
Personal Finance

Dental Insurance: ‘Scam’ Or Not, Why You Probably Don’t Need It And How It Often Leads To Problems

Going to the dentist is a necessity. But dental insurance? Not so much. Dental insurance is a relatively recent consumer phenomenon that exists primarily in North America. The industry sprang up almost completely overnight due to large American companies who decided to begin offering dental insurance as an extra benefit to their employees, in the […]

Student Loan Default: A Complete List Of Horrible Consequences That Arise When You Let It Happen

Quick! Write this on your bathroom mirror: I will not default on my student loans. I will not default on my student loans. See also: How To Legally Get Out Of Paying Back Your Federal Student Loans To Avoid Defaulting Or Bankruptcy Actually, write it down all over the place, and burn it deep into […]

How To Legally Get Out Of Paying Back Your Federal Student Loans To Avoid Defaulting Or Bankruptcy

Student loan debt is crushing the American middle class. In fact, the total amount of debt from student loans in the United States is now greater than credit card debt AND auto loan debt – and it’s growing, quickly. See also: Here Is The Exact Letter I Used To Get Back A Security Deposit In […]

Here Is The Exact Letter I Used To Get Back A Security Deposit In Full From A Hostile Apartment Building

Landlords are assh*les. At least, that’s how it seems, much of the time. With booming populations, sprawling cityscapes, and economic hardships the world over, real estate is becoming more expensive, driving more and more tenants into rental properties where they are at the complete behest of a landlord for almost everything – from setting up […]