
Mixed Signals

I am positive everyone of us have received that look from the opposite sex, or on the contrary, been looked right over. The tough part is to decide whether they are just playing hard-to-get, or if they just aren’t interested in you. The first thing you should make sure is that you actually like the […]

4 Steps to Becoming a Time Management Master

Why does it feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to complete everything? Does it feel like no matter how hard you try, time seems to elude you? Mastering time management can be a difficult task for some people, especially when balancing school, work and fun. College is a great time to learn […]

10 Friendship Qualities: What Makes A Good Friend? Essential Traits For A Rich, Long-Lasting Friendship

The majority of people in the world are arguably “nice”… but do they have what it takes to be a good friend? 1. Humility – Perhaps the most important thing to look for in a friend is their ability to say “I’m sorry” when they have wronged you. No friendship can survive over time without […]

15 Essential Social Media Sites for College Students

Now that college is looming (or is already here), it’s time to change faces and move into social media networks that work for college and future employment success. Think of these changes as student ‘branding,’ or making yourself stand out with efficiency, networking and leadership. You can do it all with these fifteen essential social media sites for […]

World of Warcraft: Really a ‘Killer’ Game?

The ten million player massive multiplayer online roleplaying (RPG) game World of Warcraft has long dominated the MMORPG charts. But what is so enthralling about a game that has, effectively, brought the end to ten documented lives? Well, let me explain. I started playing WoW several years ago, one year before the first expansion. World […]

10 Red Flags When Meeting Girls

1. Tattoos – No, there are no exceptions. Tattoos are one of those things that look hot on a small minority of drop-dead gorgeous movie stars like Angelina Jolie, but in real life, less than 1% of women can actually pull it off in any form. (Variations include girls that have watched way too many Evanescence […]

One Word Txts

So, I was thinking today… Why do people even bother with one word Txts. They are a waste of time for both parties…. Why would anyone send a one word txt and not bother carrying on the conversation? Is the beginning of a new type of communication? One where everyone can answer with telecommunication. No, […]

Baby Baby: The Georgia Band That Invented “Fun Rock”

The sound of excitement filled the crowded bar as Baby Baby made their entrance through the front door of The Alley Cat. They filed onto the stage one after the other like heroes returning from war with their heads held high and instruments in hand. They knew what they had to do; they knew the […]

Turn Your Apartment into a Romantic Escape for Your Man

Let’s face it: Valentine’s Day was designed for women. Since most guys could care less about mushy cards, candles, chocolates and flowers, women need to think a little differently when romancing their men. This Valentine’s Day, keep a few candles burning for yourself if you’d like, but if you really want him to feel the […]

The Definitive Kindle Guide for College Students

The Kindle, from Amazon, ended up being surprisingly successful. Indeed, the Kindle might have even begun a publishing revolution. The ability to access millions of books from a single device that can be held in your hands is, indeed, amazing. And it can be a very helpful thing for college students to have. If you […]