
Career Planning

Teachers Unions: No Matter How You Try To Slice It, They Are Corrupt, Self-Serving, And Hypocritical

Teachers unions are vile, self-serving rackets, plain and simple. Despite what public school teachers in the U.S. (and elsewhere) would have you believe, their primary concern is not for “students” when they march, rally, and protest aggressively for higher wages, more benefits, and longer holidays. See also: Humans Need Not Apply: A Sobering Look Into […]

Student Loan Default: A Complete List Of Horrible Consequences That Arise When You Let It Happen

Quick! Write this on your bathroom mirror: I will not default on my student loans. I will not default on my student loans. See also: How To Legally Get Out Of Paying Back Your Federal Student Loans To Avoid Defaulting Or Bankruptcy Actually, write it down all over the place, and burn it deep into […]

Humans Need Not Apply: A Sobering Look Into How Robots, Machine Automation Are Destroying Jobs

I suppose, in hindsight, it was just a matter of time. Robots are officially taking over the world. And no, its not a conspiracy, or a drone army, or a machine uprising – its far more subtle than that. Automation machines are becoming so prevalent across so many industries that they are literally replacing the […]

Life Priorities: Here Are The Ways You Can Prioritize Your Limited Time, Resources, Energy, And Emotions

In an era that tells us to keep rushing, from the time we are children, to reach the next milestone in life (college, career, marriage, children, etc), it’s often hard to keep our priorities straight – or even know what they are. Mix in an overload of internet exposure, media, and pop culture, and it […]