
The Internet versus…You?

Since the advent of message boards, blogs, and online streaming sites, the Web has encouraged user-driven created content from people of all sorts of backgrounds. A couple of years ago, the Times hailed the ‘Person of the Year’ as ‘you,’ as the blooming star. Ironically, the fact that this very post exists is a testament […]

Degrading Messages Over Time

Hey all. The profile for this blog insists that I write about video games and express those views and opinions with the read, but I’m going to start with the most important message in life to know: Messages and meanings degrade through each transferrence. Take a moment to review that and think about it while […]

Taking the Prop 8 War to the Courts

Is it right to take Proposition 8- something the people already voted on- to the courts?

Indoctrinate U – Revealing hostility at American universities

Indoctrinate U is a documentary by Evan Coyne Maloney which seeks to reveal what Maloney calls an “assault on free speech” that is being advocated at many American universities in recent years. The film has caused much controversy since its 2007 release.

Holiday cheer got you down?

Are you weary of the cheerful, honest and innocent goodness that is the holiday season? I most certainly am not, but if you find that you are, below are ten despicable things you can do if you’re at all displeased with all the merriment around you. ( I in no way condone such childish and […]

Kunst ist tot

Ever since the dawn of modern photography in the late 19th century, the art world has been in a state of shock and disarray. The camera, along with other technological advances of the Industrial Revolution, came to fascinate and terrify artists toward a path of chaos from which we have yet to recover. Nietzsche proposed […]

Islam Awareness Week

This ‘Islam Awareness Week’, do not look to the Muslim Student Union to educate you on Islam. Look instead to a non-Muslim, somebody untouched and uninfluenced. Somebody with an open mind.

I Am an Unbeliever

I am an unbeliever. I am a non-Muslim.

The Threats from Russia and Iran: A Test of Our Resolve?

It was quite a night on Election Day as people across the US celebrated the election of Barack Obama as our 44th President. While there was also much celebration around the world as well, there was not much jubilation among some governments in the world, particularly Iran and Russia. Soon after his election, both countries […]

Election Day, and I couldn’t care less

Classes being skipped, by students and professors both… a pervasive sense of excitement and and glee, with a generous dose of expectation thrown into the mix… free coffee and ice-cream… no, its not a holiday, its Election Day!  And I really couldn’t care less. That isn’t to mean I don’t understand the importance of the […]