
Toronto Film School

  (0/5.00)   |  4 Reviews

Toronto Film School is a established in (unknown). The campus is located in and hosts students with an endowment of .  



Phone:  (no local phone number)

Email:  (no public email address)

Institution Type:  Unknown

Established:  Unknown

Campus Enrollment:  N/A

Acceptance Rate:  N/A

Graduation Rate (6Y):  N/A

Campus Endowment:  N/A

Tuition (Local):  N/A

Tuition (Non-Local):  N/A

Tuition (Foreign):  N/A

Mandatory Fees:  N/A

Housing (Room):  N/A



Tax ID:  N/A


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4 Student Reviews of Toronto Film School

  • This is a scam. Don’t go. Teachers are looking out for their own careers and will steal from you any ideas you have to benefit themselves. Lack of ethics, transparency. Google filmmaking tips and save your thirty thousand dollars.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • I was a student at the former Toronto Film School when it was in the CBC Building and had to leave due to family issues. I attempted to come back in 2016 and found the ne Film School a joke. Gone was the Director, Mr. Foote, whom I understand built the film school and taught an amazing film history class. In his place was Mr. Bennett, an unorganized mover who I heard latched on to any student work making money in the business. There was a rumour he received pay offs from the equipment supplier. He never had time for the students, Mr. Foote had an open door policy. Many of the teachers were former students without the life experience they claim their instructors to have. The best teachers, Foote, Gemma Files, Andrew AInsworth are gone…

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Look else where.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Coming to this school was the best decision I’ve ever made. The teachers are amazing and are so knowledgable and they really care about us!

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)

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