
George Brown College : Casa Loma Campus

  (2.30/5.00)   |  37 Reviews

George Brown College : Casa Loma Campus is a established in (unknown). The campus is located in and hosts students with an endowment of .  

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Quality of Professors
Networking & Job Opps
Area Around Campus
Housing Situation
Extracurricular Opps
Teacher/Student Ratio



Phone:  (no local phone number)

Email:  (no public email address)

Institution Type:  Unknown

Established:  Unknown

Campus Enrollment:  N/A

Acceptance Rate:  N/A

Graduation Rate (6Y):  N/A

Campus Endowment:  N/A

Tuition (Local):  N/A

Tuition (Non-Local):  N/A

Tuition (Foreign):  N/A

Mandatory Fees:  N/A

Housing (Room):  N/A



Tax ID:  N/A

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Quality of Professors
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Area Around Campus
Housing Situation
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Teacher/Student Ratio

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37 Student Reviews of George Brown College : Casa Loma Campus

  • George Brown is admitting too many international students that they share a family-sized bungalow with 15 other people!

    After receiving his civil engineering degree, Sharma came to Canada in January to study construction management at George Brown College. He said while he’s very happy with the education and program, he pays around $25,000 in tuition which doesn’t leave much extra money for housing and expenses. He pays around $500 dollars a month to live in the bungalow.

    “Just for sleeping, it’s okay, but for studying it’s a terrible place,” he said. “First few months I shared a mattress with somebody because there was no mattress available at that time. After some time, the people, some friends, they collected a mattress from outside, maybe from the street and they placed it there.”


    Overall Score: (2/5.00)
  • Terrible college. Hard to navigate not just physically but mentally. Being bounced around from one person to the other, calling this number then that number and still getting nowhere. Disorganized and messed up, apparently always has been this way. and will most likely stay that way Went for a week and then got my money refunded. You have up to 10 days since the start of your program. Haven’t withdrawn yet at the time of writing this review but I hope its easier than the rest of my dealings with GB.

    Overall Score: (2.09/5.00)
  • When i entered a casa loma campus i immediatly did not like . The classrooms where loud workload heavy with an emphisis on mathematical step by step problems.after failing 2nd semester i ended up in a phychiatric facility never to set foot on campus again. After the hospital employers would not hire all friends lost then deppression hit and have been struggling since

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Do not go here. Culinary Management program is not worth the money. Stay away.

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Took the medical admin certification classes. The quality totally depends on who you happen to get as your instructor.

    I had one professor who was incredible – passionate, engaging, knowledgeable, challenging, competent, able to answer all questions thoroughly and understandably. She focused her lectures entirely on whatever questions her students had about the textbook readings from that week, so that class time was used to maximum helpfulness in learning each topic. Sadly, from what I understand, this teacher was mysteriously let go.

    The other instructors did not seem to have been trained as teachers. Classes were limited to pre-made PowerPoint presentations, during which the instructor would simply read sections from the textbook out loud to the class. Occasional YouTube videos were thrown in, which we could have watched at home. Classes routinely started late and ended early. Teachers didn’t seem to know the answers to many questions, and sometimes didn’t seem to have read the chapter we were there to cover.

    At $350 per class, I don’t think the gamble is worth it, based on how much the classes vary in quality.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • I’m currently finishing up my 3rd semester in T146 Electromechanical Engineering Technician – a 2 year-program – as I’m writing this review. This is the first college program I have ever attended, therefore this review only reflects on the T146 program and perhaps the Construction & Engineering department at Casa Loma campus (the teachers are overlapped). I was very excited and extremely enthusiastic when I first attended the program, hoping to learn some technical skills as well as gaining experience through hands-on training in the labs. While the school provides many great equipment and tools for students to practice, the issue I have with this program is the teaching staff. Many of the instructors hired to teach have very poor teaching and communication skills. Teachers are unable to explain the concepts clearly and concisely leaving students clueless. They failed to explain and emphasize on the outcomes and expectations of each lab which results in students being confused and often do not realize what they have just learned/created in the lab. My GPA for last semester was 3.9, yet I don’t even know nor feel comfortable discussing about electronic and electrical components. On top of that most of them have a negative and unapproachable demeanour. The demeanour ranges from being lazy, aloof, irritated or condescending towards the students when they ask for help (this is the consensus opinion among the students in our section and a few I have talked to in a different section). On a positive side, the teachers for non-engineering classes I have taken are very nice and helpful (Math, Personal Finance, and Nutrition). They treat you with respect and provide with you proper knowledge and guidance for you to complete the assigned task. The overall experience is quite disappointing, however.

    Overall Score: (2.54/5.00)
  • Okay School, instructors are either good/great or absolutely unbearably awful. Some will actually speak understandable English when teaching, and others simply do not. Which is unacceptable when trying to communicate a point to a classroom.

    Overall Score: (1.90/5.00)
  • Anyone please tell me about the pg diploma course
    I have applied in information systems in business analysis
    Suggest me it is better for enrolling

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Hello guys,
    I got a call for wireless network course for september intake. Can anyone give me an idea about how is it? How are the job opportunities.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Hello guys,
    I got a call for wireless network course for september intake. Can anyone give me an idea about how is it? How are the job opportunities, the college has a co op.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Great

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • I’m not racist but all indian teachers in this school are lazy and dumb as f**k. I’m not exaggerating. They love to sit in class the whole semester and then become aggressive during exams. They are also rude when you approach them and tell you yo just read the damn book.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • So, I’m gonna rewrite my review for George Brown and disability services. It’s not at all a bad school. It’s a good school it’s what you make of it. You have to grow up and do it on your own whether you cannot speak English or have a disability. You have to do things on your own. You need to learn to use their services and learn time management.they are a good school.

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • I’m so disappointed because some teachers doesn’t show any interest to give a class. I have 3 hours class on Fridays from 12 to 3 pm costruction and small buildings. I just remember the first three classes the teacher has something to teach. After he just show 15 minutes late ,waste another 15 minutes in that classroom, after half an hour give a quiz test and finish go home with so many questions.

    Overall Score: (2.90/5.00)
  • its s**t, it’s worse than schools in india where women get raped and everyone shits in the in streets and the profs are fucking snails. IF YOU APPLY TO THIS SCHOOL ILL BE SEEING YOU AR MCDONALDS

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • I applied for an online course with George Brown , costs me around 300 USD , after a month of study i finished the course and asked for my certificate , they asked me to pay fees for it !!! i answered i only need a soft-copy through my email as i am living outside Canada ,even if i paid the requested fees OK i agree … surprisingly they asked me to mail them an application request and pay the fees .. like we are living in the stone ages !!! … after contacting each email in the college asks for any soft-copy certificate for the course i have finished and paid for ,it`s unfair to pay 150 USD for express mail just to send a request .At the end the final answer came that the course i have finished dose not have a certificate ……
    What a lost of time and money i paid for this institute … i really feel sorry i applied for this course and feel glad i didn`t attend any of its full programs.
    All of the information i mentioned is original and i have email proving this

    Overall Score: (1.90/5.00)
  • Here is a proof that George Brown College lost course case and have to pay 2.72 million for misleading public about their business and accounting program. Management must resign for services like this. They are bureaucratic can artist espically Elizabeth Speers, Jim Daku who are responsible for business and accounting program. Below president’s email to public for court settlement.
    I wanted to follow up on email earlier this month to let you know that today we finalized a settlement agreement in a long-standing legal case with students from our International Business Management Program.

    This case revolved around language used in the program description in the course calendar and on our web site which stated that students who completed the program would receive “the opportunity to complete three industry designations/certifications in addition to the George Brown College Graduate Certificate”.

    The students read this to mean they would graduate with these credentials. We regret that the court ruled that we had committed an unfair practice under the Consumer Protection Act. That decision also establishes a precedent and expectation for all authorized content providers across the college to be explicitly clear in written communications to prospective and existing students. This is especially true when making claims of the benefits of our programs.

    Under the terms of the decision, George Brown college will create a settlement fund of $2.72 million to be distributed to the students in the class action. It’s important to note that this settlement will be paid through college insurance.

    There was, of course, never any intention to mislead and our commitment to our students has never been in question. But a situation like this provides a valuable opportunity to reflect on what we’re doing and look for ways we can continue to improve.

    Anne Sado
    George Brown College
    P.O. Box 1015, Station B
    Toronto, ON M5T 2T9

    phone: 416.415.5000 x4471
    e-mail: [email protected]

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • Hi….I was student for fitness and life style management in 2008.
    I successfully completed 2 semester and in 3rd semester they failed me in one course just because I was nervous and couldn’t perform the exercise accurately.
    After failing in that course means I have to wait for another year to get back to that program.
    What a waste of time.
    How illiterate those program organizer leaving no option to student.
    In first year they had 55 student and in 2nd year only 10 to 15 actually finishing diploma.
    I was international al student at that time and had no experience of new country otherwise I would have sued them.
    I had no option to get admission in humber college and finish my program and never opted to work as a personal trainer.
    What a waste of time for 2 years but I did understand about health care system in canada.
    I will never suggest that program or that college to anyone.

    Overall Score: (1.27/5.00)
  • Mike is liar commenting. He says the ppl commenting “must have failed”. Stereotypical, just like GBC staff. It is a crap school and I received my diploma in marketing too. GBC hires random ppl with minor skills in the courses they teach. Get your education elsewhere. U of T did me well after I realized my GBC diploma is as good as Pepsi points.

    Overall Score: (1.18/5.00)

    1. First week of class, found out the lab was red tagged (T.S.S.A code violation). THIS IS THE COURSE THAT IS SUPPOSE TO TEACH US THE T.S.S.A RULES TO PREVENT THAT IN THE FIELD!!!!!

    2. Our professor was absolute s**t for a teacher. Ever single day, for the entire course, he cut the class short by 2 hours, in addition to cancelling the mandatory week classes.

    3. The book for the course was made in 1984, no real world troubleshooting, and he basically gave us the answers to pass the T.S.S.A exam.

    4. Asked him to allow me to write one of the practice test early, he forgot, then made me write it 2 weeks later, then he lost my answer sheet!

    5. When we finally worked in the lab with a safety violation, he decided to move us to another lab that passed. But what he did was a clear violation for the gas codes: firing horribly outdated gas burners in a enclosed room with no exhaust air removal for the burners we used, the burners were connected to an undersized gas hose, and the labs were barely 1 hour long to meet the required hours to write the provincial exam.

    George Brown, I had a good experience with the 2 year HVAC program years ago. This GAS 1 program was a massive money scam that left me with no real options for growth as a technician. I will never recommend anyone take this course at George Brown.

    Overall Score: (1.36/5.00)

    You have to consider these advices before you register George Brown College any Business programs, Accounting programs, and DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY.

    1.George Brown college was sued by students for misleading students about international business programs, and students won the case, George Brown college lost the case. The program promised students to be qualified professionals by association but it was not.
    2. They get very less transfer credits from university. Business program, and accounting course outlines are very poorly done, and there are so many mistakes for many years, they do not change it.
    3.If you look at the program courses, and course outlines, majority of the courses are general courses kept repeating same subjects, so when students graduate, they barely take major courses to be qualified. Watch out.
    4. Management force teachers to pass some students who are not successful. Management do that so that students do not leave the school. Truth is management get money from government per student registered. They no longer care to give honest or good quality of service, they do it to secure their money from government.
    5. Part-time faculties treated poorly and they do not have place to meet students, they do not have offices. They think their contract more than they think students.
    6. Management assign major courses to teachers who have no clue about subject. Do not waste your money.
    7. They always do false advertising to public, their recent advertising is that “WE KNOW WHAT EMPLOYER WANTS” Don’t get fooled by that they do not treat their own staff with respect, they are treated very poorly. They need to learn it themselves before they teach you. It is a false advertising.
    8-Managment do not care about students need, administrative department work very poorly. I heard with my own ears that administrative staff at accounting program swear at students.

    Choose it wisely. Be smart. Some students choose it because of downtown, be smart investor, and choose it carefully.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)






    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • worst school. do not go there.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • It was a student of Graphic Design and lecture, class size, professor, facility is Awesome :)

    Overall Score: (5/5.00)
  • Terrible college , the staff are annoying and just judge on the outside your look, glead I switched to Seneca college while applying Acdaemic career enterantance really rude staff. There more to pick on you even if just applying and just gives that glears at your face and purposly side what is unnecessary ways. Than I came form far away form Downtown and now I know to apply somewhere else. If your ever attendding to apply upgrade never in this college and I had been out of school for long time but I attened to seneca college.

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • Faculty of fashion very unproffesional, fights and disagreements amongst faculty disrupted student learning, had to miss 4 weeks of classes in the final semester of school. No help with jobs after graduation. Networking events were very poor, instructors not very in touch with the current industry happenings, facilities are wack…half the machines too too old and dont work, quality of learning is poor, dont care about students…campus too old and needs revamping.

    Overall Score: (2/5.00)
  • You can do a 2 year program here and then go to York for 2.5 years and get a bachelor degree so it’s a pretty good deal. Great location, small class sizes, fair teachers. Not many clubs though and there are no dorms.

    Overall Score: (4.18/5.00)
  • Hi!! I am from Greece but I have the Canadian citizenship..I came this year in Canada so my English is not so good(sorry!!)I have applied to George Brown for Pre-business program…Can you give some informations please?? because I do not speak so good English will I have problem during the lessons??It’s so difficult to finish the program??when you finish it only with this diploma can you find a job??Please let me know some things…Thank you

    Overall Score: (0/5.00)
  • It could certainly use improvement. The biggest issue in my opinion is getting students interested and keeping them interested in the classes. The classes really feel like they set up to have you sit down and memorize what the text book says which does not make much room for in class discussions and debates. The smart thing to do would be to attempt to get the text books in advance and learn the material beforehand.

    If you already have a degree or college diploma don’t bother enrolling as you are better off picking up the textbook and reading it on your own time. Additionally really think about what program you enroll in. There are some students that seem to think having only a college diploma in accounting is going to get them into accounting which seems unrealistic as most employers want a minimum of Masters Degree in accounting. That said it is overall a decent college experience but you are likely going to have to work to find the more interesting aspects and opportunities they have available.

    Overall Score: (2.36/5.00)
  • The problem is the teachers at this college. Plain and simple. George Brown needs to hire qualified instructors who have gone to a teachers college. George Brown has money but the flashy gadgets are mostly a show that never gets utilized. The quality of education is lousy and fit for those who do not need to be challenged. Please understand that this college needs to have more oversight and actually teach the students not read the text book in classes. that is all thanks a

    Overall Score: (2.36/5.00)
  • I attended the George Brown College School of Business and graduated with an advanced diploma (three year program) in Marketing in April 2012. I had a great experience with all but two of my professors throughout my time at GBC and found the educational experience to be great. My classes after the first year weren’t huge, the cost of college (like the rest of Canada) is affordable and it’s located in downtown Toronto, which I enjoyed.

    I had a couple negative experiences throughout my time, but the positives definitely outweigh the negatives. In my first year or so, I found that the administration staff were below average and that two of my professors (one of whom was fired after that semester, the other left after that year too. Outside of that my experiences at George Brown, especially in class/lecture, were mostly positive.

    I’m going to assume that the majority of people who are commenting negatively on this website about George Brown College didn’t graduate or complete their program. Since graduating from George Brown, I’ve had multiple interviews and been offered multiple well-paying jobs because of their past experience with GBC graduates and how well trained and prepared they are for the real-world. You are also offered the option of transfering to Ryerson University after completion of your program where you can complete a degree program in only two years. They did as they advertised and have helped almost all of my friends from my program who I’ve stayed in touch with get jobs in one of the major business fields or move on to University.

    Anyone who’s thinking about taking anything at the School of Business, make sure you have at least one class with the following professors’: Lori Futterer, Jacqui Cook, Barry Wallace and Nick Kenyeres; they are the best professors that I had at my time at GBC and really care about their students and their education. They all have tons of real life experience in different areas of marketing and offer a ton of support to all students. They are tough and expect a lot from their students in the way of projects, attending class, etc., but are probably the best professors you can get.

    Overall Score: (4.27/5.00)
  • SCAM ALERT!!I called to check them out and through much conversation with a person who became very defensive is that the 1-888-553-5333 phone number is connected to a clearing house that offers many on line courses. Wanted my information and became very insulting claiming that our conversation was a give and take and that I needed to provide my personal information He informed me that when I hung up the phone he was going to go on with his life. I refused to give my information.Told him I was just checking things out before I enrolled. He kept cutting me off and became with all due respect a “BULLY”

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • MTCU fucked up again!

    Overall Score: (1/5.00)
  • international student dont waste your money for pre health science program.

    Overall Score: (2/5.00)
  • George Brown offered a joke of an education. I enrolled in the PSW program of fall 2010. The program felt so special ed it hurt. It was by far the worst investment of both my time and money. Teachers were disorganized and often appeared to be meeting minimum requirements which I don’t feel were worthy of a paycheck. Exams were often presented with spelling errors with repeated and unrelated questions. Lessons in the lab were very poor, in the sense that students struggled to hear/see the lesson/lecture and were shunned when they they asked questions (mean while teachers catered to numerous students who constantly asked questions that had already been answered in class and ORIENTATION). It appeared that the teachers were challenged with effective lesson plans as multiple classes were filled with free conversation and slides that I could have covered myself at home in less than an hour. Teachers also struggled to redirect the class back to lessons when getting off track. Assignments were far from a being academically stimulating resulting in little interest, zero motivation, and the desire to smash my head into my keyboard. The UNIFORMS were rediculously overpriced. Students were encouraged to purchase a minimum of two uniforms so they could wear a clean one each day-FREE from bodily fluids and illnesses- but since no one could afford to splurge $80 on uniforms, they were forced to spend more money on laundry or spread the filth around-yum yum. I mean really, I could purchase EIGHT uniforms for the same price at a second hand store. There is no purpose the GB uniform can provide that a nametag would not suffice (which was also priced at nifty $8-$12 until a teacher spoke up on our behalf, woot!) A horrible experience for way too much stress and money. George Brown is NOT graduating the best of the best and I highly recommend students enroll elsewhere for a “real education”..especially in the PSW program. Also I would like to add that they are considering adding english and math? (most likely similar to the basics offered in elementary school since half the class were immigrants) So if you’d like to pay good money to shoot the s**t and repeat elementary school with a special Ed. twist, get in line!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!! especially those already trapped at GB. I should also add on a positive note, that as messed up as the program was, some of the teachers were very passionate about their work at times but I guess they were just overwhelmed with their own lives or over ruled by the higher powers at GB because I know they could have done better. And hey, you’re the one paying…so get it together George Brown!

    Overall Score: (1.63/5.00)
  • Avoid the health information management program. You should only enroll if:
    1. You already work in the field.
    2. If you know someone who can get you a job
    3. If you already have a university degree and just need the diploma for certification reasons

    Otherwise, you won’t get any support and you still have to pay outrageous membership fees and pay for continuing education courses in order to be qualified to apply for jobs.

    Complete waste of time and money. I should have went to U of T at least a degree in any field is respected.

    Overall Score: (2.54/5.00)

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