
Halo 3: ODST… Was it worth $60?

halo3Halo 3: ODST a great game, but did it live up to its height? My vote, NO! Sure this game is great, loved how the campaign was set up, very refreshing. But lets face it; this game could have been amazing. After all the hype it was receiving, I was hoping more for an epic game like it’s proceeding.

Running through the campaign the first time was great, but on a second time you learn how badly it truly was. It takes no more than Five hours to beat this game, on the second time it was even shorter…AND MOST OF THE TIME WAS SPENT GOING FROM LEVEL TO LEVEL! The way this campaign is set is much like those of role-playing games, you have to walk ALLLLL over to get to new levels. I also noticed while walking around the map that it is ALL THE SAME! It looks like they used copy and paste over and over. I give Bungie thumbs up on the graphics and sound of the game EXCEPT with the charters faces. My god, it looks like someone drew them with crayons.

Halo 3: ODST does have a cool new addition to the halo series, its called Firefight. For those of you who have played Call of Duty 5 or Gears of War 2, it’s much like the zombie or horde games. For the non-hardcore players, it’s basically an endless wave of enemy. I think I spent more time on FireFight than anything else in the game, but sadly once you figure the maps out it becomes pretty easy. Once you get to this point, the hard part is trying to stay awake.

Lets face it, $60 for this game is a rip off, even Bungie knows it, that’s why the put the halo 3 online disk in the package. I think they are just milking the series for more money. At most I would pay $30 for it, or just simply rent. I give this game a C+, could have been improved in a lot of areas.

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3 thoughts on "Halo 3: ODST… Was it worth $60?"

  1. halo 3 was WAY better says:

    ur right this game was a huge disappointment :(

  2. HALO.... GOODBYE ! says:

    Halo 3: ODST… Was it worth $60?
    O O

  3. ItsBungiesFault says:

    Campaign-wise the game is the best out of the series, I finally don’t feel like I’m playing with action figures. Way too short though. I’m glad there’s no multiplayer, bungie needs to leave that to the professionals. Firefight mode is badass, the AI is pretty well done. Graphics-wise its barely different which was a disappointment, but whatever. Overall the game was good, but the only way it’d be worth $60 is if I hadn’t bought the Heroic and Mythic maps and the Heroic maps weren’t free still. I give the game at least a B-; a C+ plus is pretty low and this is coming from a guy who blames everything bad that happens in every game on that sh—y company Bungie.

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