
The Tragedy of Innocence

How can it be tragic to be innocent? Perhaps when someone has been wrongly convicted of a crime and spends many years in prison, sometimes on death row, only to be freed when it’s found that he didn’t commit the crime. I recently read John Grisham’s The Innocent Man. This book was a departure for […]

10 Most Valuable College Majors

Seniors in high school often have to make an important decision, which college major to choose. There are many majors to choose out of and students have to start choosing their major before even stepping foot on college campus. It is however, often a difficult decision because students have many interests and not enough expertise […]

Bearing Down on Tiger Woods

Nauseated by media’s treatment of Tiger Woods. Like most people I am curious to know, but the rancor and bloodthirstiness of what I hear, feel and see in the media about Tiger is nauseating. I won’t buy it anymore, even if it’s cleverly disguised as news. Tearing To Shreds – Just Because You Can? To […]

Smart Girl’s Guide to New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve – a sparkly dress, a glittering party, a bubbly drink, and if you’re lucky, a kiss that lingers minutes past midnight. What better way to send off 2009 (good riddance!) and ring in the next decade? Yet, anyone who’s ever experienced a New Year’s Eve knows the expectations are higher than for […]

The 15 Coolest College Courses

CLASS: The American Vacation UNIVERSITY: University of Iowa This class is a trip–literally. At the University of Iowa, students can delve into how American families varying backgrounds shape their vacation experience. The class dives into American vacations at a very microscopic level with lectures on the social history of vacations, the cultural significance of contemporary […]

Snappy Answers to a 2 Year Old Email

The other day I received an email which read in its entirety as follows: “Do you want to give me a call about this?” There was only one problem.  It was an attached response to an email I had sent this person more than two years earlier.  Actually I took a minute to count it […]

Why Mac Sucks: Top 10 Reasons Why Macs Blow, And Why Apple Loves Sh*t-Talking Articles Like This One

1. The only business model for Apple is narcissism. Its true. And for what its worth, the only “geniuses” that work for Apple are the members of their marketing team, because holy hell, we all know that the best way to sell a product in this day and age, especially to Americans, is to patronize […]

Impress College Deans with Passionate Interviews

Students are under pressure to get into university. Students are under siege to their parents’ expectations and their own. Students are overwhelmed by University applications. Not to mention the dreaded INTERVIEW. With so many applicants offering stellar test scores and transcripts packed with extracurricular activities and AP Courses universities are finding it difficult to filter […]

7 Greatest Rock Guitarists of All Time

I had a really tough time finalizing a Top 7 list, as there are so many great guitarists throughout the history of Rock. Anyway, here they are, in no particular order of skill or ability, but ranked somewhat by influence on Rock. 1. Jimi Hendrix – Undoubtedly the best now and forever. He gave the […]

An Interactive Walk Down ‘The Path’

When I announce to someone I’ve recently met that I study and design video games I quite often get puzzled looks. ‘Really?’ they say. ‘You’re devoting your whole life to games? Errr… Why?’ It is at this point I take a breath, ready myself and begin my rant. I’m pretty proud of this rant; it […]