
A Memento of Life Once Lived: Victorian Death Photography

It takes a second look. At first glance, the picture looks almost serene. A mother, staring straight into the camera, holds what appears to be a sleeping baby.Peacefully the baby lies,but a more discerning eye equipped with some cursory knowledge of the Victorian Era knows this to be an example of death photography. In the […]

15 Best iPhone Apps for English Majors

Reference tools for correct grammar usage, rhyming tools and even handy quotes from classic literature are some of the things that you could have at your fingertips. Whether you are taking an English class or writing the next great American novel, here are some noteworthy English and literary apps for your iPhone or iPod touch. […]

Daisy: A ‘Brand New’ Brand New

It takes only a brief moment into Brand New’s most recent album Daisy, 1 minute and 25 seconds to be exact, to realize that the first track’s somber operatic entrance is a misdirection. Daisy is not the much-needed, poetic declaration of musical change like Deja Entendu, or its more highly touted work of 2006’s The […]

The Church and the Holocaust

There has been a lot of speculation about the actions of the Catholic Church and Pope Pius XII (at left, as Nuncio in Berlin in 1927) in regard to the Holocaust during World War II. Some feel that the Church did more than it got credit for; others condemn the Church’s reluctance to criticize Germany […]

10 Best Places to Meet a Girl in College

Many students will return, if they haven’t already, to college classrooms and begin a year full of boring power point presentations, dull professors overly concerned about their own research and work, and hours and hours of library visits. But all this time spent flipping through JSTOR and scrawling in notebooks is not what many male […]

Vietnam and Afghanistan

In late 1965, I was in Kontum, Vietnam as a pilot in a helicopter crew sent there for a few days to support U.S. Special Forces operations.  I was quartered in a Vietnamese Army compound, a fairly nice facility left over from French military days.  There were rooms in a wing of the compound, each […]

Why is the Sky Blue?

When I was a little kid, I was often told, along with many others, that the sky is blue because it reflects the color of the ocean. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth! When you stare at the sky during the daytime, the sky appears blue with white clouds; however, when you look […]

7 Quick Ways to Make Quick Cash in College

It’s the beginning of the semester and you’ve just realized that you may have miscalculated a bit and need some additional money for college. You’ve exhausted your financial aid and you’re unable to get a private student loan. So, how can you scrape up some extra cash? Here are 7 quick ways to make extra […]

NBA Overly Paranoid About Its Image?

In the professional or business world, proper attire is important for employees. After all, they do need to promote a positive, successful and intelligent appearance towards their clients. But is a dress code really needed for NBA players and how is it relevant to their jobs? I’m a basketball fan and always will be but […]

100 Free Tools for Your College Planning & Prep

If you’re just getting started with college planning, the sheer amount of information, options, and decisions to make can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be. With the help of these free tools, you’ll be able to choose your college, plan your career, major, and more. General These tools are great for improving your […]