
Sheridan College : Hazel McCallion

  (0/5.00)   |  4 Reviews

Sheridan College : Hazel McCallion is a established in (unknown). The campus is located in and hosts students with an endowment of .  



Phone:  (no local phone number)

Email:  (no public email address)

Institution Type:  Unknown

Established:  Unknown

Campus Enrollment:  N/A

Acceptance Rate:  N/A

Graduation Rate (6Y):  N/A

Campus Endowment:  N/A

Tuition (Local):  N/A

Tuition (Non-Local):  N/A

Tuition (Foreign):  N/A

Mandatory Fees:  N/A

Housing (Room):  N/A



Tax ID:  N/A

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4 Student Reviews of Sheridan College : Hazel McCallion

  • I have rated Sheridan poorly because I have no idea if they are good or bad. I am a parent and Sheridan was recommended for my son, a grad student, to get additional training in computer animation. As I write this it is November 14, 2017 and he has had nearly zero classes. Why? Because they are on strike.
    Yes, a union strike as cancelled all classes. At this point I want the fall tuition refunded which they refuse to do. (I’ve not paid for Winter term yet). I have however pre-paid for housing for Winter term and they refuse to refund winter term housing money if my son leaves after Fall term. Total out of pocket thus far is ~$22,500. At this point, there is no way to know if the strike will be settled by Jan 8th 2018 start of winter term. Moreover, they have not completed fall term so I paid for something my son did not get. A fall term- worth of education. Bottom line is I am out $22,500 for fall 2017 tuition and fall and winter term housing and I have nothing to show for it and no recourse. Note also that you cannot pay as you go. My son is an international student and to get a Canadian sturdy permit you must show that the tuition and housing is paid for.
    I urge anyone considering Sheridan to verify the status of the labor contract and the likelihood of a union strike. I had no idea. Had I known the contract was up in the fall of 2017 I would have NEVER sent my there. Again, out $22,500 nothing to show for it.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Thought I would address the two other reviews, one claiming that Sheridan will turn into a ‘low-rate university’ and the other claiming that taking ‘Accounting’ in a business centric programs is bullshit filler. Obvious, I don’t need to explain why taking a course like accounting at a business school, teaching business programs, is a good idea. It is fundamental knowledge, and the stuff you learn from it helps you fundamentally understand what is happening in finance related courses, as they reference balance sheets, income statements, and various accounts quite a bit. So filler? No… I don’t really see that… maybe taking Documentary film would be a filler if it was mandatory.

    And whether it will turn into a low-rate college?
    I’m not sure whether this guy is joking, or if he is just upset at his own shitty University experience, when he couldn’t find a job with the Sociology degree and Masters he got at Queens. I don’t think he understands the difference between practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge. At university I learned a-lot of economic theory, Sheridan taught some theory, and a-lot of practical stuff like formatting and creating formulas for financial statement spreadsheets, and more in-depth stuff, which alot of it cannot be found at a University. So I don’t know why he has such a personal vendetta against a generally respectable college. It is kind of hard for a college or university to create a name for itself if people are going to through out useless ambiguous comments.

    I am not a fan of everything at Sheridan, but between my University education and College education at Sheridan, I can say I learnt more practical and useless knowledge at Sheridan, which would likely benefit the most likely and probable jobs that graduates from Uni and college will get. Sheridan at HMC is also nearby Sq 1, so it’s nice to head over during a break or between classes. The facilities are new, clean and quite nice. The program is pretty desirable, after-all, they are doubling the size of HMC after only 5 years. College and University both have some lame professors, it happens everywhere you go, apparently everybody thinks a shitty professor is exclusive to them. The faculty is also slow and unhelpful wherever else you go too, feel free to read other reviews on Uni’s and college’s, clearly can’t please everyone.

    Slate is an overrated mess? I never knew it was hot-s**t in the first place to be overrated. I mean what made it overrated? It is just like Webadvisor at Guelph, except easier to use, more resourceful and convenient. Literally nothing is wrong with it, you can write messages to faculty and classmates, review PPT slides on the lectures, assignments, and access whatever you need to with the organized menu. It is actually incredibly convenient. Is that why it is overrated? Because some people don’t complain about how shitty it is?

    If you think it will be better at 90% of the other post-secondary institutions, think again. Try living on residence at Guelph in their 50’s prison-esque style housing, it is sure to sit nicely with you, as you complain from the luxury of your air-conditioned classroom, in your soft padded swivel chair at HMC. Get a grip.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • The fact that they are going to turn this college into a low-rate university in a few years makes me sick…

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Shittiest College you could ever go to….
    – The school makes you pay high costs because of of the bullshit filler courses they make you take. (example – they will make you take accounting even though you are not an accounting student)
    – Horrible professors/ professionals except for a select few
    – Faculty is run by unhelpful individuals who don’t know what they are doing
    – SLATE is an overrated mess

    If you are planning to come here, save yourself the trouble, save your money and go to other colleges like Humber, Seneca or other colleges out there.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)

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