
Saint Leo University

  (3/5.00)   |  3 Reviews

Saint Leo University is a established in (unknown). The campus is located in and hosts students with an endowment of .  

Stimulating Courses
Quality of Professors
Networking & Job Opps
Area Around Campus
Housing Situation
Extracurricular Opps
Teacher/Student Ratio



Phone:  (no local phone number)

Email:  (no public email address)

Institution Type:  Unknown

Established:  Unknown

Campus Enrollment:  N/A

Acceptance Rate:  N/A

Graduation Rate (6Y):  N/A

Campus Endowment:  N/A

Tuition (Local):  N/A

Tuition (Non-Local):  N/A

Tuition (Foreign):  N/A

Mandatory Fees:  N/A

Housing (Room):  N/A



Tax ID:  N/A


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Stimulating Courses
Quality of Professors
Networking & Job Opps
Area Around Campus
Housing Situation
Extracurricular Opps
Teacher/Student Ratio

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3 Student Reviews of Saint Leo University

  • I was in the MBA program and had to drop a class due to a medical issue. I got some friction, but it was bearable.
    Unfortunately, I had to drop a second time (in the first week), also due to a documented medical issue. The school is charging me approximately 2000 dollars for a class of which I RECEIVED NO BENEFIT!
    My transcripts are being held hostage, I cant transfer, I cant register, and I cant move on FOR EIGHTEEN MONTHS!! The adherence to their policies is inconsistent.
    I have appealed, and appealed again, and sent in more requests for information, and communicated nearly 100 times with different people in different offices. DO NOT EXPECT COMPETENT HELP OR ADEQUATE INFORMATION.
    I should have graduated long ago, and I have lost valuable time, opportunity, income, and quality of life and have gained stress, strife, frustration, and hope that I had gone somewhere, ANYWHERE else!

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • I was very impressed with this school after enrolling my daughter, they have a lot of opportunities for their graduates and really help support the students during their time at the university.

    Overall Score: (4.18/5.00)
  • (I’m cut/pasting the same statement in all college review sites I can find)

    I was led to believe that this school had their act together on nearly every front. What I found was a school that charged more for their online classes than any other school in Florida, and the education was sub-par in comparison to aforementioned online schools. Some of my teachers didn’t even log in until a week after classes started, but were more than happy to punish students for being late to finish unexplained assignments that week.

    I’m part of the Saint Leo site located on Santa Fe College’s campus as well. You would think that paying triple the Santa Fe tuition would mean that some of that money would go to allowing Saint Leo students to use the facilities on the very campus they are using–no, that is not the case. We get the Open Lab, but only after two hours of bouncing around trying to figure out how to be allowed to use the lab…because we don’t have student IDs.

    And don’t get me started on the financial aid situation. I was told by one of my teachers that the reason this school uses the compact semesters is to make financial aid function more smoothly. I can’t imagine how it was beforehand, if this is an improvement, as I normally get my financial aid checks roughly 1 week before the semester is over. Since they have no clue what they’re doing, book deferment wasn’t an option, so I went two semesters without my books.

    I’ve already signed up for online classes at UNF. They’re cheaper, I have more degree options, and the people are much more helpful and efficient.

    Do not go here.

    Overall Score: (1.81/5.00)

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