
Top 10 Cheating Scandals in College History

Most people go to college so that they can earn a degree, but there are always a few of those rogue students who think they can skate through a little easier without having to do all the work. The following list details some of those instances where students get carried away in an effort to […]

Remembering Holden Caulfield

I realize I’m probably about the millionth person to write some sort of tribute to J.D. Salinger since his passing a few days ago and while there’s most likely little I can add regarding his brilliant work or reclusive lifestyle, I’d like to throw out the following however inconsequential it might seem. As a high […]

Obama’s State of the Union

A number of the President’s critics have opined that he didn’t say anything new in the State of the Union Address and mainly tried to rally Democrats to support him. To the contrary, I think three important aspects of the address are pretty clear. The first is what he actually proposed. Politico has an excellent […]

10 Worst Beers You Should Avoid in College

1. Natural Ice – A.K.A. “Natty Ice” or simply “Natty”, this piss also comes as Natural Light. This beer is the closest you can get to tasting like sour water that’s been sitting in the pipes of an abandoned house for 5 years without actually giving yourself stomach ulcers. Although it might actually be too […]

27 Tips For Navigating College As a Highly Sensitive Person

While college can be an exciting and fruitful experience, it can also be a challenging time for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs). As the first time when many students are living away from home, college presents many potential challenges for the HSP: -Eating dining hall food. -Living in a dormitory. -Having roommates. -Being around loud parties. […]

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Richard Socarides was a special assistant to President Bill Clinton and the senior White House adviser on gay rights from 1997 to 1999. In yet another fusillade of friendly fire from his own base, Mr. Socarides just took aim at the President in Ask Obama About Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell in The Wall Street Journal. […]

Christian Rifles and Crusaders

My list of the dumbest things I’ve heard of has gotten quite long over the years, and I’ve just made a new entry. As I was making my daily scan of the Drudge Report, I came across a headline that I couldn’t pass up. The Drudge link leads to an ABC News report, U.S. Military […]

No Respect for College Chess Champs?

There’s a chess set that sits in the corner of our family room.  It’s really there a lot more for decoration than anything else.  My grade school daughters play a game or two on it every now and then but I’m not sure they’re really playing chess.  They kind of make up their own rules […]

50 Important Facts You Probably Forgot Between 5th Grade and College

There are a lot of fun-filled and educational years between grade school and heading off to college, providing ample opportunity to forget some of the most basic lessons you learned as a child. Here are some facts and tips that will help you refresh your memory and bring back some of that important information that […]

Justice for Terrorists

The Obama Administration’s decision to try some terrorists in federal court as common criminals is controversial. This policy has been applied to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian citizen apprehended in the United States, as well as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others, non-U.S. citizens captured in foreign countries. Other terrorists have also been tried, successfully, in […]