
Turn Your Apartment into a Romantic Escape for Your Man

Let’s face it: Valentine’s Day was designed for women. Since most guys could care less about mushy cards, candles, chocolates and flowers, women need to think a little differently when romancing their men. This Valentine’s Day, keep a few candles burning for yourself if you’d like, but if you really want him to feel the love and know that you appreciate him, here are some ways to turn your home into a guy-friendly romantic escape.

Have a clean apartment and get a baby sitter

While most guys could care less about candles and soft music, they do appreciate a clean house.  Pick up your things and make room for your guy to be a guy on Valentine’s Day. Doing his laundry for him would be taking it one step further –but only if you are already on that level of intimacy. If you have kids, get them out of your home. Better yet, arrange to have them spend the night at someone else’s house if possible. When transforming your apartment into a guy-friendly romantic escape, the focus should be entirely on your man.

Get dressed up (or down) and have dinner ready

Where do most men want to go on Valentine’s Day? Nowhere, that’s where. They’re tired. They worked all day and they probably had to stand in a long line at the grocery store buying you flowers and candy if they were not creative enough to get a custom valentine gift (but that’s another article). The last thing your man wants to do is wait an hour to be seated at a restaurant on Valentine’s Day. So, dine in. Surprise him with the smell of his favorite meal cooking as he walks in the door. If you lack the talent for cooking, order in his favorite meal. Even if he made reservations somewhere, he will probably prefer to eat alone with you in that smoking outfit you’ll be wearing. Bow chica wow wow.

Succumb to Guy Activities

What do guys want to do on Valentine’s Day? Well, if you’ve been partners for a while, probably nothing. A MythBusters Marathon may be a married man’s idea of a hot date, so why fight it? On this one night, it won’t kill you to sit on the couch with him and appreciate his passion for explosives. If he likes to play video games, just go with it. Maybe he will suggest some risqué movies or games that will keep you both entertained. The point is this: you are making this his night to be pampered, so if he wants to vegetate in front of the TV, so be it. If he wants to tinker around in the basement or garage, strap on a tool belt and offer him a helping hand. For him, making an effort to take interest in his stuff may be more endearing and romantic than you think.

Many women see Valentine’s Day as an excuse to be pampered like a queen. Fair enough. However, if you are lucky enough to have a man that treats you like a queen (on most days), turning your home into a man cave for one night is not going to hurt you.

April Lentini is married and likes jewelry, chocolates and flowers. But she appreciates those things the most when they are unexpected –not on the commercial Valentine’s Day. April writes for ApartmentGuide in Chicago’s Greektown. (Image: CarbonNYC) This article originally appeared on halfpastnine.

In what ways would you let your man be a man for Valentine’s Day?

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