

Dirty Words: A Brief Review Of The Most Offensive, Suggestive Words In The English Language. Panties.

What do you get when you mix Latin, German, and French, along with a bunch of other linguistic tidbits (eww)? You get the English language of course, one of the most impressively adaptive yet horrifyingly dirty languages in human history. And when I say dirty, I’m not just talking about your F*CKS, SH*TS, and C*NTS. […]

Lol My Thesis: The Facetious Tumblr Blog Offering Anonymous Online Sympathy To College Students

If you had to sum up your college research in one sentence, what would you say? That is precisely the question asked by Lol My Thesis, a minimalistic online blog that posts one-sentence synopses of academic accomplishments as submitted by anonymous college students from across the U.S. (and beyond). And in good faith of all […]