
Conestoga College : Kitchener

  (1.69/5.00)   |  103 Reviews

Conestoga College : Kitchener is a established in (unknown). The campus is located in and hosts students with an endowment of .  

Stimulating Courses
Quality of Professors
Networking & Job Opps
Area Around Campus
Housing Situation
Extracurricular Opps
Teacher/Student Ratio



Phone:  (no local phone number)

Email:  (no public email address)

Institution Type:  Unknown

Established:  Unknown

Campus Enrollment:  N/A

Acceptance Rate:  N/A

Graduation Rate (6Y):  N/A

Campus Endowment:  N/A

Tuition (Local):  N/A

Tuition (Non-Local):  N/A

Tuition (Foreign):  N/A

Mandatory Fees:  N/A

Housing (Room):  N/A



Tax ID:  N/A

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Stimulating Courses
Quality of Professors
Networking & Job Opps
Area Around Campus
Housing Situation
Extracurricular Opps
Teacher/Student Ratio

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103 Student Reviews of Conestoga College : Kitchener

  • The career center’s performance has been consistently disappointing, marked by a severe lack of support, communication, and organization. Despite repeated attempts to engage, responses to emails are infrequent at best, leaving students feeling abandoned and frustrated. The weekly newsletter, instead of being a valuable resource, often feels like a collection of irrelevant information and questionable job postings, many of which turn out to be scams with dubious contact details. Overall, the department’s mismanagement undermines its purpose, failing to provide the guidance and opportunities students need to succeed in their careers.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • The career center’s performance has been consistently disappointing, marked by a severe lack of support, communication, and organization. Despite repeated attempts to engage, responses to emails are infrequent at best, leaving students feeling abandoned and frustrated. The weekly newsletter, instead of being a valuable resource, often feels like a collection of irrelevant information and questionable job postings, many of which turn out to be scams with dubious contact details. Overall, the department’s mismanagement undermines its purpose, failing to provide the guidance and opportunities students need to succeed in their careers.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Don’t waste your time with the Community Career Services office. Useless advisor twits who don’t give a s**t about if and when you get a job. Super lame workshops offering outdated advice on resumes, networking, and the hidden job market. Numerous ongoing department changes and severe lack of communication and accountability. False promises of commitment and connections to hiring managers and opportunities.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • I took the social service worker program at Conestoga. I absolutely loved it! The professors were kind, reliable, passionate and care about their students. Special shout to Jude, Katrina, and Debashis <3

    However, I can’t ignore how awful the rest of the school is. Last year, John Tibbits (salary of $409,000 in 2023) took advantage of 30,000 international students. About 80% of Conestoga’s student body are now students from India. I think domestic students are having a tough time with how fast the atmosphere changed, as we are now the minority.

    The housing crisis in Kitchener and Waterloo is the worst I have seen in my 24 years of living. There’s never a place to sit/study on campus. The food lines are always so long. People are taking calls and video-chatting in the washrooms and changing areas!! I just feel so claustrophobic at school. I hate going. There are WAY too many students in one area. I have been trying to get a co-op for four months, applied to over 10 places, and have heard nothing back. Apparently, Conestoga has such a bad reputation that organizations don’t wanna hire from here.

    Conestoga definitely only cares about money at this point because so many of us are suffering and they don’t seem to care.

    Also, how am I supposed to click any of the stars if that feature doesn't even work??

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • This college is totally unbelievable I do not recommend this college to anyone I cannot get simple forms in without them complicating thing for me even more they are not responsible with anything that they have to do and they are willing to fail me and not assist me properly without the support that I need I have been treated like absolute s**t ever since I entered this college I have been profiled racially In the residence and they didn’t not take the into any consideration I tried recommending this college to my friend but they basically robbed him and couldn’t return all the money back and they think that my medical reports are a fucking joke and they are failling me for a test that has already been submitted they are so irresponsible I cannot believe that I worked my butt off for nothing trying to come to this stupid college.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Canada is using community colleges like Conestoga as informal PRs and Canadian passports for international students, mainly from India. This means that if you apply for jobs, the employer will subconsciously imagine Little India or the Ganges river than what you are worth intellectually.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • If I wanted to go to a college in India I would’ve applied to one there. You basically enter little India once you walk in to any of the campuses. Sometimes you question your life choices as to why you chose this college. It’s horrendous. They’re loud, smell bad, have bad manners, don’t wash their hands after using the toilet, and stare at you. Of course this only applies to some but you get fed up real quick. Wtf Canada? What happened to our education system? Also their quality of work sucks so if you end up having to do group projects, good luck.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Save yourself from the non-deodorant, curry-smelling, foreign-language speaking, rude behaviour, arrogant, and manipulative India hogwash and take ALL courses and programs online. Do NOT go to any of their campuses in person unless you’re wearing a gas mask and headphones to keep the putrid smells and toxic sounds of India at bay. Conestoga is a cesspool and breading ground for immigrants trying to educate their way to permanent residency in Canada.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • A-La-Shice !
    Momma Momma !

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Do NOT take the Web Development & Internet Applications Fundamentals program.

    – Program is SUPER basic/entry-level
    – You won’t learn a a single thing
    – Constant department issues
    – Professors don’t teach
    – Waste of time

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • from the bottom of my soul, I absolutely frickin hate this school. Would not recommend it to anyone unless you hate yourself. The semesters are getting more expensive each term, the teachers are dog s**t and don’t care. One of my teachers LITERALLY SAID that they don’t care about anything bc the union will protect him, then continued to say he hates teaching now bc of zoom…. like bro I’m paying for this s**t. it’s so ridiculous. We started the year online and now they’re saying we might be going back to campus next term but don’t know 100%, teachers were talking about striking a few weeks ago… got no update on that mess. This school is such a s**t show.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • This college sucks. They only care about money. No education, No proper administration, just money.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Had a pretty awful experience – was put into the totally wrong course to begin with, and NO ONE at registration was emailing me back to rectify. Ended up cancelling altogether, never got my course. Screw this college.

    Overall Score: (1.36/5.00)
  • Don’t bother. Most of the profs are terrible. Out of my current semester, I only have 3/7 good profs. Most of them are rude as hell, don’t care about you in the slightest, mark aggressive, give terrible feedback and barely tell you what you did wrong. I got a 0 on an assignment worth 30% of my grade **even though I did everything and handed it in early** so I looked at the comment they left and they said it was missing. I sent a screenshot of my submission and they said that I missed one presentation period that I wasn’t “authorized to miss” even though I was sick with covid. I don’t know how half of these teachers get away with some of the crap they pull. In my first semester, I passed all my classes with flying colours, now I’m lucky if I pass half of my classes because the profs are trash. They don’t do anything but try to make you fail. You teach yourself everything and they just crap on you. If you get a good one, cherish it! Let them know! Because I promise you it won’t last. Conestoga seriously needs to reconsider finding new instructors.
    I contemplate dropping out literally every day… but I’ve already put in way too much money. Consider a different school and save yourself from all the unnecessary stress the profs load on you. I’m so stressed out 24/7 because of Conestoga, my hair is falling out and I’m covered in stress hives all for a diploma! LOL!

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Seriously the worst school. I CANNOT wait to be done in this hellhole. Tuition is expensive for what we’re receiving especially right now during covid students are teaching themselves. Profs are useless. Some are okay, some are pretty terrible. I’ve had the worst experience with Conestoga. All they care about is money. They don’t care if you succeed or not. Most of the profs set you up for failure. If you email a prof; don’t expect them to 1: respond at all or 2: be professional bc most of them are rude. I had a prof fail a report because he didn’t like my answers even though I did everything right. I asked him to reconsider my grade and his response was “absolutely not I don’t want to. Do better”. Don’t even bother with this school. And there’s no point complaining to the school because they don’t care but they mark aggressive, overload you with an insane amount of work, have extremely high expectations when we’re receiving hardly any help or compensation in return. Especially with covid, online school, and everything happening. It’s all so ridiculous and unfair. And don’t forget that the profs remind you what you’re missing out on in online class.. “if we were at school we would be doing this.. and this training… and you would be getting this experience.. blahblah” like wow thanks for reminding me again that I’m missing out on the education and experience that I’m entitled to with my program and all of these things I’m paying for and not receiving etc. I’ve never been so mad with a school. Just please save yourself the stress and don’t go here/

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • All thos school wants is your money, they do not care if you are being properly taught or not, I tried emailing multiple people about how students are practically teaching themselves at this point and that this is a waste of money and should lower the cost of tuition, especially with the hard times everyone is going through with covid and having a steady job, paying for school resources for the year (the expensive ass books that you hardly use half the time), as well as paying any rent, utilities etc. as well as dealing with up to 9 courses at a time, plus you HAVE to take extra curricular courses that don’t have anything to do with your future career and you’re lucky if it’s something you’re interested in. The parking is also ridiculous you have to pay for the whole year even if you’re not there for the 4-5 months after the school year ends. The teachers can be hit or miss some are really nice and informative and want you to learn and actually understand it’s there job to teach us and make sure we understand, and some don’t give a s**t and are totally rude and don’t answer emails or give you any information about how you can further develop your skills or do better on the next assignment, so you get jack all for feedback. I feel we deserve a lower tuition with all the bullshit we have to deal with when going to this school and I definitely don’t recommend it, like I said and everyone else is saying all this school cares about is the money flowing into their accounts.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Terrible school. The administration and instructors don’t do their jobs, mark extremely aggressively and don’t provide you with the materials to properly succeed. On several different occasions I’ve been marked extremely unfair and when reaching out in regards to why I was marked to harshly they highlight arbitrary aspects of each assignment. I think they want kids to fail, in order to make more money. Above all else, they base their curriculum of textbooks, yet their bookstore doesn’t keep their inventory adequately stocked. Its almost march, and the semester started in January. Still don’t have my textbooks. During this pandemic, they’ve done nothing to make things easier for students. I just received a 0 for going two minutes over a presentations time allowance. Conestoga has 1 motive, make money. They say their not for profit, but that’s the furthest thing from the truth. The institution is a complete and utter joke. Pay the extra money and go to university. As far as comments in regards to Indian students, if you’re racist stay in your basement and stick to your alt-right manga collection. Most of the Students from India are very nice.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Welcome to the diarreha capital of Ontario

    Overall Score: (1.54/5.00)
  • The lack of mannerisms which some (most) of the Indian students have is appalling. The noises, lack of decent hygiene, the staring, the lack of proper English skills, the unhelpfulness or rather the lack of doing any kind of work for the group projects becomes a bit much to handle. This is not a race thing since I too was an Indian student who attended the college. They seriously need to have some standards for accepting these students, I was seriously surprised by the lack of basic knowledge that most of these students possessed and often wondered how they even managed to get in.

    Then secondly, the project management course is centred around making you buy the textbook. Which guess what was written by the program head. They failed an entire class in the midterms in a bid to bully us into buying the textbook.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Welcome To India.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Should be called Little India. 45% of the student population is from India as Tibbett’s keep recruiting international students. Beware when entering a room because the smell is enough to make your eyes water and start to choke.

    Teachers are hit or miss. Some are outstanding. But there are few of them around. Most hand back assignments months after it was assigned. Limited feedback so forget about finding out how to improve. Lots of meaningless group assignments and presentations. Teachers use textbook premade slides to teach classes often.

    In a few years it’ll be an Indian majority school of students that barely speak English. Worse, the Indian women stand to pee, so their is urine all over the seats and floor in the washrooms. Some don’t wash their hands.

    The college only wants your money. You’re better off going somewhere else.

    Overall Score: (1.18/5.00)
  • Having just completed first year of my course I feel the need to say that this college has some extreme flaws which detract from what could otherwise be a very good experience at this school.
    First is the obvious, there is no sense of community in this school and if you are not entering the school with a pre-set friend group it will not be easy to meet new friends (at least in my program). This is due to the enormous quantity of international (Indian) student in this school. Entering this school was a huge culture shock. Native English speakers are a rarity, you will literally feel as if you somehow took a wrong turn and ended up in India. Of course this feeling will somewhat subside by around the third week when they all just stop showing up to class and eventually drop out. Better brush up on your Hindi if you plan to attend this college cause the international students sure as hell have not brushed up on their English!

    The professors are definitely hit or miss I have only completed my first year and have some amazing professors really 10/10 guys for my main courses, very experienced within their field and with teaching. On the other hand I have had multiple teachers who should have never been hired, one teacher had such a strong eastern European accent that she was genuinely impossible to understand (cannot imagine how difficult that course must have been for non native english speakers) . Another teacher failed to speak at all (LITERALLY) for the entire time that I had her which was a total waste of my time/money (I think she may have been fired because we got a new prof halfway through the semester but still) The only reason I can think of for the sheer uselessness of most of the professors is the fact that the college is just hiring anybody in order to keep up with how many international students they are accepting so you aren’t paying for qualified pro’s but instead just any old twat who is available when the college needs them.

    Also massive shortage of places to sit in the Doon Campus, show up at the wrong time and you’ll be walking around for at least an hour before you find a seat.

    This school is not all bad, most of its problems merely stem by how many international students attend, I know that the college prioritizes foreign students because they pay double and I get it, all of these places exist to make money and that’s OK . BUT as bad as it may sound, international students drive domestic students away in such large quantities.

    And this is not a race thing Indian Canadian students who have grown up in Canada share the same frustrations. The problem is not race but the difference that the International student act. Because the international students make up a majority of those on campus, they feel no need to assimilate or take on Canadian mannerisms/values. They speak their native languages almost exclusively, they are often rude or dismissive by Canadian standards, dont wash hands in the bathroom or wear deodorant and are 24/7 on their phones. These things come across a rude or strange to people who have grown up in Canada their entire life and expected the same type of behavior they group up with in their Canadian college. Native Canadian students DO NOT want to be culture shocked on Canadian campuses, and those of us who do go to international schools.

    In short this school is perfect for those who have always wanted to study in India but just cannot afford the move. If you have the ability to pick another school then you may want to. For the rest of us, well we are s**t out of luck. Try your best to find some friends who speak your language and pray that your teacher is somewhat competent.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • I couldn’t agree more with Anon’s comments below. To make matters worse, most of the employees (especially those admin staff in the welcome center) are incompetent, obnoxious, condescending and patronizing f-ers who don’t give shi* about students. These people are actually getting paid to f-you up. Conestoga, if you’re reading this, do your f-ing job.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • If I wanted to go to a college in India I would’ve applied to one there. You basically enter little India once you walk in to any of the campuses. Sometimes you question your life choices as to why you chose this college. It’s horrendous. They’re loud, smell bad, have bad manners, don’t wash their hands after using the toilet, and stare at you. Of course this only applies to some but you get fed up real quick. Wtf Canada? What happened to our education system? Also their quality of work sucks so if you end up having to do group projects, good luck.

    Overall Score: (1.54/5.00)
  • Getting my degree at Conestoga was a huge mistake. Aside from the fact that the college’s name doesn’t invoke any respect, the main reason why I hate this school is for their lack of care. You are a number/pay cheque and nothing else. Due to the college’s lack of accommodation/flexibility and support, my graduation is delayed by one full year now.

    In terms of courses, there was only a couple of professors who did a great job, everyone else was mediocre at best.

    Do yourself a favour and study elsewhere.

    Overall Score: (1.36/5.00)
  • Conestoga College might as well close their Canadian campuses and move to India.

    Since 2016/17, when there was an agreement signed by Conestoga and the Government to allow more international students to enrol, the student body has been flooded with kids from India; at least 80% of the student body.

    Classrooms and hallways are now full of foreign language communication and the stereotypical non-deodorant/curry smell.

    Classes at Conestoga often become so-called “work periods”, which is a tactic used by teachers/professors to kill time and waste your tuition money. Instead of having a lesson prepared, they tell you that a class is for you to use to work on assignments, as if you don’t already have enough free time as it is.

    Group work in most courses is pretty extensive, which makes completing multiple assignments a struggle; especially now, when you’re adding an extra dynamic of having to work with kids from India who’ve only been in the country for a week or two prior to the beginning of classes.

    Take online courses at your own pace. Don’t waste your time and money on Conestoga.

    Overall Score: (1.09/5.00)
  • worst college I’ve ever been to. I wish I went north to a real college. The heavy equipment program is a joke. Great if you want to stand around waiting halt the day for machine time that and the instructor served a few years in Kingston Pen…great college eh shows anyone can work there. Poor program instruction is a joke $12 000 and I learned nothing that I could of on my own renting a machine for weekend.
    No point other colleges have a great program not making student drive to the back of a gravel pit and use a old run down construction trailer and porta potty. If you want to learn off youtube then this is your course as that’s all the content is made up of youtube great college if you want to waste your money I recommend going to a real college that has content real building and not a made up course. I love doing the same thing over for 4 weeks in shop time cause you know changing a scrapper blade is so important. Go to Fleming College where they have a great program and facilities on site and real teachers not ex cons and people who are extremely full of them selves. Useless program waste of money all they want is the $$$$$ We had to share a shop with the automotive shops and they didn’t even have a shelf or coat rack we had to use the floor and our own tools as they apparently cant afford a full set or three as there’s more then one person using same tool. WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY check out Fleming College program.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)

    One of the worst colleges in Canada. I as an international student wasted my money here, I was an ITBA student here, majority of the academic and the administrative staff was extremely horrible. Course co-coordinator does not even care about students, does not even bother to reply for emails or meet students. There were about 60 students in my batch still only like 10% of the students are doing jobs related what they studied (almost one year now, since the graduation) most of the students are doing odd jobs like cleaning, cashiers, etc. Conestoga is really good in skimming international students money.

    I am writing this review anonymously because sometimes I have to provide local (Canadian) references for jobs, so I have no option than mentioning my Conestoga professors details on my resume.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Hi, my name is Mangesh Deokar. Canadian people are so kind and they help you with everything unlike rude people back home. I will be graduating this month from Conestoga college. As an Indian, i can say, this college has really good facilities for example lots of computers,printers,parking space,cafeterias. I would have never get this type of facilities in India. I am enrolled in process quality engineering. I really learned a lot from this program, not only about the industry but also how capable i was. Teachers give you challenging assignments which helps you to think by yourself. I still dont know if ill get a job or not but i can say this college is good.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Horrible

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • I have a tale to tell. First off I missed orientation for my class due to work so I called them to ask when and where I could pick up my parking pass and my student card and got this responds “Hello our business hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. You can come in-between these hours.” then she hung up the phone. I called back because none of my questions were answered and I got the same responds. After the fourth time trying to call and get any information other than the business hours she said “Stop Calling” and just hung up on me. Secondly I have only three teachers how actually teach, all the others either go on long rants about nothing on the topic or don’t teach the class at all. My english teacher would make us play a childrens game for two hours out of our three hour class then would drop all our work and assignments in the last half our of class leaving no class time to work on anything and expecting it to be done in 3 days. I have also caught this teacher playing solitaire, minesweeper and a couple other Facebook games while the rest of the class was not doing anything. I also have another teacher who refuses to teach us anything he gave us a drawing with a main service panel four switches and two lights and said “Draw it.”. Everyone in the class had a look of confusion plastered across their face. We tried asking questions like how does this system operate and are we suppose to wire this and we got the same answer every time “Figure it Out”. Finally a student broke and said why the hell am I paying $3,000 a semester if you are not going to teach us or answer any of our questions. Then the teacher snapped back and said “If you don’t like the way I teach then there is the door you are more than welcome to use it and if you are asking questions no journeyman will hire you!” So the majority of the class including me got up and walked right out that door. In conclusion this college is s**t all they care about is the money and that’s all they ever will care about. I didn’t even include the strike and the amount of time and money we lost in that plus my on teacher not notifying me that I was failing the course and due to the strike he took away the exam for the class and since then I have tried contacting the teacher with zero responses and the college and getting you can sign up for this course here. My rant is done F*ck this college!

    Overall Score: (1.45/5.00)
  • If anyone wants to commit arson, this is the building to do it on

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • This school is a shithole. They just want money, and unhappiness.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • The ratings speak for themselves, the school rating is on a decline. Happy for this since this school needs to learn how to treat the students respectful. This school is only out for your money. I recommend going to a different school. There is a lot of better options. This is a shithole

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Never take the Mobile Solutions Development program, because the main idea of this college is to earn money on you. The thing is that in that program you will never learn something new because the majority of the professors know less than the students.

    It’s better to go to another college or to learn something online. If you just come over for immigration purposes. This is the best choice.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Do not take the Hearing Instrument Specialist or Paramedic program here. I took multiple programs here.

    1st was H.I.S. coordinator tried to fail me in 1st year because my grandpa died and I had to go abroad, then when that didnt work he had the lab teacher say i was dressed unprofessionally because i didnt have a blazer yet they had girls in the lab with tank tops on, and apparently i dont respect equipment because i tripped on wires that they left out. The teachers were terrible and if you asked a question they would say look in your notes. Why the hell do you think im asking you? I couldnt find an answer in my damn notes. I had to appeal and when I went into clinical it turned out everything we were taught was wrong.

    They failed me for my lift 1st semester after i blacked out. I reapplied the next year and they aske to meet with me after school started back stating that was a mistake. Well thanks youve just taken a semester worth of money, made me waste a year and now your taking my money all over again. I did my test again the following year and I completed iy but they still failed me sating the criteria was different. All my classmates were shocked and couldnt understand why they failed me especially as someone who dropped it passed. I got so fed up of their bs I just withdrew and have never looked back.

    Truth is Conestoga does not care about the students. They care about getting your money. No one expects to be spoon fed but you do expect to have questions answered if you ask and to be assesses fairly without them playing favourites. And the chair of health sciences Paul Finch always backs up the staff even if they’re wrong.

    The paramedic program is not even accredited anymore and has no gym class either.

    Save your money and go elsewhere!

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
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    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • I have contacted the registrars office approx 4 times in the past two years and every time they are very rude and not helpful. I emailed tech support about an issue with the online portal and they were even worse. It seems that people who work at Conestoga want to pass the buck every time you ask for help. My last encounter with the Financial services admin was the last straw. I am not going to continue with Conestoga. There are plenty of other colleges in Ontario and I am researching other locations. Thanks OSAP admin for opening my eyes today!

    Overall Score: (1.63/5.00)
  • Don’t use their textbook rental services. It is a racism scam designed to target poor, minority and international students who do not have the means to defend themselves. They do this by not delivering textbooks that you paid good money for and then charging you with an avalanche of late fees that for not returning a textbook that they never even gave you in the first place. The company is headquartered in Toronto which is a 3-hour drive away from Conestoga’s main Doon campus and has three different addresses: 145 Fenmar Drive Toronto, Ontario from linkedin 32-34 ashwarren road north york ontario where an employee named Terence claimed that textbookrental did not operate from there and 442 Dufferin Street Toronto ON which is a shady place. They have no actual physical presence. Their phone numbers (416) 231-2291 and 1-855-827-7283 are also fake, they ring and then just hang up, not even a voicemail. The only way to contact these racists is through email [email protected] or [email protected] where they give vague unprofessional answers with no apologies. Textbookrental has a partnership with Conestoga College which means it’s Conestoga’s fault if TBR tries to f**k you. If you want to win then you need to go in person to the Conestoga Bookstore and hold up the line day after day after day and if rentacops pull you back, then come back the next day until you get your refund/and/or book. More research has revealed that Textbookrental may actually be based in India.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • If you are thinking of going here for HRM, think again! Compare the sheer number of courses students must take at this college compared to the others in Ontario, and you will see something is seriously wrong at Conestoga. Teachers seem oblivious to this problem. They say Conestoga wants to be competitive and that HRPA dictates the course. If that’s the case, then why do all the other colleges still prepare students for the HRPA? Don’t they all have to be approved curriculum by HRPA?
    If you can’t complete all the courses, your opportunities for co-op is blown. You need to finish Conestoga’s record number of classes and keep a grade average higher than 80%
    Why risk it? Go elsewhere where they don’t set a means test for co-op! I know a lot of ESL/foreign students who would like to drop a course, but they can’t, or they will lose their immigration status. Look into Niagara College! Look into Humber! Look into Fanshawe! The course loads are lighter at other institutions, you get the same diploma, and you don’t have to pass some kind of averages test to go into the coop program.
    I am sorry I enrolled here. Do NOT make the same mistake.

    Overall Score: (1.72/5.00)
  • If you are thinking of going here for HRM, think again! Compare the sheer number of courses students must take at this college compared to the others in Ontario, and you will see something is seriously wrong at Conestoga. Teachers seem oblivious to this problem. They say Conestoga wants to be competitive and that HRPA dictates the course. If that’s the case, then why do all the other colleges still prepare students for the HRPA? Don’t they all have to be approved curriculum by HRPA?

    If you can’t complete all the courses, your opportunities for co-op is blown. You need to finish Conestoga’s record number of classes and keep a grade average higher than 80%

    Why risk it? Go elsewhere where they don’t set a means test for co-op! I know a lot of ESL/foreign students who would like to drop a course, but they can’t, or they will lose their immigration status. Look into Niagara College! Look into Humber! Look into Fanshawe! The course loads are lighter at other institutions, you get the same diploma, and you don’t have to pass some kind of averages test to go into the coop program.

    I am sorry I enrolled here. Do NOT make the same mistake.

    Overall Score: (2/5.00)
  • If you are thinking of going here for HRM, think again! Compare the sheer number of courses students must take at this college compared to the others in Ontario, and you will see something is seriously wrong at Conestoga. Teachers seem oblivious to this problem. They say Conestoga wants to be competitive and that HRPA dictates the course. If that’s the case, then why do all the other courses still prepare students for the HRPA? Don’t they all have to be approved?

    If you can’t complete all the courses, your opportunities for co-op is blown. Why risk it?Go elsewhere where they don’t set a means test for co-op! I know a lot of ESL/foreign students who would like to drop a course, but they can’t, or they will lose their immigration status. Look into Niagara College! Look into Humber! Look into Fanshawe! The course loads are lighter, and you don’t have to pass some kind of averages test to go into the coop program.

    I am sorry I enrolled here. Do NOT make the same mistake.

    Overall Score: (2/5.00)
  • Toooo worst college

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • The HRM program is in disarray. Seneca requires that students take 6 courses. Meanwhile, Conestoga students are taking 9! It’s not quality learning. Just shoving you through the Conestoga conveyor belt.
    Each teacher in the program goes through the motions without really thinking if his/her actions in class are congruent with what he/she is teaching. Feedback from students is not even desired. There is one teacher who drives the program, SJ, but she is very anal and can definitely raise your anxiety level. Not fun!
    The computer system is all screwed up at the college. The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. There are two emails and multiple places to save files. Contact with teachers is hit and miss for this reason. Nothing is standardized and kids are just left hanging.
    There are no workshops to prepare students for use of the library of the computers.
    There are a lot of ESL kids from other countries who work hard. However, too many of them in a class can drag down the level of English used in assignments.
    I would not recommend this program. Go elsewhere and enjoy learning.

    Overall Score: (3.18/5.00)
  • I just completed my first year of a three-year program at Cambridge campus with all my grades A or above, and English is my second language actually.
    There are responsible, high quality professors that I really enjoy their classes. There are also bad instructors no one knew how to satisfy him/her to get higher marks.
    To those who have negative opinions against Conestoga College, two things needed to be aware of: 1 colleges are not daycare centers; 2 you’re grown-ups and identify yourself as grown-ups, so, take your own responsibilities not only blaming external environment.
    D2L is a good system though it could be better. If I missed something from the class, most likely I could find it online. An outstanding instructor saves you time on taking notes but inspires you to spend more time on his course without pushing because you agree it deserves.
    Those who missed most of the classes and complained instructors, I would say “you deserve it”. If you’re unable to set the rules, then obey them before you’re strong enough to change them.

    Overall Score: (4.18/5.00)
  • Your partner college in india

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Never every join HRM program, really crazy work and prof are really rude and discriminating . One prof keep on telling”you failed You failed and You failed” with serious gestures and made me failed end of the semester intentionally even after I explains my situations to her. SO PLEASE GO FOR ANY OTHER COLLEGES NOT CONESTOGA

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Not a good place for student as the faculties are rude and racist. They are helping management to make money by making students failure. I DONT RECOMMEND THIS COLLEGE

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • The behaviours of faculties are discriminating especially with international student. The profs are not understanding the pain of international students and making them fail all the time even if they perform well. So not a good place for international students.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • I would recommend that if you are looking into the Architecture Construction Engineering Technology Program, you should look elsewhere for your education. This school is run terribly and the professors are for the majority just awful. The estimating teacher, Glen Good is the absolute worst instructor I have ever encountered, he spends more time glorifying himself than actually teaching the class. The only things he has taught me in 3 years is to not listen to anything he says about anything. The crazy thing is that this school put him in charge of the entire program!

    I know this is a ranting kind of post but PLEASE continue your education somewhere else, you will regret spending your money at Conestoga College.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • hello friends

    i have completed my bachelor in mechanical engineering and applied to conestoga college for graduate program- robotics and automation.

    please i request you guys to help me out about the culture of college and behavior of the staff member

    email id- [email protected]

    contact number – +919426205917

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • The school is worried more about money than the well being of the students. The athletic center doesn’t have a sufficient gym space. The coaches and profs at Conestoga are incompetent and their behavior at times are childish. Some of the profs fail their students even when majority of the class has learned nothing reducing graduation rates. Conestoga will remove hours from any program and make you still pay the full amount for your program. For business Conestoga is great for most other programs that require a lot of theory and labs they do not care and will give no level of priority. I’ve had the worst experience at this school. A school who cares more for apperence than education.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • The nursing program is horrible and the professors are not there to help you succeed. I agree they try to fail you for no reason so that they can make money.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • As started in the comments by people previously the professors are very rude and unprofessional. I was in the PSW program and Roberta Hugget is the most unprofessional of us all. I don’t have anymore to say besides that program was horrible

    Overall Score: (1.36/5.00)
  • How about the staff of mechanical engg in tools as well as CNC department ??

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Not satisfied…
    Need to hire competent professors!
    The staff at the college is very unprofessional and rude!

    Overall Score: (1.90/5.00)
  • HI,
    Please let me know about the embedded system course with co-op, how is the course here. Please reply with the part time job opportunities as well.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • The staff at Conestoga college is horrible. My program coordinator Sheila Hyslop is beyond rude and honestly pretty useless. I wanted my scheduled and she said that she she couldn’t because “it was full” (even tho their was only like 20 students) but changed other students schedule AFTER I asked her. The chair, Sylvia Ranson is just as bad as Sheila Hyslop. I highly don’t recommend this school, it’s a waste of time and money.

    Overall Score: (1.09/5.00)
  • Please read if you’re planning on attending Conestoga College. In this review I hope to outline some of the pros and cons of attending this college. If you have questions about the college, I invite you reach out to some of the great resources Conestoga has to offer.

    The pros:
    1. Professors – Throughout my years in Conestoga’s business school I’ve been taught by many highly qualified professors all of which had a minimum of a Master’s degree in their field of study in addition to years of career experience. It should be noted that my program is at the degree level so this is the standard. I have often found that many of my profs have come to teach at Conestoga after having taught at universities in Canada, the United States, and other countries. My profs have always been fair in their grading but it is important that you take the initiative to discuss your grades with your prof if you believe you deserved a better mark.

    2. Classes – In my experience, all of my classes have added value to my education in one way or another. I’ve had the opportunity to work on multiple case studies, consulting projects (with real local businesses), and much much more. I suggest you research your program of interest and the classes you will be enrolling in before applying.

    3. Job opportunities – Almost anyone you talk to in the Waterloo Region has had some kind of education from Conestoga College. Many local employers value a diploma or degree from Conestoga because of the practical and theoretical skills grads bring to the workforce. I’ve had 3 co-op terms so far and I’ve been able to secure job positions for each. Conestoga has a vast network of alumni and a highly resourceful career centre that will assist you in finding employment during and after your time in college.

    The cons:
    1. Sense of community – Conestoga has a large population of full and part time students. Many of these students choose to commute to and from campus in order to attend their classes. Because of this, you won’t find the same experiences as some universities and college have due to their high amount of students living on campus. Although, it should be noted that a new development was added near campus known as the Conestoga Commons which offers affordable living for students right near campus. In addition, Conestoga has a residence hall and student housing opportunities. Personally I’ve always lived in housing off campus but many of my peers have lived in student housing or res.

    2. Parking and transportation – As stated before, many Conestoga students commute to and from campus to attend classes. For this reason, parking on campus can be frustrating especially during rush hours as the 401 (a major highway) is very close to campus. Additionally, public transportation can be crowded at times. I’ve even seen buses neglect to stop for people because capacity was full. Is this the college’s fault? No. But actions should be taken to accommodate for this (I. E. More buses).

    Final thoughts:

    I felt compelled to post this review because of some of the questionable comments I’ve seen on this website. I strongly suggest you research multiple sources before making a decision and not solely basing it on this site. Again, if you have questions please reach out to some of the awesome resources Conestoga has to offer.

    Overall Score: (4.09/5.00)
  • Faculty does not know what the hell they are doing. This school does not have a good reputation. All the fucking rating comes from the students. Do not fall in the trap of this. Going to this school is like asking to fail. Choose a school that worth the money and not a school who hires randoms that do not know how to teach.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • I attended Conestoga College in 2008 for the industrial maintenance program at the Guelph Campus. Most of my instructors were great however, the ‘instructor’ (i use the term loosly here) that they hired to teach (at the last minute, 2/3 through the year) the electronic motor control/PLC course had never taught before at any level. As a result, we did not get through the material that was outlinied in the sylabus and everyone one of my classmates got ripped off on the education they paid for and were promised and vitally require to be competitive in industry. Conestoga College’s soloution to the problem was not to teach us that which we paid to learn but to administer a completely useless 1st apprenticeship period exemption test, which probably cost them a fraction of adminstering the course.

    Overall Score: (2.36/5.00)
  • Conestoga college is a terrible school to do you nursing in. All they care about is money. They enroll a lot more students in and fail students for no reason. During practical lab assessments teachers are talking among each others, throwing things around, texting, leaving the room and tapping their foot really loudly. They are extremely awful Conestoga needs to hire proper teachers. They purposely try to fail you and provide false reassurance that they will try to help you and send you to the chair or appeal process and when you do that they lie and make you look like an idiot, as if they never told you they would fix your marks that they unfairly marked you on. You may as well read between the lines because the skills check that is only supposed to test the skill becomes a SAT and now you are marked on things you never were told about. They withhold feedback and assessments till marks are released so it is to late for you to fight for your right. They lack instuction

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • People who work in Conestoga College Register Office are extremely rude and racist I have ever seen. All register staff are very very disrespectful to non Canadian students.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • First, let me start by saying I highly and very strongly DO NOT recommend this school to anyone! All the school wants is your money. The instructors do not teach and then have high expectations. The administrative staff is very disrespectful and do not care about the students because they are safe and secure with their job there already.

    It is very hard to pass a class when the whole entire time the teacher is talking about herself and her family and her struggles. The teachers are on their phone most of the time and do not acknowledge students half the time. They tell them to do their work on the computer while the instructor sits there on their phone. Other teachers take pleasure in embarrassing their students in front of the class.

    Also, if you enjoy spending your money multiple times on one keyboarding class if you cant pass 55WPM in typing then go to this school. They find ways for you to fail just so you have to re-pay for the course. I had handed in an assignment 6 min late one time and the teacher didn’t accept the assignment and I failed the class because the assignment was worth 50% of the grade. This school has failed me in many ways and I would strongly NOT recommend this school to anyone!

    I have had friends of colour say that they do not feel comfortable in the classroom and feel like they are getting treated different than other students.

    This school has gone from the best college in Canada to in my opinion the worst!

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • I was in the RPN program and I hated it! I was very excited at first but my clinical teacher, Sherri, was very rude and mean. She made a student cry, yelled at me and shoved a book at me, and humiliated another student in front of the group. She expected us to memorize and know all the drugs, which was really hard since they was so many. She choose favourites and I remembered when students would ask her questions, she would answer their questions and when I would ask her a question or show me something she would make me feel stupid. Her tone was so different when she was speaking to some students compared to other students. It was obvious she was choosing favourites. I hated going to work because of her. She wrote a huge report to the teacher in charge of the program and some of the things she wrote was not true. I felt like she was trying to fail me. The teachers that I had to talk to probably didnt believe me. If you have her, please know that she made my clinical experience so bad and dont let her do the same to you. I noticed that she was nicer to another student AFTER the student had to stand up for herself and tell the teacher that her attitide is very unprofessional and more. If you are shy and quiet, she will bully you, like what she did to me. Overall, horrible teacher. If she is taking advantage of her authority over you, please report her because she does not deserve to be a teacher with this kind of attitude.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Having graduated university and coming here this place is horrible. It’s basically a high school. Terrible teaching staff, and rude professors. Better having no college diploma than going here.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Hello,

    I am Ravi From Gujarat, I have completed B.E in Electronics & Communication in 2013. I have 2 year experience.

    Now, i want to go canada for Study.
    I had received confirmation letter from Conestoga, Seneca & Fanshave College for SPP program.

    Which is best college for my field & getting job ?
    ( Conestoga, Seneca or Fanshave )

    pls rpy as soon as possible.


    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • I was just informed that the program I enrolled in was not going to be offered any more, not by the school by going on the program website and it was written in small print just under the heading. This is after I have been in contact with the program co-ordinator for the past 2 months trying to attend classes.

    HORRIBLE COMMUNITCATION!!!!!! The program co-ordinators don’t seem to want to help you, just give your the go around.

    Loved most of the teachers I had, and the classes I could attend were interesting. However it is more of a hassle to get into the classes.

    Overall Score: (1.36/5.00)
  • Some teachers have no idea about the subjects they are supposed to teach. Honestly, some of them could not even respond to our questions. There are indeed some really good professors, but unfortunately, not many. What was really disappointing was the fact that the college protects these awful teachers. Conestoga’s SAT’s? It’s a joke, cause you can only review the competent professors ! Nice played Conestoga! The overall impression, the college is more of a business than a educational institution.

    Overall Score: (2.27/5.00)
  • I am the parent of a Conestoga student who chose to transfer to another college after multiple horrible experiences here. Teachers are inept – one docked marks for “not attaching the rubric” to a project … Which she wrote ON THE RUBRIC – ummm, you’re saying I’m missing the piece of paper you are writing your remarks on??? Overall the Conestoga “professors” were so unprofessional and uninterested in helping students succeed that I question their credentials to be teaching college. Administrative staff are beyond rude, which I experienced myself several times. They are condescending, unhelpful, and give out wrong information regularly – either because they are not too smart or are just lazy, neither one if which is a good option. Other students on this site have talked about fraud in the administration and marking/evaluation scheme. I experienced this – Conestoga manually forced through a transaction on my on-file credit card without my permission or pin # and then forged my signature (FRAUD) when my daughter decided not to return to this awful institution.(They lose their government funding when students jump ship so tried to take the money from me.) I reported this to my credit card company and yet Conestoga continued to lie and cover up. Stay away, this place is a nightmare and treats students with disdain. My daughter is much happier at her new college, which is run professionally and transparently and has high standards. Her diploma from there will mean something. I’m not sure you can say that about Conestoga.

    Overall Score: (1.27/5.00)
  • Think twice before applying for Conestoga College particularly for those programs which have been funded by government!!!!!
    Nobody is taking care of the quality of these kinds of program!!!! Low quality, unexperienced and unprofessional instructors and at the end they will not accomplish their promises like finding placements for students!!!!!

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • From what I can tell most of the students whom have posted negative reviews are simply too lazy or immature to take responsibility for their own actions and are looking to blame others for their own faillings.

    Young Accountants review was concise and accurate. A big part of College is self-led learning as you will require critical thinking skills to succeed in industry. Your boss will not come up to you every 5-minutes to see if you need help/do your work for you/hand-out notes on how you do your job, if you can’t realize that then maybe higher education simply isn’t for you. I know in my class I see daily students not paying attention, missing instructions, then whining when they can’t figure out how to do the work. Here is a clue, LISTEN to the prof, then DO THE WORK. Problem solved.
    This is the difference between an A student and a D student.

    As for comments about rude/condescending staff/professors, this is always an ever present concern, one can only hope that those who act unprofessionally either grow-up or lose their post within the College.

    Overall Score: (4.09/5.00)
  • This school could be so much better than it is. My biggest issue with with the selection of professors. I appreciate the SAT’s Conestoga has posted at the moment to review “select” teachers, but the problem is, it’s only available for me to review one teacher; the competent one. I would love an opportunity to give specific review of my other horrible teachers, so I cam looking for a place to rant.

    I suppose the full time teachers are more competent and care more about their jobs, however; I have had a handful of part-time teachers, teachers who only teach one to two classes, and each and every one of them (aside from one) were absolutely terrible. They give no instruction, they are condescending, they show up late to classes, they pick obvious favourites, and they do not give back final marks until the day of your final exam.

    This may sound like a generalization, but I have had 5 different part-time facutly members, and they have ALL been the same way, and frankly I am fed up. I am in my final weeks of my diploma program and have had to deal wih some of the worst teaching and mentoring I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

    Try harder conestoga and get better teachers who care more for the following classes:
    Project and Event Management
    Applied Ethics
    Office Procedures

    Overall Score: (1.72/5.00)
  • I totally agree with the latest comment made by Ayi. I can’t believe those officers are so rude and know nothing. I just asked an international admission officer the same questions by email several times, I explained again and again, but she can’t offer any help. she replied me some unrelated bullshit and she’s sooooo rude.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Administrative staff could be unhelpful at times talking down to people and trying to make them feel stupid for asking questions that they are there to answer. Why work as an international admission officer and sound so reluctant, unhelpful and unprofessional on the phone when answering questions from international students. Your position requires you to be a Canadian ambassador to foreign students. Act like one!!!

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • unprofessional
    all around poor rating

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Love there “guidelines” on attendance. Personally their system or whatever you want to call it is awful. Program coordinators do NOT converse between each other or work around other classes. 3 exams and 3 tests in one week is a little ridiculous, as well why would the program coordinator write the exam when s/he doesn’t teach the curriculum. Personally I feel that its setting the students up for failure. (I hope you see this and change your attitude and work ethic, cause your horrible)
    Back to the attendance, we are 18+ I think we can make our own choices, threatening to kick someone out because they missed for classes? Really? We’re grownups.
    If you expect us to give a 110%, we expect it in return. Sh*t or get off the pot. Your teaching the future of Canada, try to care. Or at least act like you do.

    Overall Score: (2.54/5.00)
  • I did the Computer Application Development program, Conestoga College is a complete Joke with inherently stuck-up faculty and students.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • I have graduated one 2 year program at Conestoga College, and am currently in my second year of a 3 year Accounting program at the same campus (Doon). Here is my hypercritical advice for new/incoming students:

    Do not expect to be hand fed material. You may have teachers who read straight out of the book every class. You may have some that bring their own dated experience to the classroom, and in some cases, nothing else. You may have a very passionate teacher who makes every effort to help, and you may have a teacher who picks favourites. I have seen every type here, and the lesson to be learned is that you actually need to study. Although this may look and feel like second high school due to the small class sizes and immature peers, you will now be expected to have a large hand in your own education. It would seem some other reviewers have not yet picked up the self-study skill, but it is imperative to realize that leaving your own academic future in the hands of a terrible group project or an absent teacher is a waste of thousands of dollars.

    As far as staff and administration go, everyone has their good and bad days. For example, do not expect that the loans office will be very friendly during the first week of school, after they’ve been yelled at all week by misunderstanding parents and disorganized students. Put things in perspective and realize you are entering an adult world full of people you will have to learn to work and study with. Not everyone will bow to your will just because you pay to be here – but they will do their best, and if not, there’s always a higher up who can set things straight.

    Finally, this college (much like every business) wants your money. They want you to feel engaged, heard, respected, and enlightened, because it puts cash in their pockets. This means that there is someone to talk to when you have a problem – issues with a certain teaching style or an unfair grading are meant to be brought to the higher ups, and this is encouraged by all of the teachers I have studied under. If you just sit idly by and wait for someone to solve your problems, they will not get solved, and you will end up typing lengthy, aggressive, and terribly written reviews on this website while crying in front of your laptop – and with nothing to show for it.

    Take control of your future. This college can be a very valuable source of knowledge and first-hand experience if you can handle it in an adult way, and let’s face it – it’s much better than FunShawe, and is a socially acceptable alternative when you bomb out of university.

    Overall Score: (4/5.00)
  • This college has the worst staff ever.. From registrars office (rude and ignorant staff) to lab teachers to library staff (very passive, rude and unhelpful) … I used to like this college a couple of years ago.. Now they’ve become strict with everything.. Little things to help student get through the day.. They will reject unless u say the right things… That they want to hear.. Not impressed!

    Overall Score: (2.27/5.00)
  • I would like to say thank you for this site. I wish I knew of it before I ever went to Conestoga. I will recommend it to my classmates and they will be overjoyed that there is a place to actually give honest feedback. I am in the nursing program and almost finished, thank GOD!I have to say that this is the worst college I have ever attended. I will never upgrade or further my career at this school. I would rather commute to another school then endure another moment at Conestoga College. The college administrators are out of touch with what is really going on in there classrooms. They have an overinflated, false idea of the education they are providing. They teachers are terrible in the nursing program. In our class we have all sorts of teachers. One classmate personally had a teacher call her up on the phone, drunk one night to cry about her husband leaving her. We have had to endure tyrannical, has been nurses, that prefer to eat there young then actually turn out professionals. What is the worst, is the program heads. Our particular program head dresses like she is going out to the bar with super tight low shirts, pencil skirts, hooker thigh high boots, and bleach blond hair. She looks like she is sleeping her way to the top instead of representing herself as a professional that students can look up to. Very sadly she approaches the job like she dresses. She is unprofessional in every aspect of the word. Nasty to the students, and continually threatening them with being thrown out of the program. This program is less about teaching and developing skilled, professionals and more about advertising the “new nursing wing” with tours of vulnerable high school students and corporate sponsors. Conestoga will see it’s day. I have a sneaking suspicion that employers are going to start picking students from other colleges when faced with a choice on new hires. I also suspect that although their international student numbers may grow due to sheer ignorance of the institution, their actual numbers will drop in respect to Ontario student applications. It is a shame because they have a beautiful facility, and a thriving community. Due to greed, and a poor, short sited, corporate model they are going to eventually loose the support of this wonderful community. Most of us in Cambridge, Kitchener Waterloo, choose Conestoga based on appearance and location but Conestoga forgets we are the community and we won’t forget how we have been treated. Conestoga is biting the hand that feeds them.

    Overall Score: (1.33/5.00)
  • My experience in Conestoga was unbelievable. I was discontinued 10 days before graduation from nursing program. For what? When I ordered my documents from the college archives 6 months later, I found out that my clinical evaluation was altered/falsified: “satisfactory” was changed into “unsatisfactory” and all 90 fields left satisfactory, only my signature at the end was missing. I am publishing my true and entertaining story of Conestoga’s overgrown bullies on my website

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Useless courses with useless teachers is a sure combination for disaster and frustration. Save for a few good teachers the rest are trash who seemed to have got in because of connections or because they are willing to take on the job for less pay which other self respecting qualified teachers would not do.

    Overall Score: (1.36/5.00)
  • I want to mention my problems here, and trying to bring everything under the Knowledge of Mr. Dean. I am an International student and basically from India. I have class for interpersonal communication skills in third semester of office work. The instructor kills us with a lot of work and the assignments which is individual one, is worth around 15% and she gave us time to finish within one week. What the heck is this, we have total 7 subjects, and have a lot of work and this is killing us day by day and we couldn’t find enough time to sleep well. When I look around, then I see Interpersonal communication skills about what your personality, and finding some traits, and when instructor letting us know on 2DL around 20’clock in the morning time just before starting the class which is after exactly 6 hours. What do you expect from us? Sitting on the computer every time and checking mails all the time, available for 24 hours a day until the course finishes. We have to work in the color-coded group, and have to submit 5 face to face meeting to the instructor. We have reflection plan in the daily week on the basis of chapters and we didn’t get any marks graded even in the class and on 2DL. College admin coming with the feedback forms in the class and please fill it under any influence. Those feedback forms are not worth and throw into the bin because we couldn’t see any improvement besides the one fact noticing that they are imposing more rules and regulations or policies for students without any reason. I am sick and tired of trying of my best. Sorry to say but Conestoga College’s admin staff specially office administration program’s instructors not all are not organized and want us to be super organized. Waoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is nothing for me… I am frustrated and now everything at extreme. If you Conestoga college’s members do nothing for us, then don’t come with the feedback sessions. Don’t expect anything from us, if you are not putting effort towards students.

    Overall Score: (1.90/5.00)
  • Complete waste of time and money do not recommend! Avoid any IT program at this school the books are very expensive and useless, and the material is outdated. Do not expect to get any solid IT job with this education. Networking and programming courses are basically for someone that has no experience at all with computers.

    Overall Score: (2/5.00)
  • I attended gas tech 2 program in 2009 at Waterloo campus. All can advise everyone to stay away from this college. It’s a college to bank your money
    With false promises. During the course it was pretty disgust to see instructor taking sides of some students and completely isolating the others. Instructors
    Didn’t take teaching as if its. Their job but as if they dictators. No job support here. I also saw the permosions are done according to who you know not what you know. So please save your money and find some place where they actually like to help you.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Supply Chain and Operations Management

    The “professors” openly admit that they need students to stay in the program for 2 years in order to qualify for government funding. Teachers have limited and narrow experiences and knowledge. I strongly recommend avoiding this course…go to university if you can.

    Overall Score: (1.75/5.00)
  • A big no. Most teachers are part-time faculty with very little experience in the curriculum using teaching materials created by someone else. If you have other options please don’t come here, or at least don’t join the IT programs. They are waste of time and money. Some courses might be easy to pass but wont add any value.

    Overall Score: (1.90/5.00)
  • I am currently enrolled in the Public Service Post Graduate Program (Its first year running). When first applying to the college I did plenty of research and asked several officials about the program, especially about coop. From the beginning I was told several times that they had connections and coop placements that would fit our interests in the public service. I now know that it was all a lie, they have NO connections and NO coop positions that are available to our class. They told us “wait until January, don’t worry yet” and now its almost February and still nothing. They are now telling us to look or workopolis and monster. I now know that it was all a scam! The coop department is completely useless, filled with inexperienced workers that are completely full of themselves. Not only is the coop dept useless, but all the classes I have taken so far have provided me with irrelevant information, and courses that are similar to high school classes I took in grade 10. Do not buy in to their coop placement numbers, most of the placements are not related to the programs that the students were enrolled in.

    Overall Score: (1.54/5.00)
  • Teachers who do not utilize angel and provide class notes for extra study are lazy. The worst part is they get away with it because of their so called experience. Experience does give ANY teacher the right to be subjective and choose who they want to not struggle or fail, and who they want to pass.

    Overall Score: (2.45/5.00)
  • I went both to Doon and Waterloo campus. I withdrew from Doon cause i wanted to do Culinary. The program at the Doon was awesome, and all instructors seemed to care…however it was a different story at Waterloo campus. We had this Asian guy as our instructor, his name was Birdy. The guy slept with one of our students, but would never talk about it even though everyone knew. He would always hang out with her and never help anyone else if we needed help. I once yelled at him to come over and take a look at our work, and he ignored that. Then there was so much theory that eventually the whole course got boring. How are you supposed to learn Culinary by sitting on your arse?

    All in all I think it’s a good college, but it depends on your luck and the program you’re going into. I suggest you avoid taking Culinary at Conestoga and go to St.Lous and get exactly the same certificate for only 800$. Cause in the end you will find exactly the same jobs. Also I have to agree that networking and job opportunities are something that they should work on for graduating students.

    Overall Score: (2.44/5.00)
  • When I had first entered this school I thought it would be great. For the first two months I was doing very well in my studies, I had no outside distractions what-so-ever. I had to look for a new apartment becuase the one I had currently lived at was small and disfunctional(bad nieghbourhood)and look for work. I fell behind in all my work at school.
    The teachers didnt help with giving examples to help me identify with the independent study I was taking. I had a couple of months to complete what I wanted to do in the first place.
    Trust do not attend this school… you will be running around in circles for no reason… and its a complete waste of time!!

    Overall Score: (1.54/5.00)
  • Do not waste thousands of dollars coming here. The teachers play VERY heavy on favouritisms. They don’t help you unless you’re one of the ass kissers, otherwise you have to plead to them why you need help and even then there often hypocritical in situations regarding there help. They fucked me out of tons of money. Just to go into a program that you don’t need anyway.
    They may talk of how credited there program is. But if you’re not one of the students who sucks up on a hourly basis. Then good luck. These people at the doon valley Conestoga campus are a bunch of two faced pricks. F**k them, f**k the woodworking program and f**k the whole school.Biggest waste of time and money i have ever delt with.

    Overall Score: (1.27/5.00)
  • This has been by far the worst college I have ever attended. The instructors, if you would call them that, are unqualified and uneducated. They never have an itinerary and are extremely unorganized. The school has not helped me in any of my co-op opportunities to the point that I had to go out of my way to find a co-op. The school promised me a co-op when I went for orientation, but when I checked the website later in the year after frustration of looking for a co-op, they claimed in small print, they do not guarantee a co-op for every student. SO DON’T FALL INTO THIS TRAP!
    All this school cares about is taking our money for their lack of education and care for students. Even after multiple phone calls to the school, I kept receiving different information from everyone. It seems like nobody knows what is going on in this school.

    Overall Score: (1.36/5.00)
  • i am in the hospitlaity and tourism program and have noticed many of the courses we have to take are not relevant to the field we are going into. most classes are too business oriented and not focused on the tourism industry. there have been very few courses that are useful for this career but at the same time many of the class should be combined into one. as for teachers there are many that don’t understand the concept of teaching. they don’t know how to teach or are to focused on their other job. i get that it is beneficial to have teachers from the industry however if they don’t know how to properly teach it has no benefit. i am very disappionted with this program and do not believe it has been worth my time and money. i will be finishing the program but will need to go to a different school to recieve a better education with courses relevant to the industry.

    Overall Score: (1.18/5.00)
  • An instructor named Roger E takes the strongest students under his wing and refuses to help others when they ask and goes so far as to discourage the students from continuing in the program who don’t fit under his wing.

    Overall Score: (2.09/5.00)
  • The Conestoga College employs instructors who have not been out of the classroom in decades and their knowledge of industry in extremely outdated. Some instructors openly admit they don’t have any knowledge or experience with the course materials they are presenting and say “We will just have to struggle through this together”. I have also had instructors who are barely able to speak English and would not be able to pass Technical Communications which is compulsory for students. The computer labs are substandard and regularly crash so saving files every few minutes is very important. My overall opinion is that you should look elsewhere for a quality educational experience.

    Overall Score: (2.72/5.00)
  • In the beginning of my program it was identified that there are instructors whom are absolutely unqualified by way of instruction skills and course knowledge. This knowledge is widely know on campus of these two particular instructors.

    In my kindness I respectfully offered these instructors some sound advise in order to become better instructors to which offence was taken.

    I am a disabled student whom was then assessed by an instructor to be faking it to gain favoured attention and from there began her payback.

    The instructor labeled me to student services as a fake and the Collage condoned the issuance of a memo to all the instructors in the program not to assist, shall we loosely say somebody such as me.

    Hence I went the legal route and provided documentation in support of the disability and, the two instructors giving me the hassle continued to do so in every way possible.

    I brought forth complaints to the Collage who reacted by first assigning a security guard to my person saying I was at risk of going postal, and then proceeded to expel me because I maintained my stance to be disabled and was not prepared to be interrogated by their brotherhood with out due representation.

    To be reinstated I was forced to be interrogated and hence pacified in exchange for finishing the program.

    I also second what Pathetic saya about brown nosers and favorites!!!!

    Overall Score: (1.54/5.00)
  • I was in a Media program and the teachers were highly stuck up and very obviously choose favorites. I was nearly pushed from the course because I was struggling after the death of my grandparents. They figured I could not handle the work load instead of trying to advise me to get extra help, even after I had told them I still wanted to finish the program. They were very rude and arrogant as well as extremely condescending.
    Worst school experience I have ever had.

    Overall Score: (2.81/5.00)
  • I chose Conestoga, without doing much research and regret everything. i was under the impression they had a good police foundations program, was I ever wrong from my graduating class only 10 % of the student got jobs in their field. sure the class rooms are nice with new computers and new books however the teachers and profs do little more than preach from the book and are often hypocritical. the school its self is excellent with good ratings its just their lazy law admin programs that make me regret not doing my research.

    Overall Score: (2.72/5.00)
  • I attended the ACET (Architectural Construction Engineering Technologist) program and the professors there are very knowledgable and helpful. Expect a challenge if your taking this course but also expect a well rounded knowledge of design, documentation, building science & principles and building code upon completing.

    I’m now working with technologist from all over Canada and I seem to have a lot more building background experience in all fields as apossed to them.

    At the time of my attendance they were just switching over from Architectural Desktop to Revit. One thing they didn’t offer was training in Sketch-Up but instead offered training in VIZ Render which I still agree takes more time but has better visual appearance.

    Overall Score: (4/5.00)

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