
LDS Church

Interview: Jeme Deviny, Former Neumont University Director Of Financial Services, Spills The Beans

Below is an exclusive CollegeTimes interview with L. J. Deviny, the former Financial Services Director at Neumont University, a for-profit technical institute based in Utah. Followers of CollegeTimes know that we’ve had several run-ins with Neumont over the past few years after we refused to remove negative student reviews posted on the school’s profile. After […]

U.S. Federal Government Sues Utah’s Stevens Henager College Over Fraud, Fasification, Illegal Recruiting

In a move that is not entirely surprising to some, the United States federal government has sued a for-profit career institute from Utah, Stevens-Henager College, after two whistleblowers first came forward to reveal fraudulent recruiting practices that involved paying illegal commissions to student recruiters. The suit also claims that Stevens-Henager employed faculty members who lacked […]

Mormon Church Being Investigated By U.S. Government For Trying To Destroy Salt Lake Tribune Newspaper

PHOTO: The Triad Center, pictured above, is a business complex located in Salt Lake City, Utah, owned by Deseret Management Corporation, a for-profit division of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The complex is currently home to the Deseret News newspaper headquarters, among other Mormon-affiliated (LDS) companies. The Mormons are coming! The Mormons […]

Interview: Jason Aquino, Former Neumont University Student, Reveals Rampant Fraud, Lies, Harassment

Below is an exclusive CollegeTimes interview with Jason Aquino, a former student at Neumont University, a for-profit “computer science” institute – that happens to lack ABET accreditation – based in Utah. Despite having been threatened multiple times by Neumont University CEO and President Edward Levine, Jason agreed to provide our team with unique insight into […]

Brian Maffly Shares Nude Photos Of Daughter

The Salt Lake Tribune has had its fair share of controversy in recent years. In a highly publicized 2002 incident, Tribune employees sold information related to the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping case to The National Enquirer. In 2010, the newspaper declared bankruptcy, and ended up losing majority control of the company to a media-hungry hedge fund, […]

LDS Church Spying On CollegeTimes Despite Neumont ‘University’ Repeatedly Denying Mormon Affiliation

The email server, which is responsible for distributing private email newsletters to members of the Mormon religion in Utah, appears to be sending visitors to recent CollegeTimes articles highlighting Neumont University, a for-profit Utah institution that has repeatedly denied any affiliation with Mormonism. Massive LDS Interest In Neumont University Just a few hours after […]

The Neumont ‘University’ Scam: A Mormon, For-Profit, Career School Commits Fraud, Threatens Students

Is Neumont University a scam? That is the question asked online by a growing number of prospective students each year as they react to junk mail they’ve received from Utah-based Neumont University, a career institute focused on computer programming and video games, despite a lack of internationally-recognized ABET accreditation. See also: Interview: Jeme Deviny, Former […]