Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene
Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene is a established in (unknown). The campus is located in and hosts students with an endowment of .
Phone: (no local phone number)
Email: (no public email address)
Institution Type: Unknown
Established: Unknown
Campus Enrollment: N/A
Acceptance Rate: N/A
Graduation Rate (6Y): N/A
Campus Endowment: N/A
Tuition (Local): N/A
Tuition (Non-Local): N/A
Tuition (Foreign): N/A
Mandatory Fees: N/A
Housing (Room): N/A
Tax ID: N/A
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120 Student Reviews of Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene
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God I hate this school
Guys, those who are struggling will continue facing this press until you agree to be “ Masons “ and work for the drugs mafias.
Adding to my previous review:… I think this school should be closed down, tentatively even, just so they can revise their policy and re-train their staff so that this institution can become a place where students can thrive and benefit from. I don’t think it’s fair to demand their students to quit working to focus on studying and then ask them to pay $200 to re-do labs and an additional $90 for tutoring. How is that realistic and why isn’t there more support for students who can’t afford it? I strongly believe getting additional help is something that should be accessible for everyone regardless of their financial situation. Now when it comes to the instructors, not all of them are bad. But wow, some of them were brutal and I feel like a lot of them have this superior ego/power trip. Some of the instructors would make students cry, I had this one instructor who would consistently remind me that I was stupid for having questions and not knowing the answer’s to things and I kept thinking, “I can’t do this anymore”. I think that was the hardest part for me, how do I thrive and get the best out of my education when my instructors don’t even want to help me understand and succeed? IMO, the cons far outweighed the pros.
As a graduate of this school, I am warning you that this school will break you down in a way no other educational institute will. From the quality of education to your clinical experience, you will find it hard to say it was enjoyable. Your clinical experience will be the hardest, as you will have zero help in finding clients, and because your education was such low quality, you will be penalized by the clinical instructors while learning how to actually complete the assessment/forms in the clinic. There are a select few instructors that make your experience slightly more bearable, but overall I wish I would have taken the a different route and go to VCC, VIU or UBC. This school does not care about the students in anyway possible. You are literally just viewed as another incoming cheque to them. They will threaten you with suspension immediately if you are unable to bring in tuition at a date and time they set up without even confirming with you. They will take money every chance they can from the students, with offering next to nothing back.
id really like to know where these terrible reviews come from
im able to write a review w/o have even been to this school
Biggest mistake of my life was going to this god-awful school. There’s no structure or support at this school. The facility has out dated equipment some of which are straight up broken and taped up together, the instructors are rude and are incapable of teaching, and expected to pay extra money on top of the 50k to get “tutoring”. These guys don’t care about your education, they just want your money. I’m over 50k in debt and there’s a possibility that I have to retake a course. My mental health has declined significantly and my advice to others would be not to make the same mistake I did and go to a different school.
Vcc too not more than “ factory for drug dealers “especially dental hygiene program, dental assistant and dental technician . Guys,This is a mandatory requirement to be graduated. BTW, dental assistant programs have the same issue. No graduation without accepting being drug dealers later. Dental college too …. We are facing the most contaminated educational system in the world. We need the government to activate Canadian law and clean up those s**t who spoils this system since ages.
All negative comments are True. Don’t be scammed guys and believe what it was written on student testimony “ . I did search from lots of friends about the history of those who gave positive feedback and why they didn’t treated bad as others .here is the fact, My friends told me , those where treated very well because they have good reputation befor starting the program from VIP outside the college because they work drug dealers and they have people guide them and protect them every where because they support their business.
Go to VCC for your dental hygiene program, actually scratch that, go anywhere else but here! The instructors here are so cruel, I’ve seen students cry and have a mental breakdown.
OMG. The educational process moving students from dental hygiene to be a “ drug dealers???!!!!!!!!!!!” WAF this dirtiest business. The government of Canada must be active and stop this practices since it affects negatively the future of those guys
I think this college must be has had very bad reputation.
Guys, why you’re surprised that students in VCDH ended up to be drug dealers after graduation? This is the reality of all dental hygiene programs all over Canada. For example, in Vancouver community college has exactly the same way to ask students during the program time to participate within these drug world mafias. No one able to graduate, unless be agreed to be drug dealers. Simply, if you don’t want to put your life at risk , just be away from this area of study. There are tons of other jobs that can provide you with good money and you’re safe too. I know those students who accept to be drug dealers are so stupid because at any time they would be in a jail . All health, medical, dental , and educational sectors are fully contaminated with those drug dealers mafias. Hopefully, Canadian government is able to recognise that and ( take action) .
Simply and in brief, students were divided into two parts, one of them well supported by instructors from the beginning until graduation because they have already involved in ( drug world) process. Which means they have the guarantee to pass even if they didn’t do well . The other group of students are treated very very bad . This would be the easiest way to enforce them to participate in drug world and be ( drug dealers) in future or drop the program if they refuse to do that. Guys , don’t forget that the owner is mason , all staff management masons too. That’s mean , this college was found to make students work as drug dealers as much as they can in future simply. If you’re smart, don’t attend this s**t college and think for good, clean future away from this darkness.
Playing the game will acquire great deal of encounter and which indeed improve to perform poker sport. But when we look at different platforms we see something else. This can average at usually 25 to fortytwenty five.
Don’t go here.
Let’s start this off by saying this program is a money pit, expect to pay around 50k for this program alone. If you have to move and find housing or have expenses (ie. food and gas), goodluck.
The facility is literally falling apart, and the equipment is outdated or broken. The radiology lad films are literally stapled together or taped down. At any given time there is maybe 1 scanner working for the entire school to process their films. The lights in preclinical fall on students, and the dexters jaw’s are broken or the latch won’t work to keep them upright. When anything is said to teachers, their hands are tied because the owners DO NOT want to use any of their profits to fix anything.
SOME of the teachers are great, but on the other hand you have teachers that are cruel and seem as though they hate teaching. One in particular had a petition started ,by the students, because she was so mean that people would cry after encounters with her. I’m talking full on breakdown cry.
If you expect any extra help, you will have to pay for it. This includes paying 200$ for makeup lab time if your patients don’t show up or 90$ for tutoring, and list goes on. There are an abundance of staff with fancy titles at the school that seem to do little to nothing at all. We have a librarian for a library we don’t even have, and the education assistant has never helped a single student I know. It should have been apparent when I met the admission coordinator how bad the staff would be. The admission coordinator was not only unwelcoming, but lacked basic comprehension skills when exchanging information via email and was unable to answer basic questions I had about the program.
If you still choose to attend this school, be cautious that you must be in charge or your education and rely on yourself to problem solve.
F**k you boss of this institution with your shitty cheapest , bitchy staff .all will Have a fun in the hell later.
OMG, that’s why lots and lots students dropped.I prefer to stay without diploma than being DDealer in future. F**k off all educational process…
Guys, Boris , Lidia , all instructors and stuff in Boris’ private institutions including his private clinic are (MASONS) . Boris runs this private institutions in Vancouver and Ontario, but he doesn’t own them . It’s for VIP head masons that aimed to drop students as much as they can to be drug dealers in future and once they graduates. I know somebody very close to Boris’s family , told me unbelievable stuff about his son ( Alex) who’s a (GAY) . Anyway, f**k off boris and his family. I don’t recommend this college for anyone because there is no safe future with it.
Even though I graduated, but I confirm that NO one able to graduate and get certificate unless he/ she a mason. It’s dishonest way to ask students to change their religions and be a mason after they pay the student loan, but this would be the reality that everyone must face there. You must expect that guys because the owner and all instructors are masons. This business was opened to serve masons only.anyone says rather than this “ spit at his/ her face “ because he/ she make up lie
Guys, don’t believe any positive comments about this college. There is no positive thing at all about this college. The director are using some students to push in some positive comments about this college because there is a big Negative feedbacks about this college now.
Hey Jennifer, it seems to me you’re one of the dean pitchs or the dirtiest director of this s**t VCDH those who sent you to drew nice picture about this s**t…. tell your fucking dean that too many students are gathering to rise the issues of this building to the parliament soon . We are not going to stop until we close this place forever. It was the worst time we spent there with this racist dean and poor instructors.stop sending anything untrue on this website. If you were a student there, I’m sure you see how the director and managing staff treat immigrants. Now the time to stop racism in Canada . Either to be with us or keep silent and be on a side ok
Reply to Jennifer…. since you graduated from this school, that’s mean you’re free mason as I heard about this college…. I wanna be sure about one it really the dean and other principals have used you to transfer heroine across Canada. OMG if that correct. That’s means those students not more than criminals. Ohhh s**t
LOL my positive review got deleted but this school is not a bad school. I received a great education
I’m shocked to see so many negative reviews.. I’m a recent graduate and nobody in my class seemed to be disappointed in the college. Of course private schools care about money, all schools do. You have to work hard, yes. But I don’t think the school is advocating for your failure…
Hello, If everyone here is against VCDH why don’t you report this to the Ministry of Education or RCMP. We now have social media to expose any anomalies in one school and this can push any investigation. I am just wondering why there are so many comments but I dont here anything from the news.
Yes , the dean , his wife, all instructors and employees are masons 100%. Students, by the time of graduate, they will be all masons otherwise no graduation. I have friends who’s international Indian and some of them they told me real stories which’s horrible…. don’t think that issues stop with showing loyalty to masons and get the certificate…. the dean and principal will ask ask you consistently to transfer heroine and coc. Across the Canadian border. National and international business. You must understand why the dean has 2 private colleges and other businesses…
Hahaha… masonisim in public College too. You seem to be new in this country. Keep in mind , to get a certificate or diploma, you must agree on this requirement.Any student in diploma program and up would be asked at any time about this requirement. It’s mandatory if you wanna get a certificate. I know some friends in public school , they finished all the requirements , but they got out the program after 2 years just because they didn’t agree with their principal .
Masonism…. this school supports masons only. Those who are Christian or Muslim and so on must show loyalty to mason otherwise “No graduation “. I have a friend there that one of the instructors told her , they would ask her after she graduate to transfer illegal drugs such as heroine and cox… across Canadian border. I e across the international airports. This school graduate criminals rather than DH …. f**k off this kind of business
Comments on December 11,2019….. don’t feel sorry that they sold your seat . You are super lucky that you didn’t have access to the Hell. all students who have graduated from this s**t college were felt sorry that they entered it. All …. this college has a very very bad reputation. Feel happy that you didn’t lost your money in this s**t, garbage school. as you said that coordinator for addition was rude, unhelpful….one more thing to be fair with her … she is a “pitch “
This school sold my seat before the deadline to get my prerequisites in. Told me i was out of the program 3 weeks before start date after i worked so hard for a year doing all my pre reqs and paperwork for this school. Admissions coordinators were rude and unhelpful.
Ahhhhh, who’s those supporting public school. If you’re talking about Vcc .i can tell you a secret about them . Dental hygiene department run the dirtiest business. As everyone knows this program competitive correct? But this untrue. Every year the put some seats for selling. I mean even if you don’t have high credit, you can get a seat after you pay for the deal. I graduated last year , some classmates didn’t graduate because the head department didn’t allow them to graduate. Imagine after 3 years and no results. F**k off every one hurt others in this way
Hey students, don’t attend this hell if you wanna get in dental hygiene program. Looking for public school only. Everything you’ve seen in online advertising is fake and untrue. This business the worst I have ever seen in my life. Many of my friends advised me before not to attend this place but I didn’t follow them . Please don’t do my mistake . Go for public onlyyyy
Shut down this private college please. This won’t be healthy environment at all.
Why students are boiling in here. Every year , many private colleges close. Just explaining this mess and illegal issues to the ministry of education . No one should keep silent. The owner sleeps in other city and those s**t instructors treat you bad. I feel sorry for you guys. I wish I could do something to help you .
Hey guys, I honestly feel so sorry for those students in VCDH. I graduated from vcc which is public school and my instructors were more than awesome. They were fair and so supportive. I missed that days. I wanna come back to that days to spend more time with such beautiful instructors. For those who are still in private college, don’t fed up and don’t keep silent. Arguing for your right many times and never give up. Remember you are living in Canada were people must be valuable
Im a new graduate from this college . I recently graduated and I feel it’s my responsibility to advice others who wanna have brightened future not to attend this place at all in your life. The operator including the owners are so low level people. They aim to get the money only and never care for any other stuff. I lived my worst 18 months in this dark , unhealthy place . I was crying every day since we were treated as a s**t . No respect , discrimination, unfairly treated according to which country you are from . Many many many stuff that put students‘dignity down all the time. I read in some comments that instructors need psychiatric specialists!!!. Yes, obviously some instructors need psychological support and they are unsuitable to run this kind of business. I would advise the owner to plan for this business in the third world countries, but not in Canada.
This college started more than 10 years and till now not more than 1star .funny!!!! It seems to me “whatttttt?
Guys, don’t trust advertising about this college. My I have friends there told me that their instructors enforced them to smile in front camera to attract students to this s**t and traps students as much as they can to grap more money.
Students here are facing fraud and discrimination all the time.
Since today is thanksgiving, I’d like to say f**k you owners of this dumb college and f**k you too staff including instructors. We’re experiencing the worst experience in our life as a students here. You let me forget‘I’m a human’. I’m curious to know what you’re gonna get if you put students’ dignitaries down???!!!!!!
Shittttt college. Must be closed. Unhealthy environment. Students are treated like a pegs. The owner care about pulling money as much as he can from students and don’t care for any other stuff in this dump.
Don’t fighting guys, all evaluations whether in public school or private are biased. Evaluation never mean that this student smart and other lazy . It simply means that the students who get pass easily are in-favour by most instructors . Ending, every body can evaluate him/herself fairly and biased evaluation leave it for them.
Reply to comment on 26 of September 2019. I would say, don’t compare public school with private school please. I was in vcc public college before 2years. I agree that instructors are strict, but they were never be rude . They respect students and respect each other in there. They are strict because they want to be sure that students are well prepared to work with clients. They want to build up students with high confidence to work very well with clients. While in private college, the picture completely different. Private college focus on financial issues. How to grap more money from students only. As I read here , they have huge concerns about racism which is really big issues. In public school this issue never existed at all. My instructors in public school were so friendly and honest. I highly suggest for everyone who interested in dental hygiene program to start in public school only. Just forget private s**t.
Hey guys, don’t think public school is better… trust me both are bad. While I’m reading all these reviews, I just remembered the disrespect that I’d experienced in public school. I graduated since 2003 from Vancouver community college and till now I remember that behaviour that made me feel down all the time. The problem not with the college, but the staff who’s far away to be involved in educational process . Obviously, unfair
The worst place the most bad reputation I have heard from students who are still studying there.
Guys, I wanna understand one thing only because I almost getting mad in VCDH jail…. why this s**t dean feeding racism in here…. he teaches instructors to be racists for a reason…. There is a secret behind this behaviour…. either this guy sadistic or there is something we are unaware about… I talked yesterday with my boyfriend ( he’s a police officer)about everything in here .he advised me to do claim about the dean and say to that dean …. down down shitttty owner…. you asked students to be professionals and you’re criminal, racist,lie and didn’t do what you promised…. you’re running dirtying business. F**k youuuuuu
Zero level faculty….. they put pitch at the interance “Tina” to attract students. Before telling false stories about this f**k you are in, read these huge comments about you .f**k you all with your s**t dean.
Was a student at this school- worst decision of my life. Spend your money at another institution, not worth finishing 6 months sooner. The owners dont want to put any money into the school even the teachers complain. Building is old and broken down in a ex-bowling alley, currently shared with Thirsty Duck. Not enough parking, washrooms, lockers or equipment. They pay more attention to enforcing dress code and the colour of your socks ( even underwear) than they do to actually making sure we had enough supplies to work with, repeatedly had problems with being given the wrong exams, computers crashing or them trying to blame you for missing equipment! The lunchroom is cramped, can barely find space to eat, no fridges, 30 min line for microwave every day- they actually used this space for our grad ceremony… Half our class did not even graduate on time because they are so understaffed and we had to keep our clients waiting for 30 minutes every time to get checked! The teachers apart from two or three expect you to know everything right off the bat and make you feel like an idiot for asking questions, not a healthy learning environment at all. PLEASE consider another option, this “school” is an overpriced, mismanaged, hell hole
Overall Score: (1/5.00)
If you wish to be treated as less than a human being, this is the school for you! I can’t get over how rude and unprofessional certain instructors are. In the morning I will pass them in the hallways and say “Good morning, How are you?” and I am greeted with a fowl face and a simple grunt… The program director has the emotional intelligence of a stone and clearly does not care about the students as she has actually stated to us before. She consistently speaks badly about other students and then preaches to us about professionalism. If you also like being treated like you are in kindergarten, constantly being monitored, and talked down to, you will love this school. The woman who works in the sterilization department is a complete bag who screams at the top of her lungs at whoever is passing by and gets away with it. I have asked her several times to speak to me like I am a human being and give me the same respect I show her… ya not going to happen in this lifetime. The extremely unfortunate thing is that the instructors don’t do anything about it either and say it’s just in her nature. If it was in one of the students “nature” to be rude do you think they would get away with it? No. A monkey could do her job and she is easily replaceable, why they haven’t replaced her by now I will never understand. The reviews below are absolutely true. If you have a strong accent there are some teachers who will just get fed up and angry with you because they can’t understand you and definitely do not stand up for yourself. I only wish more people would come on here and read the reviews before spending $40,000 to be treated like dirt.
VCDH collected all pitched in Canada, good future with pitching hygienists
The worst place I have ever seen. There are tooo many unacceptable issues in this college. It’s hard and useless to talk and explain even painful for many who build up a dreams that one day they will be a student here. I would say in brief, if Canada run by a fair government that cares about Canadians and wish the best for them , this college must be closed since everything inside is illegal.
Reply to the comment on May 13,2019… I agree with all you said and I heard that from my friends in this private school that’s why I deleted my idea completely to attend here and I’m looking for public school only at least instructors are highly qualified and have high ethical standards not like private schools instructors who are really more less than cheap …. by the way while I was reading your comment, I just felt the pain and hard experience you faced there . If I where in your situation, I would inform the ministry of education to close this illegal business.
Where do I begin. There is not one student I talk to that is satisfied with attending this school. They do not have enough equipment ( love how their website says “fully equipped with high quality and up to date equipment…), in a clinic of 24 students, there is only ONE scanner to scan your xrays therefore you need to leave your client waiting in the X-ray room if another student is processing their xrays through the scanner ( sometimes up to 18 xrays ). The computers crash all the time while your client is in your chair, student to instructor ratio in clinic is 6:1 and sometimes there’s only 3 instructors for 24 students ( also love how on their website it says “ excellent instructor to student radio”…), and with all this being said, no wonder people don’t graduate on time. Every semester of students has class reps who bring up any issues they have to the school, what is even the point of that if they always support the instructors and what they have to say but don’t care one bit about the students? This school is cheap and all they want is your money. They charge you $150 to redo your instrument exam if you fail it a 2nd time, for what you ask? Oh just because. Because then you magically pass the 3rd time. charging students who are new for struggling with passing their instrument exam, who does that?? 2 microwaves for over 150 students, no fridge, no paper towels in the lunch room, not enough chairs and desks in the lunch area and a library that’s the size of my living room. If only I knew what this school was like before I started, I would’ve 1000% gone to a different school. When you explain all this to a student who’s going to be attending, they are confused and won’t believe it until they start the program. I mean come on, a 1 star review for over 60 reviews for this school that pretty much sums it up. Even the receptionists have a high turnover rate. There’s a new receptionist every few months because of how theyre treated too, Please, do yourself a favour and go somewhere else.
Guys , if you are Canadian, just start your program here because you will graduate faster and trust me you will get diploma without any effort. All that issues that mentioned here are true but it happens with those who are immigrants. We are Canadians . We have the priorities everywhere. Thanks for the owner who provide respect for us specifically.
I totally agree with the person who commented on March 19 , 2019 . I would say since there is no government to check and know what’s gon on , let the owners of private colleges spoil the educational process. Through these private colleges, the Canadian educational institutions would be the lowest in the world soon.
The school really nailed the whole “totalitarianism regime” experience.
They don’t play by the rules. They don’t care about the students. They will always fail at least 8 students in every first semester for preclinical so the students each pay the 100$ fee to retest. It’s extra money.
What legitimate institution would cash postdated cheques early? VCDH isn’t a legit institution, it’s a cookie cutter hygienist factory , you will loose marks for not wearing you badge (sounds familiar ?) , for wearing ankle socks or wearing a sweater with a logo on it. Some teachers are nice but most of the whole program is a sad example of abuse of power, lack of regulation and is preventing this fields progression into this day and age. It’s 2019 not 1919. Ankles aren’t inappropriate anymore.
Seriously, I’ve friends there in VCDH who getting shocked From the bad behaviour they received in …. they felt really sorry for every dollar spent in that college…. lowwwww level of instructors…. all unprofessional and surprisingly they talk about professionalism and they don’t know what it is … so funny and sooo sad at the same time. My friends described their situation as this is a huge mistake that have done in their life. Loss of money and loos of efforts unfortunately.
Yeah, that’s true . I heard from my friends who were students there and they advised me to start my program in public school since some instructors ask some students for practicing sex I order to get credits and graduate…. that’s why I changed my mind and went for nursing at least instructors there have positive reputation.i would say that any student has to expect these stuff from private college staff who are chosen by the owner and not by a government. Our instructors in public school have been under strict regulations to be accepted as instructors here. Big greetings with hug to public schools instructors and f**k you all private schools instructors. You have spoiled the educational institutions.
I’d never recommend this college forever for anybody sice everything in it is weird, unfair … 100% opposite to what we are seeing in the advertising. Instructors have low level of knowledge since when students ask about something, they just search on google because they haven’t enough knowledge. The dean has very bad reputation by the the instructor and the students that pass to other levels. They described him as crazy , mean and all he interested in is graping money from students. You owned 2 colleges and students complain all the time that they don’t have toilet paper!!! Come on s**t dean , you have to understand that in life you have to give as you get . One more thing that those instructors treat students discriminatly for various issues but the worst thing I heard which made me shocked and I’m sure that some students will face this situation soon that some instructors (psychics) ask some students to practice sex with them …. be careful guys from those who are noted instructors pet …. does that make sense….. I feel sorry for Canada that has this serious issues which have involved in educational process and the authorities are away from ….
Hey guys , honestly I advise you don’t attend this school. Everything is illegal and I’m sure that the government will discover all these illegal stuff that running on in this building and close it . It’s really unfair to let the owner steal our money in this way . All previous comments are true and the reality inside this building is more more worse than what they said. I feel honestly like I’m living in other country not Canada where the terorism and other criminal stuff. I’m sure there is something serious and the way they treat students here . My question is that how comes this college has been running for many years and the Canadian government doesn’t have idea about these crimes yet?
Was a student at this school- worst decision of my life. Spend your money at another institution, not worth finishing 6 months sooner. The owners dont want to put any money into the school even the teachers complain. Building is old and broken down in a ex-bowling alley, currently shared with Thirsty Duck. Not enough parking, washrooms, lockers or equipment. They pay more attention to enforcing dress code and the colour of your socks ( even underwear) than they do to actually making sure we had enough supplies to work with, repeatedly had problems with being given the wrong exams, computers crashing or them trying to blame you for missing equipment! The lunchroom is cramped, can barely find space to eat, no fridges, 30 min line for microwave every day- they actually used this space for our grad ceremony… Half our class did not even graduate on time because they are so understaffed and we had to keep our clients waiting for 30 minutes every time to get checked! The teachers apart from two or three expect you to know everything right off the bat and make you feel like an idiot for asking questions, not a healthy learning environment at all. PLEASE consider another option, this “school” is an overpriced, mismanaged, hell hole
Instructors are so discriminating in this college. They give the priorities to white blond students who are Canadians and they ignore or put inferior other immigrants… Q/ why you’re accepting immigrants since you are hating them … just to steal their money in dishonest way. Let me tell you something so valuable “ keep in mind , without immigrants, Canada won’t be existed ok…. dose that make sense or we have to show that in other ways?
Well since I’m currently student in this college, I would never recommend it to anyone… low level of instructors, they treat students like a s**t with now respect at all , some instructors lie to let students fail to get money from them to pass them later …. just I wanna say to anyone think to come in here , don’t think to start your program in private college… honestly unworthy at all and personally I feel sorry for myself that I did miss descion in my life to put my money in this s**t
Gus’s what … whatever I say about those who are running this dirty business, it won’t be enough…. so I’m gonna say f**k you allllll …. it was my worst descion to attend this garbage college… I wanna advising any one who still far away from this school, just stay away as much as you can because it’s a jock and whatever you see in the advertising not true at all … here you’re gonna loss your money since you’re dealing with theives
For this who posted her unworthy comment on February 15 and I’m sure she is either the director, the owner or one of the instructors in this dissatisfy college who wants to hide the disgusting reality of this college to get more more students to enrolled in , I would say to you that I agree that dental hygiene program is a good area to start with,but definitely in public school who runs by Canadian government not buy some sick people who need psychiatrist to treat them . For the people who run this business, I would say you are far away to carry this responsibility and run this kind of business which describes humanity so owned money, but you miss values unfortunately. The reality of this college right now is clear for everyone and if you ask the registration office in public school and how the numbers of applicants doubled more than ten times you will understand which low level you gain .
Although the program was difficult and a ton of work, in the end if you put in the effort it was worth it. I completely disagree with previous statements, as every experience I had was 100% worth my time and helped better me as a hygienist. I believe if you are passionate about becoming a hygienist, all the previous negative comments will not apply to you.
Definitely I don’t recommend this college to anyone and I wished to hear the reality from anyone who has enrolled before , but all keep silent…. once I started everything was clear …. simply dishonest instructors, dishonest s**t students, very bad owners… disgusting business….. for sure un worthy for anyone to spend penny from his money here… f**k you all … what’s a hell is this …
Just I wanna say something for that s**t who gave her aweful opinion on January 6 2019 and I’m sure that she’s either instructor instructor here or new student who still doesn’t know what’s goin on in this hell that know VCDH … hey I spent 18 months here and my experience will never be repeated….. I get to the point that those instructors and the dean as well need psychiatric to treat them . They are sick peoples. I’m sure that soon will agree with me that the instructors here sadist “sadism “ … they feel happy when hurt students. I’m not gonna exclude some students to since my partner was Canadian and I really realized that he’s abnormal .any way, just shut up your s**t mouth and don’t give your advice since you don’t have idea about the crimes that run inside this college.
Btw, I forgot to tell you that don’t worry about the studying materials and exams since the instructors there sell the questions for midterm and final exam during the week before these exams but with high price for sure . Since this sell business is hidden and under the table , you can get these stuff through Canadian white students because instructors trust only those. So be smart and understanding the game in this hell …. you can get easily your certificate and be hygienist by your money. … pay money, get certificate … the experience don’t worry about it , you will get it when you will get a job as many instructors said that
I just finished my program and I could describe my journey in this college as horrible. It was my worst descion I have taken in my life to get this program in private college. The owner thinks only how to get more money from students. Taking in consideration that once you will be accepted, you are gonna face all kind of discrimination that you’re never face out this college. I feel really sorry for the operator of this program since they are psychologically unfit and as some students comment that those instructors including the dean need psychiatric doctor to treat them rather than to be an instructors in this jail.
I’ve wished to have this website before I registered in this s**t college. New, the reality inside this garbage college more worse than what students wrote here. As many described the situation as mafias, I’m just shocking by the discusting way that instructors behave…. I can’t believe that instructors who are moms ,they have kids ,and they are old not teenagers… lie and like this thing is easy for them …. shittttttt…. I waste my money in this VCDH which is s**t garbage
Don’t worry…. here where the garbage is … I feel soooo sorry to threw my money in this s**t
The worst college that involve group of theives adds the most mean students and miserable instructors that don’t understand what to do …. where is the highly qualified instructors that talked about in your website… all together representing donkeys this century…. that one called mersic so funny she thought that she still teenager…. comeeee on watch yourself 70thhhhhh yo
What I’m sure that the dean of this college was against Muslims students specifically and those with dark coloured skin, but to hate all immigrants that would be hot issues we have to stop on it and understand that we are in Canada where the equality is . That dean must respect students whatever their origin and never leveling people in this discriminating m.otherwise government must stop this black business and f**k off that dean .
The worst college in the world . I graduated in 2017 but I can confirm that it was my disastrous experience. I haven’t seen instructors torture immigrants students in this horrific way. When we asked why all these in unfairness in dealing with immigrants…. simply instructors said “we are following the regulations from the dean and mrs Lidia “…if you have comments, just understand that you’re under scope and we’re oriented to do that regardless we’re dissatisfied by the discriminating way that the dean and his wife deal with”.. this college definitely torture immigrants for some reasons and the government has to be aware of what’s running here.
Heyyyy you who named yourself the dean….I would say honestly “ if you don’t feel a shamed, do whatever you like” …. if I were in your situation and those students said what they said in this website… I would close this school directly…. just keep in mind that you will end up with mass of ashes and people then will remember all your bad behaviour and say consistency “ Go to Hell”
I haven’t seen college with so black history like VCDH &TCDH. I live in Ontario and I’m planning to apply for dental hygiene program. I asked about that in Ontario and the students there getting mad from the worst behaviour they are receiving as they describe that “slavery treatment”. I came to Vancouver to apply here and I had a chance to talk with 2 students from advanced semester and group of students semester 1 as they told me . I shocked by the reality of this college too and how the owner treat those students. My question to the dean : who you are to divide students into groups regarding their origin? Are you aware what you are doing? How dare you are doing that in Canada? ???!!!! Why you regard white Canadians higher than other students? Can you tell me what agenda you are follow and for who you are doing all that “mess”
Hopefully, this business will stop soon. The government doesn’t have any idea about the crims that are happening within this college,but soon everything will be uncovered. A big negative announcement will everybody hear about this hell . I wish to see that dull dean to be charged for all these crimes.
In brief, if you wanna see how sadism would be, I invite you to come to this poor college . Many instructors unfortunately suffer sadism and they need urgent psychiatric support. Shame on you .you have spoiled the educational process in Canada.
When I attended here just a couple of years ago I had a really crazy instructor freak out on me and then sent me an email that same night and told me she was sorry for bringing her personal life to work and for letting it interfere with her work day and that she reacted unprofessional and that she knew better and it would not happen again. Like WTF? Can you imagine an instructor EVER sending you something like that or freaking out at you for no reason. I am still having issues to this day from what she had said to me. This has happened to other students in my class as well. This same instructor also used to sit in the parking lot in the morning and stalk us and watch us walk into the college and would then give us penalties for thinking she saw us wear something we usually weren’t. Complained to the program head, she said we basically had to deal with it and that the instructor had issues going on at home. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? If an instructor emailed me something like that or acted in that regard towards a student in any other college, that instructor would have been let go IMMEDIATELY. Beware. I’m just glad I’m out of that hell hole. It was the worst 18 months of my life and not because the program was intense but because of all the drama and other crap we had to deal with. The things they don’t tell you about when you first sign up.
You are right with all you said. The dean trust who are untrustful. Those instructors such as mrsic and some others will put the end of this business. The dean deserves that btw.the end of this college coming soon.
You do homework before attend. Unfortunate they put on good front get you in door. Once you in and deposit money student realize what they about. No staff bio on website. They claim staff high educate however they not transparent about. If reputable, they put on website like most business. Red flag. Once attend class quick apparent low quality teacher. Managers extremely is incompetent unprofessional. Recent I hear director manager tell the crazy Instructor with mental health issues that she leave her role at college and tell instructor not worry because she recommend her to business owner to take over role. This instructor terrible and make student cry. Manager say owner wrapped around finger and she got far with not tell them half things that go on at college. Manager say instructor “please not backstab me “ and owner not there and not know how really run business and management pick up piece so sometimes have make independent decision make place run smooth. Manager say owner not know a word this this this. They in Toronto. They do not need know. We have good thing going. I not believe what I hear. College sketchy AF.
Down down down the owner of this business. I’m planning to register in this college. Your students tell the truth which is 100% against your adv s . Why you wanna get all these Sam of money and you treat students like piggy… shame on you .
Guys, let’s be one hand and tell the government and the parliament what’s gonn on inside this building. This institution should not stay work on this manner. Everything is illegal. Many crims are happening and you’re keep silent. We are paying lots of money. They should treat us fairly away from leveling and discriminating specific cultures. We shouldn’t accept bullying and putting our dignity down in front our clients. Those would never trust us . Ends, we have to pay thousands of dollars due to lack of credits.this dishonesties to grap more money from students.
What Hami said is so little comparing with the the ugly reality of this college. The reality more worse. Guys, As Many of us known this college “Guantanamo “.Some of the instructors are really racist and prefer specific culture than others . Others feeding the attitude to be racist in future. They build up the mind to be discriminating person in our society.they let students hate each other and snap each others like enemies. At the end they say “we teach you professionalisms”.I can give you example what happened with one of the students last days as I understand from some classmates She resigned her course cause of the racism in this college. They miss treat immigrants. They divide them into levels. Arabs no way to be here since the owner unhappy with this culture . Every semester we hear that somebody was bullied for race and origin. Why you involve immigrants since you hate them !!!! This dirty business running down . I ask the owner to tell the truth why some immigrants drop the program and that never happened with Canadian white!!!! What you are doing crims one day you’d be charged for that .mrs mrsic works for years to hurt students according your orders . She supports Canadian white mainly. Pealse, stop these stuff because it won’t fit all the day you’ll pay for everything you’re doing now. Stop discriminating and targeting students according their origin .be honest with yourself and your students too. Without those students, you are nothing and never been exist.
This school just want your money, the education level is so bad. The instructor does not teach anything and they refer all things to the book. Instructors in clinic they try to kill your clinic time to have more people at end of semester four for remedial clinic because of money. The school does not provide the client and you should bring your own client. You need at least 20 client to graduate. Non of the instructor are knowledgable. Some of them they dont know the difference between composit and calculus and decalcification. For the preclinic they failed half of the class and they ask for 100 $ for the third attempt. In the evaluation sheet the instructor lie to fail the students. The owner is only think about money. The clinic does not have supplies enough such as alginate, camera, …you need to buy your mask and gloves. Some instructors whithout any reason just give you professional penalty. You should wear the very ugly golf shirt with school name on it. I guess its because of advertisement for school. The big boss or administer does not listen to any student complaints. If you are blonde or caucasion you have priority otherwise you dont. They humiliate you as much as they can. They are not professional and they expect you to be professional. For the assignments if you are teacher pet you will get high mark otherwise you usually get fail grade mark in assignment. Non of the instructor have the same idea about clinic stuff such as gingival and periodontal classification. Every instructor is different. For assigning DD level if you are favour student they give you high DD level, if you are not they even reduce your DD level. The system is so shitty therefore every year half of student fail thr clinic. They are not trying to fix the problem. The important thing for them is the socks not the learning stuff. They say to you you will graduate in 18 months but you dont sometimes if you fail the clinic you have to wait for another 4 months to offer you a seat. If you want to choose this school good luck!
Here wasting of money and effort. They get your money like theives and tell you you don’t have enough credits to graduate….. dirty business … run by dirty people . Before you register, just have a look on the castle that Boris lives … I mean the castle of the theives .
Don’t come to this college… they steal your money only. Instructors so mean .the owner think to grap your money only . Invest your money in other college.
I don’t have words fit with VCDH . They are much more dirty than the dirtiest thing in our life.
Hey alla…. A9B9.i wish you have access to this website and you know about it . I wanna tell you that Manasvi achieved her 3 instruments evaluation T . mrs mirsic was happy that Manasvi bullied you !!! Manasvi success was a reward for what she did . that’s so mean but that what me and my group heard from Manasvi as she failed all past exams and everybody surprised how comes3achievements one time. Be careful from Mrs Mirsic she doesn’t like you
Ohhhh my goshhh what a hell is that inside this college… today I met a student accidentally and she explained the situation inside as nobody can expect it …. horrible… I’m just wondering where is the operator of this business and what’s gonn on …. that’s really disastrous helllllllll… oh gosh …. now I obsolutly appreciate public schools only
I would not recommend this school to anyone. Management treat the students and the faculty really bad. Money comes first and they keep raising prices on everything. The school doesn’t really help you find the clients you need to garaduate and a lot of the student fail to keep up with their high demands. .Some teachers are good some are grabed from clinic to teach who they are too far from this profession … at least they have to be honest but unfortunately poris so materialistic person as everyone knows him and grabed cheap people to teach … “cheap “ cheaaaaaap
Two-faced management, treats students like piggy banks, unrealistic expectations, …
DO not waste your time or money with this school. Attend a public dental hygiene program, were the instructors are fully qualified, and don’t just have Diplomas.
Be humane…..some instructors are older than my oldest grandmother and still jumping like monkeys and behave like kids …. just respect your age and behave like adults….. shame on you … you didn’t leave anything for kids to do crazy women
Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones on people…. catch a VCDH staff
Hahaha …. mrs Antosh … you have to be smart enough and don’t ask stupid questions to the director of this website as you asked him to let reviewers provide their real identity such as name and email . You won’t hurt them … all students will talk here and some will uncover other stories which are running now …. let the Canadian government watch the disgusting realities of private colleges and put the end ….
The college states they are high on professionalism yet have a very unprofessional instructors among the mix. Some instructors talk down to students in front of other people and school clients. It’s pure hell to pay so much money to go to this college, to have to deal with the added stress of having incompetent individuals trying to deliver an education that is very far from high quality due to the low quality of these instructors. Also, the program director is on shrooms, the one that gets super Mario messed up.
I didn’t find something less than 1 star to give. Unfortunately
Currently attending this college, let me just start off by saying how ridiculous this school actually is. They took away our winter break and expect us to pay extra for dumb s**t. Some of the instructors are helpful while others, not so much. You’re pretty much on your own while attending. Just hoping to survive by the end of this.
S**t on all staff ……starting from the top to the down …. you are not more than dirtiest thieves
The worst college I’ve ever seen . It should closed
Money grab. You are just a number.
Do not go here. Save your money and pick a different career or go to a public school. You will regret it and it will be a huge waste of your investment.
DONT GO HERE!!! VCC accepted me and i decided to go here because they have more frequent intake. DON’T DO WITH I DID. School decided to move to new location in middle of the year. Had to go to school 6 days a week because of that. School days were super long from 7:15-7pm to accommadate their move…Many studemts got screwed over and didn’t graduate on time because they didn’t have enough time to finish clinic or study after schoop. My gpa for that semester dropped because of this stupid arrangement. Lots of unexpected expense!!!! Beware that you will have to spend extra for specific colored socks, pants specific color and length, under shirts or even Panties in certain color. Yes you heard me right. They told us that we need to purchased nude color PANTIES. More purchases for stupid clinic tags to check out instruments and plastic box to store instruments. Only a less than a hand full of instructors are good. I feel bad for them. They deserve to teach at a better school. Graduation party was a joke!!!!! They charged us $400 to hold it in the school’s lunch room. My elementary school graduation was 100x better than that. I don’t know anyone in school who loves being there. Everyone hates it. Just a matter of the extent. Tutuition is $36000+. They don’t provide you loupes. Prepare to spend $1500-2500 on them depending on which ones you pick. Clinic instructors all grade you differently. One day you are told that you’re doing Great, next day you failed everything and was told something completely opposite. Staffs have super high turn over rate. They r cheap to the staffs. Receptionists and CDAs hate it there too. We saw staff stormed out from school once and never came back. Clinic was left with no staff. Student had to figure things out themselves. Clinic runs out of alcohol, sterilization wraps, infection wipes, gloves, masks all the time. They figured that the students must be wasteful of stuff so they limited us on boxes of gloves, masks, biomaterial materials you can use until you graduate. ****. I don’t like to complain. I just wanted to graduate on time and not cause any trouble. But this school pushes everyone’s limit. AVOID AT ALL TIMESSSSSSSSSSSS. RUN AWAY FROM THIS PLACE.
In the old school the internet was complete s**t. Now, in the new school, and still the internet is ass. This school is a joke.
This school is a joke ! i did the local anaesthetic course here over 2 weekend and failed because i apparently didn’t do a second aspiration on the palate injection. This is very subjective as i know that i didn’t forget that. Instructors were terrible and made you feel like s**t. When i called the school to discuss why i failed the main instructor seemed defensive and rude when i asked about why i failed. Would never recommend this school to anyone.
I can write a book about this school. First of all, after 10 years, the owners decide to move the school from a barely decent place to a bowling alley in a shady neighborhood
(great choice!), why didn’t you just build us a new building from scratch like the Toronto school?. Second, the owners try to care about the students, but mainly they care about their pockets. Thirdly, whoever runs the school, keeps on BS’ing to the students how perfect everything is. Lastly, if you want to pay 40k for a bowling alley, come on in! and RIP.
This school is a JOKE. A SICK, SICK, SICK, JOKE. The owners just want your money, they don’t care who you are or how you’re doing, they will find every possible way to rob you. There are only a few instructors that actually care and will do their best to help you succeed, but even that is difficult for them as they are employed under the senseless owners. If I could choose again, I’d rather spend an extra 6 months at VCC and even pay more money than to give this school a dime. I’m not even exaggerating.
you have no human rights at this school. the coordinator, instructors and owners do not care about the students. only a few instructors really help students out. so much corruption within the staff and all the school wants is your money. for tutoring, or extra help, for credits, or clinics. this school is nothing.
Tuition fee is $40,000 per student but the school won’t even use some of that money to get their wifi fixed. I get a better wifi connection in the middle of a forest!!! Plus there are only a couple plug ins in the rooms so students crowd around the back of the room to charge their laptops.
Most expensive school ever don’t go here not worth the Time or money
Never in my life have I felt less of a human being. I’m honestly the most depressed I’ve been in my life being in this place. I just wish I had found this website before even applying here. I wouldn’t consider this place a “school” because what instructors would want their students to fail instead of succeed??? This is exactly what this “school” is about. All the bad comments are true. This place is a trap, STAY AWAY!
Whoever runs this fake website is a fucking idiot. I have friends who have graduated from VCDH and wrote great reviews that you wouldn’t publish. Not to mention your reply to the person who asked if there was a waiting period on the review was something along the lines of “LOL get fucked”. Mrs. Antosh has way better things to do then come onto this s**t and comment. I’m so sorry that you are butt hurt about your experience. You probably had no friends and got held back. VCDH is a great school. End rant.
The review written on Jan 11th 2016 is a complete lie and was actually written by the program coordinator. The school is a joke plain and simple. Firstly it’s a dump. The carpet is stained with God knows what, the windows have bars like we are being help captive like zoo animals and the majority of the intructors are as miserable being there as we are that they can’t even reply back to us when we try and say hello in the hallways. Don’t waste your time or money at this institution you will regret it tremendously. The receptionist is horrendous and that’s the the beginning of your warm welcome into hell. Don’t I repeat DONT go here. You won’t graduate on time, the instructors(except maybe 2) treat you like you area piece of dirt under their shoe and you won’t have a healthy experience.
“People think if they pay the tuition they are entitled to pass without working hard” can’t count the number of times I have heard this during my time at this school.. must be from a staff member. All the other reviews are true. Stay away.
Anyone who has actually graduated from this college has had great reviews. The staff and instructors are tough but very nice and try to help as much as possible . The equipment is much better than any other colleges and there are many extra free ways to get extra help . This is a tough program and not everyone can pass . People think that if they pay the tuition they are entitled to pass without working hard and when they are released from the program they blame the college with the bad reviews below instead taking accountability for their failure.
There are only a few good teachers that actually know how to teach. The faulty are very rude and do not care about anyone. This place is run down and students are crammed into the smallest classrooms ever. This school is all about money for every little thing. Stay away if you don’t want to waste your money!!!!!
DO not waste your time or money with this school. Attend a public dental hygiene program, were the instructors are fully qualified, and don’t just have Diplomas.
If you wish to be treated as less than a human being, this is the school for you! I can’t get over how rude and unprofessional certain instructors are. In the morning I will pass them in the hallways and say “Good morning, How are you?” and I am greeted with a fowl face and a simple grunt… The program director has the emotional intelligence of a stone and clearly does not care about the students as she has actually stated to us before. She consistently speaks badly about other students and then preaches to us about professionalism. If you also like being treated like you are in kindergarten, constantly being monitored, and talked down to, you will love this school. The woman who works in the sterilization department is a complete bag who screams at the top of her lungs at whoever is passing by and gets away with it. I have asked her several times to speak to me like I am a human being and give me the same respect I show her… ya not going to happen in this lifetime. The extremely unfortunate thing is that the instructors don’t do anything about it either and say it’s just in her nature. If it was in one of the students “nature” to be rude do you think they would get away with it? No. A monkey could do her job and she is easily replaceable, why they haven’t replaced her by now I will never understand. The reviews below are absolutely true. If you have a strong accent there are some teachers who will just get fed up and angry with you because they can’t understand you and definitely do not stand up for yourself. I only wish more people would come on here and read the reviews before spending $40,000 to be treated like dirt.
If you stand up for yourself you are in big trouble . If u are a teacher’s pet you are good to go.if you tell on people, you get rewarded.
If you are not white, do not choose hygiene a s a profession. It is a friendly advise based of the experience, it does not matter how good you are, how smart you are, you are not white.
This school is very pricey and favoritism plays a huge role in your sucess in the program. For thoes that enjoy sucking up to instructors this is the school for you. Most of the instructors are power trippers and enjoy diciplining the students for minor reasons. You pay a huge price for the program and are continually reminded that you have no rights or reason to complain.
Overall, having graduated from this school my education and knowledge is up to par. However, getting to this point has been very mentally draining.
PROS: Great school, great instructors.
CONS: Tuition fee is pricy. Reception staff is the worse ever!!!