Islam Is Not a Peaceful Religion

By   |  February 6, 2009

A Shiite Muslim father slices open the head of his baby on the day of Ashoura.

I love Muslims. The few Muslim nations that I’ve visited are home to some of the most hospitable and generous people I have ever met. However, this does not change the politically incorrect fact that Islam is an ideology that inherently promotes violence, subjugation and inequality.

You see, when the claim is submitted that ‘Islam is a peaceful religion,’ it is most always based on the fact that most Muslims are peaceful people. This, however, only confirms the fact that most humans of the world pursue peaceful lives, without truly addressing the ideology itself.

I could easily construct an argument calling solely upon the news photos I see regularly of women being beaten in Kabul, or the mutilated bodies of Hindus in Bangladesh, or the toddlers dressed up as suicide bombers in Palestine, or a Ronald McDonald statue being burned in Pakistan. I could even point out the fact that the Muslim world seems to have continually bloody borders: central and east Africa, the Balkans, the Caucasus, central Asia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philippines, etc. — but I suppose these would be cheap shots.

Many ideologies in the world that, by their nature, seek ‘good’ have been perverted to accomplish ‘evil.’ Hitler justified his wars by claiming allegiance with Christianity. The perversions justified by the Catholic Church, likewise, are almost limitless — and interestingly, they have yet to add ‘Mein Kampf’ to their ‘Index of Forbidden Books.’ There are other non-religious, well-meaning ideologies that have less than ideal results, like Communism.

Islam is different from many ‘well-meaning’ religious and social ideologies in that the ideology itself contains oppressive elements — it requires no perverting. In Arabic, the word ‘Islam’ means ‘submission’ (to the will of Allah); which is what Islam expects from both Muslims and non-Muslims, according to the Quran. It is now the fastest growing religion the world.

Ultimately, much of the inconsistency in Islamic ideology comes from the concept of ‘nashk’ — the idea of abrogating older ideas with newer ones. The very core of Islam is built upon this idea: the words of Christ are said to abrogate any conflicting commands of past Jewish texts, and the words of Muhammad are said to abrogate any conflicting commands of Christ. But since Muhammad’s death, his descendants and followers have routinely declared additions and subtractions from original Islamic theology in this same spirit of nashk. Hence the ensuing chaos: Sunni versus Shiite, Egypt versus Iran, Osama bin Laden versus… well, I suppose most ayatollahs hate America these days, too.

But most major Islamic texts and religious leaders seem to agree on one thing — that violence is desirable, or at least justifiable, against non-Muslims and ‘hypocritical’ Muslims. In Surah 9:29 of the Quran, for example, it states: ‘Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth among the people of the Scripture, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.’

In other words, non-Muslims must either convert to Islam, pay a heavy tax to Muslims or face war. This verse, according to mainstream Islamic theology, abrogates earlier peaceful verses in the Quran that Muhammad wrote during the Mecca phase of Islam. Among other reasons for the shift, his new empire was short on money at the time.

Most Americans don’t realize that the very first foreign military engagement of the United States after gaining our independence was a response to proactive Muslim aggression — the First Barbary War, fought in the Mediterranean Sea. Muslim pirates had been demanding, and receiving, the Jizyah tax from American trade ships in exchange for safe passage, which eventually amounted to 20 percent of U.S. government annual revenues by the year 1800. In 1786, when Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to negotiate with Tripoli’s ambassador in London, they asked him by what right the pirates extorted money and took slaves. Jefferson reported to Congress: ‘The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet (Muhammad), that it was written in their Quran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman (Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to heaven.’

Upon Jefferson’s inauguration as president in 1801, further ransoms were denied, and a four-year war was eventually launched against Tripoli that ended in U.S. victory, now memorialized in the U.S. Marine Hymn. Ironically, it was Jefferson’s Quran that U.S. Congressman Keith Ellison was recently sworn in on.

Many Muslims respond to exposures like this by saying that verses have been ‘mistranslated’ and that one cannot truly understand Islam without speaking Arabic. This is a hilarious defense when you realize that there are more Muslims in Indonesia than in all Arab nations combined — and yet, the growth of al-Qaeda and other violent Muslim groups doesn’t seem to be phased by so-called ‘mistranslation’ in that part of the world, let alone anywhere. In fact, according to PBS, only 12 percent of Muslims worldwide are Arab, and the vast majority of Arab Americans are Christian.

There is no such thing as Muslim extremists. There are only those that follow the teachings of Islam and those that don’t. Islamic ‘terrorists’ simply choose to follow all such teachings, while most Muslims reject the teachings that they sensibly, and commendably, conclude are oppressive — even though they have trouble condemning Islamic ‘terrorists’ dogmatically. It is a bizarre situation when an American can’t legally be a Communist in some states, but is allowed to propagate an ideology that calls for the outright destruction of our country.

This article was previously published in New U. in 2007

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111 Comments on “Islam Is Not a Peaceful Religion”  (RSS)

  1. well religon is your own believe so just drop the conversation thanks it gets anyoying when you say the same thing over again

  2. Most people are simply unaware that Islam is NOT just another religion but a totalitarian political cult-like ideology, which compels its followers into blind obedience, teaches intolerance, brutality and locks all Muslims and non-Muslims in a struggle deriving directly from the 7th century nomadic, predatory, Bedouin culture.Islam means “submission” to the will of Allah and the teachings as depicted in the Qur’an which include jihad – the genocidal slaughter of infidels by the sword, killing by beheading, intolerance of other religions, as well as forcing submission to Islam. The ultimate goal of jihad is the domination of Islam over the entire world.

  3. No, Mohammed tried to change what was written in the bible by twisting things. He was a warlord. Read your Koran.

  4. There is only one god and he created all of us to worship him. Imagine if

    there is a country with two kings!! who will control the country? whose word will be

    chosen? Judaism and Christianity were true but after a while their people

    changed their book (Torah and Bible), then the God sent Prophet Mohammed to

    explain the Islam. However, when you die, you will see the truth that Islam

    is the right and true religion but at that time will be no chance to change

    your believe. You are the one who choose the religion, this is your life, no

    one can tell you choose this particular religion, if you want to be Muslim,

    Christian, Judaism, any other religions or even non-religious, it is your

    path, it is your life, but this life is a test for us, we do not know when we

    will die, so make sure what is the right religion and choose what your heart

    tells you? Religions supposed to be peaceful, all Islam, Christian, Judaism

    and all other religions. Do not listen to people who say this particular

    religions is truth and other is false because everyone will say his religion

    is the right one but you have to be careful in choosing the religion because

    after the death will be no return.

    God bless every one.

    • The differences between what Jesus said and did in the New Testament and what Mohammed, peace be upon him, if no one else, said and did is night and day. Christianity spread throughout the Middle East, Africa and Europe and into Asia by words of peace and love for your neighbor. Of course evil men claiming to be faithful to their religions have have given those religions a black eye so to speak. But Mohammed, following his copy of The Art of War (I’m guessing here) Spread Islam at the point of an arrow and the edge of a sword. The easiest thing to do is say everyone else’s Holy books have been tampered with, but not mine. The Bible says do not bare false witness against your neighbor, yet the Koran allows Muslims to lie when out-numbered by non-believers. How can one trust a devout Muslim?

    • What do you know of the Jews and the Christians? Nothing. You get the names ties and places wrong then you in your ignorance tell the owners of the story that they are wrong, no it is you that is wrong for many reason but mainly because it’s not your darn story in the firs place. No Muslims was in the area during the time of any of the stories they speak of. This is how foolish this idea is. Yet they speak on the topic.

      Get lost with this nonsense.

  5. How can anyone believe that Islam is a peaceful religion? Many people have been killed by just trying to turn away from Islam Just ask the wives that have been beaten and abused by their husbands. It is very plain that it is not peaceful. Christains don’t kill just because people don’t agree with them

  6. christian, you say greek roots, try arameic, pillock

  7. how can u say islam is not a peaceful religion?have u read the Quran, the holy book of Muslims? i doubt it cuz if u had u wud not have the power to say something like that.
    do some research and find out what islam is. i doubt u can find anything as peaceful as islam is. islam makes u feel free. it makes u feel good.u know u have Allah to help u. being a muslim is the most wonder ful thing i’ve known.
    so, i say atleast find some proof before writing something. read the Quran and see for urself what it is.

    • Islam makes you feel free???

      It’s so outrageous these statements. You must all pray when told, fast at the same time, grow a beard make trip to Arabia look alike, smell alike, and so much more yet you think that you are free. What a joke

  8. Sorry christian, but you might wish to re-read the bible, especially the old testament.

    • You need to reread it, what a joke you babies are, you have not red it yet comment on it, how foolish is that.

  9. All organized religions, no matter how you dice it, are corrupt. Because they are run by people, and as people, we are inherently sinners. But, it does explicitly say in the Quran to Fight those who do not believe. It does not respect non-muslims as equals. It considers them ‘unclean.’ Nowhere in the Bible or in the teachings of Christ does it say anything about fighting those who do not believe. It says ‘Love thy neighbor’. Not love thy neighbor only if they are Christian. Christianity at its roots is based in Love. It means everyone, believer and non-believer. As long as you have love in your heart, you have acceptance. And even those who do not, we pray for them. There is no discrimination. All we do is simply ask our God to forgive our short-comings, and no that does not mean that we can do whatever we want. We are taught to walk in HIS footsteps, as best we can. And regardless of the ignorant people who have taken it upon themselves to twist and mistranslate the biblical text from its original Greek roots and turn it into these backwater protestant/catholic denominations that spew hatred, they are not examples of what Christianity really is. I’m tired of hearing everyone so easily and thoughtlessly condemn Christians. It has somehow become acceptable and ‘cool’ to bash my religion. I will pray for you.

  10. Austere, he’s middle aged, and if you look at his blogs, also a racist

  11. To Tinct,
    Brother, there is a thing I wanna know about you, ” How old are you?” Because this is gonna tell me a lot about you!

    You may not understand now, but I will prove it that age depends on perception, intelligence.

    And plz, don’t tell me about my bad english.

  12. British and American Muslims have the *freedom* to serve in their countries’ armies. And those that choose not to are not charged a tax for it. Such is the nature of freedom of choice.

    First you say the tax is for being a dhimmi and now you say it’s for “security”?

    For a second, let’s assume the jizya actually WAS for “security”. If Islamic governments prohibited non-Muslims from serving in Islamic armies and then charged non-Muslims for not serving in the army, that only exemplifies the corrupt and discriminating nature of the jizya and Islamic fundamentalism in general.

    As I said, charging people money for not being a certain religion is bigoted, discriminatory, degrading, and illegal.

  13. Britich muslims and american muslims are ine their countries army, but non muslims were not in islamic army so they pay for secure

  14. Doesn’t matter how big the tax is; charging people any amount of money for not being a certain religion is bigoted, discriminatory, degrading, illegal, and goes against basic human values.

  15. “In other words, non-Muslims must either convert to Islam, pay a heavy tax to Muslims or face war.”
    You sayt that but I will tell you some of history facts that happen in the past that shows how muslims are good people

    1-When muslims judges Damascus non Muslim pay tax as they get secure but when a war start and muslim army in damascus had to go and they couldn’t defend damascus people the muslem leader gave them back all what they had paid.

    2-In Khalifa”King” Omar ben Abd Alaziz time the leader of army in bangal enter the city but in islam the army must first tell them to enter islam then pay tax then war but he didn’t so bangalians sent ambassader to King who isolated him and tell army to go back after they were inside the city and leave every thing they had taken.

    3-In Khalifa”King” Omar ben Abd Alaziz time also his treasurer was alot so he pay depts of every one and pay to youth to get marriage even non muslims

    this is some of alot of muslims good morals

    but about the “heavy” tax it wasn’t heavy the pores wasn’t pay muslim treasury pay for them and the tax was about two or three derhams about three Egyptian pounds means less than one dollar.

  16. someone: Nobody likes being criticized, which is different from being insulted. But it’s a fact of life. Everyone has to deal with it. Muslims are no exception. Goodbye.

    You Stupid: If we’re going to try and make insults about intelligence, learn proper grammar and then get back to me.

    Anyways, standing up for your religion means defending it, not trying to shut people up for criticizing it. Though I know the two are synonymous for Islamic extremists.

  17. To Tinct:

    You are contradicting yourself. You criticize Someone for being silent in one comment and then criticize him again for standing up for his religion. I think it is time you went back to Kindergarden and learned opposites.

    Here is some proof of your well thought out comments

    “Of course, there’s always the possibility that you actually encourage these acts of Islamic terror. As you said, you’re not all that interested in making the effort to publicly denounce these acts. If you’re too lazy to go out, speak up against Islamic terror, and show people Islam is not completely full of genocidal xenaphobes, then you have nobody to blame but yourself when people think all of Islam is violent. Because until you do something about it, they are 100% correct. After all, “Silence is consent”.

    Stop placing the blame on other people and take responsibility for your religion.”

    “And the fact that you won’t stand for anybody criticizing your religion, a freedom every human being has (freedom of speech) is none too reassuring.”

    • This is by far the best explanation of the Muslim terrorist situation I have ever read. His references to past history are accurate and clear. Not long, easy to understand, and well worth the read. The author of this email is Dr. Emanuel Tanya, a well-known and well-respected psychiatrist.

      A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II; owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.

      ‘Very few people were true Nazis,’ he said, ‘but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come.

      My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories. We are told again and again by ‘experts’ and ‘talking heads’ that Islam is the religion of peace and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.

      The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honour-kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become suicide bombers.

      The hard, quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the ‘silent majority,’ is cowed and extraneous. Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant.

      China’s huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.

      The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet.

      And who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were ‘peace loving’?

      History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason, we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don’t speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.

      Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.

      Now Islamic prayers have been introduced into Toronto and other public schools in Ontario, and, yes, in Ottawa too while the Lord’s Prayer was removed (due to being so offensive?) The Islamic way may be peaceful for the time being in our country until the fanatics move in.

      In Australia, and indeed in many countries around the world, many of the most commonly consumed food items have the halal emblem on them. Just look at the back of some of the most popular chocolate bars, and at other food items in your local supermarket. Food on aircraft has the halal emblem, just to appease the privileged minority who are now rapidly expanding within all nations’ shores.

      In the U.K, the Muslim communities refuse to integrate and there are now dozens of no-go zones within major cities across the country that the police force dare not intrude upon. Sharia law prevails there, because the Muslim community in those areas refuse to acknowledge British law.

      As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts — the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

      Lastly, anyone who doubts that the issue is serious and just deletes this email without sending it on, is contributing to the passiveness that allows the problems to expand.

      So, extend yourself a bit and send this on and on and on! Let us hope that thousands, world-wide, read this and think about it, and send it on – before it’s too late.

      And WE are SILENT……or SILENCED!!!

  18. I think that we should all just get along and accept our differences. Every religion has its extremists. Every religion has people who claim that they follow a certain religion but in reality, do not. We should all learn to tolerate one another and work together towards a more peaceful and hopeful future. Learning to tolerate now is crucial due to the fact that the internet is bringing the world closer together and people on the other side of the world can communicate in a matter of seconds.

  19. Before you write lies, take a look at the Quran yourself for i have done so numerous times, and would no longer like to argue with someone like you. If we had SOME similar ideas, I’d be happy to debate but you are purely repeating yourself over and over again with disgusting statements that I have no idea where you have gotten from. Therefore, since I have previously stated my arguments cleary, there is no point in arguing with you as I have said. As for criticizing my religion, no human would like it if it was done to their religion, but you obviously do seem to have the intelligence to notice that.
    “Are you sure you’re Muslim?” Indeed, I am sure of being a Muslim more than I ever was. But thanks for asking for I can reassure myself.

  20. Also: much of what you just quoted can be found in the Koran itself. Are you sure you’re Muslim?

  21. And the fact that you won’t stand for anybody criticizing your religion, a freedom every human being has (freedom of speech) is none too reassuring.

  22. Sounds like you don’t know all that much about your own religion. Try opening a history book for once instead of a religious one.

    You’re living in the past, my friend. Where other religions have caused destruction, they’ve since learned to amend their violent ways. There are relatively little to no people these days who kill explicitly in the name of Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, etc. Meanwhile, people have and STILL DO kill others in the name of Islam.

    When Christian fundamentalists say something stupid, like “all schools should be made Christian again” (the name of the quote’s author escapes me), Christian moderates are swift to speak up, denounce what he said, and demand an apology from him. This is why I don’t worry about Christian fundamentalism, because I know the Christian moderates will always keep it in check.

    Muslim moderates, on the other hand, have done a piddling job in this department.

    “I don’t understand why everyone thinks Islam is a violent religion, when there is so much destruction that other religions have done in the past. But for some reason, I see that people have forgotten about those and turned against Islam.”

    If it’s too much work for you to organize a group of your Muslim peers and speak out loud enough against Islamic terror acts, then maybe you’re in the wrong religion. It doesn’t sound like you care that much about it, if you’re of the mind that speaking out won’t do anything (which is heinously erroneous). Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.

    Of course, there’s always the possibility that you actually encourage these acts of Islamic terror. As you said, you’re not all that interested in making the effort to publicly denounce these acts. If you’re too lazy to go out, speak up against Islamic terror, and show people Islam is not completely full of genocidal xenaphobes, then you have nobody to blame but yourself when people think all of Islam is violent. Because until you do something about it, they are 100% correct. After all, “Silence is consent”.

    Stop placing the blame on other people and take responsibility for your religion.

  23. Also, I believe you were the one who had posted lies about Prophet Muhammad earlier. “Mohammed was a genocidal war mongerer who utilized Islam as a political tool (because that’s what Islam truly is at its foundation) in order to gain followers and silence dissenters. He waged many wars in his lifetime, married a girl when she was 6 and had sex with her at 9, was responsible for many, many deaths, and certainly did not birth Islam out of peace.”
    Why simply make up lies about someone’s Prophet? What good will this do besides make a Muslim angry?

    • You do the same thing about Jesus, Muslim so your man is fair game and who cares Muslim become angry the liberals fear you no one else does. Remember that Muslims

  24. Excuse me, but even if we did speak out, you tell me, you really think that will do any good? you think that when someone does something appalling, it becomes as easy as speaking out to get it over with? Also, tell me this, when you asked, “Why haven’t you been standing up and speaking out against the some 13,500+ acts of terrorism your extremists counterparts have perpetrated since 9/11?,” are we NOT speaking up against the acts of terrorism? If this is what your saying, then I don’t think you have any idea how hard most Muslims are trying to go against the acts of terrorism.
    Besides all this, I don’t understand why everyone thinks Islam is a violent religion, when there is so much destruction that other religions have done in the past. But for some reason, I see that people have forgotten about those and turned against Islam.

  25. Someone:

    You call yourself a peaceful Muslim and then tell someone “how dare you” for criticizing your religion (which is different from insulting it)- a right that any human being has. You don’t have to like it when someone criticizes Islam, but you should recognize that someone has the freedom to do so.

    Also, please answer me on this: where have all you peaceful Muslims been? Why haven’t you been standing up and speaking out against the some 13,500+ acts of terrorism your extremists counterparts have perpetrated since 9/11? Silence is consent, my friend. Your extremist brethren are making a bad name for you, and you’re doing nothing to renounce it or show that your kind are ACTUALLY peaceful. So don’t blame someone for thinking that Islam is a violent religion when you’ve done nothing to make them think otherwise.

  26. how can you insult Islam like that? i am a true muslim, and i believe it is a very peaceful religion, you see we HAVE a system of prayers which makes it peaceful. we care for our Holy Book the Quran. anyway,after reading the Quran, i can gurantee that it allows no violence. and when writing articles try not to ask the extreme muslims, of course they highly believe in Islam. that is like me asking christian priests what they think of christianity. and dont dare to insult Prophet Muhammad pbuh for he was no genocidal war mongerer. if only all of you asses could understand the amazing things he had done. if you knew about the history of Islam, you wouldnt be making up all of this bullshit about my religion.

  27. Hi JJ,I apologise for getting narked, in the comment I gave that is missing I supplied about 6 links with it and when I submitted the comment it appeared, but now it has gone(I should have been clearer).
    I didn’t know about needing to use the email address or forum, I apologise for the error.
    In regards to the comment regarding the ira, it was in response to Tinct who said that he had never heard of them, and I wished to prove that there are christian terror organisations as well as muslim ones, that was all.
    Once again, I apologise for my earlier comment,
    yours, Andall. =)

  28. @Andall, nobody has removed your comments. The only reason that comments sometimes might not show up immediately is if you include more than 15 hyperlinks in your comment in which case it must be approved by the staff, but I don’t know maybe your browser didn’t submit it correctly last time?

    Anyway, please address such questions to the email address or forum thanks.

    Please keep responses here on topic! =)

  29. Can someone tell me what’s going on with this site, yesterday I put a response on for Tinct and it has dissappeared, I had replied to his comment regarding radical and provided several links regarding the IRA, yet today I come on and they have gone, is someone removing my commentary for some reason (possibly regarding the ira) or is there some kind of problem with uploading comments, if it’s uploading, can someone please sort it out, if it’s moderators removing my comments, why, have I offended you somehow by telling the truth about the ira scum who murder innocent men, women and children, along with all the other nasty s**t they do? If that’s the case then this site should be called One View Only, or some crap like that.

    Yours Andall.

    P.S. I hope this is just an error as I have enjoyed this site and would hate for it to have tunnel vision.

  30. Andall: No, my mistake again. Now that I read the comment you quoted, it is supposed to be ‘radical’. I was being very sarcastic, since you couldn’t tell.

  31. Andall: That’s supposed to be ‘moderate’, then.

    If you’re going to participate in a debate, you should have your information ready at your disposal, as it’s your job, not mine, to make your points. If you can’t provide the information necessary to refute my points, then I’m sorry, but that sounds more like laziness on your part.

    No, I have not heard about the IRA. Tell me more about them.

  32. Your words,

    Tinct says:
    March 11, 2009 at 10:05 pm

    I recently had a conversation with a Muslim radical, a real eye-opener

    As regards christian terrorist organisations, I cannot believe you have never heard of the IRA, as regards not being bothered to look, well i’m sorry but that’s lazy and hypocritical of you, especially given that you will hunt down info on muslims, if you are going to make an informed opinion on something then you should check as many facts as possible otherwise you end up with tunnel vision and that is often a bad mistake in most things.

  33. Tinct I would suggest reading on the teachings of Mohammad and the time line those teachings were given. I do agree with you on his motivations, It’s just that his original methods were failing so he changed his tact. A good example of my statement would be his teaching on how to deal with Christians and how he later said just the opposite of those things.

  34. babble: I don’t know where you read that Islam was born out of peace/ had peaceful origins, but nothing is farther from the truth. Mohammed was a genocidal war mongerer who utilized Islam as a political tool (because that’s what Islam truly is at its foundation) in order to gain followers and silence dissenters. He waged many wars in his lifetime, married a girl when she was 6 and had sex with her at 9, was responsible for many, many deaths, and certainly did not birth Islam out of peace.

    Many of the Qur’ans violent tenets are situational (“Dissenters of Islam will have molten lead poured into their ears”) rather than general, but the problem with many Muslims today is that they don’t understand this.

  35. Andall: “According to you in an earlier statement, it was a radical muslim, which is quite different from your average muslim.”

    I don’t recall saying this; it was most definitely not a radical Muslim, but a Jew turned Christian turned Muslim. He is most moderate. If I said otherwise, it was mistake.

    As for your links, you’re going to have to be more specific in where you direct me. Giving me a terrorist group search engine or a general list of all terrorist groups in the world is too much trouble for me to bother with. In the links that actually had information in them, I didn’t see any terrorist groups based purposefully on the Christian or Jewish faith. Find these for me (if they exist) and I’ll gladly read them.

  36. In the Christian Bible there is violence, however in the case of war it refers to a specific time and place. It does not say anywhere that we are to kill anyone who does not believe. Those who commit acts of violence in the name of Jesus are not following the teachings of Jesus. Jesus said to live by the sword is to die by the sword. I could go on but that is irrelevant. We all agree, myself included that many have committed horrendous acts in the name of the Christian God.

    Islam is different Because in the beginning of it’s origins it was peaceful. As it progressed however it became increasingly violent. Most of this is due to the fact that Mohammad was not successful in converting others to his beliefs.

    i could go more in depth but I would be writing about the history of both faiths for the next two hours or so and I just really want to do that.

  37. To Tinct, you say “There are no Christians or Jews today walking around killing people for the sole reason of not being Jewish/Christian, for suspicion of adultery, for being a certain religion, etc”, i’m sorry but you are wrong, here are a few links to get you started(note, some are erroneous, but the point is still valid).
    What that inane saying means, as explained to me by a religious Muslim, is that once everyone submits to Islam, there will be peace. Since we have not submitted yet, there will continue to be killing, and it’s our fault.
    According to you in an earlier statement, it was a radical muslim, which is quite different from your average muslim.

  38. RDT:

    “if you pick and choose in the various versions of the bible you can come up with pretty much the same things, anything taken out of context can be made to look bad or good so that is why you must take things in their entirity otherwise you show a false picture to the world.”

    True, but this is a tired argument I hear all the time. Yes, Christianity and even Judaism have some violent doctrines in them. But the difference between them and Islam? There are no Christians or Jews today walking around killing people for the sole reason of not being Jewish/Christian, for suspicion of adultery, for being a certain religion, etc. This mindless and bloodthirsty behavior stopped a long time ago in the context of Christianity and Judaism. They have learned to ignore most if not all of these violent tenets.

    However, there untold numbers of Muslims committing these heinous crimes to this day. In the past year, there have been at least two cases (to my knowledge) of a Muslim killing his wife/daughter in the US. In the US!

    It is very possible those words are in the Qur’an. In fact, they are in there. Don’t buy into the “Islam is a religion of peace” bullshit; just because a religion preaches peace does not excuse the violence it also preaches. What that inane saying means, as explained to me by a religious Muslim, is that once everyone submits to Islam, there will be peace. Since we have not submitted yet, there will continue to be killing, and it’s our fault.

  39. To, Tinct, while it is entirely possible that those words appear in the qur’an, you must also remember that if you pick and choose in the various versions of the bible you can come up with pretty much the same things, anything taken out of context can be made to look bad or good so that is why you must take things in their entirity otherwise you show a false picture to the world. One thing I believe is that any religion is dangerous, especially in the hands of the unintelligent, the closedminded and the ignorant.

  40. For someone like you to actually make an effort, and start a topic to hate on Islam means you’re messed up, there’s no point in arguin’ with you because you’ll never take your head outta your ass, not trying to be rude, But I’m not here to offend your relegion “If you have one”, I’m here to defend mine, I have a brain too, And if I thought my relegion wasnt right or poinltess for a second, why you think i’ll stick to it?

    I have no idea where you’re gettin’ your resources from, i’m sure it’s not from the Qu’ran tho, Take my advice, It won’t hurt, go open it and read it good, and don’t explain it the way you want to, understand it right, and then come and talk.

  41. //What do you call what’s going in in Phalestine, Killin’ all these women and kids//

    You just won Ignorant Statement of the Year. If you honestly believe the retaliatory attacks Israel launches against Hamas are about religion, you have no place acting like you know anything about the conflict. Unless you’re referring to the fact that Hamas kills a lot of Palestinians not only through using them as human shields and suicide bombers but outright killing them for dancing and singing at weddings, adultery, showing any Israel tolerance, etc. etc.

    //and just because some “Muslims” did a few terrible things, doesnt mean it’s Islam’s fault, cause clearly Islam doesnt say that//

    Clearly Islam does preach violence, my ignorant friend:

    “But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.”
    Qur’an 9:5

    “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”
    Qur’an 9:29

    “Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among the Polytheists, will be in Hell-Fire, to dwell therein (for aye). They are the worst of creatures.”
    Qur’an 98:6

    “O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.” Qur’an 5:51

    “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya [tax for being a non-Muslim] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”
    Qur’an 9:29

    Just because it also preaches peace does not excuse its genocidal doctrines. I’d advise you to actually open your Qur’an and read a few passages from it before you follow it so blindly. Why are you even posting on this topic when you obviously know nothing about it? Begone with you.

  42. When you’re born, you automaticly take your parents relegion, either it’s Islam, christnaity, or bein’ a jew, It doesn’t mean you’ll follow it, and just because some “Muslims” did a few terrible things, doesnt mean it’s Islam’s fault, cause clearly Islam doesnt say that, If you say we encourage violence..What do you call what’s going in in Phalestine, Killin’ all these women and kids, I like the way you’re trying to convince your self so bad that you’re right, but if you wanna be smart, go learn about it, The right way, and then come and discuss it.

  43. religion was used to make ppl believe that its the right thing to do, like the terrorist are told that by killing they get what they want after life, lol i wish i would see their disappointed faces after they gave their life for nothing. i think i would kill myself after i would be a dead terrorist. hahahah
    i kinda agree with Ghulam Hussain. lets just all commit suicide at once. even the governments want us dead cause nature has more rights than us. look at where we are today, smarter than yesterday??? i dont think so, we just go into deep s**t. sooner or later we will have to realize that we are loosing. all of us will wake up at reality even those who are mentally challenged will see that its over. so lets just wait till its too late.
    or we could start a world restoration. if my neighbor is a terrorist i will take him down myself before he starts a chaos. if we all work together nothing is impossible.

  44. tinct you nailed it on the head. he must be calling himself sieg heil to hide the fact he’s a islamist jihadi. lets hope he blows himself up trying to make a bomb. i’ll pray he is the only one gets hurt.
    what i think we need is for the governments of the world to sit down and figure out whats best for all people regardless of country. i do realize this won’t happen but it does not change the fact that this is what we need.

  45. You know you’ve come across an Islamist jihadi when he starts declaring everything and proven history is just one big lie.

    Sieg Heil, if there was no Holocaust, there was no Hitler. So why are you here under a name saluting him if the Holocaust never happened?

  46. i’m sorry i had to jump ahead and give my 2cent towards sieg heil. i just went back and read the rest of the statements and i have to say that it is refreshing to see some intelligent people involved in this. a lot of what i said i believe to be true. the issue we are discussing is an old one. it just has a new face. unfortunately i haven’t got an answer to this either. we have come so far technologically yet made no real progress as race. i have researched a lot of so called religious wars and found that most if not all had hidden agendas. this is why i say we are to blame. no government holds power over it’s people with out their consent.

  47. sieg heil you have got to be the most ignorant man or woman on earth! you should really refrain from opening you mouth in a debate that requires a focused mind. first of all there was a holocaust. my grand father was there and i have the pictures of the Jews he helped rescue. these are pictures he took himself and there wasn’t the technology to fake such horrible things. the only people who would try to deny it are skin head nazis or white supremacists with a 3rd grade education.
    i am also american. the problem with our country is that our citizens do not think for themselves. if they did they would realize that we are no longer a government for the people by the people but by the corporation for the corporation. look at the bailout, it was the corporations that got the money while the people losing there homes and jobs moved to the streets. if your not smart enough to figure out why, i’ll tell you. it is because most Americans are worried about keeping the BMW in their driveway or whats happening on days of our lives. they see pictures of half starved children on late night infomercials and think thats so sad then go to sleep and forget about it in the morning. they have been brain washed by the media and the commute to work, soccer practice for the kids and paying bills and so on and so on. now you ask who is to blame? all of us! whether your an american or not. no one complained 50 years ago when we started buying a lot of exports. you know why we’re to blame? because we all sat on our asses while our governments caused all this. now your sitting there thinking f-you, but look at your politicians driving there fancy cars and living in there big house. have they been looking out for you? think so? take a closer look. this whole thing about terrorism is a crock of sh*t. this is all about money. this isn’t a religious war, it’s an economic war. if you think it’s not you have been brainwashed! this is all being propagated by our governments and we are the pawns. if i’m wrong then where is Osama Bin Laden? as long as our governments keep us thinking that this is a religious war then we will never get anywhere.

  48. Tinct, I agree that is a lot of extremists, one thing though is that extremists come from all religions. I live in Britian and the ira, etc have been doing this for decades, I myself have been lucky twice in that once I had been in the same place a bomb went off only hours before and another where I was actually on my way to an area where a bomb was found. The problem is that the WTC was a simple but surprisingly effective attack on US soil and therefore blanked out what everyone else had been doing. I would lay odds that the ira, et al were jealous and pissed off that they hadn’t thought of it, and lets face it, if the ira for example had done it everyone would have been screaming about them and the muslim nutters wouldn’t have got a look in. It’s all a matter of perspective, sooner or later some terorist group would have done the big one, in this case it just happened to be themuslim extremists. In the meantime though while the whole world is focused on al quaeda, what do you think all the others are doing? I’m damn sure it won’t be watching t.v and knitting, illegal arms sales still continue, stored away along with revised plans for the next big thing, because you know damn well that these terrorists hate being outdone, so just imagine what etta, ira, etc are planning, these psychos might as we speak be laying the groundwork for,say, taking out every kindergarden in england or new york. Hell, I can think of things that would give you nightmares for life, just imagine what their twisted brains are thinking. All i’m saying is not blind yourself to the many others because they’re still out there, waiting.

  49. nonreligious: I’m not letting it represent the religion as a whole; I live with a moderate Muslim. But the sad fact is that while those people represent the extremist element, out of over 1 billion Muslims, there are a loooooot of extremists. Maybe not the majority, but enough to substantially harm the world like shooting up Dubai or flying planes into the WTC or suicide bombing a cafe in Baghdad or Israel or Pakistan.

  50. Diddy the christian says:
    April 1, 2009 at 8:00 pm

    People are fighting not because of the religion, but because of their nature themselves, if not religion for human to start the fight, then human will use some other reason to fight each other; race, politics, power,money, land,etc.
    In a way I agree with you but the problem with religion is that each one has to have it their way, therefore the other side is wrong, ergo bad = enemy, thus kill.
    Tinct, the problem is you spoke to a radical which is much the same as talking to the priest of a kkk church, try talking to an average muslim. I live among them and have no problems whatsoever. An extreme viewpiont is just that, extreme, it does not define either the religion or the average beleiver.

  51. People are fighting not because of the religion, but because of their nature themselves, if not religion for human to start the fight, then human will use some other reason to fight each other; race, politics, power,money, land,etc.

  52. I recently had a conversation with a Muslim radical, a real eye-opener. He opened with the tired line, “Islam is the religion of peace”. I asked him how beating one’s wife and murdering infidels who refuse to convert or pay the jizya- he believed in both, as well as a number of other disturbing and laughable practices such as the stoning to death of women adulterers so that they wouldn’t catch STDs- how such practices help spread peace.

    “Easy,” he told me. “When you submit, there is peace. You have not submitted yet so there is no peace. It is your fault.”

    So obviously, when a Muslim packs himself in C4 and darts into a cafe before detonating himself, it is the fault of the infidel victims. Not the fanatic moron who pressed the button.

    Anyways, he helped to clarify that silly little phrase for me, “Islam is the religion of peace.” I always thought it made no sense, but I guess whenever a Muslim says it, they’re saying Islam means peace for Muslims and makes everyone else’s lives a living hell. Which makes perfect sense, except the peace for Muslims part.

  53. hey hey hey syria is supporting hezbollah and they are just creating chaos in lebanon, who the hell do you think giving money and weapons to hamas? isnt it syria and number two IRAN!!!!!!!????

  54. It is not religion that harms peace but humans. So I think all human beings should be eliminated to make the world a peaceful place.

  55. Phew… another heated discussion about Islam…

    my 2 cents:

    The Koran DOES inspire violence against specified groups (apostates, women, homosexuals, Jews). That is apparent to anyone who can read the news. The ambiguousness of the text allows for more than one interpretation. Listen to what Osama Bin Laden gets from it and tell me he doesn’t perceive justifications for violence.The bible also contains violent rhetoric, but it is just not as commonly used as a justification for it (at least not as much recently).

    ALL religions need to be held to the fire of critical analysis. When someone writes about a metaphysical being that tells them what to do, cynicism should be the reaction.

  56. Your reference below:
    “Muslim aggression — the First Barbary War, fought in the Mediterranean Sea. Muslim pirates had been demanding, and receiving, the Jizyah tax from American trade ships in exchange for safe passage.”

    The reason for the Muslim piracy in Tripoli for the most part was caused by Muslims who left the middle east and settled in Spain, Portugal and France for well over 500 years. Muslims lived side by side peacefully with Jews as well, and brought Arts, Language, Architecture, Sciences and Astronomy to these regions. Muslims has little in common of their former homeland in the Middle East, Europe for the last 500 years was the only home they knew. When the Pope and the Spanish Inquisition raised its ugly head, all non Catholics were told to convert to Christianity or Leave.

    Muslims left and the closest land mass untouched by Christianity was the African Continent south of Gilbraltor where Muslims would bide their time until Religious Law in Europe would change its mind and all Muslims to return. Change was not fast enough, so Muslims took to the seas and piracy. That was more of a survival mode for them and they found it quite lucrative to rob passing ships in the Mediterranean..

  57. it is unfair for u to say that.pls tell me the countries u have visited. and the books you have read about islam. because i can see u have a wrong understanding of islam.


  59. May: Hate to break it to you, but you are ignorant. You don’t know anything that’s going on today, as you constantly demonstrate.

    You can deny it all you want, but those militants were Muslim and part of an Islamic jihad movement in Pakistan. This is common knowledge, which I guess is why you don’t know it. Obviously you don’t follow current events or know anything about Islam to begin with. There are cases of Muslim fathers in America murdering their daughters for dating non-Muslims. In Islamic states, women suffer genital mutilation, girls as young as six are married off to grown men, people murder their family members to restore the “family honor”, and of course raging homophobia. Lebanon used to be a Christian state until the Muslim population led a bloody revolt and drove them out. Yemen’s last Jews are being expelled as we speak. The genocide in Darfur is indeed between Muslim tribes (this is also common knowledge), and the genocide in Sudan (between Muslims) is underscored by a barbaric slave trade. I can provide you with a plethora of articles about pro-Palestinian rallies that attacked a pro-Israel rally, cops, or rioted stores and left anti-Semitic graffiti.

    What information have you provided? Nothing. All you’ve done is accuse me of racism and ignored the fact that I’m talking about Islamic *extremism*. A typical, piddling tactic common among the uninformed.

    Put down the Qur’an and pick up a newspaper for once.

    Q: Kindly provide me a widespread present-day example of Christian extremists going out and murdering people for being non-Christian.

    Ami: What does that matter? Do you have something against Jews?


  61. the difference between Christianity and Islam? People have stopped committing genocide, matricide, patricide, infanticide, fratricide, and/or general murder in the name of Christianity.
    You are joking

  62. Yup….you’re definitely a Jew.

  63. No Sheikha, sorry, you can’t just say current events have nothing to do with Islam. Doesn’t work like that. Give me proof and reasons why. Right now you are coming off very ignorant of the world events going on.


    Very vague, sweeping statement. You clearly have no idea about the recent rots and violence committed by pro-Palestinian rallies worldwide, the human rights disasters in Islamic states.

    It doesn’t matter if the Mumbai attacks were attempts at genocide or not. They were committed by Islamic extremists. This has been discovered and agreed upon all over the world.


  65. Glasses: First of all, way to use my rhetoric.

    Two: Try actually reading my post this time and you will see that you merely repeated what I already said; an entire religion should not suffer because of its extremist element. I am in no way picking on Islam and am actually defending it. Ease up on the hostility there.

    Three: Who said anything about Christianity? I sure didn’t, so don’t try and make it sound like I denied anything about Christian history to begin with. We’re talking about Islam here. I do hope you’re not making the unfounded assumption that I am Christian in order to prove your/my point, because you would be wrong. Christianity is steeped in a bloody history, that’s a no brainer.

    But the difference between Christianity and Islam? People have stopped committing genocide, matricide, patricide, infanticide, fratricide, and/or general murder in the name of Christianity. But they still do it in this day and age in the name of Islam. That’s what I identified as the extremist element.

    Four: Don’t assume someone else’s religion (if they even have one) unless they say so. I’m not Christian.

  66. To Tinct, no one is defending radicals, but it is lunacy to taint an entire religion because of them, I come from a christian background and I defy you to deny the sheer overwhelming atrocities that have been done in the name of christianity, you honestly believe that christianity was and is any cleaner?

    I defy you to show any christian religion that is truly tolerant of others, I defy you to show just one century since christianity began where blood has not been spilled in gods name, where christian religions have not set out to destroy by one means or another to overwhelm other religions and cultures, even the catholic church finally admited to turning a blind eye in WWII to the nazi atrocities because it benefited them to do so.

    O please, oh truth ignorist.

    What part of christianity history do you miss? How about the inquisition(that’s a nice easy one) ever wish you were Torquemanda?

    As far as i’m concerned, most religions have dark corners and dirty secrets

    Simply put don’t pick on another religion unless yours is pristine. By the way I said I was from a christian background, but so as not to contort the truth for you I now currently consider myself an agnostic as that is fairly close to what I suppose you would call my spiritual state

  67. Thank you, you’re welcome =).

  68. To .

    Good for you, you can spell!

  69. To the people defending radical Islam (especially Seig Heil, whose name and defense of Islam proves the author’s point of Islam propagating so much violence): You can all scream “Kill the Jews” until you’re blue in the face, but you’re not presenting any facts that refute this article. In fact, you are legitimizing it.

    I defy you to prove that Islamic extremism is not responsible for a disturbingly large portion of the world’s violence today; the Mumbai attacks, the oppression of women and non-Muslims in Islamic states, the hostility against Muslims by other Muslims (Iraq), the 9/11 attacks, the genocides in Sudan and Darfur, the violence in Syria, etc. etc. etc.

    And please answer me this, O truth contortionists:

    What part of Islam’s history do you miss most?

  70. Wow, this was published in the New U?? I’m surprised. I’ll have to scan the archives.

    JJ, I wholeheartedly agree with you except on one point; the matter of Muslim extremism. Perhaps you have a different interpretation of the term, but I view religious extremism as a person who follows their religion completely and without question. You say that there are Muslims who follow the teachings of the Qur’an and those who don’t, but the latter makes no sense. Though they are about as frequent as a needle in a haystack, moderate Muslims do exist. I should know; I live with one. There is an organization of Muslims who denounce Shariah law, who support Israel, and act like rational human beings (as hard as it is to believe).

    When exposing the majority of the Muslim extremist population for what it is, we must be careful in our wording. If we go around condemning Islam as a whole, people who are neutral on the subject- the ones who we need to persuade- will just write us off as racists…. and perhaps with good reason, if we so casually label all Muslims as violent. By your synecdochical sweeping definition of Islam as violent, letting the extremists represent the whole, the same can be said about Christianity and even Judaism- both religions have violent doctrines and extremists. Of course, this is not true, and so we must avoid this trap of logic.

    Regardless of our interpretations, Muslim extremism, what you interpret as simply Islam, needs to be stopped for the sake of the planet- in terms of culture, community, population, peace, and physical existence.

    I think you’ll enjoy some of my articles, JJ. Good job.

  71. you are funny needs some edumacation…lol

    aethiest (‘A-thEEE-ist) someone who denies the existence of god

    *i know i spelled it wrong, and i know you’re that retarded to google up ‘aethiest’ and nothing came up….once again…FAIL! haha try again ‘you are funny’ (….and retarded) haha..


  73. ^^^^^^^, sorry involve, not invilve

  74. To. “you are funny”

    so what is aethiest? Couldn’t find it.
    and btw, , people do convert so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

    He didn’t say they don’t convert, he said you couldn’t make them
    To. Sieg Heil!!! 14/88

    When you use that as a name descriptor, then frankly most people will already be biased against you, but you are clearly of the facist school of conspiracies, which Zionist plot should we worry about? Do you still deny the the holocaust which killed millions(not just jews), maybe the 2nd world war didn’t happen and we’ve all been brainwashed, if you want to invilve yourself in a discussion then represent your side thoughtfully and without hysterical and paranoid ravings
    The majority of muslims are peacefull, just like most christians, etc, but just like every religion or political creed, there will always be fanatics. Don’t dismiss the many because of the few
    Whoever wrote this article is either very illinformed or very clever in the way they have used controversy as a way of starting a discussion, personaly though I believe it’s a cross of stupidity and bad information

  75. so what is aethiest? Couldn’t find it.

    and btw, , people do convert so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

  76. @sieg heil im not a jew my friend, but if your a president of a country. what would you do if some a******s in your neighbor countries like palestine kill your innocent citizens? fire some rockets to innocent civilians? would you just seat and watch them? i do not fully support the war israel did but i think they have the reasons to protect their people and for your information my friend. israel doesnt want all your oilfields in the middle east because they are even rich than those who have oilfields. peace

  77. islam is a peaceful religion but there are some fuckin muslims in mindanao who wants to own mindanao, and they sucks, they kill innocent people, burn some villages, they think they are the hero’s in my country, some fuckin muslims just wanted to make money like what happened to some icrc voulnteers in sulu. some muslims create a scenario so that some other countries like syria and iran would support them.


  79. lol @ you are funny, i take it you dont know what an ‘aethiest’ is…..look it up.. by the way, this article is about religion, not a spelling bee….FAIL! haha..

  80. @sheikha:
    Yes I know exactly what nukes do.
    I also know what Israel does, hand in hand with America.
    They terrorise the Palestinians and other Muslims and then their FOX News tells everyone in the world how evil muslims are while covering it up with “anti-racism”.

    Look what is happening in Gaza recently, this is a crime against humanity.
    Ask yourself why people would become suicide bombers.
    Are they really so evil?
    Or have they been driven to such desperation by underhanded means?
    Let me say right now that I am not a muslim and have no particular like or dislike of muslims in general.
    I only try to see the truth in front of my eyes.

    You need to open your eyes a little wider my friend.
    Dreaming of peace and telling jews they “r good pplz” might make you feel better but it will not solve the problem. The only way to have that kind of peace is when the jews have stolen all of the oilfields in the middle east and you agree to be their slave. But that is not peace, it is slavery.
    They will not stop no matter how many “peace talks” are held.

    btw: I do have children and I want them to grow up in a better world, a world free of such a depth of evil.
    The only way we will have such a world is when Israel and the Zionists are burning in hell where they belong.

  81. thank u steve the jew ur good pplz.. as 4 muhammad the quran does mention the five prayers in surrat al-baqarrah if i’m not mistaken in the story of muhammad and gabriel but the prophet showed us how and when and what to say and fyi there were one hundrid prayers but muhammad spoke on behalf of his nation so it would be only five a day as well as he would on judgment day and he would be the only one to do that the other prophets say god myself myself.. and i agree with u the teachings of islam and muhammad peace be upon him covers alot of aspects be it social military humanitarian or scientific..and f any one studies the quran they’d find alot of those quran describes accuratly the state of the univers in its living and annimate objects planets and plants and it’ll help them in finding major discoveries since the universe still holds alot of secrets,, as for sieg heil whats up with the nuke talk hellllllllllllllllll no i want to live on planet earth do u know what nukes do !!!!!!! be cool chill live life make babies they change everything….. peace

  82. Quite simply, you just wrote an article which you have skewed to your own suiting. Stop thinking that you are a talented writer, because you’re not, you’re just ignorant, and frankly quite stupid.

    I’m guessing you are American, because only you lot would write tripe like this, and are writing this article to just convey your racism, whilst pretending to be level minded.

  83. The Fact this article is out there is one of the reasons why Islam is spreading because more people are looking to find out what Islam is, and as a muslim I see that as a good thing.

    However the best thing I could think of as a comment and an advice, if you may is to go back to the Quran and the books that narrate the teachings of the Prophet that are reliable such as those of Imam Bokari, and Muslim. the Miracle of Islam is that it is complete its book the Quran covers every thing you might wonder, sometimes in general terms, but then the teachings of the prophet would set the details. such as with prayer, Muslims pray five times a day, where does it say so in the quran, it doesn’t but that is what the prophet tought, regarding fighting non muslims you are right the Quran tells us to fight them, but the prophet placed rules and conditions, such as not killing children, women, and the elderly, not to destroy places of worship, and not to harm plant or animal.

    There are also other lets say regulations, such as if Muslims are allowed to preache islam or not, and so on and so forth, so in fact I don’t see muslims are either those who follow islam and “Kill” non muslims, and those who do not follow Islam.

    I see a wider more diverse spectrum, hence you can not and should not formulate an opinion based on the actions of such individuals, but rather on the teaching of Islam it self.

    Finally I hope you would take my advice by learning about Islam from the source and not the ideas and conclusions of others who may be with or against it.

  84. This article was almost looking interesting until the writer starts going on about Hitler.
    He shows his ignorance by connecting Hitler with Christianity.
    Nothing could be further from the truth and the writer would do well to do some reading instead of spouting rubbish he/she knows nothing about.
    What has Hitler got to do with Islam?

    Another jewish puppet doing his best to demoralize the German people.
    How dare you demonize Islam anyway?
    Who made you the judge?
    Look at your jewish masters over there in Israel, they’re still crying about a so-called holocaust.
    Their holocaust is a giant scam and hard evidence exists which completely demolishes their fairytale about persecuted jews.
    Do you know what happens when people ask questions about this giant jew lie?
    They are put in jail. Do a search on Google for “Ernst Zundel”, “Fred Töben”, “David Irving” etc.

    The muslims are the victims of jewish aggression, and they are made to look like the bad guys by the media, well guess who owns almost all media outlets in the world…
    I hope Iran nukes Israel to hell where it belongs.
    The Muslims will have my eternal gratitude.
    President Ahmedinajad is the only HONEST political leader on Earth.
    May god bless him and keep him well.

  85. JJ. You’re an idiot, try actually doing some real research instead of copying(badly) someone else’s drivel, cretin. Try looking into the history of the christian religion as well as that of the muslim religion. I feel that it’s fairly safe to assume that the bulk of your “research” comes from watching to many factually incorrect news reports and rabid dog internet sites. Try reading a translation of the koran, download a copy, there are good translations available on the internet, it’s quite easy to do, even for an idiot like you.
    Next time you go to write something, get your facts right and use your brain, it’s what it’s there for, and please don’t rely on wikipedia, they get almost as much wrong as they get right.

  86. Islam is far more than just a religion. The legal system has been ruled upon for around 1400 years. The Koran specifies a foreign policy and economic policies. Islam was designed to be a nation-state long before they became established.

  87. Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. – Denis Diderot

  88. “‘Islam is a peaceful religion,’ it is most always based on the fact that most Muslims are peaceful people. This, however, only confirms the fact that most humans of the world pursue peaceful lives, without truly addressing the ideology itself.” – it is because individuals have certain controls of their life, they can adopt the teachings of Islam. Outside this framework individuals are subject to the whims of those who have authority, with authority comes corruption, and sadly the demise of Islam in our current period of time.

    Most of my ‘Christian’ friends are peace loving, but I do not claim that Christianity is at fault when the UK/ US and other nations engage in actions which result in the murder of civilians (aka collateral damage).

    As for the rest of your commentary, just the usual uneducated unenlightened drivel. A few google searches will answer your misquotes and misstatements.

  89. Islam is a peaceful religion, if you live by it. Most religions (including Islam), have always had people come along and interprets it, for their own selfish means. Anybody that lives for what it teaches, will be peaceful.

  90. hi, 1st of all where did u get the word “nashk” that word does not exist any where.. 2ndly QURAN is not the bible so there’s no 9:29 and al jizyah is not mentioned in quran except when it talks about the non-muslims living within the walls of al-madina which was a town adjacent 2 makka.. 3rdly when u talk about the things that u c on tv well what we c even on ur channels not only arabic affilliations= big huge scandals on al-ghareeb prison in iraq and the chief of staff apologizes the a moving convoy in afghanistan see a bunch of kids and shoot 2 kill and the chief of staff apologizes children in gaza r being bombed and slaughtered and no one is doing anything and on and on and on no one would be content 2 c this on the news.. i believe that alone would make anyone furious..

  91. hey is there any chance 2 know which nations have u visited and what books have u based this essay on ?!…

  92. sorry i said those examples do not represent u..

  93. I see that u mentioned that Islam is a religion of subgugation and inequality after u said that u love muslims and that their hospitable !! those muslims that have been hospitable with u, did u get the chance 2 discuss anything with them ?! did u see any sign of any inequality between their members !! do u see any subgugation and by the way islam means peace not submission one of pillars of islam is submission 2 the will of ALLAH meaning is 2 be content 2 what god has given u.. AND thank god 4 islam because it saved the woman’s status and rights and it brought equality 2 all man kind be it white or black woman or man old or young arab or franke and seeing americans rejoice with the new president after having 200 hundred yrs of slavery is long time coming �slam sustained their status almost 2000 yrs ago.. as 4 the Islam being the fastest growing religion it might b because the mass media that represents u shows a great deteriation in morals ethics and goals ur misled youth r terribly infatuated by lindsay lohan’s fire croch or britney spears shenanigans or how 2 b paris hilton new bff !! the girl is g hotel heiress can’t she grow a brain but here’s the catch i know that these examples represent AMERICA there r decent ppl there.. just like osama and his likes do not represent us.. thx 4 ur time buddy

  94. Religion, just another form of nationalism. When looking at the crusades, the masses where stirred by those in the clergy to fight the so called dark skinned devils (muslims) this belief that they where the descendants of Cain who was supposedly marked by god with dark skin as a curse and so was a call to arms in the name of there lord to justify murder. Looking at the old testament of the christian bible women where as well subjegated to sexism, which continued into the colonies in the form of witch hunts, many women were burned alive and worse. Religion has always propagated the sense of righteousness and beleaguerment of others, hence the reason all religions have many sects. People will seek the truth they want, same reason we have friends, we choose our friends and belittle those that are different. Wake up!!!

  95. hello im not here 2 pass judgments on any religion but since u r upset about the ill translated verses in quran about islam ordering us 2 jihad woulnt it mean that we would b raging wars on the so called infidals.. i dont see us fighting anyone and u say that there r more muslims in indonesia than the arab world !! well is it our fault that were not as populated as they certainly does not make their islam better than ours.. the true essence of islam seem 2 weaken as i see it as u move away from arabian territory most indonesians and africans r uneducated how would they know any thing about islam ..these kinds of writings is what causes friction between humans were all children of adam and eve.. i just hope we dont get lost in translation again so we could all b at peace

  96. JJ Islam Is Not a Peaceful Religion ??
    Before you make a judgement on a religion, I highly recommend you actually read the actuall book that you refer too. This is better than merely regurgitating some elses “facts”
    Also you claim that the muslim relgion is a rewrite of older relgions? Try reading the original bible, then compare it with all the “versions” that exist today.
    In fact I recommend that you choose an unbiased selection of religious books, e.g. christian in both new and ols testament, koran, buddism, scientology, etc. Do a logical and fair comparison and then if nothing else at least you will have a greater understanding of you own predjudices
    Oh and before you make any illadvised assumptions about me, I was christened C of E, but after looking into religion more deeply I am now currently(and have been for many years) what most people would define as an agnostic.

  97. Sanjay, I agree with you on the America thing. People in this country don’t realize how self centered America is. Many people in this country seem to think that everything America does is justified. Ignorant people.

  98. people will take you seriously when you learn to spell…

    aethiest? wat’s that?

    or maybe you did that on purpose….

  99. there is no such thing as ‘god’ or higher being or whatever…..if god supposedly loves us, why is there so much violence in this world..if we’re all so ‘loved’ he wouldnt put us in violent situations….all religions i think is retarded and is for people who need spiritual guidance….ok cmon now, u guys really think that there’s an inviible man who gave 10 commandments to live by? a man who loves us, but if we’re bad we go to burning hell, but if we confess we are forgiven to sin again and again? “hi god, i killed 2 people and molested 5 children. im sorry…..yay im forgiven!”…<—-kinda lame. and if god is so powerful, why does he supposedly send us messages through other people like moses, etc….this ‘powerul god’ should be able to appear in front of us all and tell us himself. GOD IS S**T…..made up character by some hallucinating crackhead…lol..and if this offends some of u, tough, deal with it….haha…

  100. Obviously you are misled or knowingly trying to be ignorant. Please check your facts about all religion, be it hindu, christian or islam, the issue is with a small section of people who are highly radical and orthodox. Also it is well known fact(secret), that for its own interest (call it oil…), America is persuing its own interest everywhere in the world. Where were the Americans when there was mass killing in Bosinia. Why are they not doing anything in many of the african countries or even a country like Burma. The reason is obvious there is nothing for the Americans over these places :-). The world would be a lot better if the Americans leave the rest of the world as it is. By the way, what about the Hindu extremist group in India, who are openly involved in mass genocide of muslims during the so called riots…

  101. I am not here to defend any religion or to declare one as good or bad. But I can say, based on the contents of your article that you have very little understanding of the subject you discussed. The barbary war fought by the United States is irrelevant to the main contents of the Qur’an or teachings of Islam.
    You need to check your record properly. The Quran 9:29 you quoted in your article has been wrongly interpreted or delibrately interpolated. Rather than asking Muslims to fight those who do not believe in Allah, it only gives permission for the faithfuls to fight those who fight them. Compare this to passages of the Old Testament and report your findings.
    I can see your article was born out of your inherent hatred towards Muslims and Arabs. You need to read the books of history. You will realise that Muslims, past and present are not in anyway more violent than Christians and Jews as you want to portray them. The fact that Islam is presently the fastest growing religion in the world shows that there is something in it that is appealing to reasonable people.

  102. a terrible thing to believe your own words…no insurance on the other side…would be scarey

  103. Religon causes more wars than anything else. So many different stories, so many different gods, so much pain and suffering, so much disease and death. You live then you die, simple as that, no heaven no hell no stupid litle angels or pearly gates just life then death.

  104. Hahaha, all religion is crooked, its a superstition based ignorace factory. Don’t point the finger at just the muslims, they are simply riding the fary tale train along with all the other sad people.

  105. Islam Is Not a Peaceful Religion
    Neither Is Christianity =)

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