
10 Weirdest American Sex Laws

The following are actual sex laws in the United States that are still on the books today: 1. Oral sex is illegal in 18 states, including Kansas and Utah. 2. It is illegal in 18 states for a man to have an erection that shows through his pants. 3. It is illegal in Willowdale, Oregon, […]

Al Gore’s Ongoing Affair with Truth (or lack of it)

Two days ago published an interview with Al Gore by John Dickerson. The interview was part of a publicity tour in which Gore is flogging his new book, Our Choice. In addition to Gore’s standard preaching on climate, he addressed the so-called ClimateGate e-mails scandal. This is the first reaction I’ve seen from Gore […]

“Climategate” Swept Under the Rug by Liberal Media

Two newspaper headlines on the same day, tell it all: “Global Warming May Require Higher Dams, Stilts”, and “UK University to Probe Integrity of Climate Data”. Corrupt data – to everyone brought up as a fervent believer in the nobility and integrity of science and scientific data – it comes as a shock: scientists (or […]

10 Most Selective Universities in the USA

You aced your SATs and your GPA is 4.0. Do you think you can get into Harvard or Yale? If you don’t excel in sports and if your father is not a senator, your admission might be subject to a number of arbitrary whims, including the side effects of food poisoning. Don’t read that previous […]

The Six Year College Plan – An Increasingly Popular Option

In the popular college movie Animal House, one of the biggest laughs comes when John Belushi’s character, dismayed over his expulsion from college, blurts out, “Seven years of college down the drain!” In the 1970s, seven years of college may have been unheard of, but by today’s standards, Bluto’s statement might not be so funny. […]

Secret Nuclear Waste: Hanford, Washington

Recycling, conservation of energy, and global climate change are all environmental issues that the average American citizen is familiar with. Nuclear waste on the other hand, is something only ever thought as something out of a cliché action movie scene. Who would have fathomed that 53 million gallons of high-level nuclear waste lay in eastern […]

International: MBA still in Demand Despite Global Recession

International MBA organisations have released two surveys predicting a future for MBA graduates that is surprisingly optimistic, despite last year’s global economic collapse. The UK-based Association of MBAs and QS have produced individual reports highlighting the stability an MBA degree offers employees during times of market instability. The Association of MBAs’ research and consultancy […]

Essay on Substance Dualism

The irony of academic philosophy is that it demands we seek our own answers to our own wonderments and yet concurrently demands we have a firm grasp of historical philosophers and philosophical terminology. I am told to think for myself and yet I must prove my ability to do so by quoting the great thinkers […]

It’s Time For Some New Christmas Songs

Now I love the Holidays as much as the next guy but can we all please agree that a serious overhaul is needed in the Christmas song industry.  I’m pushing fifty years old this yuletide season and I’ve heard most of these tunes enough to last me another fifty. My guess is I’m subjected to […]

E=mc2 is Wrong – Einstein’s “Special Relativity” Fundamentally Flawed

Is Albert Einstein’s Special Relativity incompatible with the very equations upon which science’s greatest theory is built? New observations made by many scientists and engineers appear to contradict the great German scientist’s ideas. Apparently there are implicit contradictions present within Relativity’s foundational ideas, documents and equations. One individual has even pointed that quotations from the […]