
Edison State College: Fort Myers

  (2.76/5.00)   |  5 Reviews

Edison State College: Fort Myers is a established in (unknown). The campus is located in and hosts students with an endowment of .  

Stimulating Courses
Quality of Professors
Networking & Job Opps
Area Around Campus
Housing Situation
Extracurricular Opps
Teacher/Student Ratio



Phone:  (no local phone number)

Email:  (no public email address)

Institution Type:  Unknown

Established:  Unknown

Campus Enrollment:  N/A

Acceptance Rate:  N/A

Graduation Rate (6Y):  N/A

Campus Endowment:  N/A

Tuition (Local):  N/A

Tuition (Non-Local):  N/A

Tuition (Foreign):  N/A

Mandatory Fees:  N/A

Housing (Room):  N/A



Tax ID:  N/A

Warning: We recommend that you avoid this college. [?]


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Stimulating Courses
Quality of Professors
Networking & Job Opps
Area Around Campus
Housing Situation
Extracurricular Opps
Teacher/Student Ratio

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5 Student Reviews of Edison State College: Fort Myers

  • This college is not bad. It has cheap tuition and you get what you pay for. Things are generally disorganized and nobody knows what is going on generally (in terms of the administration). The school generally will not tell you things (such as requirements for getting the degree etc.). Mostly you need to talk to other students. A lot of the classes are more vocational than intellectual in focus (which I don’t like). They prefer to give people a lot of projects and busy work rather than intellectual tests.

    Overall, the college is a great value. The teachers and administration are interested in students success. They do a fairly good job of preparing students for the work force (more than a lot of high priced colleges which really do little in the way of preparing a person for a job.

    However, if you are expecting the quality of the college to be competitive with colleges that cost two, three or four times more- don’t. A lot of people say “why don’t you go to FGCU?” it is much more expensive! If you are willing to deal with a little annoyance you can get a pretty good experience out of this school with reasonable tuition (wish more colleges did that).

    On the employer side I think they do a decent job of preparing students for a job. They are accredited. On the student side you get earn your credits in a no frills environment.

    Overall Score: (3.09/5.00)
  • I have had extremely positive interactions with my professors and classmates, however, the adminstration at this school is DEPLORABLE. No one seems to know what’s going on, the staff will send you running in circles to complete the simplest of tasks. You can NEVER rely on the information they provide you. They have wasted hours upon hours of my time directing me to one person for an answer, and that person will tell you that you need to speak to the person that just sent you to them! It is beyond absurd, and it truly makes me regret my decision to take classes locally. The classes are very affordable, but trust me, you get exactly what you pay for at Edison State. I cannot wait for my transfer out of this circus.

    Overall Score: (3.09/5.00)
  • Not all colleges are created equally and not all teachers as well. ESC is a prime example of this disparity. As of writing this review in Summer 2011, Edison is in turmoil as it may lose it’s accreditation with SACS, The
    Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. There are allegations and innuendo and the VP of Academic Affairs, Steve Atkins resigned, a faculty no confidence vote and recently as fall 2010, roughly 50 students were allowed to graduate in spite of lacking some basic academic requirements. The college also suffers from the number of full time faculty. Regardless, you should be concerned as a potential student considering the loss of accreditation means your future degree from ESC would be devalued and useless and trying to get a transcript would be impossible
    with the school shut down.

    I have taken both on campus courses and on line courses at Edison. At best this college is a prep school for High Schools students who really are not college material. Most of the students treat the courses and class like it
    was just an extension of high school detention class, many are using their GI bill to test the waters of what “Higher” education is supposed to be like. As is with most students, many just want the piece of paper called a diploma for the illusion of a job they think they are qualified for upon graduation. All things considered, the school and overall course work is far from challenging, especially if you are an out of state student who is from a much more vibrant, cultured and competitive background such as the Northeast. I would urge you to apply elsewhere, most likely on the southeast coast if you MUST remain in Florida.

    It is no mystery that the education system in this state is horrendous. ESC is just the next rung up that proverbial ladder of anti-education. If you are borrowing to go to this school- Don’t, take your loans elsewhere
    as you will be paying them off after graduation for a long time to come as Lee county and the surrounding areas areas are a literal wasteland of any semblance of educated opportunities. If not, you will have to move to find
    gainful employment, especially if you are one of those RARE types who is a natural critical thinker, ambitious, disciplined and competitive. You will find of those inherent traits utilized at ESC and that is being kind to say the least.

    Most of the instructors are sub-par and really do nothing to engage their students, especially anyone considered bright and attentive. In fact, you will find more apprehension from your instructors since they are accustomed to lecturing to the malcontents, ex-con felons and c-rate students. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself more intelligent and even knowledgeable then some of your instructors. On a side note, the administration does well in addressing your needs in regards to applying, transferring credits and the basic run of the mill duties. It’s the educational issues where this school falls flat.

    If you do end up here, one final observation and warning. Avoid a particular instructor in the criminal justice dept named Dennis Fahey. He is without a doubt a completely conceited and ill mannered teacher who consistently belittles his students and disregards any intelligent verbal discourse, especially when it goes against his stereotypical southern conservative mentality. He treats his students, who mind you, actually pay his salary with their overpriced student loans, like they are belligerent children. He seems to enjoy embarrassing students and even ridiculing them openly. I am seriously surprised enough complaints were not filed regarding his teaching methods. Ironically, as much as he voices his high horse conservative viewpoints on every subject or stories of his past glories as a sheriff/cop (Figures)..he actually got his graduate degree in the North (Rutgers) Hypocrite!

    Do yourself a favor, find a real educational experience with instructors who are receptive of your talents as an individual, who encourage you to succeed and are open to discussion and enjoy the discourse and debate. You will
    find none of that at Edison. Ask yourself, how many colleges you have looked at were being threatened with the loss of accreditation? If you were a teacher/instructor would you choose to work here knowing this. So why would it be any different for a student looking to spend your hard earned cash and credit? – Start off on the right foot, look elsewhere. Better yet, look abroad if you can manage it. Good Luck!

    Overall Score: (2.09/5.00)
  • I would avoid this college and go to FGCU if your unlucky being physically “stuck” on the Southwest coast as opposed to the more vibrant East coast of Florida.
    I attended Edison State College for the summer 2010 taking two courses in the criminal justice track for another AS degree. I already had at the time of registration, both an
    AS degree and BA degree from colleges in New York. Edison in general is an average college for a community based two year degree. Although there is nothing negative based on

    my limited time in the academic environment, there is also nothing noteworthy or exemplary in attending this school. If you intend to pursue a Bachelor’s, I would suggest

    going to FGCU as they offer more programs at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Edison at the time was only just starting to expand on their BA offerings.
    As a transfer student this school is horrendous for academic advisement. When you register your information is input in their ‘myPortal” online system which you can login and
    view your transcripts, current and past courses and access email. The system implements an automatic evaluation of your transfer credits. This is where the nightmare begins.

    The online evaluation even states that this is not an official evaluation and exclaims you must make an appointment to see and academic adviser. Let me tell you, after
    attending 4 previous colleges & universities, this was the worst experience of obtaining absolutely no help from the academic advising dept. I met with an adviser on two
    separate occasions only to find they have no absolute power to actually help you decide which courses from your previous colleges will transfer over for credit for the Edison
    courses. In other words, the academic advisement is a joke since they can not or will not do what their job entails. One adviser even filled out a special form at my
    persistence based on a basic Philosophy credit I wanted transferred – That form never made it into the system and weeks afterward I was emailing and trying to find out where
    that transfer credit went? Needless to say, after numerous emails almost no one was willing to help or even return a response. I personally at the request of my second
    adviser went to see Mrs Gresham at building B for requesting credit for transfer courses- This was at the request of my so-called academic adviser who absolutely had no power
    to do his job or any willingness to transfer courses that were clearly the same. To make a long story short, I eventually had to file an official grievance with the college’s
    Student Services department and the university ombudsmen in writing. This was after i already withdrew from the Fall 2010 semester in disgust with the way this school’s
    academic and administration continue to ignore professional requests from it’s student body. In the end I received the 2 course credit after my official complaint letter

    which included detailed emails from various school dept & personnel. I wasted considerable time and effort over something so simple any other college or university would have
    completed on the spot.

    Finally, this college forces a gift card type debit Mastercard on all it’s students – this is what the school uses to issue refunds. I found this out after withdrawing and
    trying to get my refund for my 2 Fall 2010 courses I paid and registered. After taking on the phone with the cashier’s office and finally going there in person I was told I
    could not get a conventional refund via check or cash – strange since I paid by major credit card and then paid my CC bill in full online so my CC bill had a balance of zero.
    This school is a major rip off in tuition reimbursement- they only want to refund your tuition for the Edison One Mastercard so you can use the money at the school. I had to
    call my CC card and launch a dispute to get my accelerated refund as the cashier’s office told me they could only issue my refund my middle September which is insane since I
    withdrew and dropped all classes a week prior to the start in Aug 23rd.

    Avoid this school and if you must,pay your tuition via major credit card. Then you can dispute for the refund and let your CC card customer service deal with the insanity of
    how the administration works. Better yet, do what I did and go to a school that appreciates it’s students and their unique educational backgrounds and needs and treats you in
    a professional manner. This includes responding to your emails, taking the time to work through issues rather then lie to our face and ignore you since they (school) has your
    hard earned tuition already. Fair warning!

    Overall Score: (2.36/5.00)
  • I’m taking a class called logic that has 92 students including myself, they say that the classes are small, what a lie!.

    Overall Score: (3.18/5.00)

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