
Neumont ‘University’ Faculty: Student Teachers? No PhDs? Head Of Admissions Has No College Degree?

According to Neumont University’s online faculty database, up to 6 of their professors and administrators may not possess a college degree of any kind. In addition, none of their current professors appear to hold a PhD degree from any field of study, despite the institution’s ongoing assertion of their “university” status. By academic traditions dating […]

5 Important Fashion Tips For College Guys

For a lot of freshmen, college is their first real feeling of freedom. Gone are the days of curfews, mandatory cleaning and any other parental rules, instead being replaced with going to sleep at 8am, eating Count Chocula for dinner, and anything else a late teen’s heart desires. Unfortunately, this freedom can have negative effects […]

5 Diet Tips For Improving Memory & Concentration

Stressed about exams or coursework? What you eat has a massive impact on your stress levels as well as how you perform in exams. Food affects short and long term memory, concentration, alertness and adrenalin and cortisol (stress hormones). Here’s 5 things you should do, diet-wise to help get rid of exam stress. 1. Get […]

Brian Maffly Shares Nude Photos Of Daughter

The Salt Lake Tribune has had its fair share of controversy in recent years. In a highly publicized 2002 incident, Tribune employees sold information related to the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping case to The National Enquirer. In 2010, the newspaper declared bankruptcy, and ended up losing majority control of the company to a media-hungry hedge fund, […]

LDS Church Spying On CollegeTimes Despite Neumont ‘University’ Repeatedly Denying Mormon Affiliation

The email server, which is responsible for distributing private email newsletters to members of the Mormon religion in Utah, appears to be sending visitors to recent CollegeTimes articles highlighting Neumont University, a for-profit Utah institution that has repeatedly denied any affiliation with Mormonism. Massive LDS Interest In Neumont University Just a few hours after […]

Neumont University Banned From Wikipedia For Years Of Vandalism, Spamming Online Community

In the wake of a lawsuit filed in federal court against CollegeTimes’ former web hosting provider over negative student reviews, the Wikipedia website has banned Neumont University for reasons of vandalism. Wikipedia, one of the largest collections of encyclopedic reference material in the world, has blocked Utah’s Neumont University from making further contributions to their […]

The 5 Most Hated Office Personalities

Sometimes, working in an office is like swimming with sharks. In order to survive and thrive at your place of business, you need to recognize the 5 most hated office personalities, and then use your own finesse to handle them (thereby protecting your career). To help you understand this quintet of super-annoying types, we’ve compiled […]

Too Many Graduates Lack Job Search Skills

50% of recent college graduates are either jobless or underemployed. Most of these graduates are working at jobs that do not require the college degree just earned. Many are working at part-time, minimum wage jobs. With these statistics, many will face the harsh reality of being unable to repay their student loans on time, if […]

Paid Vs. Unpaid Internships – Good For Your Career?

How do you choose between paid and unpaid internships? Both positions are hard to get, but of the two, young people prefer paid internships in order to abet their finances. Is this the right path to take, in consideration of what one gains from the internship? Here’s how you decide if an unpaid internship is […]

Travel Nursing: A Recession-Proof Job

Take a look at any of the latest statistics on job growth and availability. Chances are, the information you receive will not be encouraging. The one job sector that seems to be riding this wave with little impact to employment numbers is the healthcare field. Whether or not the economy is in the dumps, people […]