
Dr. Horrible and the Quiet Change of the Internet for Screenwriters

Are you a fan of comic book heroes?  What about a musical?  Or perhaps you enjoy romance, campy humor, or hey…blogging? Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog is a popular three-part web show that spawned from an innocent idea of a screenplay writer during the recent Hollywood writer’s strike.  After the idea was found to have some […]

Working in the lab IS sexy

To preface, I rarely deliberately go to youtube to find random entertainment, which means this clip really is awesome.  Eppendorf, a company that produces a lot of things for laboratory research like tubes, pipettors, etc, has recently put out a “boy band” style music video (click the link!) for its automated pipeting system for dispensing precise […]

America is on too many drugs

“Tell your doctor? Tell your doctor?… Shouldn’t my doctor be telling me?… When you tell your doctor, isn’t he just a dealer at that point?”  Bill Maher While I was watching TV, a commercial came on for a drug that treated something called Restless Leg Syndrome. “Wow,” I thought to myself, “they aren’t even trying […]

Man shoots up church, kills a little more of my faith in the media.

After reading the news report, I couldn’t help but realize that the media — for all the good that it does and all the enlightenment that it does accomplish — does have a sharklike tendency to bite onto whatever shocking current event it can find and bleed it dry. Here’s the sparknotes version of the […]

Why didn’t this occur to me as an undergrad?

I was quite surprised when I read this article about college students in Seattle resorting to food banks. Thinking about it, though, it makes sense considering the current economic conditions. But I think that a larger issue is at hand, and that is the affordability of a college education in this country. For those who […]

Role models

On one of the morning news shows recently, there was a feature on Miley Cyrus. It boggles my mind how she is considered a “good” role model for pre-teens. Sure, she’s not reckless like Britney or Lindsay, and on the Hollywood continuum, she is pretty wholesome. Nevertheless, she still has an air of flashy Hollywood, […]

Quick rant against gift cards

Gift cards are absurd and ridiculous, and in that order. As if our commodity-driven lives need yet another milestone icon of consumerism, the popularity of gift cards seems to have soared off the charts in recent years. Gift cards are merely the latest evolution of an age-old concept known as scrip, a practice where tokens […]

The power of the white coat

Attn: people who want to grow up to be physicians, people who like touching anecdotes, and anyone who wants to read a new post! Most, if not, all American medical schools have this event at the beginning of your schooling called the white coat ceremony. There the newly minted medical students and their families get […]

Working retail pays a little more than I thought

Since this is my first blog, I should introduce myself and give a brief history of my current personal life before I begin talking about what I’m doing for cash. I’m Jerry and I’m going to be a sophomore and I haven’t really figured out my major yet. I did a lot of journalism and […]

Psychology of Attraction

We categorize things into what we know. It helps making thinking easier – it’s simply human nature, we categorize so that we think more quickly and to process more information. We group known characteristics together into groups, and for those who may have taken social psychology, you know it be called “social schema.” More or […]