

Push For Pizza: The App Started By Five New York Teenagers That Does Only One Thing – And Does It Well

It’s been called the “Yo for food delivery” and claims to be the “Uber for pizza” – but one thing is for sure, their teaser video on YouTube is pretty awesome. Meet Push For Pizza, the currently iPhone-only app made by five 19-year-olds (two being college dropouts) from Brooklyn, New York, that aims to make […]

Wantrepreneurs: The Difference Between Wannabe Entrepreneurs And Those Who Have A Real Plan

These days, it seems everyone’s an entrepreneur or guru of some sort. Online tools like website builders or social media handles, paired with traditional favorites like business cards, are deliciously tempting ways for would-be entrepreneurs to feel like they are making progress in whatever business niche they aim to fill. See also: The ‘New Age’ […]