
Top 10 Food Facts Everyone Should Know

In honor of the food issue this week at Synapse, I compiled a list of ten essential diet and nutrition facts you might not know:

Box of Chocolates

Why a long term relationship is just like a box of chocolates…

Money or Love?

Rudra. One who has learned the way of the Buddha, but is still egotistical and materialistic. Is that what I’ve become? I’m not quite sure, and I’m not quite sure whether that disturbs me. Or rather, I’m quite sure that it disturbs me, but I’m not sure why. I need time to meditate, but every […]

Our Government Makes Chimps Of Us All

Actually the chimp dined on lobster and steak. (No relation to me. I leave that to the evolutionists to get their own DNA checked). It’s strictly chopped beef, dogs, and the other white meats, for me baby! Oh, and a little non farm raised fish when I am in the chips. How did we let […]

The Scream – A global political picture

Prior to 9/11 2nd August 1990 Iraq shocked the world by actually invading Kuwait city after threatening Kuwait since January 1990 where as some troops had entered Kuwait territory. This being related to an argument over the $14 billion that Iraq borrowed from Kuwait to finance the Iraq Iran war, Iraq had argued that the […]

Car Companies Back At The Public Trough

Another assault on the American taxpayer is under way from a couple of familiar faces. Chrysler and GM are back in Washington looking for significant amounts of more money before one would think that they even had time to spend the last billions they were just given. For anyone with half an ounce of common […]

American Taxpayers Should Get Ready For Rape Of The Century

Major media outlets were full of news two weeks ago about the U.S. banking industry bailout being engineered, supposedly, by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. I say supposedly because, as people in the financial world and others on Wall Street have complained, there is as yet no substance to Mr. Geithner’s plan. The U.S. stock market […]

And the winner is: That silly Y chromosome

Who won the contest and why men are crazy.

Obama’s Mrs. Grenvilles

Now that George Bush is really gone and Obama has the reins of power firmly in his hands there remains an interesting question: What will he do about all of the illegal actions that the Bush administration officials perpetrated during their eight years in power? Or, more interestingly, will he do anything at all? There […]

Medinat Yisrael a Jewish problem

Medinat Yisrael a Jewish problem – part one The Roman’s are the ones that caused many of the problems we are seeing to day, the built a very powerful empire their method of training a well disciplined army and inventing new battle ground tactics made them one of the powerful nations the world had ever […]