
Age of Enlightenment

Harold and Maude. I don’t know if you’ve seen this “classic film” but if not, let me save you the time and sum it up for you. Teenage boy obsessed with going to funerals and faking his own suicide meets 80 year-old woman also obsessed with death. They steal a tree and next thing you […]

Art in Computer Games

When society hears the word ‘art’ and ‘computers’ in the same sentence they automatically cringe in disgust. People tend to see art as a purely humanistic creation and shun the involvement of any computational processing. The use of computers, some believe, take away from, or take over, the input humans have into their own expression. […]

15 Hottest Female News Anchors

Television news features unadulterated partisan entertainment, and it never has a day without shocking, blood-soaked image after image presented by people who love to lie. For some, TV “news” is the only news. But others tune into CNN, Fox, or MSNBC for other reasons. One reason, perhaps, because of the incredibly attractive news woman who […]

Kinky and Political Theater

The most delicious political news is that Kinky Friedman is running for governor of Texas again! He’ll be running in the Democratic primary, and he’s convinced that he can beat either incumbent Governor Rick Perry or Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, depending on which of them wins the Republican primary, which he calls “the clash of […]

Obama the Incrementalist

Obama the incrementalist is the headline of a column written by Howard Kurtz in The Washington Post a few days ago. Kurtz emphasized what I wrote in a previous article, The Faux Golden Boy. If I can be forgiven for quoting myself, I said that Obama is “the kind of modern man…who is mostly image […]

Ver Tyson vs Jones En Vivo Gratis

Tyson vs Jones En Vivo: – Mike Tyson is officially back. The former undisputed heavyweight champion of the world will return for one last match — an exhibition — against another boxing legend in Roy Jones Jr. on November 28. The bout will take place at Dignity Health Sports Arena in Los Angeles and be […]

10 Costumes Not To Wear On All Hallow’s Eve

There are three days until Halloween, which means many people are just beginning to think about what costume to buy. Some immediately jump into people’s mind, but that initial “fantastic” idea is probably not a good one at all. Avoid feeling foolish and running into someone with the same costume. 10. A pimp – Many […]

Politics and the Public Option

There hasn’t been a lot of clarity in the sturm und drang over the so-called public option in current health care reform schemes. The best discussion of the public option I’ve read is in a column by Robert J. Samuelson in The Washington Post. The political divide over the public option, like so much else […]

10 Best Ways to Not Look American While Traveling

Everyone should take pride in their country, but there are times when sticking out from the crowd is not helpful, especially for Americans, who often find themselves the target of robberies, violence, theft, kidnapping, or otherwise while traveling. Ridicule has gone down in the post-Bush era, but still. Even when you can’t truly blend in […]

Halo 3: ODST… Was it worth $60?

Halo 3: ODST a great game, but did it live up to its height? My vote, NO! Sure this game is great, loved how the campaign was set up, very refreshing. But lets face it; this game could have been amazing. After all the hype it was receiving, I was hoping more for an epic […]