
U.S. Federal Government Sues Utah’s Stevens Henager College Over Fraud, Fasification, Illegal Recruiting

In a move that is not entirely surprising to some, the United States federal government has sued a for-profit career institute from Utah, Stevens-Henager College, after two whistleblowers first came forward to reveal fraudulent recruiting practices that involved paying illegal commissions to student recruiters.

The suit also claims that Stevens-Henager employed faculty members who lacked the minimum qualifications required by the school’s accrediting agency (ACCSC), and that Stevens-Henager officials purposely falsified student attendance records and grades. The case is United States ex rel. Katie Brooks and Nannette Wride vs. Steven-Henager College, Inc., et al., Case No. 1:13-cv-00009 (District of Idaho).

Shady History Includes ‘Mormon’ Connection

Stevens-Henager, which has been heavily scrutinized by the federal government on more than one occassion, was earlier connected by CollegeTimes to Utah’s Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints after our team discovered a Mormon magazine from the 1980s had incidentally revealed that major leaders of the LDS church had attended a groundbreaking ceremony of one of the Henager campuses. (That archived article from was quickly deleted after our discovery, and now redirects to, a Salt Lake City based newspaper owned by the LDS church.)

Regardless of Henager’s unclear relationship with the LDS church during its 100+ year history, the college was more recently purchased by one Carl Barney, who also currently owns Independence University, CollegeAmerica, and California College – all for-profit institutes that lack regional accreditation.

According to a statement released by the Department of Justice, the DOJ, along with the Department of Education, allege that the college paid illegal incentives to recruiters based on the number of new students they were able to enroll. Federal law prohibits any such commission payments, in order to combat student loan default rates, the enrollment of unqualified students, and the waste of student loans and grant funds:

The United States has filed a complaint under the False Claims Act against Stevens-Henager College, Inc. and its owner, The Center for Excellence in Higher Education, for illegally compensating recruiters, the Department of Justice announced today. Stevens-Henager operates a chain of for-profit colleges in Idaho and Utah.

“Congress has made clear that colleges should not pay improper incentives to admissions recruiters,” said Stuart F. Delery, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division of the Department of Justice. “The Department of Justice and the Department of Education are working together to combat abusive recruitment practices that can harm students and result in the waste of taxpayer funds.”

The False Claims Act under which the lawsuit was initially filed, allows private citizens to file suit over false claims (fraud) on behalf of the government. The act then allows the government to take over the allegations, which is has done in this case. Interestingly, the whistleblowers in this case were two former Stevens-Henager employees from Utah, but they decided to file their federal lawsuit in Idaho instead. Stevens-Henager currently maintains several campuses in Utah and Idaho.

In order for any US colleges to offer federal student aid – such as loans and grants – schools must agree to not offer recruiters any commission or other incentives. The re-organized DOJ lawsuit claims Stevens-Henager ignored those rules for several years, and lied to the federal government, in order to receive more than $650 million in taxpayer money. An attorney from Salt Lake City with ties to the case said Henager recruiters even enticed homeless people to enroll in order to cash in on illegal commissions.

The Republic Report’s David Halperin first reported the whistleblower lawsuit in early April, before federal prosecutors decided to file their own (second) complaint:

Last year I obtained a letter that a Stevens-Henager employee wrote to government authorities alleging a lack of standards and integrity in the school’s recruiting. It read in part: “Our admission representatives are required to enroll anyone and everyone. All entrance and diagnostic testing has been eliminated… Toothless and homeless people are not marketable and will never pay back student loans. We still enroll them… Our director said, ‘Get 40 people and I don’t care what you say or do to get them.'”

Stevens-Henager and its affiliated colleges have established records of leaving their students deep in debt. For example, as of 2009, 40.2 percent of students of the Flagstaff, Arizona, campus of CollegeAmerica defaulted on their loans within three years. The figure was 38.8 percent at the CollegeAmerica campus in Denver, and a still-high 24.7 at the Stevens-Henager campus in West Haven, Utah. For comparison, the default rate at Michigan State University was 4.3 percent.

Although Stevens-Henager is described in the Justice Department’s news release as a chain of for-profit colleges, the college’s website describes it as a nonprofit institution, which was apparently a strategic business attempt the college made last year in order to avoid the seemingly ever-growing ‘for-profit education’ controversies.

Update 5/11/2014: It appears that the Standard Examiner, an Ogden, Utah based newspaper, has deleted this story from its website after having initially published the story via the automated Associated Press wire. (Editor’s Note: the main campus of Stevens Henager College is also – coincidentally – located in Ogden, Utah.)

Update 5/14/2014: Updated to clarify that SHC’s (historical) relationship with the LDS church is NOT official, and is in fact, unclear at best. The LDS church refused to comment on its relationship with both Stevens Henager College and Neumont University when contacted via email by the CollegeTimes team.

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62 thoughts on "U.S. Federal Government Sues Utah’s Stevens Henager College Over Fraud, Fasification, Illegal Recruiting"

  1. Amy Ferdig says:

    How do I get on the lawsuit? I went to Stevens-Heneger and I now have almost 50K in student loans I just started school again and what a difference SHU took ALL my funds and I had to pay for my own books and everything and still have this huge debit that almost stopped me from getting a REAL diploma. And does this lawsuit apply to Broadview as well? BTW I went to Stevens in 2009-2011/12

  2. Amy Sams says:

    I would like to know how i can get my loan discharged. If this school was full of fraudulent people from the beginning and getting sued for fraud. I should not have to pay this loan for a crappy education and a crappy certification of completion(diploma). I attended around 2010 …2011

    1. Adrian says:

      I am working on this at the moment, today (9-10-2021). I went to CollegeAmerica between 2004 and 2007. I did graduated and I was not able to get jobs. I only had seasonal or temporary jobs. I am still paying of the loan that increased to $39K because I deferred too many times and went to a state university. I did not know of this until earlier this week.

      Use this link:

  3. Tiana Johnson says:

    When I started in 2008-2009 during the first week I asked why I had to take a psychology course again seeing as I had two university psychology courses already under my belt and they kept blowing me off. I withdrew and I saved all my paperwork, bills, and to top it off the first aide/pediatric CPR course the local hospital wouldn’t take so I had to retake it to renew my license I had before the course they offered. Another ACCREDITED COLLEGE student advisor informed me that they are considered a “fast track” college and the credits are non transferable as they are not really accredited….luckily I had already went to a university for my pre-reqs before Steven Henagers….they steal your money, your student loans, pell grants and something needs to be done…I went to the Boise Idaho Campus…and in light of all the lawsuits going on like Sallie Mae student loans illegal practices and such right now…something needs to go on with Steven Henagers….students lives, credit and finances are at stake and I do believe they went through Sallie Mae at one point…luckily I saved ALL my promissory notes from EVERY college/university I attended. LET ME KNOW IF SOMETHING ARISES!!!!

  4. Derick Cooper says:

    I also want to join the lawsuit. I put in my fafsa and was told and went through paperwork that show I would receive $6300 after my grant paid for everything each semester. Only to be told that there wasn’t enough funds to get anything until my 2nd year. That doesn’t sound right at all.

  5. Annette Nelson says:

    My husband and I want to join this lawsuit. He was on SSD at the time he was enrolled with MS. I have debilitating depression and 50 yr old when I graduated. Neither one of us had a good chance of using these degrees which I now find nobody acknowledges them as a legitimate accredited school.

  6. Mawn says:

    I have $11,000 worth of student loan debt negativity impacting my credit bc of this school. The loans were taken out without my knowledge and while I was in recovery from a major medical issue, I was dropped. I didn’t find out until months later when I was asked to reroll. They’ve been calling and emailing me every single day, saying that I owe over $1,000 to them. Tuition for GA program costed me $17,000+. Papers were signed in my name but not in my handwriting. I never received a refund, I was told by Jacob Mayer that it “disappeared” and never received a direct answer as to why and how that happened. I have every single email, reward letter and copies of forms to this date. I need help getting to the bottom of this. Can someone please help me??

  7. Rachael Gibbs says:

    I feel the same way with everyone else. I only took a few classes and they never told me that I had to pay two different loans. 1 to them and the other to the government. Now the government is trying to collect when I never finished the schooling because I felt like something was wrong. I don’t think it’s right that I have to pay this back of $23,580.15! If they were suing the school then they should have waved the money for everyone who went there for just a few classes. This loan has screwed up my life that I can’t get a home or car.

  8. Raina Rojo says:

    I went to Steven Henger College in Murray but dropped out because they lied about everything. Now I’m have all this student loan debt when I didn’t go to school. I was only there 2 days. They signed my on these financial aid papers.

  9. Chelsea says:

    I went to this school 5 years ago, did everything they asked for classes for 2 years of a 3 year program, Health Information Management. I am now receiving threats to garnish my wages and take my tax refunds for $37,000 in tuition. In the 2 years i went there I did not have 1 single class that had anything to do with the medical field. I refuse to pay $37,000 back when I did not learn anything at all, the computer they sent me was crap, now i am getting tuition bills from the school and a private tuition company for $3,000 a month. Anyone know of how i could get out of this, they are taking money away from my kids for something that was bogus.

    1. Marshall says:

      Please update me on you efforts to get out of this situation. My daughter got a two year assoc. degree, and graduated with honor’s 8 or 9 years ago. She never got a job with this. She told me that she owes $30,000. The debt collection company is adding interest. They are garnishing her tax refund.
      I would hope that something can be done.
      Have you learned anything that may help
      call Marshall 208-251-1967

  10. Nalishia says:

    I also attended shc IU and I attended the school for year until they dropped me out of my classes after financial aid did not give them money, so they defrauded me by signing private loans documents that I thought was for financial aid and it came directly from the school. I sat there paid money out of my pocket to pay, which was all LIE. They continue to call me and email me about 16K I owe. I want to sue them for taking advantage of a single mom who worked trying to make a better life for her son. I am in yo bring this school down and other schools who wrongfully took advantage of me and my credit. All documents I had were deleted out of the system but thank God for my emails to show that these schools will be put down on circumstances for taking advantage of me and new students.

    1. Jamecia says:

      Something similar happened to me at this school recently & I am now over 10k in debt & I was not even enrolled for a year and only received a used laptop & a broken tablet.

    2. Marshall says:

      Please update me on you efforts to get out of this situation. My daughter got a two year assoc. degree, and graduated with honor’s 8 or 9 years ago. She never got a job with this. She told me that she owes $30,000. The debt collection company is adding interest. They are garnishing her tax refund.
      I would hope that something can be done.
      Have you learned anything that may help
      call Marshall 208-251-1967

  11. JAN says:

    I went for 5 months 7 years ago. I had no job at the time. By the time i realized that i was not getting any help with financial aid, grants or scholarships, it was too late. It was then that i realized also that my credits were not transferable. I feel like they took advantage of me! Now i owe $20,000 for 5 months of waisting my time! Im going through a divorce and my income does not even cover my living expenses. Their is no way i can ever pay this off! I need help! I need loan forgiveness.

    1. Bree Kioa says:

      Same here! They lied to me about what program I had to have in order to do the program I wanted to do. I owe over 20,000 in loans!

    2. Becky says:

      Did anyone keep all of their paperwork? I still have all of mine and I’m glad I did because I was able to prove that the college had already over-dipped in government funding by almost $6,000 and that they actually owed me. I got a lawyer and they went silent after 4 years of harrassment by their bill collecting department. However, they did not pay anything back or return any due funds to government. I now have $43,000 in loans for a degree that could be used as toilet paper. I’m trying to get my RN now after completing my CMA and deciding I want more. It’s more than not accepting credits, no other college will accept THE DEGREE!!! I had to start completely over at a new actual college and have to complete all classes to obtain a new Associates Degree before I can even APPLY to the nursing program. At this rate, I MIGHT be a nurse by the time I’m 60!? Count me in for an action lawsuit. I shouldn’t have to pay for a degree I can’t use!??‍♀️

    3. Zarah says:

      What can we do to get back at them? I’m currently attending and I’ve tried talking to everyone and nobody has gotten back to me.

    4. Victoria says:

      Same here owe$80k now. Grad 2 years ago and my degree was laughed at. I even applied to the college thinking if they want the money I need a job they will help. Absolutely not. I even tried to report them to the BBB so now my original debt of 50k is now$80k… In just 2 years.. That doesn’t seem right at all.

      I had great credit until this. Now I’m pregnant jobless and in debt… Thanks Steven heneger or Independence whatever your name is today.

      There has to be a way to make them at least reduce this debt.

    5. Katie Lowe says:

      I was told this would be a building block in my education. They explicitly told me my Assossiats dagree would transfer to other universities.I went to this school because of that statement! I am going to UVU now and because shc is not regionally accredited my dagree means nothing.I have to start over again! I got government aid and loans out for nothing they screwed me and the government.Count me in for class action!

  12. Adam Christensen says:

    I was talked into this as well. I was a drug addict and these people should not have even talked to me. Now I’m 5 years sober and trying to get my life back after a 17 year long nightmare. But I owe more than I can ever pay back. And I only went to 1 class.for 3 weeks.

  13. Abigail says:

    Has anyone found any information regarding a lawsuit? I would like to join, I have 2 young children and am trying to get my life together, but made the wrong choice with this institution.

  14. Jon says:

    I’d like to sign onto class action lawsuit against College America Fort Collins campus, they defrauded me of $60,000 in student loans in their comp sci program. I completed over 120 credit hours and then they want another $25,000 for me to finish my senior year when they passed peers who should have failed. They are a degree mill and I can’t transfer credits anywhere. I been dealing with this crap since 2001 now and I even made the mistake of going back in 2010 thinking maybe they got their act together. Leave me a voicemail if there is a class action lawsuit so I can get my student loan debt discharged. 970-690-6779

    1. Karen says:

      Any luck? I graduated in 2012 but they are calling saying I owe the school well over 10k on a “loan” the school provided.
      I have legit student loans but owing them another 10k is very fishy.
      Any way to get into the class action before they try to garnish wages and harass me?

  15. Alexandra K. says:

    These people are a huge joke. I have 63k in debt just from the federal student loans. I also got the Pell Grant, something I’m pretty sure didn’t actually go towards what I owed. On top of that I had to take out a private loan from their school which was 10k or so. They promised career services would help me find a job. Career services avoided me like the plague. I am now disabled and on SSI (which I had issues getting to begin with even with disabilities as a child). Last year when they called me and I was unemployed because I’m not exactly hireable, their loan collection department was extremely rude and told me that they are not obligated to help me find a job through career services and that pretty much it didn’t exist. I even went through voc rehab to help me find work and they refused to help my job developer.

    I took graphic design classes in high school and thought that it would be a good thing for me to try as a job or career. Because of my disabilities I am unable to drive to go to any college that wasn’t online based. My GPA isn’t high enough anyway due to learning disabilities and me not being considered low functioning enough in the school’s eyes for an IEP. I also happen to live in a small town where they didn’t exactly have a graphic design course or degree at the local community college. My options were pretty thin.

    Yes I don’t have anyone to blame but myself, however, lying about their career services helping you, or the fact that it doesn’t really exist is just awful.

    Oh and their tutors and some of their instructors are a joke. I had like two good teachers, and I know for a fact that at least one of them doesn’t work there anymore. Tutors will refuse to help you and then say that you have notes. One of them even did IT work, completely screwed up the computer and didn’t know what BSoD stood for, which if you are supposedly an IT you should know that acronym. I have family that isn’t tech savvy that knows that acronym. My Associate Dean was the world’s biggest flake. I asked about auditing a class, it took him 6 months to get back to me, and for him that was normal.

    As a warning to anyone thinking about going here, go elsewhere. You’d be better off using the money as toilet paper.

    1. Candi says:

      Omg I’m currently attending this University and I’m supposed to graduate in June of this year.. Please don’t tell me I’m going to be stuck in this same situation ?

    2. Zarah orange says:

      What do I need to do because I’m currently attending this school as well

  16. College America is a diploma mill which,of course, receives no reciprocity from a truly accredited college or university. They charge massive tuition for their associate degrees which are insufficient for most jobs in the fields they cover. They need their pants sued off until they have to close their doors.

  17. Brittany Rhoades says:

    I attended in 2009. I voiced my concerns about being able to repay. I was reassued that I would fine and would be able to repay the loans with no problem because I would have a degree in 18 months. The paperwork was filled out and pushed at me with a brief explanation of the forms. When I asked to take the forms home and read them so I could think about it, I was told they couldn’t allow that and I had to sign them then or I wouldn’t be able to attend. I was reminded that this was going to better my future and I should start. I have nothing to show for the two student loans I can’t afford to repay. My wages are now being garnished for the Pell grant money they had to return and the crappy laptop they gave me. I’m already struggling, as it is, being a single mother and sole supporter of four kids. They are all still in school themselves. I get no child supoort and I’m told everything that can be done by law, is being done to collect. I’ve been researching and trying to find out if there is any form of lawsuit or compensation for this. I’m in disbelief, right now, trying to understand how they can get away with this. I can’t support a family of five on $942.50 a month.

    1. Brittany Rhoades says:

      The one class I did happen to complete before I withdrew from the school, had a “professor” give out A’s to everyone in the class because he couldn’t figure out how to navigate the grading program. If anyone knows of a class action lawsuit that I can be a part of, please contact me.

  18. Bobbieann says:

    I worked for this school for many years and have left due to them not fixing the problem they are still doing the same things they were sued for in the first place so who do I contact to give them the information I have. This is not about winning anything for myself but more for my students or anyone that was ripped of by this company and I just need to be pointed in the right direction so they will at some point have to stop what they are doing to innocent people.

    1. Shearie Ely says:

      Hello I was attending their online school and they took out loans without my authorization. After they dismissed me because of my GPA mind you I was never informed that I was on academic probation and when you are on (AP) your financial aid will not be renewed. They withdrew me in Aug and in Oct. there was a pell grant disbursed . I am in debt but I am looking to hold them accountable and I just discovered that they have filed taxes and claim that I am still attending. I am looking for others to start a class action suit against them. I can be reached at (510)820-4459 my name is Shearie please call.

    2. Scott Ashdown says:

      I wish we could talk to each other. I worked there for over 8 years and I think I have proof of them compensating AC’s based on number of enrollments. I sent to DOE, Office of Investigative Services, but ??

    3. Amber H says:

      I would also like to be included in this? Be apart of the lawsuit if one has been created. I got an email from them, mind oyu 4 years later saying I own 8,896 on top of the 12 grand I have been paying off. I am so frustrated and refuse to pay it at this point, I dropped out at 9 mmonths, with 20,000 grand in loans and debt. Not okay. F*** that place. I am sorry to hear everyone else’s stories as well. Please reply for my contact information. I need guidance. Thanks!

  19. Amanda Calderon says:

    Has anyone lawyered up? If so I need lawyers contact information If anyone has it Please…

    1. Roger Hudson, spokesman for the Attorney General of Colorado. I’m going to try this myself.

  20. Jenna says:

    I went to this school and now they want me to pay them some kind of loan back that I didn’t even know I was getting from the university. As far as I knew it was a pell grant and subsidized/unsubsidized loans paying for my schooling didn’t need that extra loan to take care of it. Now I’m paying for that because they won’t transfer my credits over and/or present me with an associates degree having enough credits done for it.

    1. cathe kelly says:

      I went to this school in 2014. RIP OFF the same thing happened to me. I had government money coming to that school I dont even recall applying for. I was told I was getting a pell grant. Right now I am paying back the government 5,000. And starting to see bills owing money to this school. They stated over and over that they were accredited school and my credits could transfer. I reside in NC. When I started inquiring in my state. All I kept getting was rejections. I dropped out after 6mo. They profited big money for nothing for government money.I will not pay this school a dime without a fight.I had a funny feeling from the beginning about this school. They rushed me so fast enrolling.Some kind of discount if I enrolled immediately. I cant recall ever speaking about a loan. Where did the extra money left per quarter go? They kept it so why is it not showing applied.

  21. Ace J Weight says:

    I want my money back. I got A’s without even trying and B’s just for asking.

    1. Makayla says:

      Weird. I got a couple C’s and alot of my professors seemed to be hard asses

  22. Sarah Yeakey says:

    I started at Stevens-Henager (online) in March of 2012. They promised me that, by joining their graphic design program, I would be able to use my knowledge and skills gained to secure that illustration job that I’ve always dreamed of. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I am realizing now, almost 2 years after graduating with nearly $40,000 in debt, and nothing close to a graphic design job (or even being considered for one), that I really don’t know much at all. I did all of my homework, turned in all of my assignments, made the president’s list numerous times, there is no reason I should feel under qualified, yet, I do every single time I look for a job. I don’t feel like I learned what I should have from this school, despite all of the effort that I put into it. In all honesty, I learned more from searching google or youtube for tutorials than I did from any instructor. Forget about getting someone to ever respond to an email or phone call. I went through an extremely hard time in 2013 that almost made me a drop out, but when I reached out to the school for help, I got nothing. It all seemed so shady to me and now I know why. Any additional information that could be provided to me about this would be greatly appreciated.

  23. AL says:

    I just wanted to add my experience to this thread. I was a student at the Boise campus in 2006-2007 as part of the newly added Graphic Design program. I was 18 when I was lured in by their false promises. I admit that I had some responsibility in my decision to attend the school, but to this day I still feel that my choice was affected by promises made by the school that would have never been held up on their end. I was told it would be a 20 month program in which I would learn the skills necessary to obtain a graphic design job.

    In the beginning, there were 5 of us in the program. Two of them started a couple months before the 3 of us that started when I began. We acquired 3 or 4 additional students while I was there. All of us were in the same classroom together, with ONE professor teaching ALL of the classes. She actually quit after the first couple of months, and they brought in a new professor to take her place. Honestly, one professor cannot properly teach all aspects of graphic design (which involves using several different software programs), especially to students that were at different points in the program. We basically worked independently, as we were enrolled in different “courses,” but all used the same classroom. As time went on, it became more and more evident that the professor was not capable of teaching some of the month-long courses that were required. I felt like I was teaching myself, and there was one student that was far more proficient at most of the things being taught that would help the rest of us. As I became more aware of my situation, I chose to leave and transfer to a more reputable school. It was pure luck, in my opinion, that the school that I transferred to accepted Stevens Henager credits toward their “general” elective classes. I know others that transferred that received no credit, as their credits are NOT ACCEPTED by most colleges, as they would lead you to believe when you’re enrolling.

    Now, here I am, 10 years later, and I am still struggling to pay my $30k of student loans that I racked up. I don’t feel like I received anything for what I paid for. I honestly hope that they are shut down so that no one else has to be in this situation.

  24. Mary Smith says:

    If you were a student you can go to

    here you will find the information and links to file a complaint with the department of education. I worked there for several years and thank God everyday I am out. They are not in compliance by any means and manage by fear of the constant threat of being fired. Now it is up to 6 starts for enrollment and 22 packages per month to keep your job. I can remember them trying to enroll a blind couple in an online program as well as 3 Alzheimer’s patients whose children had called in and demanded we stop contacting them. In the last 3 years at least 8 people have been fired for fraud 4 in financial aid in Phoenix that packaged students who had cancelled their enrollment to keep their jobs. They figured out how to manipulate the forms sent out to students so they could sign the student’s name to them. STAY AWAY from this school. And if there is a way to join the lawsuit or at least get on the list to testify please post

    1. Brandon Mark says:

      Mary: I am the lawyer representing the whistleblowers in this lawsuit. I would like to talk to you about your experiences as a recruiter. Please contact me at your convenience. 801-536-6958.

    2. Kimberly K says:

      Hello Mary.. I am a RT graduate as of 2014. It took EVERYTHING I had just to get through school while working with 3 kids. I had absolutely no support from staff. I would call and e mail daily with no return. I had to travel 1300 miles away for my NICU rotation in which I had to find my own clinical sites and pay for all expenses including airfare, rental car, ect. I am almost $50,000 in debt thanks to them. I also had to take my boards several times just to be able to pass them at $200 a piece out of my pocket.. Not to mention all of the humiliation and the 2 hour each way to be able to take the boards. The instructors were absolutely no help. I used You tube for most of my learning and my fellow RT’s here at the Hospital. I would like to know if I would be eligible for the lawsuit? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

    3. Tessa Eaves says:

      Any recommendations on lawyers for this, I’m trying to get my student loans paid, but I’m having a very hard time. This school is a joke, I tried to transfer my credits to the university of wyoming nursing program only to find out they will not transfer. I was told that the school was credited when I enrolled. The school messed up in my schedule and did not schedule me for the 2nd xray class. When brought to their attention, they did not fix it, instead had me meet between classes with a teachers aide to learn. I am being charged for not being taught by a teacher of the school. I was also involved in domestic violence situtation and missed some classes for coding. I finished off the class and took the final and passed. Only to be told later that I would have to retake the class. The instructor at that time said I had already passed we’d meet once a week and I would not take the final again. Now the school is charging me for that as well. And since I have been trying to get them to see that I should owe, I now have no diploma, it’s been too long for me to get a position in my field. This was all between 2008-2010. I tried the BBB but no resolution. I need help I can not afford to pay the school and my fed. student loan, that I was duped into enrolling into.

    4. Lisa says:

      Wow.. I thought something wasn’t right when I kept asking if they were credited and they kept telling me yes but when they kept saying they would get the RN program down in the Provo location, I decided to stay and continue the Medical Specialties program and switch when they got the program there. This never happened by the time I graduated in June 2008. I had my loans discharged in our bankruptcy only to find out as soon as we finished our payments (August 2016) I received a call and now having to still pay back $30,000!! What the heck?!?! How much did this school actually cost me?? That sure didn’t help me in getting a job making only $10-12 an hour. I had a couple of great teachers but this place is not worth the money and plus, I still don’t have my diploma!!
      Thanks for this information, going to check it out to see what I can do.

  25. Karen O'Brien says:

    I apologize for the s word. I was angry. That was un-professional and not necessary. I am sorry. Please contact me if we find good lawyer. Class action lawsuit.

  26. Karen O'Brien says:

    I am currently enrolled in this school. And now I don’t understand why I have to pay a monthly fee of 100.00 when my loan isn’t even due till I graduate. The classes are a joke. You don’t learn s**t. I turn in my work and 1/4 of the time I get notice they didn’t recieve it,. I learn bare min. And teach myself the rest. This is bull crap. I could of and should Of went to AI. I never saw my Pell grant. I Was depending on that. They could care less. I am 5 months in and I want to sue them. I’m 41 yrs old and it took everything in me to go back to school. I am right where I feared I would be.

  27. Darrian Adkins says:

    I would love more information on this. I started college with them over a year ago. They took out personal loans on top of 30,000 that I have to pay $100 a month out of pocket while in school and my fininacial aid is no where to be seen? They gave me no information as far as financial aid etc, asked about my pell grant and they couldn’t give me any information. Then told me that they were accredited and that I could take my RHIT test after graduation for Healthcare Information Management then to find out that none of the classes will qualify me for the RHIT test that employers require. I will be sueing their asses!!

    1. Aubrey McKnight says:

      I am in the same boat! I would like the information as well! They are trying to charge me $43,000 for only 4 months of courses that they kept placing me in the wrong ones, sending me broken equipment and refusing to give me information as well as my financial aide. They took out a loan of $43k in my name and they are illegally charging me $100’s more a month with out consent. I was placed on a medical leave of three months and they’re stealing from me. Not to mention I do not qualify for any of the standardized testing required for the area I am trying to get into; seeing as the credits according to the state of Arizona are un-accredited.

  28. Michelle Morgan says:

    I would love to find out more info on joining the lawsuit. I had initially went to Stevens Henager for the Nursing program. I was told I needed to do Medical Specialties first because I didn’t have any medical background. I took their word for it and entered into the MA program which cost over $40k. Shortly after completing that program I entered into the RN program which started out at $57k. At the end of the program they decided to add another class and extend another one, which added another $8k to my total. All in all I am over $100k in student loans, and personally owe the school over $29k for the amount I couldn’t get federally funded. I was lied to about having to do the MA program, and lied to about the cost of the RN program. I am being nickeled and dined to death trying to repay the amounts owed. If anyone has info on how to join or start the lawsuit please let me know.

    1. Angela Losee says:

      Please let me know if you figure out how to get involved!! They screwed me too, in more ways than one. And now I am stuck with this damn mountain of loans…makes me sick!!

  29. Jason Smith says:

    I would love to get a lawyer or be part of this… S-H needs to be shut down and refund ever single student…

    I really wished I would have looked up info about all this before going to Stevens-Henager… “Nationally Accredited” of course sounds better when you don’t know the differences… All the lies and crap they sold me, and how they said my VA GI Bill would cover almost all the costs. It’s funny/sad how it went from 90% covered, to… well it should be about 80% actually, to.. well… it’s probably going to be more like 75%… To when I got the actual papers from the VA and they said it’s only 50% covered. Also that I would be getting close to $900/mo from the VA (housing allowance) since I was an online student. And somehow that number ended up being only $345/mo. And we’re not even going to get into how worthless some of the instructors are… And the tutoring, my first and only time in the ‘student success center’ (their tutor lab, run by current students) I did not understand programming and I was told by a tutor, “Don’t worry about learning programming, just do the homework to pass the class and you’ll be ok”… WTF?? Don’t worry about actually learning?? If that’s the case, why am I going to school??? So in summary… having my schooling 90% paid for, and getting $900/mo to live off of, and being ‘Nationally Accredited”, all sounded amazing, why wouldn’t I signup and go to their college? That’s what I get for not doing my research before signing my life away and getting next to nothing out of it, and now finding out the paper it’s printed on is worth more that the actual bachelors degree…

  30. Mike Spencer says:

    I enrolled in SHC to become a nurse. They promised they had an eight year accreditation and the advertising said I could be an RN within 22-28 months. I attended there for 22 months and after a long nightmare story I finally got into the nursing program with was an additional 18 months. I passed the first class with a B plus and they failed me and asked me to leave. I was left with a $50k bill in student loans and then quickly received a letter that I owe Stevens Henager 21 thousand dollars with seven percent interest. I am looking for any help I possibly can and am willing to do whatever it takes to get my life back. I spent two years of my life and a lot of money just to end up empty handed. I can’t afford a lawyer, but I am searching for one that could at least point me in the right direction. Please help.

  31. nicholas myers says:

    i am wondering how i can join the lawsuit against this school?
    i went there for probably 5 months and when i decided that it wasnt worth it anymore i quit, the school continued to take money from the government i am hoping i can join this lawsuit and get some of that money back from them to the government so i dont have to pay for them.

    1. Amanda Calderon says:

      Nicholas Have you looked for lawyers if so Please provide

  32. ashley pearson says:

    The school took out a personal loan on my behalf and never picked up my pell grant. And now i owe the school over 16k i just dont understand

  33. Kristin Bowen says:

    I am wondering how you could join the lawsuit. I was a student there. As soon as I needed to go to days due to being unable to afford a babisitter at night. They blew me off and continued to get money. I now owe them $25,000 and the federal government another $25,000 in loans they took out. I was royally screwed over by them and am misreable because I can’t afford to pay anything.

    1. Raina Rojo says:

      I went to Steven Henger College in Murray but dropped out because they lied about everything. Now I’m have all this student loan debt when I didn’t go to school. I was only there 2 days. They signed my on these financial aid papers.

  34. Shenita Talton says:

    I taught for this school until I was fired in the early part of 2014. The school is horrible. Students were allowed to enter the class the last day of term and instructors were required to take all late work. The school had a late policy in their syllabus, but I was told by Marilee Hall that it was “optional.” No where in the syllabus did it say “optional.”
    If your students dropped the course or if you got a certain amount of F grades, then it was reflected in your rating. There was a meeting held where the school wanted us to meet 95% passing and 95% retention rate. We were told the school understood that the majority of students who fill out the evaluations are the ones who are upset with the course, thus low ratings. Yet they use these ratings against their instructors. I had one student, Joe Callier, outright lie on my evaluation. He stated that I was the worst instructor ever, that I should have held 2 live chats (we are only required to hold one)and that I did not go over the material. All lies. This student did not do his work and went to the dean, Marilee Hall, to ask for permission to make up late work because he was busy with his job. Marilee Hall discussed NOTHING with me. Instead I get an email stating that I am to accept this student’s late work. After the course ended and I read this evaluation, I complained to Marilee Hall. It was obvious this student lied, yet his evaluation was used to calculate my ratings. At that point, I was locked out of my classroom. I got a call the next day from Marilee Hall stating they would no longer offer me classes.
    This school is a joke and I am glad they are being sued. They need to be shut down. According to Marilee Hall, “the school works with their students,” and that the students are our customers. That just translates into “do everything you can to please the students because they are paying for the course, so just pass them.” If you want a high rating, you pretty much have no choice but to give passing grades, because if you flunk them it goes against you.
    I was told I had to contact the students who did not enter the classroom. Most of the times, the phone #s were not accurate in their system. Emails bounced back, but yet the instructor was held responsible if they could not get ahold of the students. Calling students every week is borderline harrassment. I have taught at several schools. None of them required us to call them as much as Stevens Henager.

    Please shut this school down! PLEASE!

  35. Rick Thompson says:

    I worked for Stevens Henegar college online in Phoenix AZ during late 2011 -2012 and the things they did enrolling students in the online program where horrible. The director required everyone of the admission consulants[ my title] to enroll a minmimum of 3 students per month or you would get fired. They did not care if the students they enrolled were fit for college admission or not as long as you coerced them to sign up that is all that they cared about. Many of those that were put on the start list were lacking important documents to enroll and that still was not a determining factor as they just wanted them to start online class. Most of the students never made it past the first week of classes but the management team could have cared less as long as they were able to aquire the student aid for those that enrolled. They are very unscrupulous in there tactics and it is all about numbers and the profit they can make–in other words they could not care less about the students being successful in getting a degree. This is one of the main factors for me being fired because I could not in good conscience do this to students that never belonged in college in the first place. I am hopeful that the government takes them down and never allows them to scam anyone like this again for purely profit and no regard for the student themselves.

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