

Interview: Felicia Anna, Romanian Prostitute From Amsterdam, Humanizes The Life Of Sex Workers

Author’s Note: Below is an exclusive interview with “Felicia Anna” (pseudonym), a Romanian prostitute working in Amsterdam. I came across her comments on YouTube in regard to a prank video that CollegeTimes had written about in August 2014. Intrigued, I checked out her recently launched blog where she offers unique insight into the world of […]

Reverse Prostitute: What Happens When A Young Man Asks Hookers In Amsterdam To Pay Him For Sex?

Just because a prostitute expects one thing, doesn’t mean the tables can’t be turned. In the latest video released by our friends at /whatever, a young man goes out into the cool Dutch night – in Amsterdam’s Red Light District, that is – to see if he can proffer up his own not-so-sexy self in […]

Social Experiment: Santa Claus Picking Up College Girls In California With Practically No Resistance

Turns out, it’s hard to say no to Santa Claus. Or so went the theory that Luke Eilers sought to test in his latest “social experiment” video, posted yesterday to his popular YouTube channel. (Note: the video was actually filmed in 2012 but failed to gain much traction, hence the re-upload.) See also: Kid Smoking […]

Erikson Institute

Michigan School of Professional Psychology

Ryokan College : Los Angeles