
’The Hangover’: Simple, Raunchy Fun

Director: Todd Phillips Running Time: 100 Minutes Rated: R For: Those looking for raunchy/simple humor Not for: Anyone looking for a unique or different approach to the Vegas/road trip genre “It was the best of times.  It was the worst of times.” As much as it sounds like a line out of A Tale of […]

Eco-Atkins Diet May Be Healthier Alternative for Weight Loss

A new study published yesterday in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that both weight loss and risk factors for heart disease can be improved following a vegan version of the low-carb, high-protein Atkins diet. But can we trust a study funded by the soy industry?

Bad Kissers

Dick Cheney: definitely a bad kisser. Let me explain. How does someone end up being a bad kisser as an adult? After all, you aren’t born with an immutable kissing style, doomed to forever kiss in the same manner. You are free to change the way you kiss any number of times and every mirror […]

Banning Cell Phones While Driving is Wishful Thinking

An increasing number of states (California, Washington, New York, etc) have banned using cell phones while driving a car in recent years, and that number continues to grow. While many lawmakers and citizens support the trend in the name of progressive public safety, I would argue that it points to an alarming rate of passive […]

High Functioning Alcoholics

How to recognize high functioning alcoholics and our obligations as their friends.

Controversy and Scandal Marks MSU Anti-Israel Week ’09

UC Irvine’s Muslim Student Union’s 2009 anti-Israel week quickly became mired with scandals and more controversy than ever before.

Obama and Netanyahu

On Monday, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, will have his first face-to-face meeting with Barack Obama since he became president. When these two leaders meet at the White House, there’s likely to be some head-knocking, at least behind closed doors. President Obama’s policies regarding Israel and the Middle East are thin and contradictory. The […]

Does Dark Matter Matter?

Physicists are strange people. They may look normal, but there are very strange things going on in their heads. Take, for instance, their “discovery” of dark matter and/or dark energy. But first, a digression. I was in a small group that received a detailed briefing and tour at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. […]

Green Light, Red Light

The problem with never planning for the long term and the difference between people who do and people who don’t.

Solar Flares Are Electric; So Too Venus and Saturn?

When deciding between paradigms, the one with the fewest parameters and the most unifying power wins. In the pursuit of science, the eventual goal is a simple integrated explanation with as few parameters and unknown entities and quantities possible. The current state of cosmology seems to be a concerted effort to add complexity and untested […]