
Mixed Signals

I am positive everyone of us have received that look from the opposite sex, or on the contrary, been looked right over. The tough part is to decide whether they are just playing hard-to-get, or if they just aren’t interested in you. The first thing you should make sure is that you actually like the person, not just really want to be pleasured to the full extent of your fantasy with them. If they don’t laugh and your poor attempts at jokes, it is most likely a waste of jokes that could go a lot further with someone else. Possibly even landing you in the sack with a person who’s IQ is 30 points lower than your own.

So why try?? That is the question that every one else asks…. But what’s a real relationship without a chase…. There is no such thing. So we all throw ourselves at the person of interest in hope to see just a glimpse of attraction back to us. Whether it is the 3-second stare down or just a flirtatious smile it gets our heart thumping in our chest. When you can get that “high” from just a look you realize you actually are attracted to that person beyond a sex related attraction. But, when do you have to recognize that you are wasting your time and all he/she is doing is torturing you for their own sick pleasure? We all might just as well have had our fingernails ripped out, then to face the ever-so-slow painful trembling in your chest. The anxiety that strangles our entire body, yet it is a feeling we all long for shortly after it is over. The constant agony soon wears on the body and mind, making the person feel as if there whole life is in a cyclone. This is the moment where the person should come to grip with reality and see they are  no where closer then when they began.

But if the attraction is felt mutually you will see signs. Those 3-seconds  stares in twine with the flirtatious smiles. The awkward laughs become more natural, and every topic you bring up sparks a decent conversation. You start to notice things about the other person that are left unnoticed. For instance. when they smile, the side side of their mouth is a little higher then the left…..and don’t think the other person doesn’t notice your abnormalities. But in all likelihood they will think as you do, that those quirks are part of the masterpiece that is who they are. Soon those conversations about the plans both of you have will become one, and the rest of the story is yet to be written.

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One thought on "Mixed Signals"

  1. ajaj says:

    So, overall I understand the view point from which you are coming from…. but you can’t tell me this experience happens to everyone… I think you were writing about one person…

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