

    Luka Rocco Magnotta, a small-time adult-film actor originally from the Toronto area who had cultivated a strange assortment of personae online, has pleaded not guilty in the case. He has been charged with five criminal offences including first-degree murder, harassing politicians and posting obscene material to the web.

    Today, Du says, when she walks down the street sometimes she feels like “everyone looks like Magnotta. I live with so much fear.”

    Anxiously awaiting trial

    Magnotta, 29, was arrested in Berlin on June 4 following an international manhunt, and was extradited to Canada on board a military aircraft two weeks later. He made a brief court appearance in Montreal on June 21 where he requested a trial by judge and jury.

    Lin’s parents flew to Montreal last month to collect their son’s remains and mourn his death, holding a private memorial service that drew between 50 and 100 friends and family.

    ‘What a disaster and huge pain for our family.’—Zhigui Du, Jun Lin’s mother

    In an emotional two-hour-long interview, the couple spoke of their struggle to come to terms with Jun Lin’s killing and their anxiety over the court case, which is still months away. Pretrial motions will begin in March 2013.

    Asked whether the Canadian legal system will be able to deliver justice in his son’s death, Jun Lin’s father, Diran Lin, said, replied, “I hope so … I can only wish for it.”

    Looking back on son’s life

    Jun Lin was born in the city of Wuhan, in central China. His mother said the family lived in a remote area, “poor with material things, but we were a happy family.”
    The parents of Jun Lin, Zhigui Du, left, and Diran Lin, speak to CBC News about the loss of their son, who was murdered in Montreal in May. (CBC)
    To get around, the three of them would pile on a single bicycle, Jun Lin on the front, Du on the back, his father in the middle pedalling them along “bumpy village roads.”

    Going to Canada was Lin’s dream, his mother said, but after arriving in Montreal he stayed in touch with his family almost every day.

    They lost contact with him on the evening of May 24, and his mother then got a phone call from one of her son’s classmates in Montreal saying that his friends also had not heard from him.

    “When I heard that, my heart almost stopped beating,” Du said. “I couldn’t breathe.”

    She eventually learned of Jun Lin’s death from a TV news report, and said she fainted.

    Coping with grief

    Jun Lin’s death has put a strain on the couple, and the suggestion that his slaying has allegedly been posted online has only heightened their anguish.

    “What a disaster and huge pain for our family,” Du said, sobbing.

    “The most unbearable pain for me is that the video got posted on the internet. People watched it over and over. It’s like my son is being murdered again and again.”

    Diran Lin said he doesn’t believe his son had a relationship with Magnotta, although his apartment was the site of Jun Lin’s murder.

    “I’m confident to assure you on that,” he said, adding that testimony at trial may clarify whether the two men knew one another.

    While they wait for the trial to begin, Jun Lin’s parents are also trying to decide where to lay their son’s remains to rest.

    They had planned to have the burial in Montreal because, his mother said, he loved it so much there.

    But the couple is facing mounting pressure from family to lay his remains to rest in the country where he was born and raised.

    “We Chinese have an old saying: ‘Fallen leaves must go back to the root of the tree,'” Du said. “We’re caught in the middle and really don’t know what to do.”

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • The proof is in the pudding! I checked this school out on the Ministry’s web site. Here is what they said about this school for 2012:

    The Superintendent has ordered the Canadian Business School Inc. operating as Canadian Business College (CBC) to comply with the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 (Act) and Regulations. The violations of the Act and regulations are that CBC: is advertising and offering unapproved vocational programs for a fee contrary to s.8(1), s.11(2) of the Act, and granting credentials for unapproved vocational programs contrary to s. 10 of the Act; has made substantial changes to vocational programs without further approval of the Superintendent contrary to s.23(6) of the Act; has employed persons to provide instruction in vocational programs who do not meet the qualifications set out in s.41 of O.Reg. 415/06; has employed persons as instructors in a vocational program without having them complete an instructor qualification data form and without keeping record of said form at the campus contrary to s.42(1) and (2) of O.Reg. 415/06; has included false and/or misleading statements in advertising material for the purpose of inducing a student or prospective student to enrol in a program contrary to s.18(1) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not established a compliant procedure to resolve student complaints contrary to s.31(1) of the Act and s.36(1) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not maintained a record of every complaint at the campus where the complaint originated for a period of at least three years from the date of the decision relating to the complaint contrary to s.36(1)(h) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not given the Superintendent written notice of a change in the person responsible for the administration of a campus within 5 days of the change occurring contrary to s.48(1)1 of O.Reg. 415/06; has not included the practicum location in the student contract contrary to s. 20(1)15 of O.Reg. 415/06; and could not produce testimonial consent forms for testimonials appearing in advertising material contrary to s.17(1) 4 of O.Reg. 415/06.

    School has been sued many times. Example is Matoni v. C.B.S. Interactive Multimedia Inc. (Canadian Business College). You can find this at a site called canlii. Look up other cases against school as well. Many many more.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Berta says:

    July 14, 2012 at 5:05 pm

    “A civil servant who does not take decisions might always be safe, but at the end of the day he or she would have contributed nothing to our society and to our country,” the Prime Minister said.

    I plead that as a result of the Defendants’ lack of conscience, continuous deceit to cover up their wrongdoing, and ruthless conduct, I lost my jobs; my once perfect health record destroyed causing stigmatism and further similar abuses, and refusal of future insurance benefits due to injury to health (depression); lost of skill utilization for future advancements; lost of job references; required to take medication in order to work to reduce condition caused by additional mobbing behaviour to mitigate further injury into reactive depression and suicide ideation; a good standard of living and loss of reputation of my good name.

    No witch hunting in name of fighting corruption: PM assures bureaucrats Fighting the charge of policy paralysis in the government, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today asked civil servants to show “boldness” in decision making, assuring them there will be “no witch hunting” in the name of fighting corruption.

    Addressing them on the Civil Services Day here, Singh asked the bureaucrats to fight the tendency of not taking decisions because of the fear that things might go wrong and they might be penalised for that.

    “It should be our endeavour that there is no witch hunting in the name of fighting corruption. It is our government’s commitment to put in place a system and create an environment in which our civil servants are encouraged to be decisive, and no one is harassed for bonafide mistakes of errors of judgement,” the Prime Minister said.

    Singh, however, also noted there is a growing perception, right or wrong, that the moral fibre of civil servants and public servants in general is not as as strong as it used to some decades back and that the civil servants are now more likely to succumb to extraneous pressures in their work.

    “These perceptions might be exaggerated but I do think that there is a grain of truth in them,” he said.

    While maintaining that the decisions that civil servants take must be fair and objective in nature, he made it clear that the government stands committed to protecting honest and well meaning civil servants who might have made genuine errors in their work.

    “…We cannot have a bureaucracy which is hundred percent risk averse. In fact we should encourage boldness in decision making, provided that the decisions are well considered and as per the law of the land.
    Singh also chose the occasion to stress that the Centre has made “substantial progress” in the last one year towards strengthening the legislative framework and revamping the country’s administrative practices to enable it to fight the menace of corruption in public life better.

    Maintaining there is a need to be honest in admitting our failures and our deficiencies, the Prime Minister said that the decisions that the civil servants take must be fair and objective in nature, based on sound evidence and deep analysis and designed to serve the best interests of the country.

    “Their judgement and advice should not be affected by the nature and colour of the political leadership. If this does not happen, the impartiality and fairness of the decision making processes in public administration would get compromised and the quality of our output would be sub-optimal… this is a vigil that the civil servants must maintain constantly,” he said.

    Noting that there is a growing perception in the public that the attributes of objectivity in work have been diluted, Singh said he leaves it to the civil servants to ponder to what extent this perception is true and what they can collectively do to remove it from the public mind.

    Congratulating the award winning civil servants on the occasion, he also said that several civil servants in the country have been shining examples of probity and integrity, working selflessly for the public good.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • The proof is in the pudding! I checked this school out on the Ministry’s web site. Here is what they said about this school for 2012:

    The Superintendent has ordered the Canadian Business School Inc. operating as Canadian Business College (CBC) to comply with the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 (Act) and Regulations. The violations of the Act and regulations are that CBC: is advertising and offering unapproved vocational programs for a fee contrary to s.8(1), s.11(2) of the Act, and granting credentials for unapproved vocational programs contrary to s. 10 of the Act; has made substantial changes to vocational programs without further approval of the Superintendent contrary to s.23(6) of the Act; has employed persons to provide instruction in vocational programs who do not meet the qualifications set out in s.41 of O.Reg. 415/06; has employed persons as instructors in a vocational program without having them complete an instructor qualification data form and without keeping record of said form at the campus contrary to s.42(1) and (2) of O.Reg. 415/06; has included false and/or misleading statements in advertising material for the purpose of inducing a student or prospective student to enrol in a program contrary to s.18(1) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not established a compliant procedure to resolve student complaints contrary to s.31(1) of the Act and s.36(1) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not maintained a record of every complaint at the campus where the complaint originated for a period of at least three years from the date of the decision relating to the complaint contrary to s.36(1)(h) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not given the Superintendent written notice of a change in the person responsible for the administration of a campus within 5 days of the change occurring contrary to s.48(1)1 of O.Reg. 415/06; has not included the practicum location in the student contract contrary to s. 20(1)15 of O.Reg. 415/06; and could not produce testimonial consent forms for testimonials appearing in advertising material contrary to s.17(1) 4 of O.Reg. 415/06.

    School has been sued many times. Example is Matoni v. C.B.S. Interactive Multimedia Inc. (Canadian Business College). You can find this at a site called canlii. Look up other cases against school as well. Many many more.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • “A civil servant who does not take decisions might always be safe, but at the end of the day he or she would have contributed nothing to our society and to our country,” the Prime Minister said.

    I plead that as a result of the Defendants’ lack of conscience, continuous deceit to cover up their wrongdoing, and ruthless conduct, I lost my jobs; my once perfect health record destroyed causing stigmatism and further similar abuses, and refusal of future insurance benefits due to injury to health (depression); lost of skill utilization for future advancements; lost of job references; required to take medication in order to work to reduce condition caused by additional mobbing behaviour to mitigate further injury into reactive depression and suicide ideation; a good standard of living and loss of reputation of my good name.

    No witch hunting in name of fighting corruption: PM assures bureaucrats Fighting the charge of policy paralysis in the government, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today asked civil servants to show “boldness” in decision making, assuring them there will be “no witch hunting” in the name of fighting corruption.

    Addressing them on the Civil Services Day here, Singh asked the bureaucrats to fight the tendency of not taking decisions because of the fear that things might go wrong and they might be penalised for that.

    “It should be our endeavour that there is no witch hunting in the name of fighting corruption. It is our government’s commitment to put in place a system and create an environment in which our civil servants are encouraged to be decisive, and no one is harassed for bonafide mistakes of errors of judgement,” the Prime Minister said.

    Singh, however, also noted there is a growing perception, right or wrong, that the moral fibre of civil servants and public servants in general is not as as strong as it used to some decades back and that the civil servants are now more likely to succumb to extraneous pressures in their work.

    “These perceptions might be exaggerated but I do think that there is a grain of truth in them,” he said.

    While maintaining that the decisions that civil servants take must be fair and objective in nature, he made it clear that the government stands committed to protecting honest and well meaning civil servants who might have made genuine errors in their work.

    “…We cannot have a bureaucracy which is hundred percent risk averse. In fact we should encourage boldness in decision making, provided that the decisions are well considered and as per the law of the land.
    Singh also chose the occasion to stress that the Centre has made “substantial progress” in the last one year towards strengthening the legislative framework and revamping the country’s administrative practices to enable it to fight the menace of corruption in public life better.

    Maintaining there is a need to be honest in admitting our failures and our deficiencies, the Prime Minister said that the decisions that the civil servants take must be fair and objective in nature, based on sound evidence and deep analysis and designed to serve the best interests of the country.

    “Their judgement and advice should not be affected by the nature and colour of the political leadership. If this does not happen, the impartiality and fairness of the decision making processes in public administration would get compromised and the quality of our output would be sub-optimal… this is a vigil that the civil servants must maintain constantly,” he said.

    Noting that there is a growing perception in the public that the attributes of objectivity in work have been diluted, Singh said he leaves it to the civil servants to ponder to what extent this perception is true and what they can collectively do to remove it from the public mind.

    Congratulating the award winning civil servants on the occasion, he also said that several civil servants in the country have been shining examples of probity and integrity, working selflessly for the public good.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • That is how bad this school is. They have to spam this site because they know the truth…their school sucks!

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • The proof is in the pudding! I checked this school out on the Ministry’s web site. Here is what they said about this school for 2012:

    The Superintendent has ordered the Canadian Business School Inc. operating as Canadian Business College (CBC) to comply with the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 (Act) and Regulations. The violations of the Act and regulations are that CBC: is advertising and offering unapproved vocational programs for a fee contrary to s.8(1), s.11(2) of the Act, and granting credentials for unapproved vocational programs contrary to s. 10 of the Act; has made substantial changes to vocational programs without further approval of the Superintendent contrary to s.23(6) of the Act; has employed persons to provide instruction in vocational programs who do not meet the qualifications set out in s.41 of O.Reg. 415/06; has employed persons as instructors in a vocational program without having them complete an instructor qualification data form and without keeping record of said form at the campus contrary to s.42(1) and (2) of O.Reg. 415/06; has included false and/or misleading statements in advertising material for the purpose of inducing a student or prospective student to enrol in a program contrary to s.18(1) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not established a compliant procedure to resolve student complaints contrary to s.31(1) of the Act and s.36(1) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not maintained a record of every complaint at the campus where the complaint originated for a period of at least three years from the date of the decision relating to the complaint contrary to s.36(1)(h) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not given the Superintendent written notice of a change in the person responsible for the administration of a campus within 5 days of the change occurring contrary to s.48(1)1 of O.Reg. 415/06; has not included the practicum location in the student contract contrary to s. 20(1)15 of O.Reg. 415/06; and could not produce testimonial consent forms for testimonials appearing in advertising material contrary to s.17(1) 4 of O.Reg. 415/06.

    School has been sued many times. Example is Matoni v. C.B.S. Interactive Multimedia Inc. (Canadian Business College). You can find this at a site called canlii. Look up other cases against school as well. Many many more.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)

    The $20 million endowment was, at the time, the largest single private donation made to name a Canadian business school. The school provides diploma, …

    Wonderful people that save lives.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • When Alan Ladd starred in the 1957 film Boy on a Dolphin, Sophia Loren had to walk in a trench alongside him so filmgoers couldn’t tell she was taller than him. Loren was 5ft 8in of Italian voluptuousness, while Ladd was 5ft 5in tall and, in his own words, a man with “the face of an ageing choirboy and the build of an undernourished featherweight”. The following year, when screen hardman Ladd starred in The Deep Six, he stood on boxes so as not to appear smaller than his co-stars.

    More than half a century on, another man who is 5ft 5in tall is similarly doing his damnedest to conceal the shortness of his stature. Earlier this week, French president Nicolas Sarkozy gave a televised speech at the Faurecia motor technology plant near Caen in Normandy. He stood before the cameras flanked by white-coated workers and suited executives, very few of whom were taller than him. A journalist reportedly asked one of them later: “Is it true you were all picked to appear alongside the president because of your height – because you shouldn’t be taller than the president?” The worker answered: “Exactly that.” And French TV news showed 20 relatively small Faurecia workers from a total workforce of 1,400 being bussed to the press conference from other parts of the site.

    Sarkozy’s aides were keen to ensure no repeat of the D-day debacle in June when, just along the Normandy coast in Colleville-sur-Mer, Sarkozy had stood next to 6ft 1in Barack Obama and 5ft 11in Gordon Brown during the 65th anniversary commemoration ceremony. French virility had been symbolically castrated by an Anglo-American height conspiracy.

    But, you might well be asking, why did Sarko bother to try to conceal the truth about his height? Surely the French president or his aides must realise that any attempts to conceal his relative shortness will make him look even more ridiculous than – with all due respect – he does already? Surely someone should tell him it is madness to stand on a little box in front of a lectern to give a speech (as he did in Colleville-sur-Mer), since any snapper worth their salt was going to photograph him not from the front but from the side – thus making his pathetic ruse globally apparent?

    What is it about short guys that makes them go to such great lengths (sorry) to conceal what they really are? It’s an old story. Back in the day, Humphrey Bogart (5ft 8in) would stand one step higher than his leading ladies (Lauren Bacall, 5ft 8in, Katharine Hepburn, 5ft 7in) when they were snapped coming down the steps from a plane, recalls Ralph Keyes in his book about the hilarities of human extension, The Height of Your Life. Last year, Tom Cruise (5ft 7in) reprised Bogey’s technique when he appeared outside a New York theatre, standing not one but three steps above his wife Katie Holmes (5ft 9in).

    Why did it have to be three steps? Because Holmes (selfishly, in my view) had chosen to go out that evening wearing four-inch patent black Christian Louboutin heels, which clearly made the chances of a disastrous night out on the town, PR-wise, catastrophically likely. But of course the three-step ploy didn’t work: the Daily Mail, for instance, ran with the headline, “Tiny Tom finds a way to rise above his shortcomings.”

    Cruise, Bogey, Sly (of whom more later): small male actors, at least, are, like Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard, telling themselves and us that they are not small. “I am big!” hissed Swanson. “It’s the pictures that got small.” The intolerable truth that none of the foregoing allow themselves to admit is they’re not as big as they want to be. Why do they delude themselves and attempt to con us? “We associate size with power,” says Keyes. Consider, for example, the world’s leading Hobbit interpreter, Elijah Wood. He was supposed to be about 4ft 2in tall in the Lord of the Rings films. In real life, though, Wood is 5ft 6in, while his co-star Liv Tyler is apparently 5ft 10in. Yet on the cover of Entertainment Weekly to publicise the Tolkein trilogy, he appeared towering over her. Male actors have a problem with being seen to be shorter than women.

    But there is a very good reason for that. According to Dutch psychologist Professor Abraham Buunk of the University of Groningen, tall men have greater success with the opposite sex. So pretending to be tall may confer a sexual and thereby evolutionary advantage. Larger males are more likely to win fights, are more dominant, have clout with the Ivy’s maitre d’, make eye contact with bar staff at crucial moments, and, crucially, are more likely to reproduce. True, that hasn’t been my life story, even though I would be 6ft 1in if I stood up straight, but then there’s always someone who ruins the theory. For male actors, for whom being desirable to women is obligatory to a successful career, size is everything.

    Buunk’s researchers questioned 100 men and 100 women in relationships about their feelings of jealousy and how interested they believed their partners to be in other members of the opposite sex. They found taller men were less jealous. Apparently, 5ft 4in men scored an average of 3.75 out of six on a jealousy scale, with the men around 6ft 6in getting just 2.25. The results among women were more complex, with those of around average height (5ft 6in) scoring lowest for jealously, at around three out of six.

    But is there such a thing as short-woman syndrome? The shortest women in Buunk’s study, who measured around 5ft, scored five on the scale, while the tallest, at 6ft, got an average of four. So is there a tall-woman syndrome too, whereby women over 6ft tall aggressively overcompensate because they’re livid about Buunk’s thesis, whereby not only tall men, but also medium-height women, have greater success with the opposite sex? Is that why the explosive grunt of top tennis player Lindsay Davenport, who is 6ft 2 in, has been recorded at an ear-splitting 88 decibels? You know what? Probably not.

    Moving on. There is something called the Napoleon complex, which was identified by the psychoanalyst Alfred Adler, by means of which small men are supposed to overcompensate for their height by aggressiveness. Lou Reed, 5ft 5in of handshake-crushing anger (just ask anyone who has ever interviewed him), is the present-day personification of this complex. But this theory is dubious: if, over time, short men are known to overcompensate for their smallness by being aggressive, surely taller men, annoyed with being duffed up by short, inadequate blokes, will themselves turn aggressive so they don’t get picked on so much, thus confounding the theory. Also, the theory is all but sunk by counter-examples: true, Stalin was 5ft 4in, and Hitler and Mussolini were small men filled to the brim with pure evil, but it is folly to associate badness with titchiness. Khrushchev and Gandhi were both 5ft 3in and eternally occupy very different positions on the aggressiveness scale. And while Alexander Pope undeniably wrote some very biting verses, it would be a mistake to ascribe this to the fact that he did so because he was chippy about being only 4ft 6in.

    Indeed, the Napoleon complex received short shrift (so very sorry) from the University of Central Lancaster, where researchers a couple of years ago asked men of different heights to duel with wooden sticks in a so-called Chopstick Game. One man would deliberately provoke the other by rapping them across the knuckles. Heart monitors revealed taller men lost their temper more quickly and hit back. “The results were consistent with the view that small-man syndrome is a myth,” says psychologist Dr Mike Eslea. “When people see a short man being aggressive, they are likely to think it is due to his size simply because that attribute is obvious and grabs their attention.”

    But none of this explains why President Sarkozy does not embrace his manifest smallness in the way that other successful small men do (I’m thinking of Al Pacino’s performance in elevator shoes in the Devil’s Advocate – pure cinematic jambon). Indeed, if anyone would want to revive the Napoleon complex in order to stress parallels with the greatest and most successful leader in French history, then surely it would be Sarkozy. Better, surely, for him to kick away his elevator shoes and stand in stocking feet surrounded by six foot tall French rugby players for his next presidential press conference, and tell the world: “All right. Laugh it up. But you know, who else was small? Napoleon Bonaparte, the terror of Europe. Not so funny now, am I?”

    Instead, Sarkozy may well be more impressed by the findings of psychologist John Gillis, who, in his 1984 book Too Small, Too Tall, revealed that in 21 American presidential elections from 1904 to 1984, the taller candidate won 80% of the time. But did the taller candidates win because they are taller? It is by no means certain. Indeed, the Longer Name Hypothesis points out that of the 22 presidential elections between 1876 and 1960, the candidate with more letters in his last name won the popular vote 20 times. So maybe Sarkozy should change his name to Sarkozy-Bruni if he wants to be re-elected to the Elysée. But the tall-man theory of politics has real impact on how elections are conducted: in the 1976 US presidential election campaign, for instance, aides for Jimmy Carter (5ft 9in) did everything they could to ensure he was not photographed next to 6ft 1in incumbent Gerald Ford.

    A while ago, the great screenwriter William Goldman decided he would find out once and for all how tall screen uberhunk Sylvester Stallone was. Could it really be true that one of the most macho of movie icons was really a pint-sized poppet who might dangle from a key ring? Of course not, that would be absurd. But Goldman was concerned that Stallone had let it be believed he was taller than he was. “Sylvester Stallone has done a brilliant job of portraying himself to the viewing public as a big guy,” argues Keyes. How? The Chicago Times in 1990 claimed that, “The real-life Rambo is an official 5 foot 10½ inches tall, but that is with the generous boost of what can only be described as elevator shoes.”

    Goldman recalls how he discovered the truth about Sly in his 2000 book, Which Lie Did I Tell? – More Adventures in the Screen Trade. “I am hopelessly smitten with finding out the truth about how tall performers are,” he wrote. One day at the Cannes film festival, Goldman heard that Stallone was about to enter the pool at a hotel where they were staying. Goldman (6ft 1in) rushed to the pool and found Stallone barefoot, pulling a towel around him. How tall was he? “67 inches (5ft 7in), dripping wet,” wrote Goldman. He doesn’t relate how he measured Stallone, but let’s not spoil the story.

    But the world has changed since the real-life Rambo was in his pomp and when obsessing about stars’ heights was an unusual pastime. In this rolling news, shoot-every-celeb-from-every-angle world, in which many websites are devoted entirely to determining famous people’s heights (just make one of your bookmarks – you know you want to), it would be hard for anyone to conceal their true height for very long, be they movie star or French president. This is why Sarkozy must stop worrying about his height and embrace it publicly. He must be more like Ronnie Corbett, who once said: “I’m so short, I’m the only person in the UK with a full-length photo in their passport.” Now that would show Sarkozy to be a big man.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • Canadian Business College is registered with the Government of Canada – Human Resources Development Canada, and therefore the fees paid to the Canadian Business College may be eligible for the Tuition and Education Tax Credit as the amounts paid can be reported by the school on a Canada Revenue Agency form T2202A. They support financial aid for qualified students.
    The Law Society of Upper Canada has reviewed and assessed Canadian Business College’s Paralegal Program and has determined that it meets the standards and competencies for paralegal education program accreditation. LSUC accredited graduates are required to pass the LSUC exam in order to practice as a duly qualified licensed Paralegal in Ontario.
    Canadian Business College also offers accredited courses for the Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario (Ribo).
    The College offer’s career diploma programs in business, technology, law, health care, and early childcare.
    Canadian Business College is a member of The Microsoft IT Academy Program and the Oracle Workforce Development Program.
    The College It is a Testing for a variety of vendors and provides Testing Services for Universities, Information Technology Professionals, Flight Pilots, TOEFL and MCAT.
    The school is a recipient of the GOLD “Consumers Choice Award” from 1997-2012 also the Top Choice Award, and has received lifetime honorary People’s Prefer Award, thereby the College is rated as The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Premier Business School and Computer Trainer.
    In 2012, the college won the gold Consumers’ Choice Award again, in the ‘Computer Training’ category.[citation needed]Each year across Canada, Consumer Choice Award gathers the opinions, perceptions and expectations through the responses of thousands of consumers and businesses. Established in 1987, the selection process has been perfected with a third party research firm to ensure that only the most outstanding service providers are the winners within an industry. This is the only organization in North America to recognize business excellence by conducting a research that surveys both the consumer & business community with statistical accuracy. The research method determines all service providers, ultimately selects the top ranked companies, and establishes the winner within each industry.
    Unique Selection Process:
    Determine Industries to be researched – Internal Methodology Populate the sample with company names– Internal & Third Party Methodology Conduct Research Study with close-ended question – Third Party Methodology Survey representing the total population of a market – Third Party Methodology Rank top winners – Third Party Methodology Today, the organization strictly conducts its survey research with Leger Marketing, the leading Canadian-owned market research firm and member of the Worldwide Independent Network (WIN) of Market Researchers. For further details on Leger Marketing and the WIN network visit their websites at: “”.

    Qualified students attending Canadian Business College can apply for financial assistance Other private financing is also available.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • Author and journalist William Dobson travelled some 93,000 miles (150,000km) over two years, researching what makes authoritarian regimes tick.
    Gone are the days of Stalin-esque dictatorships where nefarious activities took place far from public view.
    Today’s regimes must be more nimble, clever, and willing to adapt to those who oppose them.
    Mr Dobson says many such countries, use the rhetoric of democracy to mask their consolidated rule – which some 20th Century dictators would not have bothered to do.
    In his new book, The Dictator’s Learning Curve
    In the last 10 years Russia has imprisoned nearly three million entrepreneurs, many unjustly. This statistic comes from a new ombudsman for business rights, Boris Titov, who says it is “hard to find another social group persecuted on such a large scale”. How has this come about?
    Businessmen have complained for years that people have been able to frame commercial rivals – by paying corrupt police officers to plant evidence and make arrests to order. But only now are they being taken seriously.
    More and more well-heeled entrepreneurs have been joining, even leading street protests in recent months, with reform of the courts one of their main demands.
    Perhaps those protests influenced President Putin’s decision last month to create a post of “ombudsman for business rights” – but he might also have been persuaded by the $84bn in capital that left Russia last year, a record amount. Russians are investing overseas because they fear for the safety of their businesses at home.
    Sometimes I just had to follow the instructions from above… I deeply regret it”
    End Quote Sergei Zlobin Former Volgograd judge
    “The economy will be completely destroyed,” says entrepreneur Vladimir Perevezin. “Because businessmen are not safe in our country – anyone could be sent to jail.”
    Perevezin knows what it’s like. He was imprisoned for more than seven years after being framed, he says, for money laundering.
    His friend Valery Gaiduk was also imprisoned for three years, convicted of fraud. “I’m 100% sure that a rival paid to have me arrested,” he says. He had been co-owner of a successful dental practice, but he claims police officers took a $500,000 bribe to frame him.
    At the root of the problem is the criminal justice system itself. Statistically, once officially accused of a crime in Russia, there is little chance of proving your innocence. Less than 1% of all criminal cases that make it to court result in a not guilty verdict or acquittal – and that figure comes from Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.
    Critics say that in practice, if not in theory, courts operate on an assumption of guilt. The prosecution takes the word of the police, and the judge takes the word of the prosecution – no matter how unconvincing the evidence may be.
    “If a person ends up in a police cell as a suspect – he will find himself in court no matter what, and the court will find him guilty. That’s guaranteed,” says Marat Khisamutdinov, a former police officer.
    • A graduate of the prestigious Moscow State Institute of International Relations, in 1989 Titov joined Ural, one of Russia’s first private companies
    • In 2004, he became chairman of Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia), a group that lobbies for the interests of medium-sized businesses
    • This year he was appointed ombudsman for entrepreneurs’ rights
    • Titov believes his key task in this role is to free businessmen who have been unjustly imprisoned – he also hopes to improve the investment climate
    It’s not surprising then that, off the record, many Muscovites are prepared to admit paying bribes to police officers when arrested – even if they’re innocent.
    “It’s best to solve the problem as soon as possible, at the police station,” Khisamutdinov says.
    “You only really need to pay the lowest arresting police officers. The rest of the machine works automatically.”
    It’s much more expensive, by all accounts, to buy your release once the wheels of justice have begun to turn. Valery Gaiduk says he was offered freedom for $300,000, but did not pay as he was unsure the deal would be honoured.
    One of the few judges prepared to talk openly about the failings of Russian courts is Sergei Zlobin, who resigned as head of the Volgograd regional criminal board four months ago. His portrait of life as a modern Russian judge is extraordinary.
    “Often there are huge gaps in the evidence,” Zlobin says.
    “Investigators make serious mistakes, but the system is such that even these mistakes are used as evidence against the defendant, and the guilty verdict must be issued anyway – otherwise the judge will face problems.”
    Khisamutdinov says he would not advise his son to join today’s police
    Zlobin says that in the thousands of cases he heard in the 15 years he was a judge, he only ever issued seven not guilty verdicts – and five of them were later overturned. Issuing a not guilty verdict, he says, was not only a “waste of time” it was risky.
    Judges come under all kinds of pressure from the Federal Security Service, prosecutors and the chairman of the court not to acquit defendants, he says, including blackmail. The result? Many innocent people are locked up.
    Zlobin and his family have received threats and abusive messages since his resignation. He knows it’s risky to speak openly, but says his conscience compels him to do so.
    “Sometimes I just had to follow the instructions from above. Now, with hindsight, I understand that what I was doing was wrong, and moreover, it was illegal… and I deeply regret it.”
    Several judges and lawyers told me that the system acts to protect itself, rather than the letter of the law.
    Asked if he had ever accepted a bribe to arrest someone on false charges, former police officer Marat Khisamutdinov refuses to answer.
    Continue reading the main story
    Find out more
    • Rebecca Kesby’s Assignment Russia: Waiting for Justice will be broadcast on BBC World Service on 5 July
    Would an officer would feel guilty about framing an innocent person? “No” he answered. “You don’t know him, you’ll never see him again, and you get a financial reward – so why do you care?”
    The business community will be watching Boris Titov’s next move very closely.
    He has hinted at a possible amnesty for prisoners serving time for “economic crimes”, if it is their first offence.
    This could affect more than 100,000 businessmen.
    It would not, however, have any implications for the most famous jailed businessmen – Mikhail Khodorkovsky (once Russia’s richest man) and his partner Platon Lebedev – as both have been convicted more than once.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • Receptionist is a b***h. Owner has short man syndrome. Teachers suck. Nuff said.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • School has been sued many times. Example is Matoni v. C.B.S. Interactive Multimedia Inc. (Canadian Business College). You can find this at a site called canlii. Look up other cases against school as well. Many many more.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • The proof is in the pudding! I checked this school out on the Ministry’s web site. Here is what they said about this school for 2012:

    The Superintendent has ordered the Canadian Business School Inc. operating as Canadian Business College (CBC) to comply with the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 (Act) and Regulations. The violations of the Act and regulations are that CBC: is advertising and offering unapproved vocational programs for a fee contrary to s.8(1), s.11(2) of the Act, and granting credentials for unapproved vocational programs contrary to s. 10 of the Act; has made substantial changes to vocational programs without further approval of the Superintendent contrary to s.23(6) of the Act; has employed persons to provide instruction in vocational programs who do not meet the qualifications set out in s.41 of O.Reg. 415/06; has employed persons as instructors in a vocational program without having them complete an instructor qualification data form and without keeping record of said form at the campus contrary to s.42(1) and (2) of O.Reg. 415/06; has included false and/or misleading statements in advertising material for the purpose of inducing a student or prospective student to enrol in a program contrary to s.18(1) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not established a compliant procedure to resolve student complaints contrary to s.31(1) of the Act and s.36(1) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not maintained a record of every complaint at the campus where the complaint originated for a period of at least three years from the date of the decision relating to the complaint contrary to s.36(1)(h) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not given the Superintendent written notice of a change in the person responsible for the administration of a campus within 5 days of the change occurring contrary to s.48(1)1 of O.Reg. 415/06; has not included the practicum location in the student contract contrary to s. 20(1)15 of O.Reg. 415/06; and could not produce testimonial consent forms for testimonials appearing in advertising material contrary to s.17(1) 4 of O.Reg. 415/06.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Author and journalist William Dobson travelled some 93,000 miles (150,000km) over two years, researching what makes authoritarian regimes tick.
    Gone are the days of Stalin-esque dictatorships where nefarious activities took place far from public view.
    Today’s regimes must be more nimble, clever, and willing to adapt to those who oppose them.
    Mr Dobson says many such countries, use the rhetoric of democracy to mask their consolidated rule – which some 20th Century dictators would not have bothered to do.
    In his new book, The Dictator’s Learning Curve
    In the last 10 years Russia has imprisoned nearly three million entrepreneurs, many unjustly. This statistic comes from a new ombudsman for business rights, Boris Titov, who says it is “hard to find another social group persecuted on such a large scale”. How has this come about?
    Businessmen have complained for years that people have been able to frame commercial rivals – by paying corrupt police officers to plant evidence and make arrests to order. But only now are they being taken seriously.
    More and more well-heeled entrepreneurs have been joining, even leading street protests in recent months, with reform of the courts one of their main demands.
    Perhaps those protests influenced President Putin’s decision last month to create a post of “ombudsman for business rights” – but he might also have been persuaded by the $84bn in capital that left Russia last year, a record amount. Russians are investing overseas because they fear for the safety of their businesses at home.
    Sometimes I just had to follow the instructions from above… I deeply regret it”
    End Quote Sergei Zlobin Former Volgograd judge
    “The economy will be completely destroyed,” says entrepreneur Vladimir Perevezin. “Because businessmen are not safe in our country – anyone could be sent to jail.”
    Perevezin knows what it’s like. He was imprisoned for more than seven years after being framed, he says, for money laundering.
    His friend Valery Gaiduk was also imprisoned for three years, convicted of fraud. “I’m 100% sure that a rival paid to have me arrested,” he says. He had been co-owner of a successful dental practice, but he claims police officers took a $500,000 bribe to frame him.
    At the root of the problem is the criminal justice system itself. Statistically, once officially accused of a crime in Russia, there is little chance of proving your innocence. Less than 1% of all criminal cases that make it to court result in a not guilty verdict or acquittal – and that figure comes from Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.
    Critics say that in practice, if not in theory, courts operate on an assumption of guilt. The prosecution takes the word of the police, and the judge takes the word of the prosecution – no matter how unconvincing the evidence may be.
    “If a person ends up in a police cell as a suspect – he will find himself in court no matter what, and the court will find him guilty. That’s guaranteed,” says Marat Khisamutdinov, a former police officer.
    • A graduate of the prestigious Moscow State Institute of International Relations, in 1989 Titov joined Ural, one of Russia’s first private companies
    • In 2004, he became chairman of Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia), a group that lobbies for the interests of medium-sized businesses
    • This year he was appointed ombudsman for entrepreneurs’ rights
    • Titov believes his key task in this role is to free businessmen who have been unjustly imprisoned – he also hopes to improve the investment climate
    It’s not surprising then that, off the record, many Muscovites are prepared to admit paying bribes to police officers when arrested – even if they’re innocent.
    “It’s best to solve the problem as soon as possible, at the police station,” Khisamutdinov says.
    “You only really need to pay the lowest arresting police officers. The rest of the machine works automatically.”
    It’s much more expensive, by all accounts, to buy your release once the wheels of justice have begun to turn. Valery Gaiduk says he was offered freedom for $300,000, but did not pay as he was unsure the deal would be honoured.
    One of the few judges prepared to talk openly about the failings of Russian courts is Sergei Zlobin, who resigned as head of the Volgograd regional criminal board four months ago. His portrait of life as a modern Russian judge is extraordinary.
    “Often there are huge gaps in the evidence,” Zlobin says.
    “Investigators make serious mistakes, but the system is such that even these mistakes are used as evidence against the defendant, and the guilty verdict must be issued anyway – otherwise the judge will face problems.”
    Khisamutdinov says he would not advise his son to join today’s police
    Zlobin says that in the thousands of cases he heard in the 15 years he was a judge, he only ever issued seven not guilty verdicts – and five of them were later overturned. Issuing a not guilty verdict, he says, was not only a “waste of time” it was risky.
    Judges come under all kinds of pressure from the Federal Security Service, prosecutors and the chairman of the court not to acquit defendants, he says, including blackmail. The result? Many innocent people are locked up.
    Zlobin and his family have received threats and abusive messages since his resignation. He knows it’s risky to speak openly, but says his conscience compels him to do so.
    “Sometimes I just had to follow the instructions from above. Now, with hindsight, I understand that what I was doing was wrong, and moreover, it was illegal… and I deeply regret it.”
    Several judges and lawyers told me that the system acts to protect itself, rather than the letter of the law.
    Asked if he had ever accepted a bribe to arrest someone on false charges, former police officer Marat Khisamutdinov refuses to answer.
    Continue reading the main story
    Find out more
    • Rebecca Kesby’s Assignment Russia: Waiting for Justice will be broadcast on BBC World Service on 5 July
    Would an officer would feel guilty about framing an innocent person? “No” he answered. “You don’t know him, you’ll never see him again, and you get a financial reward – so why do you care?”
    The business community will be watching Boris Titov’s next move very closely.
    He has hinted at a possible amnesty for prisoners serving time for “economic crimes”, if it is their first offence.
    This could affect more than 100,000 businessmen.
    It would not, however, have any implications for the most famous jailed businessmen – Mikhail Khodorkovsky (once Russia’s richest man) and his partner Platon Lebedev – as both have been convicted more than once.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • Yahoo Finance picked up the Consumers Choice Award release and re-posted it for viewers. It shows Canadian Business College rated No. 1 by REAL people.




    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • Yahoo Finance picked up the Consumers Choice Award release and re-posted it for their viewers.

    Please find the link below.

    Ps we have your ip address stupid




    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • I am attending this college and can advise you it is run very well by professionals. I guess only jealous people would say bad things right!

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • Worst College in Canada, all the good reviews you see were written by the college itself

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • The college operates under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Private Career Colleges Act (2005) and is registered with the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.[1][2][3]
    Canadian Business College is registered with the Government of Canada – Human Resources Development Canada, and therefore the fees paid to the Canadian Business College may be eligible for the Tuition and Education Tax Credit as the amounts paid can be reported by the school on a Canada Revenue Agency form T2202A. They support financial aid for qualified students.
    The Law Society of Upper Canada has reviewed and assessed Canadian Business College’s Paralegal Program and has determined that it meets the standards and competencies for paralegal education program accreditation. LSUC accredited graduates are required to pass the LSUC exam in order to practice as a duly qualified licensed Paralegal in Ontario.
    Canadian Business College also offers accredited courses for the Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario (Ribo).
    The College offer’s career diploma programs in business, technology, law, health care, and early childcare.
    Canadian Business College is a member of The Microsoft IT Academy Program and the Oracle Workforce Development Program.
    The College It is a Testing for a variety of vendors and provides Testing Services for Universities, Information Technology Professionals, Flight Pilots, TOEFL and MCAT.
    The school is a recipient of the GOLD “Consumers Choice Award” from 1997-2012 also the Top Choice Award, and has received lifetime honorary People’s Prefer Award, thereby the College is rated as The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Premier Business School and Computer Trainer.
    In 2012, the college won the gold Consumers’ Choice Award again, in the ‘Computer Training’ category.[citation needed]Each year across Canada, Consumer Choice Award gathers the opinions, perceptions and expectations through the responses of thousands of consumers and businesses. Established in 1987, the selection process has been perfected with a third party research firm to ensure that only the most outstanding service providers are the winners within an industry. This is the only organization in North America to recognize business excellence by conducting a research that surveys both the consumer & business community with statistical accuracy. The research method determines all service providers, ultimately selects the top ranked companies, and establishes the winner within each industry.
    Unique Selection Process:
    Determine Industries to be researched – Internal Methodology Populate the sample with company names– Internal & Third Party Methodology Conduct Research Study with close-ended question – Third Party Methodology Survey representing the total population of a market – Third Party Methodology Rank top winners – Third Party Methodology Today, the organization strictly conducts its survey research with Leger Marketing, the leading Canadian-owned market research firm and member of the Worldwide Independent Network (WIN) of Market Researchers. For further details on Leger Marketing and the WIN network visit their websites at: “”.

    Qualified students attending Canadian Business College can apply for financial assistance via OSAP, RESP or grants through the second career program or via WSIB.
    Other private financing is also available.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • D Anna is obviously the owner tooting his/her own horn on here – how pathetic is that?. I am so glad i saw Helen’s review. I went to the minitrys web site and checked to see that Helen was telling the truth. So i did further research on the internet. Check out a web site at and type in the school name. They are being sued by many people and have lost some already. They are being sued in court and in the human rights tribunal as well. Thanks for the advice Helen. I almost made the mistake of going there.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Canadian Business College is dedicated to providing high quality instruction in many careers such as; accounting, business, law, computer programs, graphics, child care, and health care. We offer day-time, evening-time and online courses, with options for certification and diplomas. Canadian Business College has been a leader in the field of career-oriented training since 1992. The school is a recipient of the GOLD “Consumers Choice Award” from 1997-2012 also the Top Choice Award, and has received lifetime honorary People’s Prefer Award, thereby the College is rated as The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Premier Business School and Computer Trainer.

    This College is registered with the Government of Canada – Human Resources Development Canada, and therefore the fees paid to the Canadian Business College may be eligible for the Tuition and Education Tax Credit as the amounts paid can be reported by the school on a Canada Revenue Agency form T2202A.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • The proof is in the pudding! I checked this school out on the Ministry’s web site. Here is what they said about this school for 2012:

    The Superintendent has ordered the Canadian Business School Inc. operating as Canadian Business College (CBC) to comply with the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 (Act) and Regulations. The violations of the Act and regulations are that CBC: is advertising and offering unapproved vocational programs for a fee contrary to s.8(1), s.11(2) of the Act, and granting credentials for unapproved vocational programs contrary to s. 10 of the Act; has made substantial changes to vocational programs without further approval of the Superintendent contrary to s.23(6) of the Act; has employed persons to provide instruction in vocational programs who do not meet the qualifications set out in s.41 of O.Reg. 415/06; has employed persons as instructors in a vocational program without having them complete an instructor qualification data form and without keeping record of said form at the campus contrary to s.42(1) and (2) of O.Reg. 415/06; has included false and/or misleading statements in advertising material for the purpose of inducing a student or prospective student to enrol in a program contrary to s.18(1) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not established a compliant procedure to resolve student complaints contrary to s.31(1) of the Act and s.36(1) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not maintained a record of every complaint at the campus where the complaint originated for a period of at least three years from the date of the decision relating to the complaint contrary to s.36(1)(h) of O.Reg. 415/06; has not given the Superintendent written notice of a change in the person responsible for the administration of a campus within 5 days of the change occurring contrary to s.48(1)1 of O.Reg. 415/06; has not included the practicum location in the student contract contrary to s. 20(1)15 of O.Reg. 415/06; and could not produce testimonial consent forms for testimonials appearing in advertising material contrary to s.17(1) 4 of O.Reg. 415/06.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)

    Don’t believe me? Just go to this Ministry of Ontario link and see for yourself. Click on 2012 violations and read for yourself.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • When you get to link, click on “2012” violations and you will see.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • AVOID THIS SCHOOL!!!!! Even the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities found them in violation of many laws. Don’t believe me? Copy and paste this MTCU link and see for yourself and read all the violations:

    I feel sorry for those that are already enrolled.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • I just completed a course in Excel. The teachers were warm and friendly and the receptionist is a nice older lady.

    Overall Score: (4.63/5.00)
  • I graduated from the Business Management Program last year from Canadian Business College at 2 Bloor Street West location. It was a superb learning experience. Both the facilites and teachers are very good and the administrative support is excellent. The school assisted me in my studies and employment search. I’m now working again in accounting at a non profit organisation.

    The people at Canadian Business College are warm and welcoming. I enjoyed returning to school after many years. As a mature person seeking a new start in life this was the perfect environment for me.

    I also attended their convocation and enjoyed the fine event after graduating. The event boasted a banquet buffet feast with wine at the historic facilities at woodsworth college university of toronto. After the formal presentation was live entertainment with John Kwesi Selassie who is a Juno Award winner and graduate of Canadian Business College. The DJ then played music and everyone danced during the celebration.

    I have good memories and highly recommend this college.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • The graduation event was held at the University of Toronto. It was a fun party. The pictures are posted on the colleges web site. I don’t know where you went lady.

    Overall Score: (4.63/5.00)
  • This is a nice school. I attended the graduation and here are the pictures.!620&id=BAAC8D8BE69A0737%21620&sff=1

    Overall Score: (4.27/5.00)
  • Think it over if you will pursue your education here. In terms of Government programs like OSAP and Second Career, they will surely support you because they are earning as you earn your studies, beware of their convincing power explanations regarding student loans. They will take care of you during your studies, but when you are done with your studies, they will not even care.
    One more thing, convocation/graduation is horrible, you have to pay for it, if not – you cannot attend. Even if it’s paid, not worth to attend to, terrible event! worst graduation speeches! Not a good school. Not destroying their reputation, I have completed my studies. The owner is Roselyn. Try to sneak in and try it, just see for yourself, attend their convocation and one of their programs.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • I am attending the DBA Program at the Mississauga location. The school is spacious and well equipped. The people are nice and it is a good place to learn.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • I attended Canadian Business College at 55 town centre court ,6th Floor. The Business Management Program was the best I have ever taken. The teachers actually care and provide you individual attention. The Project was related to building a business plan and now I have my own business. Thank you guys!

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • I am in the Digital Media in Scarborough Campus, the Instructor was very co-operative, very helpful. Whenever i asked for any doubts, the Instructor with kind smiling face clearing my doubts. She was treating me as friendly manner. I suggest all of my friends to go there and do their studies.

    Overall Score: (2.54/5.00)
  • I am attending the Paralegal program. the program is accredited by the law society of upper canada. My teachers are experienced lawyers and they are all so nice. I just completed learning Torts and Contracts and it was hard but I learned so much. Monica is tough but really good. John recruited me and all the admin support has been very professional.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • I am in the law clerk class. My teacher sandra says she is a lawyer but we all know she is not. staff are nice and john butten is really nice. Good location. But law clerk is not that good. Go to a public college instead.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Don’t go to Canadian Business College. WAste of money. i wasted lot of money. Receptionist lady in younge and bloor centre should be kicked out from the job. I don’t know why the director is keeping this old lady for the receptionist. She is very arrogant, rude and discriminative towards students.
    Go to govt colleges like george brown, centennial, humber and seneca.
    Don’t go to Canadian Business College. Waste of money and time. Teacher don’t teach at all…………………………………………..

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • I wish I had seen this review before entering into the college, I agree that this college is only into your money, classes are half ass, waste of time, You pay so much to get so little!.. Do not attend the Canadian Business College. It is a private College and if you do not have a transportation and only can use TTC, TTC will not give you a student card because it is a PRIVATE college.. The teachers there are not good teachers.. Well in the class they go out, most of the time I can’t find my teacher.. And when asking for help she moves you aside and does it for you.. That is not teaching!! And to my business law teacher.. You are an ex lawyer!.. I do not think she qualifies to teach! I have so much to say about this college that is not good.. The College is in a building, not an actual whole building.. The students are great but please do nto waste your money!…Please I advice you to go to a different college,, You will be wasting your time and money here!!

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • I am originally from south africa and immigrated , i am ex student of Canadian business college of business managment 2009 dec.
    To people who wants to join Canadian business college; my review is that; don’t think to taking the classes. Your money is waste.
    The private college administration is third class, they are only after you money, try Canadain govt college.Teachers doesn’t teach at all. i was trick. Don’t try the college.
    The receptionist lady in Canadain business college in younge and bloor centre is completely racist, discrimative and sick,
    she think she own whole Canada. if the director of Canadian business college is reading this review; i urge u to kick out this receptionist lady , she can’t even help out the student when they need guidance, arrogrant pathetic. She is evil…..

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Do not attend the dental hygiene program, go to an accredited school.
    They were inept at delivering the program. The instructors for the most part were unprofessional and showed arrogance towards the student. It was the worst, most horrifying experience I have encountered ever in a learning institution, and you are paying them HUGE money to be treated like crap.

    Do yourself a huge favor, seek out an accredited program.

    Overall Score: (1.09/5.00)

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