
Scam Schools

Accreditation: When Talking About Higher Education, Nothing Could Be More Relevant – Or Controversial

Accreditation. It’s a word that most college students have heard at some point, but that (unfortunately) very few actually comprehend on a meaningful level. And that is NOT a good thing. With greedy investors and corrupt congressmen aggressively turning college into a for-profit industry devoid of traditional academic discourse and teeming with unqualified faculty, dishonest […]

Diploma Mills: 11 Of The Most Common Warning Signs Associated With “Fake” Colleges And Scam Schools

Scam colleges, more popularly known as “diploma mills” or “degree mills” throughout the United States and Canada (and beyond), are responsible for ruining thousands of lives every single year by falsely promising unsuspecting students stellar academic programs or job opportunities in exchange for exorbitant student fees and inflated “tuition” costs. And due to ongoing corruption […]