
7 People You See When You Go Home For Thanksgiving

The High School Teacher You’re fresh off the plane, train or automobile and this is the first person you see– an old high school teacher. Oh god. He’s just out of your social age range but you still have to call him Mr. Daniels, and no, you’re not going call him K-Slice. The guy who […]

CouchSurfing: Not Your Average One-Night Stand

I learned about CouchSurfing through my friend Sara.  She was attempting a trip around Spain, using mostly their website to find people to stay with. I was skeptical. A site that lets people sleep on random couches while traveling. I’ve seen Hostel, I know how bad things can go. OK, that’s Hollywood fiction, but the […]

The Approaching Black Void

Textual Intercourse

text message. SMS. popular culture. dating mishaps. humourous.

100 Essential Academic Engines for Students & Educators

Google is great, but a general search won’t always connect you to the most authoritative information you need for your serious studies. Academic search engines are much more useful and can you save you time when you’re looking for scholarly journals, primary sources, and quality documents for your research. Here are 100 essential academic engines […]

5 Common Reasons Why Men Lie To Women

Have you ever wondered how much of the things your man says are the real truth? It’s interesting that a lot of times, to keep a relationship working, men often feel that the best thing to do is lie. Strangely, women often know that what their man is telling them is a pure lie and […]

A Girl’s Quick Guide for Getting Through the Tough Times

I am shedding light on the sustained periods of personal “growth” we as women get thrown into like gladiators left to fend for themselves with no advanced notice or appropriate armor or weaponry. I am talking about the week you were let go from work, found out your man was getting cozy with the bartender […]

11 Hardest Jobs to Get in America

From Astronauts and Astronomers… to Private Cooks and the President….here is a look at the 11 hardest jobs in America to land. The chances of giving birth to twins, dating a supermodel and winning an Oscar are all greater than getting any of these careers.

Terrorists and Criminals

I’ve been reading a lot the past few days about the decision of the Attorney General and the President to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and a few of his fellow terrorists in federal court in New York City. Most liberals support the decision, and most conservatives don’t. That’s routine in today’s highly partisan political environment. […]

25 Ways to Use Google You’ve Never Heard Of

Google programs allow you to streamline your productivity and be on the forefront of technology—all the while putting you ahead of the curve in professional and personal spheres. Here are 25 of the best, most obscure Google programs that you’ve never heard of…