Centennial College : Ashtonbee
Centennial College : Ashtonbee is a Public, Non-Sectarian, Career, Institute established in 1973. The campus is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and hosts students with an endowment of .
Website: www.centennialcollege.ca
Phone: (no local phone number)
Email: (no public email address)
Institution Type: Public, Non-Sectarian, Career, Institute
Established: 1973
Campus Enrollment: N/A
Acceptance Rate: N/A
Graduation Rate (6Y): N/A
Campus Endowment: N/A
Tuition (Local): N/A
Tuition (Non-Local): N/A
Tuition (Foreign): N/A
Mandatory Fees: N/A
Housing (Room): N/A
Tax ID: N/A
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120 Student Reviews of Centennial College : Ashtonbee
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worst part of the school. is this place called the hub.
i thought this campus was supposed to be a technical school, but the campus is for those studying Humanites like child & youth Care.
Is there any campus in Toronto where it isn’t infested & infected with these batshit-crazy women & feminotzis?
I know that Toronto women suck; they are man-hating animals who hate everyone, but what can a foreign student do to pass another year and earn a degree?
Toronto women have issues and they are c-u-n-t-s who cause trouble with everyone they see, but I only enroll in online classes which alleviates the man-hating feminotzi women in Toronto.
Toronto women will make you turn a homosexual if you’re that desperate to fit in Canadian society. Toronto women suck that if I ever saw a Toronto feminotzi woman panhandle on the pavement in -40C weather asking for help, I’d rather laugh at her and let her freeze there, even if the freeze causes her to suffer hypothermia or serious frostbite . I wouldn’t even piss on her if she was on fire. Toronto feminotzi women are not human; they are worse than carnivorous wild animals. Toronto women are a disease and a cancer. Caucasian Toronto women are far worse. They are flockin racist, man-hater feminist who thinks the world is their oasis. Toronto women suck that they are cancer.
There were a few courses I registered at this campus, and this campus is infested with feminazi women that I will not be ever studying in Toronto as an international student ever again.
These white females on campus dress like a wh*re, including the female professors, and then they get angry and hostile if they even look at me. What is this? Racial segregation and contempt of non-Canadians?
I’m an African person citizen of Australia, and I never seen so much rape hysteria as I’ve witnessed in college campuses in Toronto. I’ve heard that the major universities are even worse with this feminize racist rape hysteria.
If I’m ever falsely accused of rape or any sex crime by these white women, I will take legal action for racial discrimination.
Not good campus. It used to be a trade school, but feminism & man-hating women from Toronto & the gta infested this campus….. If you 18-year-old men and over need a place to seek refuge from the man hating feminist, there are a couple of Massage Parlors & X-rated shops near Warden & Sheppard Ave E. because the campuses in Toronto are infested with man-hating feminist!
Maybe you guys can work out your issues and bitterness with “femi-natzis” and Canadian women elsewhere? It’s hard enough trying to get an unbiased review of schools without some angry mouth breathers making it worse.
wrost school ever. Incompetent teachers and especially admissions office. applied as a returning student and was suppose to wait 1 week for a email back. Now it’s 3 weeks later and still nothing. decided to contact the college to see what was going on and apparantly the first employee who processed my form processed it as a NEW STUDENT! now with time wasted i have to once again take time outta my hands and deal with this because of employees are are lazy and do not give a f___.
Wonderful SSW & ECE program, the professors truly care about their students success! Some professors on the other hand, mark way too hard unnecessarily, & would fail you by even 1 %
Female professor/s sometimes show up in class in low neckline tops and then give an angry stare to random male students who they suspect are watching them inappropriately in class. Toronto women are something else. Stripclub workers might have more decency and integrity than some of these female professors in Toronto.
Great college for specific courses such As SSW, ECE, and so forth.
It appears that the downtown feminist groups of Toronto are setting shop in these colleges. They are known to come to work showing tremendous amounts of cleavage while they post signs which claim that there is a rape culture on campus. Centennial College is just another feminist incubator in Toronto where the newcomer women will be taught to hate men and believe every false accusation made by a white woman.
Spend your money somewhere else. Centennial College is another Marxist and feminist chain from the downtown feminist organizations.
George brown college is better then centennial college . George brown college still have early childhood assistant program f**k off centennial college.
Centennial progress campus Computer systems course: piss poor teaching practices / teachers, professors do not teach the material at all, they instead give you workbooks to complete with no lectures to go with them, disorganized class schedules. Do not take any computer courses at this college. (Posted 2015)
Very Disorganized college, Professors do not teach anything 90% of the time they only care about the money. The education is a Joke, Buy this lab manual / booklet and figure everything out for your self. You would be better off studying everything on your own or taking private classes. i took the computers systems networking (3415) and dropped out after 2 semesters, its a joke, save your money because you will not learn anything at the college. Most teachers do not know how to teach and they do not teach.
I wouldn’t recommend this college to anyone.
I just finished the second year of a 3 year biotechnology program. I feel like I’m getting screwed over by this school every time I turn around.
They didn’t tell me in any way that the college communications course I took in the first semester was a prerequisite for a co-op class (which wasn’t listed in the list of courses on the page for the biotechnology program, so I had no idea it was even a class I had to take), and that you had to get a minimum grade. I passed the class, but I didn’t get the minimum grade (I had to spend 8 hours a day travelling to and from school because it’s so hard to get a decent affordable apartment in Toronto, so I didn’t have time for all of my assignments. I didn’t see college communications as very important to a biotechnology program, so I put that class low on my list of priorities so I could finish my other assignments first).
I had to take the class a second time. The second time, I was given an F on an assignment I gave a printed copy of to the teacher, and he said I didn’t have to hand it in online, then gave me an F for not handing it in online. I also wasn’t told when the exam was going to be (I missed the class where he told everyone), and it wasn’t posted on e.centennial. I tried to appeal my grade, but the coordinator of the English department just kept making excuses for the teacher, (like when I complained about not being told when the exam was, he said “it’s a moot point because everyone else was there.”) and wouldn’t do anything about it.
Right now, I’m trying to get a grade for an assignment I handed in. I currently have no grade, and have been contacting my teachers (lecture teacher and lab teacher), trying to get somebody to do something about it, but nothing has been done so far.
They have a no scent policy at Morningside campus, but they won’t enforce it. I have asthma, and I keep having asthma attacks because of how much perfume some people wear, and people spray it in the washrooms and hallways, and use scented products in class. I went as far as contacting the president of the college, and she won’t do anything about it either. She says that it’s “voluntary” for people to abide by it or not.
The school is 90% Indian, and none of them seem to know how to use deodorant, so be prepared to smell B.O. all day long. Also be prepared to be pushed, shoved, and have people cough in your face, because they don’t have any manners, either.
The school rips off international students, as well. An international student told me that she has to pay about $1500 per class, while for domestic students, it’s only around $350 per class.
On the subject of international students, one of the international students told me that the college has representatives that go to other countries and tell people that if they come to Centennial college, they’ll help them get citizenship. I think that’s the only reason a lot of them are there, because they half-ass all of their work.
Some of the teachers are good, but they are few and far between. A lot of them don’t speak English very well, and have thick accents, and it’s really hard to understand what they’re saying. A lot of them mispronounce common words, which makes it even harder to understand what they’re saying. There are times when the only reason I have any clue what the teacher is talking about is because the lecture notes are on the projection screen.
One of my teachers copied a test from the internet that had questions on it that weren’t in our lecture notes or textbook. Because of that, a lot of people failed. Then she had the nerve to tell us that we needed to study harder.
In just about every class, you’ll have people talking during class and distracting students and the teacher. Be prepared for the teacher to have to stop the lecture and tell them to stop talking during class at least 5 times during a 1 hour lecture.
If you’re an adult, it will get annoying really quickly, being treated like an irresponsible child when it comes to attendance, and handing in assignments. The school is full of irresponsible children who would cheat and coast their way through the course if they could get away with it, so as a result, everyone gets treated like an irresponsible child.
The morningside campus has only about 1/3 of the study space that it needs for all of the students who are there. There is never a place to sit down and do work, so people have to resort to looking for empty classrooms to go to. The quiet study area is always full. And a lot of people leave their books on the desk and walk away, taking up a seat that someone could be using to do actual work.
I am seriously considering not going back, and transferring my credits to another school. I feel like I keep getting screwed over, and I’m getting fed up.
Stupid centennial ashtonbee put back early childhood assistant program
I greaduated at centennial ashtonbee from eca program i got daycare full time job. Stupid centennial college why took of eca program .come back eca program at centennail college everyone go eca job at the daycare centre.
i am not happy because centennial college don”t have early childhood assistant any more . the early childhood course I t support the people who have learning disability. the people who have learning disability are not able to pass the ece course because it is hard . I am so sad the early childhood assistant is gone. if there is not enough student for early childhood assistant course don”t take it off leave this course at centennial college please . The student who have learning disability will suffer . I hate centennial college ashtonbee f**k off
hey i m going to do hotel management from centennial collage,toronto,canada.
pls tell me abt this collage,its faculty and about atmosphere of this collage.
pls tell me all negetive and positive points of this collage.
as soon as possible
i’m going to apply for diploma in Electro mechanical technician automation and robotics. And now i’m confuse about which college should i choose Centennial or Humber? can any one suggest me which one is better ?? and why ?
Centennial college is TERRIBLE, don’t bother going to it. Staff is rude, no help called the student center and the lady was so rude. They charge so much money, every start of the semester for OSAP students you have to pay $130. Their registration was so late unorganized started in December and we werent able to pay the $130 fee’s then they charge us $100 late fee on top of that. When it was their fault that their registration was late. Bullshit school DO NOT GO TO IT. Hope it gets Shut down, the most terrible college ever. Last semester mid way they hired a new teacher who din’t even know how to teach. The teacher spent half of his time arguing with students. We did not learn nothing from that course. To make up for that teacher they gave us a Pizza party like that would fix anything. After that in the end of the semester they just passed the entire class. DO NOT GO TO CENTENNIAL COLLEGE!!!!
Hey I took some courses at Centennial College and I really like it. I didn’t end up completing my program but the courses I took were good. No complaints.
Centennial College For a Black Man….
I Don’t blame the college. I blame the students. I’ve been here for about 4 weeks. Loads of people wonder the internet for information about their program… their school of choice. Look no further if you plan to go to Centennial. As a black man, I know it’s hard to trust people of a different race, for they tend to talk and disgrade us behind our backs. The N word is what turned a exciting dream to a horrible reality. There was this white girl in my class, and strictly on friends bias, I agreed to help her on her homework. The first day was great, for she scored a B+ on her Math test, and I got better in Math, for when I teach I tend to understand more. Couple days passed, but here she comes again with a request for help. This time it was English. We went to the library, it’s quite big, but it still abides by the rules of quietness. No more than 30 minutes, her friends arrive. I’m a study guy; I’m not really into getting distracted while I’m doing work. Anyways, the friend threw it out their like I was deaf… “You know this n****r?”…. Wow, I just packed my s**t and left. The racial thing, I could have swore it was bullshit last week, but now it’s a different story. Well, class starts tomorrow and what happens, happens. I know there is more people who don’t care than those who do, but for me I will never lower my guard for any race again. To those “white people” I don’t hate you in any form, but in all honest you gave me a reason, I witnessed with my own eyes, not to trust you. Good Luck in College! Centennial is a great school just keep your guard up!
A college where the gate keeper of facilities can accuse a student of being aggressive and still work there shows arrogance and a form of intimidation and the question is what else awaits in the future of the program?
Even if it is not valid a gate keeper will receive backing from faculty members therefore it seems more of a teachers union then actually giving students a good experience. Some instructors are graded others are not, this happened twice in the year- which shows a form of unfair, bias rating of instructors by students and since the school is funded by ministry of education- this should not take place.
Student association are a waste of money for students as well as ministry of education, they sit there enjoying free money, they do not provide real results or help for students especially when regarding faculty members who are racist or prejudice or bias towards some students. They only provide advice but you can go to the dean or the program operation manager of your campus not CCSAI -who again enjoy facilities, take out cameras and shoot their own projects including instructors and students who have already graduated who use equipment for the summer which is again wrong because they are meant for students enrolled and student use as well as practice which students cannot do during school year because of the enormous work load they are given and then sit four months with out training (May-August) There is not a department that overseas who takes out the equipment because they play favors with each other and I have evidence of this kind of behavior which might just show up YouTube.
I never imagined I would do videos on fellow class mates who are bullies, openly making fun of my age in-front of instructors and making funny accents which they associate to my name despite my nationality all while sitting in a room full of christian Asians and those students do not do the same to them . A faculty member by the name of Gillian would always tell me she’s busy when trying to get her advice or help in taking out equipment but she snapped at me, literally yelled and cut my sentence short all while having long conversation about hockey with other students, and there is nothing I can do about it but I felt 18 years old all over again after 911 – and I if happens to a young student he or she would be devastated but I will not tolerate this behavior and will pursue the proper channels to remove these kinds of people in our educational society who have the power and privilege over others and abuse that kind of power -ministry of education has not provided any form of help in this regard, despite countless cries for help.
Moreover, this campus is the most poorly funded, the cheapest, the lowest in quality of education and training as well as placement when comparing to reversion, George brown, humber and york- for media communications especially broadcasting television or film- all of whom refuse applicants without any justification here in Toronto, I wish I had gone to Montreal to study instead.
Avoid Centennial College. Terrible experience. I didn´t learnt anything. With google you have more resources.They put you naked in the real world. All services that they offer are fake. In the moment of truth they are not there for you.It should be close in my opinion. My program was disorganizated not focus in the main subject.Expensive books.Waste of time money and resources. A few professors can be save. Only read a 15 min powerpoint takes 3 hours.They keep you busy with stupid assignments useless.In that way you have no time for use their services or improve your chances.Nothing practical.Insecurity thieves, expensive and bad quality in the food.
I totally agree with you daniel .I too wrote IELTS at centennial college and had same experience.The invigilators are rude and the results are unacceptable.Got 5.5 for writing and 6 for list and reading.Only good thing happened was in speaking sectn which i gt 7.5.My friend also wrote twice at this location and each time her score coming down..and nw reached 5 for listening .
This is a review of the Ashtonbee Campus, General Arts and Science(Arts) Program. First I’ll begin with what I liked… The teachers I had were all very supportive, and very lenient(maybe a little too lenient though). This college has an excellent counselling service, with most universities you’re allowed around 5-8 sessions with a counsellor (Ashtonbee is unlimited). The library is not very big, and gets very crowded at lunch times (sometimes there’s not enough room for people to use computers). There is a lot of diversity at this college, people coming from all backgrounds, but very MALE dominated. If you are a female and enjoy getting hit on or people staring at you then okay, maybe you’ll enjoy your experience. I guess this is where I start to talk about what I didn’t like about this college. Most of the teachers help you if you ask for it, but I didn’t feel like I could relate to the students (most of them had behavioral problems) . When I walked through the AUTO hallways, there were always people staring at me because I was a girl (A rare species of the college as I mentioned before). The programs are very easy; if you have an IQ above 120 then consider it mental torture. It was like re-experiencing middle school… from the kids who made comments about the way I walked to the same school work. Of course there are alternative ways if you’re trying to get into University… I was smart in high school but didn’t have enough marks to get into UNI; I relapsed into depression. If you have a similar case I wouldn’t recommend the gas program, but instead an online course which I’m happily doing now! So maybe this was more of a personal review, but overall I think most people would agree with me in regards to the experience they had. sincerely, -ex student
It is ok , i like it. I didn’t have problem with it college, a lot of students and big liberty with laboratory. But any way i never study in this college. Long belong Google ritoy father go cuss counters strike vikhiking necolodion bbbbbbbbbbbbhjh jhgbhh hgvvgug ugh jhv .gf THIS IS THE BEST COLLEGE FOR EDUCATION ACC TO MY POINT OF VIEW….I AM FROM INDIA N FOR ME THIS IS COLLEGE IS BEST….I CAN SAY THAT THOSE WHO WANT STUDY COME TO THIS COLLEGE N REST OF ALL CAN GIVE ONLY THEIR sh*t REVIEWSRecommendation: Research your program and see if it will help you get a job that is in demand. The joint, science and engineering programs are a good way to get more specialized marketable skills and qualifications if you already have an undergraduate and have a specific job in mind such as paramedic or MICROBIOLOGIST. If you are thinking of something related to law, journalism, computing, accounting or business, then an undergraduate degree (first) may be a better choice. Much like University, bird courses like creative writing or general arts are a waste of your time.
I am currently enrolled in a Technical course at Centennial. All in all, the course isnt extremely bad, the labs are decently well equipped and most instructors know there stuff…with that been said, the layout of the course is a complete joke, you dont know if your in the classroom or the lab that day, they give you a schedule, but it could be anything, there is no organization to the course, and the odd instructor is just power tripping. The course i am taking is mechanics. electrical and hydraulics are part of the course, which have alot to do with being a mechanic, but they also have you wasting your time with courses such as Global Citizenship, English and Organizational Behavior, which pretty much just tells you about baby boomers and gen-xers and stuff that is at the bottom of your list for things you care about. The instructors for a few classes treat you like your back in elementary school, by that i mean they just take control and do not let you do anything your own way. I am writing this review because recently i have forgot why i even stopped working to come back to school, i am confused as to what course im currently enrolled in and i am especially displeased at the classes they have us doing. I Am very angry and often question why im in this school and why i bother coming in, seeing as most days are just a write off anyways. I wouldnt recomend anybody to take this course, infact i wouldnt recomend anyone to even go to this school. If your considering taking any mechanical course, i recommend that you do a traditional apprenticeship, and dont waste your time with this school. i am just fed up with this school and i had to let others know and save you all from the pain!
I took accounting program in centennial college.i found 40 % teacher are qualified. teacher are more focused in giving marks to the student like through exam review (90% questions) are similar in exam. Giving similar exam questions in different ways like quiz,exam important etc.
Few things can improve education quality in centennial college:
1. Teacher are not allowed to check their papers.
2. student can make complain and if it is reasonable, it has to be implement instantly.
3. There has to be a teacher grading system after student will get final grade marks and grading will directly goes to the dean.
Avoid Centennial College! I successfully graduated from two programs: Automotive Technician (Ashtonbee Campus) and Mechanical Engineering Technology-Design (Co-op; Progress Campus)…I would never recommend Centennial College after these two experiences.
It’s too late for me now but I regret going to Centennial. Here is why:
TEACHERS: Half of my teachers couldn’t speak English well at all. I’m a native English speaker and could barely understand some of them. If you are an International student you may have extra language difficulty because of this issue.
You know how annoying it is when you are trying to listen to the teacher and students are talking in class? Most teachers would ignore these students and allow them to disrupt the class. It will be your duty to tell the disruptive students because some of the teachers will not bother to stop them from talking.
Many teachers will also overlook cheating during tests. If you want to cheat that’s your business but allowing people to speak quietly in non-English languages during tests is unacceptable. It was so obvious so many times that people were whispering solutions to questions in Mandarin, Hindi, etc.
CAMPUS: Both campuses are awful. Ashtonbee is the worst; both resemble high schools. You will not feel like an adult when at school. There are no hangers on the bathroom doors so if you have a winter jacket with you I guess you are expected to throw it on the dirty bathroom floor? The bathrooms are f*cking disgusting! No one flushes the toilets or washes their hands. People squat on top of the toilet seats (instead of sitting on them) which cracks them regularly and makes the floor a disgusting mess.
FOOD: I feel really bad for people who have meal/food plans for living in residence! At Progress you get to choose from: Subway, Tim Horton’s and one of two sh*tty cafeterias. You will want to eat outside the campus often, if you can handle traveling. The Progress campus is somewhat isolated. Ashtonbee is even worse as it is much smaller.
Mechanical Engineering Technology program: If you go on the Open House tour before you begin the program you will be shown the CNC lab and the rapid-prototyping machine room. Take a good look because this is the last time you will ever see them! The tour guides and Mechanical Engineering staff make it seem as though you will spend so much time using this awesome equipment: it’s a lie. They are tricking you into making the program seem so special. All you will use is the Mechanical Engineering lab (room B1-11) which is full of outdated and mostly broken equipment. I know this because I worked in the Mech Eng lab as a co-op student! There is no money spent on this program and the lab is the very last to receive any funding. This doesn’t make any sense as this is a technical program at a college and you should be doing lots of lab work! All of the money is diverted from the Mech Eng program and spent on Robotics and Automation.
If you have already accepted admission to this school then I wish you the best! Remember that school is not forever and study hard.
Recommendation: Research your program and see if it will help you get a job that is in demand. The joint, science and engineering programs are a good way to get more specialized marketable skills and qualifications if you already have an undergraduate and have a specific job in mind such as paramedic or MICROBIOLOGIST. If you are thinking of something related to law, journalism, computing, accounting or business, then an undergraduate degree (first) may be a better choice. Much like University, bird courses like creative writing or general arts are a waste of your time.
Hi , I have had an IELTS test in this F college! there is a F Asian guy in this center who F all around the test! *(I am Asian too)He were like Hitler during the test and absolutely SEEK!! He took everyone as a criminal at test and made a girl crying just because she did not hear to stop writing ! all the people at test were upset and could not have calm moment in their exam! I wish I could F him! most of the employees in that test center are seek and kind of racist! and after all, I got my result which is absolutely nonsense! I have got 6 in all fields and I am 100% sure I should get higher than this! this M.F just ruined my time and money! if any one wants to complain about this M.F , plz contact me and I will be beside you. daniel.fardi at gmail dot com
plz do not go to progress campus because you are going to smell curry all day long, sweat and s**t omg i am so just tired and smoooshed up after that smell and hearing freakin bollywood music and all that s**t, But i tell ya if you go to morning side and take any of the sciences courses. It is just too freakin hard no kidding.
Professors are racists and if you are white you get the privilags and the professor simply likes you and talk to you as if she was your second cousine or moms old friend.
Overall, Progress = s**t s**t s**t and + + +, and morningside = too freakin hard
We’re a group of volunteers and opening a new scheme in our community. Your site provided us with helpful info to work on. You’ve done a formidable job and our whole group will be grateful to you.
I completed a four year undergraduate degree and worked for a couple of years before deciding to return to school to upgrade my skills and qualifications. I am completing a Fast-Track program at the HP Science and Technology Campus that is related to what I studied, which requires an Undergraduate. I am providing an honest analysis based on what I have seen at this campus, compared with studying at University.
Curriculum – Your mileage may vary. If you have an Undergraduate degree you can get an exemption from the general education courses. I do not find the courses challenging because I have completed a lot of math, physics and engineering which the material is based on, but the material is geared towards practical knowledge (how to use an instrument), while University is theoretical (why the instrument works, what you can infer from observation). I have spoken with mature students, students from high school and international students and many find the material challenging, especially those with weak math skills. Like University, you must be prepared to seek out help from your professors, other students, tutors that can be booked at the library and you can form study groups. The internet is also a good resource.
Professors – No different from University. Some are experienced, intelligent and enthusiastic, others are boring, incompetent or just inexperienced. BUT, since the campus is smaller, it is easier to speak up. If you are coming straight from high school, this may be a shock, but you are now an adult, you will not always get perfect teachers, co-workers, relatives, neighbors, etc. in life. If a teacher is doing a very poor job, note the times, dates and issues, then be prepared to explain to the department why you do not think you are getting your money’s worth. Several students kept notes and complained to the department regarding a professor. It was too late in the semester to get him replaced, but he was reprimanded and made a bit more effort to explain the material and post lecture notes on time.
Extracurricular Activities – Adequate. The student association does make an effort to hold decent events, though I am more focused on classes. There are some discounted day trips and events within the community such as charity work are generally better for networking opportunities than anything specifically labelled so.
Housing and Amenities – Adequate. Most people treat this as a commuter campus, I don’t know anyone who lives in residence. Cafeteria food is always fresh and ingredients are of fair to good quality, but selection is very limited. There is a gym with clean and good quality equipment, but it is very small, classes are limited and so are hours. Washrooms are always clean, but toilet paper gets used up quickly.
Administration – Not so good. You must take a number and be prepared for a wait to speak to anyone at enrollment, even if there is barely anyone else waiting. There are no extended hours at the start of the semester, so dealing with OSAP issues can be a bit of a nailbiting experience. Make sure you have all your documents ready to present right away, or you may have to come back another day. There is no centralized system of tracking all you information. I was granted an exemption from a course and told to take my documents to enrollment to drop the class, the academic department was unable to simply do it straight from their computer, which made no sense to me.
The Good – The campus is very diverse and you can meet a lot of interesting people. There are older students, younger students and people from abroad. Class sizes are smaller, so it is easier to speak to your professor and get to know them. The choices for extracurriculars and amenities are not as wide ranging as you would find at a more centralized college or big prestigious University, but generally quality is favored over quantity.
The Bad – Facilities are barely adequate, they are often pushed to capacity. Individual study spaces are always filled and lockers get sold out quickly. The campus computers are slow and buggy, the network needs to be upgraded, they just seem to be doing piecemeal maintenance and patch jobs at the moment.
The Ugly – Be prepared to deal with a frustrating wait to get into the administration and enrollment offices. There are no extended hours at the start of the semester. You may have to take your own documents from one department to another by yourself.
Misc – You may find the courses easy or difficult, depending on the course you take, the professor, your prior knowledge and experience. Remember that school is what you make of it. Come to class prepared, pay attention, have the right attitude. If you don’t like how something is being done, speak up and do something about it. If you understand the material, try to help others who are having difficulty, get involved with activities that help the community, it will come back to you, I promise.
Recommendation: Research your program and see if it will help you get a job that is in demand. The joint, science and engineering programs are a good way to get more specialized marketable skills and qualifications if you already have an undergraduate and have a specific job in mind such as paramedic or massage therapist. If you are thinking of something related to law, journalism, computing, accounting or business, then an undergraduate degree (first) may be a better choice. Much like University, bird courses like creative writing or general arts are a waste of your time.
Hi there,
Alittle about myself: I graduated from centennial college 2008 from the biotechnology program. I loved it! But I only did the two year diploma because I was excited to start working in the field. I don’t like being in school really.
I wish I didn’t leave so early because now im back after 4 years. *yay -_-;;* I wasn’t able to land a job. Im now taking the Medical Laboratory Technician program. Is there anything I should know about this program? What were your experiences with the teachers and course material? Did you find the program difficult or easy? and was it easy to get a placement/job after?
See I wish I saw this forum before. Sometimes I feel like im wasting my time with this course. Because I’m thinking it will be like the biotechnology program all over again.
Thanks for reading.
Go the the MPP in Scarborough and explain the the Provincial Community College ripped you off. I bet they don’t care as they only want your money brother.
Ruined!!! my life is a waste now…..i am an international student from india ( Batala ) in the final year of my computer diploma at progress campus and i feel stranded mid-way. No one is listening to me. They cheated me in my CO-OP term, i wasn’t paid a penny and was told you will have a job post studies there. That was all a big LIE. I was left to suffer alone. Nor did they assist me in my CV. All my parents money has gone waste :'( STAY AWAY FROM CENTENIAL!!! They just need your money…I Don’t want you to SUFFER what i did!! rabb rakha
‘It is incomprehensible that the Home Office didn’t know about this.
Harry why would you ask on this pathetic site?
Hey i am confused between Financial Planning and International Business Management course. Can any1 help me and guide about the better one??… PLEASE RESPOND.
You know
hello everyone,
i am about to take admission in centennial college for marketing management course can any one tell me about the college..is it worth to spend time or money??
It’s an awful school. My GPA last semester was a 4.33 so it’s not like i’m failing, and I’ve decided to trash the school for revenge.
There are a lot of international students at Centennial, but I don’t mind them, and I find many of them quite friendly if given half a chance. I do mind all the international profs however… some of them think they can teach like they taught back home where the student is subservient to the prof. Some of them have weak English, and often cannot understand the nuances of the textbook.
That said, the administration is incompetent, the staff couldn’t care less, the faculty as a general rule are rude, disorganised, lazy (who’s ever heard of watching youtube videos in accounting and math classes?), and teach to the bare minimum. Evaluation methods can be arbitrary and unfair, but the general trend is to water down standards and push people through… things are much easier and less rigorous than they should be. The school also as a general rule has an obsession with cheating, meaning they talk a good game about it, but seem to turn a blind eye to it.
At least two days a week I experience what I call Centennial College blues, where the low standards, lack of mental stimulation, and ridiculous profs wear me down. I find that anyone who is also getting straight a’s struggles with it. I would leave but I’ve invested too much money and time and would rather finish than start somewhere else again from scratch. The worst of George Brown profs would be the best of Centennial College ones. Other days I’m ok with the place as I find the students real friendly and not stand-offish, and the schedule is flexible, and I have no worries whatsoever about not being up to the challenge of finishing the program because quite frankly there is no academic challenge whatsoever.
As to whether people should go to this school or not. That depends on your goals.
If a) You are really serious about the program you are doing, you can go here, but you better be prepped to do a lot of extra reading, and be your own teacher, as the classroom standards are laughable (like the first semester I had to take these two ridic. courses- COMM170- College English 2, and BUSN110 – Strategies for Business Success- i got A’s in both of them, while drunk every class- and yeah the classes were that terrible that drinking during them was the only way I could cope).
If b) You are just here cuz you need a diploma, and you don’t really care about the program, and you just want to get your parents off your back, then congratulations!! This is the school for you. The standards for everything are low, low, low… skim through the book a few times, and show up for class every now and then (show up stoned- it’s been done!) and do the projects and assignments that you feel like doing, and I can guarantee a C. Like this a riff-raff school!
Centennial College is horrible, that’s a fact. But it’s not right to call it “horrible” because of the qty of immigrants there. As a matter of fact, it’s quite racist and stupid to think about it…
I think the place is better designed to high school graduates. I am finding it hard to adjust and feel a little lost at time.
Horrid Paralegal course. Teachers SUCK
do not go for this college. I am a 2nd semester student in Software in this freaking college… THis college sucks.. everything about this college sucks… No parties.. no fun.. only indian or srilankan… smetimes i felt like minority.. The big thing about my teachers is … all are indian… u can not understand their accent , their material.. nothing at all.. just expect good marks but no learning no knowledge…. do no go for this college
hi Everyoone,
I am very pleased to know your reviews about Centennial College and also got an unconditional offer letter for the Graphic design course which is going to start on 4th Sep 2012.
Unfortunately I couldn’t find anything regarding Graphic Designing in this blog so Can I please kindly request someone to highlight their experience in this field and how well is the Graphic Designing in Centennial. The last date for Tution Fee deposit is 6th July.
So please let me know ASAP ,
My Rating doesn’t mean anything as the system was not allowing me to move forward so I have to give 3 points in review.
Many thanks.
hello guys,
i want to take admission in electro mechanical engineering technician robotics and automation howz that program in this collage and is this collage not good for engineering
reply fast
This is to “possilbe future student” about the paralegal program inquiry. I am currently enrolled in the paralegal program at the progess campus. There is good and there is bad to this course. The good first: The school is a good location being that it is right at the 401. It is easy for me to get to. The course cost is reasonable compared to other colleges. I went to university and I have had a lot of teachers but my current professor, Daniel Foster, is by far, the best I have ever had. He is the most caring teacher and he really knows his stuff. I am very impressed. Now the bad: My professor Maureen whom I studied ADR with was the worst teacher I have ever had. I don’t even know why she is teaching. She doesn’t want to be there and she doesnt care and she treated us all like we were 2 year old children. Let me tell you – she is the crappiest teacher ever!!!!!!!! When I finish this course, I am going to complain to the Law Society about her and the school and I will probably sue the school after I learn how because when we complained about her, we actually got punished for complaining.
I just got a Unconditional Letter from Centennial college for ( Global Business Management ) , should i opt for the same or not.
Any suggestions.
I was chilling with dudes from M.IT, Harvard, Tufts in 2010 but due to money issues came back to Canada where I was since 2009 because I am a Canadian, I applied to Ryerson, Seneca, York, Humber and Sheridan but most of my time and efforts were spent on Shcumber for which I applied again in 2012 (shame on me/shame on them) I didn’t get no where because they did NOT help me what so ever providing absolutely no alternatives, no feedback, no training and treating me with disrespect. so I worked different Jobs none of which turned out to be permanent, lived in the east Ont side- wasted my mind, time and money – now I have become a total hick job, my vocabulary has been effected, I sometimes begin to curse, I went from being a happy going person who always smiles to being a stone face citizen like the rest but the worst thing is that I created a gap in my learning of softwares, techniques etc. because none of these people here were willing to teach me anything or put me on at their work except for private institution who seemed hungry for money and also I have not met anyone here btchs- so overall I did not get anywhere in Canada, If anything it has been a waste of time, money and effort. I should of just applied at centennial in 2010 instead of chasing after scumber or just stayed in the states interning for learning- so Broadcasting and Film at Centennial was your time well spent regardless Zach and for me it would have been a great idea in 2009-2011 when these people were flooded with applicants so for those enrolled just look at your options in Ontario where else can you go for “public” education in this type of field? I bet you most of them are scumbags including these studios that do not just allow anyone to be attached or do apprenticeship, I would never want to learn to serve them here in Canada but I do respect the people of Centennial they never discouraged others.
what? someone is born in Ontario don’t mean they are smarter then someone else who wasn’t born her- it’s about your past experience and your capabilities although all this talk about “overwhelmed with applicants” by these sluts has been a serious issue because I notice many and I mean many canadians are uneducated especially the more east you go, many have not even gone pass high school and so many of them were drop outs and never went back to school so the media does not shine light on the subject -these colleges and universities need to help people get to that level especially if it involves our govt. funding which they are not getting, if you do not qualify then demand they point out your deficiency or just go to Ombudsman file a compliant with the ministry of education, don’t let these stuck-up, shallow educators of ontario keep you back, honestly to many of these white people were all the same, they can’t tell who was born here and who wasn’t & we can’t tell who is from out of province or from the states, who is a european/hispanic immigrant/fob etc in many cases as with work in ontario you will find them as your manager who will fire your a@@ for the fun of it, so let it go man get educated. If you really want to get to know a college or a university then not only should you look at their curriculum or capabilities of their staff but also their students, if they seem fake or conceded then forget that place, it will never let you grow as a person, you don’t need to join their mob or cheer them on, f-that, so if you want to go to humber just wear a turban or bring the media program coordinator a burrito/taco and if you like ryerson then just wear a kippah or the other way around, you’ll get in if not just enroll in the wang Chang school as an entry point then you can skip a squirrel on your way to a referral. I think Centennial and University of Toronto people “maybe” can be more decent, calm and respectful as compared to seneca, york, humber or ryerson and will keep you from becoming a racist prick but overall it’s all about hardship and hours you put in -it’s like piece work for rogers cable technicians
I agree there are those in our educational system that keep others back or away from what they could be learning or could have been learning, as if it is some sort of reserved secrete knowledge but it just makes Canada look like do-do, yet some people are rewarded for e.g. muslims who exploit other muslims or act as if they have been hogwash by our society especially immigrants who try hard to fit in return they exploited by colleges/universities via youtube & other sistes, like that student form york got his camera all over her tits wearing a cross, comparing females of UFT and York etc. I rather award originality, honesty not some dude that’s gonna grow a mohawk, pierce himself,get tattoos,or even change his name in the pursuit to be accepted mostly just to get recognition and just look at the response by those who provide education in our society media etc..they love those who agree with them or make fools fo themselves and consider their mental approach who push their ideas while they keep people back yet call others haters for pointing them out for eg. there are many canadians who gave up trying to get education because they were denied for whatever reason mostly seats, yet we got people from all over taking advantage of osap, govt. funds the school system and many students in all honesty are from out of province and out of country etc. -wtf is that all about?
I am thinking about taking the paralegal course at centennial college scarborough campus. anyone have any opinions about the program or the teachers?
A you know what man, you guys scaring the sht out of me right now, but I think UT rocks and it’s better then York so maybe for the future but dam man I didn’t know Centennial was a community college. You have any suggestions?
The problem is all you guys and gals went to Centennial because other colleges wouldn’t accept your application or you just got sick of their attitudes and didn’t reapply and it must be that you are from a certain part of Ontario that they considered your application since it is “ontario’s first College”. As far as going to a University in Ontario two things will help you get in “pay international fees” or show a history of education you have received from Ontario in their institution or a joint program, otherwise you could have gone to a state University with a 4.0 still does not mean anything here for us bro. Incase you don’t know, education is very important for all canadians, so forget the BS work that is never permanent in Ontario, I tried it out for the last 4 years here and the hell with these companies and these unions who have a degree in how to be a prick. so might as well build your resume which is a diploma or a degree, no matter how late it get’s in the game, Although I do feel awkward about allot of those kids that go there, it’s like they coming straight from HS, different setting in Ontario’s education then what I would of gotten elsewhere or at a university
But still if Centennial’s facilities are truly the same as any other college in Ontario, then bro you should expose all other colleges in Ontario that have screwed us up as Canadians, even some of our Universities so get the word out, maybe our govt.. will take notice of these reyerson, humber, sheridan type a-holes, they are “public” institutions and we are subjected to them in Ontario who keep certain knowledge reserved for certain kinds of people in our society, so why go to a private in$titution, Quebec, or to the states to learn?
I suggest if you are currently enrolled at Centennial you should fix your instructors accordingly and demand the teaching of the newest equipement along with newest techniques used in the industry so you must ask them, matter of fact copy the syllabus or the curriculum of a hot shot university or a college in Ontario for media communications, broadcasting etc, and ask those at Centennial how to apply it, if they don’t know then we will never know and we will never be able to compete with students from other colleges, that’s how I feel, so long as they have the same equipment, we can kick other colleges, universities and private school’s as# in Ontario.
The enrollment councilor, program coordinator, admission representative and financial aid officers seem humble, respectful and honest at Centennial, they have responded to every single inquiry, they look at your portfolio & testing as it is stated clearly on their website unlike Humber who basically lie and let the program coordinator judge you according to a questionnaire which they refer to as “qualifying documents” with no opportunity to show off your portfolio, past experience or even attend a program admission session etc.
In Central Ontario there are only 5 out of 7 public Colleges on the OCAS website for Broadcasting (for those not interested in moving to Kitchener, Thunder bay, Belleville and other hick like/prejudice locations of Ontario) Our Canadian Govt’ has left us with Colleges such as Humber (Etobicoke area with many spanish immigrants) Seneca (Toronto area, who only accept those who are already enrolled in other programs offered at their college for Broadcasting yet will happily take your $95 for testing), Sheridan (Mississauga, Brampton area) all of them seem full of themselves, who brag about being overwhelmed by the number of applicants as they devour their international student fee yearly income yet allow their admission representatives to lure you in as domestic applicants via OCAS, with no help from their enrollment advisors and program coordinators who are rude, arrogant and proud of themselves, as if they don’t even want some of us in there programs.
I was born in Toronto, Ontario, yet they treat me like an immigrant, I have lived all over the world, mostly in the states but regardless of where I have lived, I always felt if educators in society are reaching out to the “people” and learning does not constitute for money then they are serving their true purpose as educators and if you rather waste years not learning, trying to be accepted by those colleges mentioned above, allowing mental enslavement by accepting their prejudice personalities as faculty members, dean etc. then by all means keep applying year after year bro, I’m gona enjoy my time at Centennial regardless of your short coming as a student, I will utilize facilites to enhance my skills I learned in the states, produce something great and if possible learn something new but overall it is to be certified to get paid not fully to be placed, that’s on you jack!
hi SHATTERED DREAMS mean i read all the comments truly speaking am shocked i dont know should i take the program(global business management) or not pretty much messed up in my decisions now. i really want to do a management course and get a job .WOULD ANY OF THE RESPECTFUL MEMBERS SUGGEST A COLLEGE FOR MANAGEMENT PROGRAM.
Has anyone here taken the Workplace Wellness and Health Promotion program offered at the Morningside Campus?
George Brown College is known for its culinary arts Program. Try them.
if not centennial , which f the community college you suggest for Food Science Technology ?
Hi, does any one out there know about the Health Informatics Diploma+ Co-op program in Progress campus? I was looking to join for next winter intake.I’ve got an outlook on the running of their college business.Jus wanna get more on this particular program there. Haven’t seen the same program with the same options anywhere else. Please advice me of any other schools/University/institutes.I need the canadian quality with which I may be get placed into the work force. Thank you all folks.:)
This college staff or the head of the departments NEVER, NEVER return your messages.
I just called with much dread after 2 years, and the same story. Option 1 is not even set up for voice messaging, and I have told the switch board of this….to the operator.
How can a college like this behave this way?? The head of the departments …NEVER will return your message.
hi i took admission in centennial college in aviation technician course …. i just wana know … do they screw students for not attending there class ….and can anyone tell me what’s the exam procedure ………for 2 year four semester course ..
how abt biotechnology program (2 yr adv diploma) at Centennial ?
I got an admit for this september intake.
thank u
These are some helpful hints for students starting the RPN program at Centennial
Rule#1 pray before you enter this college doors
Rule#2 This college is game and its a pricy game you have to pay. Your job is to stay in the game and winning without them having to count you out.
Rule#3 Heres is how to stay in the game. Drop the class once you fail your first test, once you realize you have an idiot for a teacher, remember the game is to stay in the program without them having to throw you out before graduation.
Rule#4 make sure you read over their Student Hand Book Policy-its a documented trap for students
Rule#5 Go to Theory tutorials-can be helpful
Rule#6 Eat heathly,exercise,get some sleep-this game will stress you out because they want you to fail take your money and get you out
Rule#7Listen for key words such as this is important, note this, or the occaisional dry cough-used by certain teacher. Watch out for the Mary Poppins type teacher(the idiot)that may indicate the importance of everything in their lecture or using bolding in their lecture guides and not having any of these things they lecture about in test or exams.
Rule#8 The distractor classes-Field class. These classes only goal are to distract you from not having sufficient time to study the important classes-Patheo/Theory.
Rule#9 start your portfolio early get it out of the way-another distractor
Rule#10 pray,and keep on praying until you win this game and even then dont stop praying.
Good luck! I wasn’t so lucky, I didn’t have someone mentoring me about this school and their nasty game and I fell in their trap. So I wanted to share some of the rules to staying in this college and successfully graduating from this program whether it takes you 2yrs or 4yrs. Once again good luck and study the time is fast and short
i totally agree with u, as the teachers at centennial is the worst teachers ever; their only business is to fail students just to make more money than usual by advising students to change their program or taking that course again which obviously paying double money. wasting time and money, they don’t even t know how to teach. never never never attend to centennial college.
Hi…I am planning to enroll for the Market Research and Analytics program at Centennial, is anyone currently studying this program?
Also Humber is offering a similar program and i am confused which college to choose.
Any feedback on the college/program/faculty is appreciated!!
OH hahaa I was wondering why there was never any good comments about Centennial College hmmm no wonder why they remove them!!!! what a bias website.
My previous comment will probably get removed as well
Oh well, I guess you all will never know unless you actually attend the college and experience it yourselves!
I am about to start my second semester at Centennial College (Ashtonbee campus) in the general arts and science program. I am planning to go into RPN I think you all are just being a bunch of cry babies. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you all are just a bunch of dumb-assssses???? You cant bash the college based on a bad experience because for 1 there are more campuses than just 1 so when you are making your immature complaints it would be very helpful if you put the campus name and which program you are currently enrolled in for those who are reading this and trying to decide if they should attend Centennial or not. I would also like to add that not all teachers are worthless, in my first semester my math teacher was amazing! she also stayed back and helped who ever needed it, also my bio and chem were the same teacher she was very reasonable when marking and she even gave me a chance to bring up my mark on my lab report. My english teacher was the funniest ever and my research methods teacher was also great! I do not know what second semester hold but I can tell you that based on my first semester it has been a GREAT learning experience, yea I do feel sometimes that what is being taught I don’t need but hey whatever expands your current knowledge is always good. I am at the Ashtonbee Campus and I do agree with the cafeteria situation, they have a country style that is mostly closed, I know the progress campus has a Tim Hortons! wish they could have put one in this campus. When I was there for full day (which was only on Tuesday’s) I would head to Mc Donalds instead of the cafeteria.
I don’t feel it is true what some have said about taking money from foreign students. One of my classmates is from Korea and the teachers are always making sure she understands what is being taught. Also about the tutors that is totally not true either! One of my classmates is a older Indian male who had outstanding marks in math and he is now going to be tutoring for Mathematics 2 at the Ashtonbee campus. As for their library I was able to find what ever it was I was looking for, never had a problem.
*****My experience is based on Ashtonbee campus only******
I was about to get admission for the 2012 sept. intake, good lord i came upon this link,i will definitely advise my friends too from doing so. thanks a ton friends.cheers!!!
I have yet to accept the Criminal justice services program 1206 at centennial,
good or bad idea?
BEWARE! DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT REGISTER TO CENTENNIAL COLLEGE. This college, it turns out, lures international students for the sole purpose of ripping their money off. The college is so unorganized that when you are tole one thing and plan your program or make decisions accordingly, you end up being told something completely different that brings to loss of money and other resources. What ever you do, DO NOT GO TO CENTENNIAL.
please guys tell me a good college to join for project management in canada. i am a mechanical engineering graduate. please help me out. Is humber college/ conestaga any good??
The agenda of the most 1st world countries is to scale down the standard of living to that of a third world nation. This is largely in part a business decision. Far easier to manage and control a starving and unemployed population than it is to manage a God fearing, stable, Middle Class population whom demand to live a 1st world country with 1st opportunities like a solid Education. This is merely but one reason why this College continues to deteriorate while the majority of the public continue to ignore this grotesque mockery of higher learning is supposed to be. The powers that he have decided long ago that middle class standard of living is too cumbersome to maintain and thus downsizing in the most literal sense of the word is what is necessary. This means, fewer jobs, and ultimately a lesser emphasis on education. This is rather unfortunately reality is obvious to those who are paying attention. Its closing time.
The company that is North America is going out of business, and the fire sale has begun. Thus the immigration and influx of international students who of course are oblivious to the agenda they are merely pawns in commences. It is not fair to either us or them. Centennial could not have gotten away with this kind of ill treatment 20 years ago when the student body was largely Canadian, and lets be honest, White. This is no way a slight to our international brethren who have arrived here looking the same things we want out of life. However, their presence here is only welcomed by the College because they perhaps through no fault of their own, are easier pawns to control and manipulate. Is it any wonder, their tuition fees are double that of ours.
Ontario colleges are in the business of education solely for profit and the experiences as discussed by several students on this page, including yours truly will attest to this. I will graduate this May but only because I simply could not afford to fail. While Centennial College certainly can continue to afford to fail their students, as the cash cow (The Internationals) continue to line their pockets. As far as I am concerned, this institution is nothing more than an Above Board Crime Syndicate/racket.
I took the Game Art and Design program and once I finished my internship (which I had to fined) I was told that I “feel threw the cranks” and in fact did not pass a class in my 3rd term but was allowed to advance and finish. This meant I can’t get my Diploma. CCC (center for creative communication) is the bigest rip off, disorganized and moronic institution I have ever seen. They sucker you in with there cheap-er (as payed well over 15k domestic) rates, then put so much pressure that most students become “zombies” and just wish to finish the horror. They had some good teachers, but they wore quickly fired or removed. I think Centennial’s sole purpose is to rip money out of hard working people and send them on there marry way to unemployment. I would never recommend this “collage” to any one be them international students or domestic. Run far and wide from this bad collage and its horribly unviable “programs”
which college is best to do post graduation and in which program?
RIYA Do not apply ECA at centennial college. I can guarantee that you will regret it i know somebody who took that course
DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE THAT I DID.. This is officially the worst college in Canada. One of my teacher at Hospitality and Tourism program is an a*****e. He always finds a way to screw up your marks and when we went to the chair to report him. All they did was to made us feel bad and did not help us at all. They all have each other’s back.
hi i have been apply for this college and i think they don’t really care about student at all. when i done my skills assessment test i got 130(because i apply for ECA COURSE) and they sand me to the Advisor than that Advisor told me she will call me or email me or sand me a latter but she didn’t .i was so confused what to do ? than i called them than they fixed for me admission session . now i am still waiting but they never call me or give me any email .SO ARROGANT PEOPLE !!! WHO DON’T EVEN CARE FOR THEIR STUDENT.
racist, and diffintely in it for the money, they fail students like flies. the nursing program there is one of the worst, the teachers line up to fail the students, never seen so many repeats in my life
i am a electronics and communication engineer graduate …what is the scope of the electronics engineering technology co op fastrack…is the interim programs are effective…or what else courses u guys can suggest me ..i am looking for a 2 year course…
Hi all dear friends
I m taking a admission in BUSINESS ACCOUNTING DIPLOMA COURSE in CENTENNIAL COLLEGE. Please tell me whats the job oppertunity of doing this course from this college
Don’t study any Accounting program in Cent – alien college stupid subjects like GNED-500 no use students are already aware about the issues and how tackle them which included in this subject.Portfolio in this subject made by student is of no use and when i questioned it they said for job you need to make another portfolio….really frustrating i can bear this subject at all.
Career Action plan – are they seriuos do we really need this as a subject which can be taught in just an 1hr or so or at max in just half day.
Rather than these subjects college should add subjects which will give accounting students some credit towards CGA/CA/CMA or anyother designation.
I am repenting on my decision now.
Its fuckin pathetic college.They act like their is no one else like them.But teachers are very arrogant. Dnt know how to teach, what to teach. Really worst college i ever went to.
I agree the complaints above! All I want to say is don’t go there! You’re wastimg time/effort/money! They are so disorganized and incompetent! You’ll realize most students there are immigrants or students to dropped out of University.
Usually classes are filled and not enough professors. For example reason, I had two saturday courses which of courses I decided never to take them! Ridiculous! And there was no other time options!
Do not go to Centennial College! You will learn “nothing”! Most of the courses you take are mostly common sense. It’s a waste of time and most important of all, waste of money!
I’ve been here for 3 years studying their Business Adminstration Program. I have a lot to say so I’ll just make it more simply by categorizing them.
ACADEMIC AND COURSES: Some courses you have to take are seriously wasting money and useless! There’s this course called “Strategies for Business Sucess!” You learn how to read a book, skim through books, how to take a test, how to stay healthy, how to study… and alll those things that probably my niece in grade 5 could Ace it! There’s around one course in the each semester where it’s stupid and useless like that! The saddest part was, why am I even taking it? It’s because it’s mandatory for graduation! However, usually this class is less than half filled! Other courses like Career in Action, Job Skills, Mircrosoft Word…. seriously………………………
Another thing is please read the course material carefully, the change the name of the course but it’s actually exactly the same thing and it could be a course that you’ve already had taken! There are also really similiar courses that it’s basically the same thing or could be combined into one course! It’s ripping money off students! For example, “Developing a Small Business Plan and “Industry Planning”… I took both and it’s the same thing!
PROFESSOR: Some of them are really nice,kind,knowledgeable, has teaching skills and some of them are rude, mean, not knowledgeable, terrible English (you can’t understand them), no teaching skills, and irresponsible like cancelling class without notice! Somes students only has one course a day and when they live in Brampton it’s seriously a pain in the butt! Some professors are not knowledgeable but they mark easy and give high grades! Some let students cheat during exams and they don’t teach properly and don’t follow the rubric or course materials! However, students usually don’t say anything about them because they get high marks!
Some professors don’t make sense.
I remember I was taking the a marketing course and due to because we handed in our group project 5 minutes late, we automatically got a zero for our project. He did not clarify or mention about that in class so it was seriously not fair to students! We talked to him and he kept on claiming that, “If I was the CEO or a company and you handed in your proposal late what do you think will happen?”! I was really angry after that because he really got me into fighting it back! First of all, this ain’t no office or you’re no CEO! We’re all just learning and deserves a second chance! If you want to be strict, you have to do your homework as well, you never clairfy it in class ever! So, can a CEO fire someone without a reason? You’re telling me you can but I’m telling you it’s not ethical and I don’t want to be part of the company if it’s true! Talking about the business perspective, a professor, is providing a service at a college! With the attitude and all that, you failed! I dropped his course and so did 4 other people in my group and as well as around 1/4 of the class!
CAFETERIA: The food there is simply not good! I rather go to the nearby restaurants!
Overall, this school doesn’t seem to be serious! Everything is easily through and you just don’t learn much! The only reason I wanted to go there was because I heard how easy it was and I wanted a high GPA to get into a University!
I’ve just received a final decision made by the Dean of Nursing informing me that i can not continue the rpn course due to academic suspension. I’m in my 3rd semester and the only thing stopping me from completing my diploma is one course which they will not let me repeat due to implemented standard two strike rule. Fail the same course twice your out….. I’v invested two years of my life time and money only to be dissapointed by the college. Everyone fails for some reason or other but the way the college supports its students in this case is unreasonalble…If the student is willing to repeat the course they should have the right to do so with support from the college. I understand the college is a business at the end of the day. but they don;t have the right to play judge and jury….. never again will i support centennial college and i will be an advocate to discourage others from applying to the college
This college is a complete waste of time and money. People that work here are incompetent stuck up bitches that could care less if u pass or fail as long as they get their money! I am transferring to George brown after this semester to finish my pn course. I thought being close to home would be good but no please save ur money and your time go somewhere else !!!
Worst college ever!!!! DO NOT GO HERE, as everyone states it’s full of immigrants(not hating but i feel like a minority in scarborough….SCARBOROURGH HAHAHAHAHA), enrollment services is a complete waste fo your time, i have to resubmit a form after doing so 4 months ago, and was told that everything was processed, only to find that a week ebfore school really starts, that it was not done, and i do not have a timetable, nor are there anyone in the school able to set anything up. i want my 4thousand dollars back, i’d rather pay to go to Seneca than this piece of s**t college.
This is a horrible school ! The teachers are disorganized and don’t know what they are talking about.They cancel on you with out any emails. They will not help you get a placement.
I am going to take admission for Software Engineering Technician program in canada. What are the chances of getting jobs after studying it from centinneal college?
I attend Centennial for Broadcasting and Film. And its a joke. The teachers can not teacher worth s**t. The are FAILED!!! “field professional” whom now after being rejected sign up to teach at Centennial. They don’t know how to pass on information because they are NOT teachers. My course has a 64 percent graduation rate….. and listen up because this is the only reason you need to NOT go to centennial college…there average graduating percent is 58.7….How extremely pathetic is that?
I seriously wasted my time coming to this school. I came from U of T and the only reason why I picked centennial was because my program was only a year. The administration is terrible, when I went to go defer my fees the screen prompted me to pay $30. I wasn’t able to register, so I called to ask why and they told me that the deferral fee was $130 and that because I hadn’t paid the $100 on time I now had to pay $200! I was so angry! Why would they tell me I owe them a total of $30 on the mycentennial page instead of $130? And why was it MY fault that I hadn’t paid the $100 when the only time they told me I had to pay that was when I called them? If you were going to charge me $130 tell me that is the total amount that I owe instead of $30.
Second there were the security guards that treated you like dirt. I was also irritated that my whole class was treated terribly because two of my classmates and goofed off in front of the Dean. They knew who those two students were, why not punish them instead of everyone else? I hated this school. It felt more like a bloody prison then a college. Only come here if you have no other option, like a life or death situation. Terrible school, absolutely terrible.
First of all for any student thinking of attending this college, sorry DUNGEON i strongly recommend another college for you guys as this hell hole is not useful at all. When i applied to this college, i had high hopes in improving my skills and gain knowledge in the automotive field, but all i learnt was how to use my backpack as a pillow while listening to monotone,unknowledgeable and boring instructors. When our tada program started, we were all interviewed by the chair of the program and i remember him gauranteeing us a spot at any dealership and we shouldnt worry too much about getting a co-op placement as we had a “co-op” co-ordinator to help us find placements. ( She was useless as well, go figure) Come second semester, the co-op co-ordinator was a doorknob and did not know what she was doing. Every week she would tell us we shouldnt worry and we would find a co op placement however, come the co-op semester 3 of our students found a job in which they liked and it wasnt customer shuttling.Another sad thing about this college is it poorly supplied with tools. Even though they have a snap on store in the college, all there tools were either missing or broken. Also whenever we asked the instructor to do a particular job on a car, his reply would always be “the ministry doesnt require you to learn it” We are also piled with stupid courses like global citizenship and organizational behaviour. Instead of giving us courses related to our program, such as welding, we are piled with these useless courses.In the end, i advise you not to come to this dungeon. Its depressing, you wont learn anything and its useless.And i think you know a college is horrible when everyone above is ranting about it not just me alone. And the sad part is our instructor straight up told us that the TADA program we were in was brought back and we were the “guinea pigs” to see if the program would be succesful or not. Please dont go this college, its full of snakes and goons if you have to spend more money to go to another i advise you to do so. Dont come to this dungeon.
Never take admission in Centennial College, teaching quality is really poor. Waste of money and time.
Hi all,
I would like to take admission in Esthetic course in Centennial college. Please guide me that how’s the faculty of this course. Should I take admission in this college or not?
Please recommend some other colleges if you have any idea…
Ask a question in class. Response: “We have a problem if you don’t understand this by now.” Does that sounds like a way to respond to a student that doesn’t understand a topic? Apparently Centennial College thinks so.
If you’re thinking of taking the Project Management Certificate, be prepared to have little help from an instructor (nameless for the time being) who teaches tools and applications and cost estimation. If you have a question, you will either be ridiculed for asking or dismissed promptly. If you need to meet for a few minutes after class to discuss an issue, the response will be “I am not allowed to help you after class; it is the CENTENNIAL COLLEGE POLICY.” It’s funny how these instructors are making of $100,000 a year, and yet it’s so inconvenient to do what they’re supposed to do–teach.
I do not recommend this college.
I am returning to school to enhance my skills and apply for a better job. The wrong part of my decision was choosing Centennial College. It has been the worst experience ever and I am debating on transfering to another college instead. I only chose Centennial because the majority of my courses are online and the school is near my home which makes it convenient to study. So far, my teachers are not that bad but the overall school is terrible because the STAFF running the facility seem completely incompetent and couldn’t care less about helping students- even though WE pay for their jobs through our tuition. I’ve had to deal with the stupidy of the staff at both the progress and ashtonbee bookstore. They act like a bunch of superior know-it-all’s and are quick to act like they have been wronged when in fact it’s you, the student who is suffering because they don’t know any information about anything. Order your books from Chapters if you can, they almost always have used books in stock and you don’t have to give more money to Centennial or deal with idiotic people at the store.
I do also agree there is a lot of Indian people and people who barely speak English at the progress campus. Sometimes I feel teachers have to dumb down content to accomodate to non-native English speakers so in the end, your education suffers. Not worth it…. if I can turn back time I would undo it all
I came to this school not kowing what I was getting into and I wish I could go back if I could. If you move here from out of town, definetly do some research about this school beforehand. The residence accross the street from the Progress campus is very convenient but holy is that place ever a buzz kill. They treat you like you are 14 and have the absolute worst policies there. Rooms are tiny and you better hope you don’t get put with someone who is FOB. They do this so you can teach them English but your there to learn and enjoy college, not become an English teacher. Totally ruined my first year of college at least.. I’m in my third semester now and 85% of the teachers I’ve had speak horrible English. You figure teaching at a Canadian college it would be a prerequisite to speak clear English but thats definetly not the case. I am not racist either but holy crap this place is overrun by Indian people. I don’t know if its just that area of Toronto/Scarborough but they by far overwhelm the population there. This includes the teachers as well (hence the horrible English). Definetly not recommonded unless your looking for easy marks and an easy gateway to Uni.
I took the Architectural Technology course, but I am very disappointed with the teaching methods of some of the staff. There are many in this course that do their job as they should, and do it well. However there is a certain level of arrogance and even incompetence among others. So much so that my marks suffered greatly. I can’t compare this college to any others, since its the only one I have attended, but I would recommend to anyone thinking of taking this course to look elsewhere if at all possible.
I also agree with the others who mentioned the disorganization, it’s unbelievable.
I’ve been studying at Centennial College for Business Administration and I’ve completed the 2-year Business Diploma. The only reason why I chose Centennial College is because some of my friends told me it’s really easy to get high marks.
Most of the instructors at Centennial College cannot teach. Some of them don’t even know what they’re doing. I got this professor in my first semester where I learned nothing. All he did was gave us the answers to the mid-term exams and therefore, basically everyone got at least 90%. Acing a course at Centennial College does not mean that person knows the course material very well, it really depends on the professor. Sometimes, you get a really strict professor and you’ll know because no one is in that professor’s class or students drop out from that course. There are a couple of good teachers in this school but not a lot.
Some courses that we had to take was very useful. For example, we had to learn how to use whyhire.me which was totally time wasting. We do not need lectures on post blogs and defining our personality style. Waste of money!
Classes are also limited. Most of the time when we register for courses, they end up to be full. So the students just take night courses and I really do not recommend it. It is because exams schedule does not apply to night courses therefore, you’ll be having exams before the exam week!
Not to mention that groups work/team work is a disaster at Centennial College. Usually students don’t want to contribute and usually 1-2 person(s) end up doing all the work. Also, the energy of the students are pretty negative when it comes to motivation in education and learning. Most of them just want to get over it, done with it, and leave it! It is terrible because Centennial College loves to promote group work and teamwork skills in most courses!
I don’t recommend Centennial College for those who really wants to learn. However, if you’re using Centennial College for a stepping stone in University I do agree because your GPA and boost up!
I am taking Canadian Tire Map 32 program through centennial college, Ashtonbee. The program is a full joke.. their is everything, racial, favoritism… etc.. All the tutors are canadian tire mechanic got the job through influence. full time teacher is getting paid around 60 to 70 $ per hour. They don’t teach you nothing. Teacher don’t even shows up some day. the way program work you have to be nice with the teachers so they will give you the LAB mark so u can graduate with a good mark. One teacher named CORREIA comes the class drunk, some time don’t even bother to come. And the program co-ordinator Weatherhead and Corriea are good friends ( may be weatherhead got this job through corriea), so if u complaint against correia may be you are gonna kicked out from the program.. i personally complaint to the management but till last friday he show up drunk. just wasting money from government. because government give each student 10,000 dollars for this program..
absoultely terrible college, full of immigrants and most of the teachers cant speak a word of english
waste of time, and would not recommend this college
I totally agree with both of you . I already have a diploma from other college and Centennial college is nothing compare to the other college.I barely can understand any of the teacher. Hardly anyone would speak perfect English. Then way too many international students and from India ( i ve nothing against them) but i constantly feel I am an outsider. Then there is not enough space in the library to study even.The teachers are inadequate to teach the materials.
I would not recommend Centennial to anyone.oh also, the co-op if yuo are not lucky than waste of time and money.
It is quite honestly depressing when a college is more disorganized than I. And my sister. Combined.
“L” (above) said it all, but I would like to add a little more. The area around is terrible (nothing for food, or to do), they more often than not mess up your timetable scheduling, teachers do not show up sometimes (Try waiting three hours for a class only to find out the prof didn’t show), the libraries are near useless for finding material on the subjects you’re trying to study (extremely limited selection), and they just continuously drop the ball. Huge waste of time and money, not worth the affordability (compared to other school you may be looking at) at all. This is your future and education we’re talking about – don’t cut corners going to Centennial, take out a loan if you have to (for choosing elsewhere), it would be much more worth it.
I have been at Centennial College for two years, taking two different programs. Overall, I would have to say that this college is a big waste of your time, and your money. The teachers do not know a lot of things and you do not get taught everything you should be learning. They are not good at finding you a placement, when it is there job to do so, it says so in the programs outline. Many times the teachers will not show up for classes, and not even bother to send the class an e-mail saying it is cancelled. The school is very unorganized and many of the teachers are this way. I would definitely not recommend this college to anyone.