
Remembering the Holocaust

My CollegeTimes colleague Tinct recently published an insightful and well-written article, Yom Hashoah: Remembering the Holocaust. As Tinct indicated, it’s appropriate now to reflect on the Holocaust because of both recent anniversaries and remembrances and growing anti-Israel sentiment around the world. The historical facts of the Holocaust are horrific, and remaining constantly aware and on guard is the only way to ensure that nothing like it ever happens again.

I’ve previously written two articles that are too long and complex to re-publish here. For those who might like to read them, Remembering the Holocaust discusses the Holocaust in general, with some detail on the death camps and Auschwitz-Birkenau in particular. Auschwitz and the Holocaust provides details of the history and operation of the death factory that was Auschwitz.

We must never forget what one highly civilized, advanced society tried to do to an entire people. Never again.

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29 thoughts on "Remembering the Holocaust"

  1. NevorahNeuman says:

    Why is it that the holocaust is viewed as the greatest atrocity to ever happen to mankind? Women and children are being sold into lives of prostitution across the world,children in Africa are being kidnapped from their families and forced to fight in wars against neighboring tribes,and the poor people in the U.S. are constantly being s**t on by a government that has built empires,or rather corporations by paying them unlivable wages with no medical coverage,and still the holocaust is the greatest tragedy to ever happen to mankind. It’s as if it’s a trump card,played by the Jews to further show how greater they are than everyone else,even in suffering. Nobody owns the patent on human suffering. Meanwhile,poor people in New York are priced out of their neighborhoods by developers who are being backed by a Jewish mayor who simply wants to add government official to his resume because he’s bored with being a billionaire. Ten years from now the poor people in New York will be living like the Palistinians on the Gaza strip. The Jews got the best revenge against everyone by owning everything and renting it all out at outrageous prices.

  2. iCan'tBelieveYourIgnorance says:

    okay. first, I don’t think its right to bring muslims into this. alright? get your facts straight about my religion!don’t be like every other ignorant fool out there in this world of hate because im pretty sure if people judged you the EXACT way they do to me, you’d roll up in a ball and cry!its not easy walking around when all people believe is the false s**t in the media!and second, what happened in the holocaust was devastating. and we feel torn, but again, DO NOT blame other crap on innocent people!granted, there are terrorists out there, there are terrorists EVERYWHERE, yes I said everywhere. there are even terrorists in your “beloved” israel.think about that before you post another ignorant comment on the internet..

  3. John Q says:

    The two posts linked to really made me start thinking. I read them a couple of times and I’m going to find some more stuff to read. I can’t imagine how terrible it would be to have to live through that kind of thing. Maybe it would be even worse to live through it and lose your whole family and have to live with that for the rest of your life.

  4. futurewarned says:

    To Tom Carter, I understand that but as I say I don’t want to go back into the situation regarding myself and Tinct, I had not initially intended for it to go the way it did, so as a result I have decided not to respond to any Tinct related questions, thereby hopefully this will allow this article to be talked about constructively rather than having any more negativity because of myself and Tinct.
    I enjoyed your article and I have read and responded to other works of yours, some I agree with and some I don’t, and I hope to have the pleasure of reading many more in the future,
    Yours, FW.

  5. Tom Carter says:

    FW, it’s not up to me to tell you what to think or say. Do as you wish.

  6. futurewarned says:

    To Anonymous, i’ve already told Tom Carter that I wouldn’t reply to Tinct’s comments and i’m afraid that for me to respond to your statement would only kick it all off again, as you refer to Tinct. If Tom Carter is happy for me to respond to your comment regarding Tinct, then I will be happy to do so, otherwise I wil remain silent re Tinct and holocaust.
    Yours, FW

  7. Anonymous says:

    Futurewarned, to say the holocaust doesn’t affect Tinct is ridiculous. If the Nazi’s had succeeded then he probably wouldn’t be alive. There is also no way of telling how many family members Tinct doesn’t have because of the holocaust. My point being that what happens today affects countless generations in the future.

    Tinct, while I will agree that the Muslim community should speak out against these terrorist, they are not all responsible for these terrorist. I have looked at your post as well and have to say I came to the same conclusion as futurewarned. However I am not sure those were your intentions.

    As for the article, nicely done.

  8. futurewarned says:

    To Tom Carter, I give you my sincerest apologies, all I had originaly intended was for people to see certain similarities between then and now, however when an individual makes claims and allegations that are false or illfounded, etc then I will defend myself and attempt to point out any errors they or I might make, so once again I apologise, I will no longer respond to anything that a certain person might write, unless you permit it.
    Yours Apologetically,

    P.S. May the holocaust never be repeated by any one, for any reason.

  9. Tom Carter says:

    Thank you, John. It continually frustrates me to see debates on historical matters like the Holocaust twisted and diminished by passions and prejudices of the moment. Regardless of one’s political or religious preferences, it shouldn’t be hard to understand that any people can become victims of genocide, and we should all be equally determined to ensure that it never happens again.

  10. John Q says:

    I don’t understand all these personal attacks that are going back and forth. Did any of you actually read the links in the post? What happened in the Nazi holocaust was a horrible genocide and one of the worst crimes against humanity in history. What your personal backgrounds may be has nothing to do with the facts of what happened and the importance of making sure it does not happen again.

  11. ? says:

    blah says:
    May 11, 2009 at 12:20 pm



  12. blah says:


  13. futurewarned says:

    Oh, by the way in regards to your, your not jewish so you wouldn’t understand crack, it’s funny that because in one of your comments that I saw you stated that just because the blacks were once slaves doesn’t mean they can use it as an excuse, etc forever, after all none of them have been slaves. So I guess it’s o.k for you to hold as personal something you have never experienced, but no one else can, your hypocrisy is kicking you in the ass again.
    A final thing for you to consider is this, I a bit of a b*****d breed in that I have many races and religions in my ancestry(ironically including jewish), but I don’t run around stuffing the various bits up peoples noses, tell me considering that one of my ancestors was raped by an american should I hold all americans to be guilty in the way that you do, because you see, I don’t and i’d like to know with you being such an expert on hatred and intolerance and everything, have I got it wrong, should I blame the many for the few?

  14. futurewarned says:

    Tinct, I know this is hard for you to understand, but I couldn’t care less that you are jewish, the fact of the matter is that you are clearly viewing this from a racist angle. You, yourself in your own comments clearly stated that in your mind that there is no such thing as an innocent muslim(your words not mine). As regards myself being a racist, I actually laughed when I read that, the fact is that I like all people regardless of race, religion, creed or colour, the people that I dislike are hate mongers such as you, I studied a number of your blogs, etc to see what you where like and it is clear that you are a racist, when I referred to the fact of you being jewish and the likelyhood that this is what is colouring(or perhaps I should say Tincting) your views it isbecause of the ongoing political and religious situation between the 2 groups.
    As regards how dare I, well frankly i’m right you are 34-35 years old and as a result cannot possibly claim that the holocaust is personal to you due to the simple fact you(and quite possibly your parents) hadn’t even been born then. The fact is that you are a sad man who wants to be something more than he is spews vitriol upon others, here’s a suggestion, get off your fat ass, shave off that latest pathetic chin line, grab your passport and go over to israel and join the military there(unless of course your all mouth), if you had any intellect whatsoever(how and why your still a student at 30+, f**k knows), you would realise that my comments are not racist, but I suppose the fact that you are Tincft’s your view somewhat.
    In regards to me being less worthy than scraping your sink out, that is a laugh, I since found out that a number of years ago that you had a little run in with the law(I love your comment about it “they knew it wasn’t me because they could clearly see I was a virgin”, I couldn’t stop laughing, I mean do you come with a warranty as well, you sick f**k), oh and trying to walk out of your childs mothers house with the baby, you freak. I have never even considered doing what you are still(to some degree) suspected of, and I sure as hell wouldn’t try to snatch a child(even if it is my own) from it’s mother(I married my wife with great joy and have since had 3 beautiful kids), tell me have you ever bothered to pay maintenance, or does mummy have to keep singing so that she can pay whilst you skulk around pretending to be a student so you don’t have to.
    How fucking DARE YOU try to presume you will ever have the upper hand on me you rabid, racist, possible r****t, layabout, egotistical, ranting layabout, I at least help people in distress, etc and try to reconcile differences (even with racists like you), whereas you on the other hand would probably ask them if they were muslim first and if finding that to be the case would most likely stand on there throat even if they were children, because, as you put it “what aspect of Muslims are “innocent”, therefore in your logic meaning even the kids are guilty, f**k you and any who agree with you and you fucking racist beleifs, as long as there are twats like you in the world stirring up hatred and discord there will never be peace. The irony is that your soul, so to speak is that of a nazi, in that as long as there is those whom you cannot tolerate then you will always wish to destroy them, f**k you, you nazist style prick(and before you start more pathetic ramblings, yes I know you can’t see the similarities, etc, because your too afraid to let go of your hatred, mind you I suppose something has to keep you warm at night).
    Oh, and do your mum a favour, finish whatever latest course you are on and get a fucking job, you look a mess, even when you slick back your hair, and lose some fucking weight.

  15. Tinct says:

    “To Tinct, you have not right to consider the holocaust as being personal to you as you are at best 1 or 2 generations removed from the holocaust and as a result insult those who actually lived through it, do not use something that you have never experienced to cloth your hatred in false dignity.”

    I normally keep my composure when arguing with oblivious idiots like you, but you crossed the line

    As you are obviously not Jewish and clearly have no grasp on current events- as well as noting your rash and wild judgment calls on people’s personalities, people whom you don’t even know- how dare you tell me what is and is not personal to me. I’ve heard of ad hominem and racist attacks when someone has run out of facts to support an argument, but this is a first.

    Go to hell. How fucking *dare* you tell me- or anyone- the Holocaust is not personal to me.

    Tom and JJ, you’re free to continue pointing out this idiot’s ignorance. My time is better spent scraping the muck out of my kitchen sink.

  16. Tinct says:

    future: “and yes I did see that you are jewish which probably explains your attitude towards the muslims.”

    I rest my case, Sir Hypocrite.

  17. futurewarned says:

    I agree that the holocaust was terrible, the genocidal attitudes were horrific beyond doubt, not only for jews but also for many others who are often overlooked when the holocaust is remembered. My point which I raised is as I said not that people in the main are actually saying(which Tinct failed to read properly), but rather that there are those who are demonising the muslim community(which is easy to see should one desire to look closer at certain comments/articles), this whilst not being the same is however similar to what occured re the holocaust, When you say that the threat to the muslims is imagined, remember that that is what people said regarding the nazis in regards to what they saw as the jewish problem, it was only when it was too late that people realised that it was not fantasy but a most grim, vile and horrendous reality. On a further note, I am well aware of those muslims who advocate the destruction of israel, etc and they are wrong in what they say, so no i’m not a supporter by any means of those who hate jews, just as I am not a supporter of any group who would advocate the destruction of another race, religion, etc. All I really wanted to say was that there are some similarities and as such that we be on our guard against falling into the same delusion that overcame the germans during WW2.
    To Tinct, you have not right to consider the holocaust as being personal to you as you are at best 1 or 2 generations removed from the holocaust and as a result insult those who actually lived through it, do not use something that you have never experienced to cloth your hatred in false dignity.

  18. Tom Carter says:

    Remembering the Holocaust serves two purposes. It is a way of paying respect to the victims of arguably the world’s worst genocide, and it is the best defense against it happening again.

    Debating facts and opinions about Muslims undoubtedly serves a purpose, but it’s a different purpose. On the one hand, we’re addressing what actually happened; on the other, we’re speculating, inaccurately, about what might happen.

    While no one I’m aware of, and certainly no serious person, is advocating genocide against Muslims, there are many Muslims who strongly advocate the destruction of Israel and the removal or destruction of the Jews of Israel. One is an imagined threat, the other is real.

  19. futurewarned says:

    To JJ, i’m tempted but i’m afraid what I have written next could very well sour that idea, oh well, let’s see what happens after this gets read.

    I have taken a look back at Tinct’s stance on the muslims, he proclaims to be fair in approach to the subject, yet you can see clearly that that is far from the case, Tinct says that he can remove comments from this site, i’m sorry but this should be investigated, because when he claims that he removes antimuslim remarks and yet this is evidence of his real attitude then I suspect that it is quite the opposite regarding what he deletes. I want to go on a site that has a fair moderator not one whom I suspect removes anything that doesn’t fall within his opinion. Would someone who controls this bsite please look into it, thankyou.

    Here’s some Tinct quotes;

    Asking a Muslim to teach you about Islam is like asking a neo-Nazi to teach you about the Third Reich.(By the way tinct,I really like this one as it shows that it is o.k for you to bring in the nazis regarding the holocaust and todays situation with muslims, but no one else can, hypocrite)

    I don’t know where you read that Islam was born out of peace/ had peaceful origins, but nothing is farther from the truth. Mohammed was a genocidal war mongerer who utilized Islam as a political tool (because that’s what Islam truly is at its foundation)

    Don’t buy into the “Islam is a religion of peace” bullshit; just because a religion preaches peace does not excuse the violence it also preaches. What that inane saying means, as explained to me by a religious Muslim, is that once everyone submits to Islam, there will be peace. Since we have not submitted yet, there will continue to be killing, and it’s our fault.

    Just because it also preaches peace does not excuse its genocidal doctrines.

    “Islam is the religion of peace.” I always thought it made no sense, but I guess whenever a Muslim says it, they’re saying Islam means peace for Muslims and makes everyone else’s lives a living hell. Which makes perfect sense, except the peace for Muslims part.

    1) Ahmadinejad will deliver his opening speech (garbed in Gestapo attire, of course), after which the meeting will convene. Refreshments, including the blood of Jews and Westerners, will be served during an hour lunch break.

    2) All attending nations will pass a blanket denial of the Holocaust (because the Jews made it up), condemn any criticism of any religion (but secretly agree to ignore it unless it targets Islam, in which case they will b***h ceaselessly), and spend a few hours damning that Jewish thorn in the side of the Middle East.

    3) After a group ‘Heil Hitler’ salute, the meeting will adjourn and all attending vice-chairs will return to their respective nations with a false sense of progress.

    My main reason for taking issue with Obama’s bow is because it’s a symbol of humbling oneself and submission to a man who more likely than not helps fund terror cells and perpetuates the slaughter of innocent people.

    (and indirectly helping SA as well as many other Arab oil countries to fund Islamic terror groups)

    I, a non-Muslim, can teach you more about Islam than anyone indoctrinated to unconditionally love the religion can, and I can do it because I’ve grown up outside of a Muslim household.(but I have conveniantely failed to mention that I am a jewish and very anti muslim)

    Note; this is just a small amount of it, the point I wish to make is that if he has the power as he claims to delete anything he doesn’t like then this site will no longer be able to call itself non biased

  20. JJ says:

    @future, you should register and write some pieces ;)

  21. futurewarned says:

    Oh, by the way, I looked at your blog and the whole thing is basically anti muslim, and yes I did see that you are jewish which probably explains your attitude towards the muslims. Fair enough you’re a racist I understand, but some people can see without blinkers attached, so next time you wish to communicate with my, do so without dragging your racism into it, and knock the chip off your shoulder. There is nothing worse than a hypocrite who pretends to be fair minded, when in reality is anything but.

  22. futurewarned says:

    Tinct says:
    Please future, do explain to me what aspect of Muslims are “innocent”.

    I rest my case.

  23. Tinct says:

    “I merely wish to point out that when people forget the innocent and only see the evil, then that is where the opportunity for nazi like behavior can come into play.”

    A saint holding a gun can still kill people. Just because something has peaceful aspects is not an excuse for when it kills people as a direct result of its intolerance.

    Please future, do explain to me what aspect of Muslims are “innocent”.

  24. Tinct says:


    “it is the same type of materiel that the nazis used to satanize the jews, which inevitably led to the holocaust”

    I’m sorry, but no. The Jews never came out and so blatantly said they want to dominate the world, nor did they ever kill other people for not being Jewish, wage cultural wars on any nation, kill a woman for being raped, etc. The ignorance of this statement is staggering. Like Tom said, the Nazis did not deal with facts. Everything you see on this site geared towards coloring Islam is violent generally uses Islamic militants’ own words. To say they are not violent is to call a runaway boulder harmless.

    “i’m sorry to say this but if you look at certain articles and especially the comments scattered around such topics you will see that there is an element who do(however well it mat be disguised) consider, believe, etc that this should occur.”

    That is a wild and inaccurate thing to say. Nobody here has ever said “kill all the muslims”, and if they have I have deleted such bigotry. Simply because one believes, based on millions of real-world examples and spoken word by Muslim militants, that Islam is violent does not mean they want to round up all the Muslims and slaughter them. I’m sorry, but this silly lack of logic forces me to question your ulterior motives.

    Beyond that, the Holocaust has absolutely no relation at all to the victimization of Muslims. If anything, breathtaking amounts of Muslims have denied the Holocaust while simultaneously calling for a second one and blessing Hitler. How dare you use this very personal tragedy to try and victimize a party not only unrelated but one that actually applauds the Holocaust. I am disgusted.

  25. futurewarned says:

    The problem is that people(especially americans i’m sorry to say) have become focused only on muslim terrer groups forgetting all the other groups. I agree with you that muslims should not all be classified as terrorists, that’s my point. In regards not seeing anyone advocating the elimination of muslims, i’m sorry to say this but if you look at certain articles and especially the comments scattered around such topics you will see that there is an element who do(however well it mat be disguised) consider, believe, etc that this should occur.
    I do not use the nazi term lightly, I merely wish to point out that when people forget the innocent and only see the evil, then that is where the opportunity for nazi like behavior can come into play.

  26. Tom Carter says:

    Let’s be accurate. There is a severe, ongoing worldwide terrorist threat. The terrorists are Muslims, and while very few Muslims are actually terrorists, many other Muslims support what they are doing, at least passively. Nevertheless, Muslims as a group shouldn’t be characterized as terrorists, and no one I’m aware of is advocating the elimination of all Muslims. These are facts.

    The Nazi campaign against Jews which led up to the Holocaust was not based on facts. Their ultimate intention was to make the world judenfrei to the maximum extent possible. This is vastly different from any attitude being expressed toward Muslims today.

    So, let’s not make false comparisons and unjustly fling around the term “Nazi.”

  27. futurewarned says:

    Unfortunately I have, some know what they’re saying, some don’t, in fact there are a number of articles on here that either defines or gives the impression that the muslim religion is a religion of hate, intolerance, etc. Whilst this does not actually say “kill all muslims”, it is the same type of materiel that the nazis used to satanize the jews, which inevitably led to the holocaust, some of the people who write the articles may feel justified in their opinion(especially since the american public became polarised against the muslims due to 9/11(forgeting that it was extremists, not average muslims) and the terror they felt for the first time regarding attacks on american soil), the problem is that the more that this kind of thing is written, the more power gets given to the aryan groups(and other similar organisations), once this sets in then the easier it is for a new “Hitler” to gain control, and then you have nazi germany but on a massive scale with modern day weaponry, would anyone really want to be part of the united states ofaryanland where you terminate people on a whim? For all those who say it can’t happen, history proved that falsehood with germany and let us not forget many of the greatest leaders (both famous and infamous)have used lies to amazing effect. I forget who actually said it, but there is a quote which comes to mind “Tell a big enough lie and everyone will believe it”. God(or whomever) have mercy on us all should we ever go down that dark road again, we might never come back.

  28. Tom Carter says:

    You’re absolutely right. I haven’t come across anyone advocating the eradication of all Muslims, but that would be genocide on the same scale of evil as the Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis.

  29. futurewarned says:

    I just hope people remember it when they talk about eradicating all muslims, because otherwise they will be no better than the nazis

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