
WARNING! Gardeners warm-up or end-up in wheelchair!!!

Gardening is no longer an enjoyable injury-free hobby for the retired. Gardening is no longer a pleasurable harmless pastime for the unemployed. Gardening is in fact as dangerous as playing a competitive sport such as football or rugby, we were told today.

Many doctors in UK warned us today that gardening is dangerous and it needs to be taken seriously. One British doctor said: “instead of throwing yourself into the hobby, warm up just like a professional footballer and I am serious.”

Many hospitals up and down Britain have experienced a surge in gardening-related injuries (such as axe-in-head) in the past four weeks. This swell is due the current economic climate. Many people are more and more becoming unemployed and when a sunny day arrives they throw themselves into gardening and mow the whole lawn for 3 hours; those are the ones who are more likely to come down with an injury.

Although, doctors inform us the benefits of gardening for example a 30-minute-gardening activity a day will reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, they warn gardeners that if you don not warm-up like a premiership footballer you will end-up in a wheelchair.

Senior citizens and unemployed folks please warm-up before you mow the lawn!!!

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2 thoughts on "WARNING! Gardeners warm-up or end-up in wheelchair!!!"

  1. No Hoe in Toe ! says:

    Warm up first all you want, but if you are stupid enough to use an axe in such a way as for it to wind up in your head, then regardless of how many star jumps and leg stretchs you do, that axe is still going to wind up in you head, the only difference being is that your muscles will be slightly more toned(which is sod all use to a corpse!)
    Best way to avoid wheelchair gardening?
    Learn to use your garden tools properly!
    Rather than just being a tool in the garden. =)

  2. dave says:


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